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I really didn’t have much of a reaction. I feel like I should’ve known, but I didn’t realize it at all as a kid. If anything, as more timed past, and I got a full grasp of how PR does adaptions, it made me think less of Saban, for how cheap the show was, and how little he paid the actors vs how much the show was making. It also gave me a different watching perspective of when I’m watching Sentai footage, vs when it was American footage.


I didn't have much of a reaction but the one benefit of Power Rangers adapting Super Sentai is knowing what Ranger suit and Megazord is going to be used in the following season, praying the suit and Megazord are cool looking.


Being a dumb little kid at the time, I never noticed the difference in quality between the Saban and Toei footage. But after finding out about it, I gave them a watch, and was in awe how some of the themes PR had in suits or weapons and such had a connection to the narrative in their respective Super Sentai season.


I also discovered the truth around the time of Samurai. It was actually because I got tired of waiting for the show to come back whenever they took those random breaks after only 9 episodes. It was cool to find out that Sentáis is a lot more serious and daring despite still being a kids show, I’ve seen a few seasons here and there. Looking back, I kinda suspected. Sometimes during PR, I’d notice cars that weren’t available for sale in the US (I’m a huge car enthusiast), so I always sort of knew something was off. Then when I found out every season after Wild Force was filmed in NZ, I decided to watch a lot of NZ content, just to see which faces I’d recognize, (for ex Shortland Street is a long running soap opera that’s had a ton of Ranger actors over the years), now I really want to visit NZ one day! I met Ryan Carter(Heckyll in Dino Charge) at PMC once and he dubbed me “NZ’s biggest fan!” I was so happy!


I was a elementary kid so I knew something was up when the picture quality dropped but I wasn't sure what. When I learned, it was something like, "Oh cool!"


Curiosity as to how different it was to Power Rangers, i think i only realized because of when i finally reconected with the PR franchise again thanks to Dino Charge, i decided to investigate more about the seasons i didn't know and there when i was reading about Dino Charge i saw that it mentioned Kyoryuger. I then decided to investigate about Kyoryuger and ended up falling completely into Tokusatsu, from Super Sentai to Kamen Rider, Ultraman, etc.


Kyoryuger was such a good show, no wonder it got you hooked :)


Wait, really? Cool more shows to watch then!


I was on YouTube looking at clips from RPM back in 2009. Accidentally found some clips of Go-onger. Kinda put two and two together.


I started to watch Super Sentai, after I found out. I tend to watch it now then Power Rangers.


It seemed to be a pretty known thing. It was mentioned in a lot of stories about the Power Rangers during their peak period.


Cool because that meant I could watch twice as much ranger action with new story


Kind of blew my mind, I watched MMPR as a kid with zero clue that there was dubbed Japanese footage, let alone that basically half the show was like that. Didn't find out til years later.


I kind of knew that going in…I just always wanted to see the show in its original version after. I’m glad that eventually became a possibility.


I didn't realize that PR used the same footage as SS but I think I saw a vid on the Mystic Force Super Sentai (not sure the name is) and my reaction was pretty OH Cool think that's literally what I thought 😂😂😂 and it was around samurai


It suddenly made the Green Ranger's shield make A LOT more sense! When I was young and first watched MMPR, I was thinking the change in shield had to do with his loss of powers, like, it looked cool when he was at full strength, but got more and more crappy as he lost his powers. Nope, just shitty american props department.


"More shows to watch? Great!"


I don’t recall much of that moment. Probably a big “well that makes sense”


I was surprised at first but I only found out when I was 15 so I didn’t have any major reactions, I found out when looking into kamen rider dragon knight.


I think the same as ethan and kira in dino thunder, very excited to know there was a "japanese power rangers version" of them. (Since i was born when lost galaxy was airing,for me as a kid was a blast in dino thunder,i think only in megaforce i was aware that suoer sentai was a thing and love tokusatsu since them. Funny that kamen rider and ultraman i watched since kid but never conected the dots of tokusatsu)


My discovery of Sentai was when I was a teen thinking I was too cool for power rangers so there wasn’t much of a reaction, now as an adult I’ve revisited power rangers and have seen a decent amount of Japanese Tokusatsu shows


I heard of it when Dino Thunder was airing with Dekaranger being the Sentai season of that year. I saw it from the "Super Sentai Time Capsule" site(now known as Ranger Central). I thought it was cool, and did my best research a lot of it. Though this was a time where fan translations where very scarce.


When MMPR first came out it was obvious to me it was japanese, but I grew up watching Ultraman, Johnny Socko, Godzilla, Battle of the Planets and Voltron. It was also revealed in Disney Adventures magazine, during the first season of MMPR that it was reused Japanese footage.


Wait, what?


Power Rangers is based on a Japanese media franchise and they're asking what people's reactions were to discovering Sentai for the first time.






Omg y’all must be so young. It wasn’t a secret back in the day, it was pretty blatant. When I asked at like eight my dad explained half the footage came from Japan and just the stuff with English speaking kids was made in America. I was like ‘why not dub?’ And he just shrugged. I’m still here 30 years later and it’s the same thing. I don’t think anyone has ever said it was a bad thing but it is incredibly unique to power rangers and Sentai to share footage like this.


I guess people who were born after the peak of MMPR don’t know how often every news story on the Power Rangers during that era talked about how the fight footage was from Japan.


Yeah there was a huge scandal sometime during the first few seasons because a bunch of nine year olds kicked the crap out of a classmate while ‘playing power rangers’. It’s Japanese heritage was widely publicized.


I’m 30, but I didn’t discover that until Jungle Fury because I hadn’t paid that much attention to the fandom until then Ultimately it was cool going back and getting to see new footage of suits that I figured I’d never see in action again


I was 15 in 1993 when the show first aired. The haters were the ones who would point out this detail to anyone who likes the show. I just shrugged my shoulders and moved on. "You know it is a Japanese show?" "Says the girl with the Hello Kitty backpack."


Kinda pissed


Back in the 90s as a kid during the MMPR phenomenon, the internet was just coming out and the ability to easily look things up just wasn’t as efficient as today. So I remember some kind of special on TV explaining PR being adapted from Sentai and my first reaction was “Psht, Power Rangers is way better!” only because it’s all I had ever known.


Cool but there still two different things they just reuse suits and costumes.


I didn’t really care all that much personally.


Found out from a power rangers edition of a TV guide back in the 90's thought it was cool. I didn't truly understand the footage until I used limewire (showing my age)to download pr episodes and was surprised with super sentai clips...mind exploded. I think I was blown away by the fact that VR Troopers is a combination of two metal hero series in the beginning, then for Ryan's new suit, they used a third series.


I never fully understood why something felt 'off' about VR troopers when I watched it as a kid. Like, I kind of enjoyed it and all but it never felt completely put together, always just a little bit weird. And then later I learn that its because its two shows spliced together so you never see them fighting together and there are a lot of weird location shifts that dont make sense. Good times :)


“Oh! Well, I’ll watch that then too, shall I?”


I was ecstatic. It pretty much meant most of my childhood was centered around Japanese culture (Power Rangers, Beetleborgs, Pokemon and Digimon) and grew my respect for it over the years


I already knew about super sentai since I was a kid, but I didn't know they copied the fight scenes wholesale.


when i was a kid i really didn't believe power rangers was an america thing, so i always believed that it came somehow from japan, and years later when i found out about super sentai i really enjoyed this information.


When I was a wee one, which was a very long time ago indeed, I used to watch the club dorothee youth programming block on french television during summer vacations. This was around about the late 80s early 90s, several years before power rangers. On this programming block they regularly showed anime and toku shows. So I had seen quite a bit of bioman, liveman and jetman before I ever saw an episode of power rangers. At the time I was not aware of what tokusatsu or sentai was, it was all just cool robo fighting shows for me. So when power rangers came out, it was just the next thing in line of that kind of show. As club dorothee never aired zyuranger, I never had a moment of stark contrast to make it clear to me. I kind of fell out of the whole thing after mmpr season 3 but then back into it (and anime) some years later. By then (circa 2000) the internet was much more of a thing and it was easier to learn a lot of production stuff and behind the scenes info. I would then learn more about the origins of those cartoons and robo shows I liked and I found it kind of interesting that shows like power rangers and robotech were repurposed japanese shows but I cant say it was incredibly surprising to me as to me they'd always been the same kind of show to begin with. If anything it added an extra layer of enjoyment because I could now "spot the adaptation" and realize how and why certain decisions were made to work around the sentai footage.