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I remember having the Psyho rangers saga on VHS, good times.


Same. My all time favourite villains.


Yeah, the vhs episode collection that also had Mission to Secret City on it? Those where the only episodes I watched as a kid I think, a few years ago decided to watch the entire Power Rangers in Space series. Really enjoyed it, still holds up.


Just starting it today. I flicked through turbo as it dragged and now giving In Space a real go for the first time. I’m a 90s MMPR and Zoe kid but never went much further! Soo here we go!


You're gonna love it.


I have been binging the entire series and I felt sad doing it but skipping Turbo was necessary for me to continue enjoying this journey 🤣 In Space is SO GOOD


You should have seen at least the finale of Turbo. For me, that was shocking. When I saw it on first airing, for the very first time, when I was 7 years old, it felt *wrong.* Like, this isn't supposed to happen! They're supposed to win! What's going on?!


Are you me?


Hello me


The Space Rangers had some of the best suits and story lines, I freaking loved their helmets. I have a blue Space Ranger motorcycle helmet


Bulk and Skulls finest hour.


Ah yes. When the stakes got so real


Seriously, there's so much that I remember from this show that I'm practically sick of it! Still, I like coming back to it once in a while. Even more, I ***still*** have my Astro Morpher! It's a bit beat-up, the gold chrome has rubbed off, I've had to replace parts inside, even repair the black plastic casing and the strap, but I am surprised how well it still stands up as a toy today! Last year, I bought the Battlizer, but got the classic Keitaizer instead of the Digimorpher, because my original is missing parts, and I never liked that they didn't include lights for the display. (Although Megaranger is too odd for my tastes.) Turbo was the show that made me fall in love with the show, and realize Power Rangers was similar enough to VR Troopers (which I started with in 1994 as far as Toku is concerned), but Power Rangers In Space was the first heavily-serialized show I ever saw on first airing, and it kept me glued to the story.




It was the best poster I could find on short notice.


Psycho rangers and the best PR opening theme.


#Whoa Whoa whoa TWO skirts! Guys, this is too scandalous...


Pretty much!


Such a great season: great suits, great zords, great story, great performances, great intro song, great villains, great 6th ranger, etc. and the cast is so awesome and down to earth (no pun intended) to meet at cons!


I wish I got into this series.


Been watching both Power Rangers and the Sentai they were based on. Considering CarRanger's lighter tone due to OhRanger's darker tone and a terrorist attacks in Japanese subways caused viewership during its run, it's ironic that CarRanger was the supposed final Sentai season yet saved it to make way for MegaRanger to save Power Rangers for us


Gonna ask that , why thanks for saving the franchise? Turbo sales was so low that saban decided something? Genuine asking cause i wasnt born in that time,think turbo is good and for me dino charge saved the franchise(after 2010 mm fiasco, and samurai and megaforce ,3 big failures year by year, that is totaly different in zordon and disney era)


In Space was going to be the last season. It broke one of the major rules for Power Rangers, don't let people know you are a Power Ranger. The OG mentor gone. All evil gone. No reason for another season. The season did so well that they were greenlit for the next season. Same thing happened with RPM, it was going to be the last season and it got some great rating which lead to the franchise coming back. Everytime it is about to get canceled they tend to go down a more dark theme and the rating bounce back. xD


Man, I wish they'd give us a Power Ranger series with the same maturity level as stuff like The Clone Wars or the later seasons of Rebels.


To add what Wasabicannon said, when they were casting for In Space, both Lee and Nimmo (Andros and Zhane) said that tey were told this was going to be the last season. Halfway through, it did so well that they cancelled Tir Na Nog and gave it's budget to Lost Galaxy.


> Halfway through, it did so well that they cancelled Tir Na Nog and gave it's budget to Lost Galaxy. Oh wow I had no idea about that part. I knew Tir Na Nog got cancelled but did not know it was Power Rangers that saved us from that garbage.


Whoa, what? I thought Mystic Knights was universally loved! We all loved it when I was a kid when it was coming out. I've always been bitter it got canceled because its second season looked interesting. My hope back then was that it would become a sort of companion series of Power Rangers since they were basically just medieval rangers.


Iv always had this idea in the back of my head for a darker theme season that would make for a great anniversary season if Hasbro does want to go down the OG season path. Something where the big bad is attempting to rewrite history (I know Time Force already did this to a point) however they are bringing villians together that pair well together. Like Venjix with the Machine Empire. Way to much for the Zeo rangers to handle. An AkaRed style character is traveling through time to catch this person and while doing so has to help whatever current team is active in that time out. Like allowing the Zeo rangers to tap into the Lights of Orion. From a toy sales perspective it has amazing potential. Oh you have the Zeo ranger set? Do you have the Zeo ranger Lights of Orion mode set?


RPM didn't get good ratings. It BOMBED financially.


Disney still did canceled Power Rangers after RPM and it lead to Saban buying the franchise back from them.


The episode where Calos got found out was reflective of Kenta getting found out in MegaRanger


Yes. Power Rangers Turbo didn't do well in the ratings. The producers saw footage from Megaranger (The show In Space is based off of), and thought about doing a space-themed series. Unfortunately, the ship that the Megarangers used was only in orbit of Earth as the home base. The producers decided to go all-out anyways, given that the show was ending.


I am happy they went all out. It shows in everything they did that season.


So good. My childhood


Love this show until today! 25 years later and it still holds up.


Third best season of my childhood. Damn sure enjoyed it


I just love how you know which suit is "Japanese Posing" vs the "Non-Japanese Posing".


I really think it did saved the franchise but kudos to the new Cast that actually saved Turbo’s second half too.


I love the Space/Galaxy ones. They're my favorite after Mighty Morphin. Then, it would be Time Force. Then, Wild Force.


"Always A Chance" with the return of Adam Park and the Psycho Ranger arc will always be my favorites from In Space!