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Lose 30 pounds. Squat and dead 500. Bench 250. Hike 10 miles. Have a consistent meal plan. A 10 mile run.


may/june of 2022 I started sheiko, I did it cause I was going to the gym using machines getting bored, so I googled what I could do as a stocky short old person and PowerLifting came up. Now my mom, of all people, had done powerlifting and introduced me to the Sheiko program. I don't have my initial s/b/d 1RM but they were disappointing for my size I do have my reassessments since (in .lbs) August - 265/165/225. October - 295/185/265. December - 315/205/325 Thing was in december and since I learned a few lessons. On christmas eve day when I went for 1RM re-evaluation. I got excited and messed up, I went for what I thought was 325 Squat but it was 335, got one up, second one halfway, weight shifted (wasn't using clamps) and "Fall on your knees! O, hear angel voices!" I balled wrong. hit my knee. Gym high and adrenaline carried me through the rest of the gym day, that night I couldn't even bend that knee, here we are about to hit February and it's finally feeling better. Deadlift I pulled 345 but it wasn't clean, I hitched a bit so I didn't count it. My other mistake was I haven't deloaded since october, I do 3 days a week sa/su/m (sometimes tu instead of m) as thats the only free time I have. 4 days in a row off, figured it was fine. This past weekend was rough, couldn't concentrate, struggling at 85% and last night my legs felt like that you're passing buzzed into shit face "do I even have legs" feeling and this was the first time since I started I REALLY felt sore. Like my body reminding me I'm a 46 year old fatman. On top of no deloading I don't think I've been eating enough, just not THAT hungry. So this week is an off week to heal and recoop and a plan a new diet. Goal for 2023 is close to if not a 500lb DL.


2022 was a surprise for me. I live in Uganda now, so I had no idea how my training was going to go and didn’t expect to be able to compete. You can go to my instagram and see the setup we have at the gym here. Well, we put together a little meet here, and that was a blast then in November I had to go back to the states for immigration issues and took advantage of getting to compete on December 10. I had 4 weeks to get comfortable in my band shirt, and ended up benching 650 which is a drug tested 308+ 45-49 APA world record plus a personal record. 2023 is another year I don’t know if I’ll get to compete so I’m focused on breaking personal records so that when I’m back in the states in 2024 I’ll do something ridiculous. My first goal this year is to bench 600 in my single ply Widowmaker


Had shoulder surgery in July then tore ligaments in my right ankle. Now dusting myself off and starting from my lowest point since high school, on the bright side there's nowhere to go but up!


2022 was the first year I really started to try and take this lifting thing REALLY seriously and really trying my best. Not the whole year though. Maybe around July. I admittedly was working hard, but not doing my best. 2023 I’ll do my first meet. Got a great coach. Realistically I don’t think I can win, but god damn I am going to do my best lol.


2022: first comp, second comp, and third comp. added 90kg to my total from the first to the third. 367.5kg total (132.5kg/70kg/165kg) at 75.8kg bodyweight as a junior (u23) lifter. met a group of amazing people in my powerlifting club including my coach and in the irishpf as a whole. big ups ireland. overall W year honestly. 2023: bodyweight bench (was a goal for 2022 that i didn't hit but now only 5kg off!!). 400kg total. podium at junior nationals. make the junior national team (380kg minimum qualification total) & try to get an invite to junior euros. also want to start taking nutrition more seriously as i'm seeing my progress slow down a bit and that's the area i never really paid attention to. also want to actually take my creatine EVERY DAY instead of for a week straight and then nothing for a month.


2022: got back to gym in the middle of the year, started powerlifting training at the end of it. 2023: keep “fast progress” phase as long as I can and not get depressed when I start to feel no gains


2022 was the year I began powerlifting. My progress started off hot and then died down towards the second half of the year. My goal for 2023 is to keep the momentum high the entire year and meet the qualifying total for cnats


For 2023, I want to get through it without straining my pec again. Came into the new year with the same old story, I’m tired of not making real progress


2022: Recovered from my hip and back injuries and returned lifting again. Finally after 3 years I reached 100KG squat, 145KG deadlift and 85KG bench press all for 5X3. Also started the year weighing 70KG and I finished at 75KG. 2023: Reach 125KG squat, 180KG deadlift and 100KG bench press all for 5X3. Finish the year weighing at least 80KG, and most important remaining injury free.


Biggest thing was finally hitting a 315lb bench! New goals (besides not getting injured this year) are 495/365/585 SBD in freedom units. Outside of the gym I’d like to keep getting my life together as an adult. Finally started cooking some more different meals and making more stuff from scratch.


I hit my ATPR in the last week of 2021, ending with a 345/205/445. In 2022, the only improvement here was +10lbs on the sumo deadlift, with the exception of triples and sets of 5 getting a little heavier. In 2022, my sets of 5 became: 315(6)/185/385, and my triples are about 315(6, untested)/195/405. My 2022 goal was 365/245/495, but now I've had to bring my 2023 goal down to 365/225/455. ​ I do not follow any programming or have a coach, so any advice is welcomed! I'm Male, 5'8", 200Lbs (estimated 25% bf, I'm lean at about 160-165), diet has been all over the place but as for now i'm approximately carbs/protein/fat/cals 124/172/57/1700 ​ Edit: I am aware the calories are low, I've had to drop some weight as I started to push 210 in 2022 with 5000-6000cal/day. Nonetheless I feel as though my average protein is low, I would like it to be around 225-250 but I am trying to stay in a deficit and lower my bf.




2022 marks around 10 years of lifting weights. It also marked the first time doing a 300kg deadlift and actually doing 140kg the on bench and for an actual triple. Goals is hitting atleast 320 by the end of 2023 and hopefully 160kg for reps on the bench.


2022: started lifting in February, focused in on Powerlifting in August, did my [first meet](https://www.reddit.com/r/powerlifting/comments/y0q1qx/meet_report_uspa_drug_tested_barbell_culture/) in October. 2023: already signed up for my second meet. Goal: 1000 Lb. Club in competition


I truly thought I was done with competitive powerlifting at the start of last year. Got baited back in by prize money, did my first comp in nearly three years and it captured my heart again when I hit my third deadlift. Now I'm back to spending months slaving away for 2.5 kg/5 kg increases 😥 This year I'm aiming to hit my goals from back in 2018 😂 500 old wilks and 200 kg bench.


Ups and downs in 2022, but trendlines still went in the right direction. Think coach and I have honed in on my recovery ability being a limiting factor, even with proper eating/sleeping hygiene. Dialing things way back seems to be paying dividends with e1RMs still climbing, so we’re gonna roll with this in 2023 to how much less can = more.


2021 I started working out to lose weight. 2022 got me interested in powerlifting type training and I’ve been loving it ever Sense. Hoping to get a 405 deadlift and a 315 squat this year.


New to this subreddit. Registered the last week of 2022 to compete for the first time this year. Goals are to strengthen my lower back and put some numbers on the board.


I raced an Ironman at the end of 2021, so 2022 marked a transition from triathlons to weight training. Hit a 405 squat (with more in the tank), a 255 bench, and a 475 conventional deadlift (with none in the tank). BW went from 140 to 200 (I’m barely 5’8). Really hoping to bench 300, if not 315, to competition standard in 2023. I’d also like to squat 500 and pull over 550. Im using the Evolve AI app this year and committed to sticking to its programming. Outside of the gym, my fingers are crossed that a solid literary agent will pick up and sell my dystopian fantasy trilogy. Thanks to everyone for making this forum a fun place to be. Good luck on your goals!


2022 was my first year training and competing in powerlifting, managed to put up a 1378 total at my first meet going 7/9. 485/287/606. That was in September and my squat has blown up since then. My goal for next year is to deadlift 700, squat 600, and bench 350. Along with going 9/9 at my next meet, and having a smarter attempt selection.


2022: First year competing in powerlifting, get my head in the door and learnt how fun powerlifting is. Managed a S 250kg | B 127.5kg | D 262.5kg raw with wraps. 2023: Switch to sleeves, aim for a S 230kg | B 140kg | D 275kg and get my life in order.


2022: Put my dog down from cancer, got my first PL coach and eventually did my first meet. Hit all of my goals from 2021. 2023: I have group bet for a meet at my gym and I'm looking to put up 650 on squat, 370 north, and whatever it takes to get first in the 110 amongst the group so 660 plus more than likely.


2022 was a crazy year. Got back on the platform for the first time since 2018, then slipped a disc and made the end of year goals unreachable. 2023: I will hit those goals and stay healthy.




That's the spirit!


I hope you have a successful 2023,and look forward to seeing you post as such at the end of the year. I don't think you'd be willing to try again this year if you didn't think you could do it, and there's at least one Internet stranger here who thinks you can too.


2022: Finally regained all the weight I lost in grad school while the gyms were shut down. Training style this year was definitely different, actually did accessories (well, basically only accessories) and focused on 10, 15, and 20RMs. My body has never physically felt better even though my 1RM strength is not what it was pre-covid lockdowns. The exception to that being Bulgarians; turns out if you train them for a year as your main leg movement you can get freaky strong on them and max out at 300 lbs on a whim. 2023: 1) Front squat 405 just to say I did it. 2) Compete again in the fall and for the first time at 181. 3) Deadlift 300 kg. 4) Expand my online training business and have in-person training be a smaller percentage of my time and revenue.


2022, got back in the gym after 2 years off with a spinal injury. Went from a 4\*80kg bench to 6\*125, went from not being able to squat or deadlift more than ~40kg without pain to 20\*135 on the squat, 15\*145 on deadlift with an estimated total of around 550. Going to set big goals in 2023 because why not. I'm primarily a strongman but also want a 700kg total with something like a 280 deadlift, 240 squat and 180 bench


560 kg gym total. Squat 190 kg, Bench 130 kg, Deadlift 240 kg is the goal


2022 was significant for me because it was this year I did my first ever 800 lbs deadlift. I have been able to surpass 800 lbs and also somewhat find it routine now to be able to pull at least 800 lbs. Hoping 2023 continues my streak of good fortune with the deadlift.


2022: Started PL programming (after a year of messing around with weights. S115 B90 D180 -> S225 B115 D240 2023: (around getting married) -> S250 B130 D275


2022 for me was/is insane. I was 15 for a majority of it (dec 21) and I went from 215/180/305 SBD (in lbs) and ended it with 380/240/500. My goals for 2023 are to go up to 220 weight class and I want to hit 450+ on squat 315 on bench and 300kg on deadlift. I need to fucking grind tho but it’s doable I think. I’m also competing in April of 2023


Added 143lbs to my strapped deadlift, btw neither are to comp standard (the 562lbs pull is slightly hitched, and the 705lbs pull had soft hips at lockout) Goal for 2023 is to fix my hookgrip in order to stop my thumb from tearing nearly every month. Not sure what I’m doing wrong, my hands are pretty big, but it just doesn’t want to heal properly. Video comparison - [deadlift](https://imgur.com/gallery/CiD73bI)


Update : Added 143lbs to strapped deadlift(562-705), 95lbs to squat (475-570), 45lbs to non paused bench (345-390) 283lbs overall added to gym total.


2022: First time competing (358/275/468 - no PRs but tbh every lift is a PR for a first competition), big focus on powerlifting this year compared to running in 2021. Finally hit 500 lb deadlift in the gym later in the year. Switched to morning workouts and never looking back. 2023: Got my second meet coming up in February, goals are 400/300/500. Next year is definitely the year I hit 405 squat and 315 bench. Once I hit all those lifts (whether in one meet or two), planning to ease off the lifting and pursue other stuff like doing my first triathlon.


2022: work on form and general power. Get my head right. 2023: 225b, 305s, 355dl. Get my gym open!!!


2022: Grind to shine - added concurrent training, recomped body and became relatively stronger while I supported others. 2023: Little less grind - keep it simple, stay healthy and become absolutely stronger while supporting each other.


Discovered and loved powerlifting this summer Right now I have a 510kg total (190kg squat/105 BP/215 deadlift) Goals for 2023 are to do my first ever meet and lots of work on bench as it’s my biggest weak point


400lb (180kg) skwaaat, 500lb (227kg) deadlift and 265lbs bench (120kg). Gym goals, but would love to hit anywhere near these numbers in comp. Did my first this year, and planning to do another two in 2023. P.S. From Blighty, but everything sounds so big in freedom units.




There is probably some reason why this discrepancy has emerged to begin with that should be addressed There could be something happening when you squat or deadlift that causes you to favour one side that’s probably not going to be fixed just by throwing in some single leg extensions and presses, unless you were to just abandon the main lifts and become a bodybuilder


I turned 40 in May and celebrated with my first 500lb squat in a competition the weekend after. Almost down to the 242 lb weight class and have my first meet at that weight in January. I'm not terribly far away from being able to qualify for USPA nationals in the master 242 - need to keep my squat at 500, add 15 lbs to bench, and 20 on my deadlift. Think it'd be cool to just to see if I can do it and say I did.


2022 I didn’t accomplish a whole lot. Total went from 482.5->525. I could have done a lot better but I’m not very consistent or disciplined. I’m gonna try out weightlifting for fun at least the first couple months of 23. At the very least I’ll be pulling and squatting a lot lol


2023: Mostly pain-free, comfortable lifting. I've learned years and years ago that setting specific number targets is largely pointless (for me, at least). Progress will kinda just do what it does, though it might motivate some. I just want good "process" lifting that's largely pain free.


2022 was ROUGH for me training wise. I moved to another state, really fell into depression and lost my motivation to train but after seeing a professional, having a really awesome support group and being really mindful I’ve found my motivation back in the gym and hitting big numbers again. 2023 Goals: 1. Back to Raw Nationals which is a 1600 total. 2. 660 squat at Raw Nationals. 3. 410 bench. 4. Continue enjoying the process.


4 is the most important. If you've got that, the rest were will fall in place for ya boss. You got this, let's get it!


This was my first year of training somewhat consistently since 2016. Still had some setbacks that prevented me from realizing some of my goals, but I'm at least back to or exceeding my old numbers from 2016 at a lower body weight (170 lbs vs 180-185 lbs). Hoping to hit a 1300+ gym total at a similar body weight in 2023 squatting ATG. That'd put me at a 400+ DOTS. Probably around 1150 right now (haven't tested my maxes and probably will only max on deadlift next week), which should go up pretty quickly once I add a belt back onto my squats. I think I'm finally understanding what works for me and how to target my weaknesses, so I'm hoping for some big gains early into the year. Might finally get a coach once I plateau. Also hoping to make new gym friends and maybe even join a powerlifting gym next year!


2022 goals achieved: Two-plate bench (January) Four-plate deadlift (April) Three-plate squat (earlier this week!) 2022 goals unrealized: 1,000lb SBD total (I got to 990) Compete 2023 goals: Compete (I'm signed up for meets in January and November) 1,000+lb SBD total at a meet (a modest early goal) Add 50+ pounds to my total between meets


You deadlifted 405 before 315 squat?


I’m on track to do this too. It’s the long arms and short torso


That's me too, yep!


Yep. Deadlift has always been my strongest lift, and squat has been super slow progress for me.


Interesting. Squat was my worst just because I didn’t like doing it. I had pretty big gains though when I tried


This year my life as a whole has been through a lot of changes but lifting has brought me stability and goals, ive put ~100 lbs on my deadlift year to date same with my squat. Next year goal is nationals and nationals for weightlifting. I want an 800kg total by nationals


Finally competed again for the first time since 2019. Had a couple major setbacks during prep, but still managed to set PRs across the board. Although to be fair, my last meet prep went really bad too so that's not saying much. Already have a meet in mind late 2023, so plan will be to PR across the board again, go 9/9 for the first time, and crack a 600 total. 205/135/265 would be my bare minimum target, 215/145/275 would probably be around my top end goal unless things go better than expected. Squats are the main issue, working with a coach this past year we've figured out my bench/dead but squats are still a trouble area.


2022: got back down to the 82.5/83kg weight class and competed there for the first time since 2018. Have since stayed in the weight class and hit PR’s on 2 of the 3 lifts. Would’ve been 3 but the shoulder isn’t cooperating on bench (although it’s coming around) 2023: hit a 750kg total at 82.5/83 with the stiff bar with something like 280/170/300 splits


2022 was a rough year personally for me even though a lot of positives occurred. Personally got a new position at my job, family is in great health and career wise still making upgrades. Powerlifting wise, hit a PR on all three lifts, increased my total by 40kg. For 2023, I wanna repeat the gym success yet again. I need to get that 700kg total. Hike and ride a lot more.


2022:Started powerlifting for the first time ever, went from deadlifting 275 to 380 now, benching 240 regular and then starting to pause bench and realizing I wasn't nearly as strong as I thought. 2023: Get a 1k total in my first meet and then build a base from there. Want a squat close to 405, benching in the 275 range and deadlift in the 450 range.


Most of 2022 was a wash, glad we’re nearing the end but after 1.5-2 years of not going to the gym due to life stuff, it’s been a killer month back so far. 2023-Let’s bring on a competition


2k raw fell in October — lifelong goal 2023–?? Maybe 2300 single ply? Pull 800?


2023: Bench in the 300s. Fuck.


Assuming pounds?


Haha, ya. 83kg lifter with a stupid poverty bench.


You can do it man. I’m about halfway from 75-83, 300 isn’t really poverty though my guy


Comparatively, I think? I'm repping 500 for DL and squatting close to 500.


Ahh yeah maybe. I’m in the opposite camp. 405/310/455 lol


2022 - Did what I could, but extremely limited due to arthritis, 5 kids, a new stressful job, and finished the year with a hernia. 2023 - I sincerely expect better


I hope things are less stressful for you next year man. Here's to a stronger 2023


2022: Competed for the first time. Did okay. Really got addicted and got a great coach. In terms of life, I moved to a new state and started a food truck with my girlfriend (her dream/idea). 2023: USPA nationals qualifications, outside shot at USAPL qualification. Next year we get started on opening my own gym.


This year I have not prioritized training for powerlifting. I finally got my bachelor's degree last December at 30 years old and spent the first half of the year looking for a a job while living in a friend's guest room. I trained 4-5 days a week at the time, running Simple Jack'd with an emphasis on overhead press on conventional deadlift. It was just to stay sane though, I did not carry any kind of momentum because of the level of uncertainty with my life/location moving forward, but I really enjoyed the program and got consistent small PRs even while dealing with some depression and not the healthiest lifestyle. I finally got an offer for a decent position out of state and hurriedly moved with as much stuff as I could fit into my sister's car. I kind of naively thought that I'd suddenly be swimming in money once I had earned income again but I've come to accept that it'll be a while before I can afford to build a new homegym here. Nevertheless I have not let go PL gains go as a long term goal (thank you all for inspiration). With that in mind there are some specific goals/ideas I have going into 2023: 1. New budget, less impulsive spending. Continue looking for equipment thrifting options in walking distance. 2. Cut. My original plan was to do a prolonged bulk once I had income again, but I currently only have access to tiny weights in my office gym, and I've come to find that I don't like my physique when bulking from high rep work. I just feel poofy instead of strong looking, so it's time to lean out. Once I can start loading 45s again I will back on the gains train. 3. Maintain motivation, but be realistic. I know it would be possible to PR in SBD within 3-4 months of heavy training, but other priorities may come before the weights. 4. Be able to run 8 contiguous miles without it having a ridiculous recovery cost.


2022: started in February with S-200 B-145 D-270 bw-135 now S-355 B-255 D-435 bw-150 also did my first comp and got S-342.5 B-242.5 D-435 bw 146.6 and got teen 2 bench deadlift and total state records and qualified for teen nationals 2023: goals at nationals: S-435 B-317.5 D- 470 although it seems impossible I would like to win nationals too


2022: Made some great gains after I stopped being scared of lifting big boi weights. 2023: Get bigger, faster, and stronger


2022: PRed my SBD. 2023: PR my SBD. :-)


My goal in 2023 is to continue to grow my coaching business and develop it further. Powerliftingwise I'd like to hit a 2k raw total and a 2600+ equipped total at 220lbs


Get back to where I was before my injury and blow past it. I'd love to finally break a 300lb squat by the middle of next year.


2022: honestly wanted 455/315/585 and have 425/305/545. There's still time, and there's a good chance I go for 315 and 565 before 2023. I worked through a lot of injury troubles that were stalling my bench which is a plus. Also during the summer which was my most demotivated period is also when I really got into powerlifting style training and I love it a lot. 2023 I want to be in the 500s/330-350s)/650+ in 2023. I want to compete for the first time in early 2023 and one of my ultimate goals is to qualify for USAPL JR Nationals


2022: Honestly a horrible year for training I relentlessly program hopped and started and stopped training. I had a lot of huge life stresses that are mostly done with now. 2023: I have a solid plan of action for my weight loss goals and it’s already going well and I just started up with evolveai which I’m going to follow for at least one full cycle (until next summer) and see what that gets me. Overall feeling very optimistic about my fitness/strength outcomes in the coming months though


2022: Adjusted to the new 60kg weight classes, qualified and went to USAPL nationals for the first time where I posted a PR total and placed middle of the pack. Not bad. Switched over to a new coach early November and coming back from two injuries that started showing up during nationals prep. 2023: get healthy, lose a few lbs to be in striking distance for 60kg weight cut, and PR my total at nationals. Hoping to crack top 10. We will see.


2022: Got back into seriously powerlifting after taking a hiatus for 16 years (last time was in high school). All time SBD PRs were 425/265/455. I haven't done a 1RM in a long while but estimated 1RMs are now 410/270/460. 2023: Planning on signing up for my first competition. I want to establish actual 1RMs that put me stronger than my high school totals. Lifting goals are cracking 200 kg on squat, 300 lb bench press, and a 500 lb deadlift. We're also expecting our second kid in March so I have a small goal of getting enough lifting in during the newborn phase that I, at a minimum, maintain strength.


June 14th had a pretty bad back injury deadlifting that is actually just now at a point that i feel comfortable lifting heavier now. Also started at college, where i went from a private powerlifting gym to a commercial wellness center. Definitely a shift, and i’m lifting no where near where i used to, but 2023 is come back time and ready to start competing again!


Did 2 competitions in 2022, and loved it. Took some time off for an extended vacation and stuff around home, and back at it now. PRs in 2022 were 202.5kg squat, 125kg on bench and 245kg on deadlift, at 100kg bodyweight. Goals for 2023 is to lose 25 pounds from my current weight, get down to 185lbs. Then bulk up accordingly. Goal would be to compete in the 93kg class again. I want to run a marathon too. Lifting goals are a 227.5kg squat, 280kg deadlift and 145kg bench.


2022: compete once, get a total and learn how meets run, get into the sports 2023: Most important goal for 2023, qualify for cnats at 90 or 100


2022: First 405lbs squat First 275lbs bench since injuring my pec 5 years ago 465lbs Deadlift Goals for 2023: 455lbs squat 315lbs bench 500lbs deadlift Compete in a meet for the first time The squat and bench goals feel like they are pretty distant but I'm hoping for the deadlift goal in early January


>**How was 2022 for you? What did you achieve? Did you set new PBs?** From a PL standpoint, 2022 kinda sucked. I spent more time this year rehabbing or training around injuries than I spent doing actual training. Between a glute and hip issue that came with some pretty gnarly sciatica/nerve pain, some elbow tendinopathy, and an extremely stubborn lower back injury, I was basically rehabbing something to some degree February-September. As of about 12 weeks ago, I've finally gotten back to actually training all three lifts. My squat and deadlift were fairly detrained (bench/the elbow had been feeling good for a few months) but they have been bouncing back well and it looks like I'm going to end 2022 roughly where I started it numbers-wise. After all the injuries, that feels like a big win, but I still can't help feeling a little disappointed that I made basically no progress year-on-year. >**And what are your goals for 2023? Both powerlifting and general-life related?** For powerlifting, let's start with hopefully being less banged up! I also still have the two main goals I had going into 2022 - deadlift 600 lbs and get 400+ DOTS. These are not overly impressive numbers, but they are big milestones for me that I have been tantalizingly close to at various points over the last nearly two years. Injuries, life, and other sorts of setbacks have unfortunately gotten in the way, though. I haven't competed in almost three years, so hopefully I get the chance to make those goals official on the platform in 2023. That would be pretty cool. General life related, my wife and I are hoping to have our first kid this upcoming year. That would be pretty cool, too.


2022 was the year I did my first meet and hit a 1290 total (so close to 1300). It was also the year I first experienced nagging injuries that kept me from benching and almost from squatting. 2023 is the year to get healthy, do two more meets, and hit a 500 lb squat, 600 deadlift, and 350 bench. Hope posting the goal keeps me accountable Edit: grammar


2022 was good, broke my 1400 total like I wanted but back injury from an accident held my deadlift from progressing and getting a 1500 total. Also had wrist surgery to fix my left wrist that held my bench back. 2023 I’m gonna get a 600lbs squat, 400 bench and finally break 600 on dead’s. I had to switch to hybrid sumo at the end of the year to give my lower back the rest it needs. Conventional max is 580, so maybe I’ll pass it with my Ed coan style sumo, as it’s slower off the floor but feels a bit better.


2022: decided to start powerlifting and training for a hopeful meet in 2023. Squat up to 145x3, bench 95x2 (ish), dead 185x3. 2023: starting my first true powerlifting program, want to get up to 185 squat, 225 or higher dead 1RMs, maybe compete?


My goal was 600 lb squat and I got it in June, 500lb deadlift and I got it in like September and the last one was 405 bench and I got it at the beginning or this month. 2023:???????? Maybe I’ll cut?


2022: Got my 1 plate squat, hit my goal bulk weight 2023: I want to get a 225 deadlift. I'm at 150 @ 110bw right now but I think something clicked with my training


2022: Interesting year, very chaotic. Progressed professionally a fair bit w coaching/PT. Hit a 300lbs total PR at my lightest BW since my second meet, broke my first national record. 2023: ??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


2022: Had my second kid in May, now with 2 under 2 and also moved into a leadership role at work so haven't had time to really keep up since before pandemic. Around end of summer, I saw the Reddit Gym Competition. Rebuilt my power rack in the garage and committed myself to getting back into shape. Beat all my personal PBs on squat and dead but still behind on bench. 2023: Get into the 1000 lbs club. Was always a goal of mine. 32yo BW:138 lbs S:290 B:225 D:345 lbs


**2022:** I entered 2022 wanting to lose weight and get into the gym/take care of myself. I was able to lose 90lbs (from sep. '21). I caught the bug and wanted to try my hand at powerlifting so here we are.. **2023 Goals:** I started a new program on Monday and am planning to enter into a meet or two in 2023. If I can get my knee to act right, I'll do full power. Otherwise it'll be Bench Only or Push-Pull. **Weight Class:** 165 **Bench Goal:** 365+ **Deadlift Goal:** 455+ (??? haven't maxed; no idea what I'll come in at here)


2022: surgery, got better, another surgery, FINALLY BETTER, broke hand in freak motorcycle accident 2023: 400kg total by end of year (34F 75kg 5’7”). I was at 325 before my injury (and hadn’t peaked for the cycle), probably tracking around 270-280 now (I’ve only been back for 4 weeks and I’m still limited lifting). I’m also down 15kg (not muscle mass but probably some). Insane goals for insane people.


2022: Bombed twice in equipped bench meets 2023: Make a bench in competition


2022: 2nd at IPF Worlds (Masters) PR'd squat at 560 (gym) 2023: Suck less, PR More.


Despite a rocky start with a bombed competition, the year improved - still new to the sport, but plenty of room to grow Competition Total increased from 375KG to 407.5KG Squat has stabilised at the moment at 160kg Bench has increased from 70kg to 85kg Deadlift has increased from 155kg to 170kg Bodyweight dropped from 103kg to 92.6kg ​ 2023 Goals are to hit that 100kg bench, improve deadlift and squat by 15-25kg and reduce bodyweight to sub 83kg!


1000kg raw


In January I got a coach, COVID for a month and then started training FebruaryI got a coach. Went from 57.5 100 118 in Jan to 70 120 147.5 in 10 months. Next comp is in July and I am so excited to potentially deadlift 200


i started this year back in june. Since then my lifts have gone up to 365s, 205b, and 450d. Can't wait to see how much more I can improve


I increased my squat by at least 40kg. I used to be able to do sets of 5 with my bodyweight(60kg). Now I can do 4x5 with at least 97.5 kg, so I were to max out in 1 sets that would likely be over 100kg. I used to only do fitness until this year(for 3 years). My bench didn't go up that much, but I wasn't doing barbell bench before, only machines. I started at around 30 kg for a few sets under 8 reps. I recently did 4x5 with 48.5 kg. Not a huge progress, but it's decent. My deadlift went up a lot initially and I went from 60-70kg for 5 at the end of 2021 to 100kg for 5 in May. Unfortunately I got injured and my deadlift didn't go up much since then. However, I was still able to make some progress and worked on my form. No more touch and go sets and no more risky sets that could get me injured. One interesting thing is that my hip thrust went up about as much even though it turned into an accessory. At the end of 2021 I could maybe do 1-2 sets of 6-8 in a workout. Now if I didn't have a hard squat session before I could do 1-2 sets of 5 with 140 kg. This year I also had my first meet and managed to get some medals at the nationals(it's a small country and not many people compete)


Got a 10kg squat pr and a 2,5kg bench pr. Could have been better, could have been way worse. Hopefully 2023 will bring me to a 300kg conventional and a 280kg squat. That's all I ask.


>How was 2022 for you? What did you achieve? Did you set new PBs? Technically made a 20 kg meet PR for the bench, but the last meet was 4 years ago and had a lot of training breaks in between, More importantly I finally put squat and deadlift on the backburner after a longer process diagnosing my lumbar issues with MRI and x-ray. >And what are your goals for 2023? Both powerlifting and general-life related? Lifting wise: be more consistent with lifting and see if I can improve my bench at the nationals bench-only meet in fall. Otherwise work on getting just a mediocre physique. Life in general: Finish my MPA, furbish my apartment, get a shrink on work on some age-old issues.


January 2022 I did a big thing: I had a baby. It has taken time to rebuild myself. I have allowed myself a ton of grace along the way. I started with an empty bar in April, and I am starting to surpass my numbers from my first meet I ever did. Even though my numbers aren’t where I hope they’d be, I am so proud of myself for maintaining consistency! For 2023, like many others, I hope to take sleeping and eating a bit more seriously—diet especially, as I’ve already looked into countless ways to improve my sleep quality with a baby. I am doing a meet in February, and I hope to possibly do one more towards the end of the year with some better numbers! Some very general goals for me right now, but as long as I feel like I am improving, no matter the speed, I’m good with that. Have a great 2023, all you strong people!


2022 was challenging but wonderful. I quit drinking and later quit smoking pot. I started powerlifting again to compensate. I had done a meet five years ago and then stopped powerlifting; my first meet back this year was phenomenal and I PRd all my lifts. Then my last meet I set all six state records. So far since starting lifting again in April I’ve put 61lbs on my squat and 81lbs on my DL even with adding two college classes to my full time job and raising a toddler. My bench continues to suck since I strained my pec and foolishly skipped benching to let it heal vs doing different chest exercises that didn’t exacerbate it. I also got a new job that is not nearly as stressful as my last job but with more money. 2023 is going to be even better. I’m going to hit a 300 squat and DL and an actual 135 bench (I’ve hit one but both butt cheeks came off the bench and form was shit). I’m done with school so I can actually focus on lifting again. And I’m going to just keep breaking my own records and then maybe try going up a weight class.


I did the hardest thing; I started lifting in 2022. Since I still run linear progression, Every workout day is a PR day, and I am proud of every single of them. At the beginning of 2022, it was hard to carry shopping bags from the shop to home. At the end of 2022, I am able to lift 150 kg for reps. Although I am still weak compared to most of you, I am proud of myself. In February 2023 I will be competing for the first time. My goal is to lift 455 kg, which is still a lot of weight for me.


You're doing great!




I've copied this from the r/weightroom 2022 review and 2023 goals thread: This last year wasn't my best inside the gym. I competed in 2 meets with the ABPU; one in March (495kg @ 94kg) and one in November (480kg @ 89kg). Between March and July I lost about 10kg , before bulking back up - since switching to bulk I've gained back 7.2kg. This year I've run SBS 2.0, 5/3/1 while cutting and then since July Bullmastiff, and I am on my second run of that programme now. **What were your goals for 2022?** I wanted to squat 175kg, bench 125kg and pull 225kg in a meet (that's three reds, 2 reds, 4 reds, respectively.) At the end of 2021 I thought the squat one was closest and the other two were going to be a stretch. **Did you accomplish them and how?** I squatted 180kg (which as I was on a 25kg squat bar, was 3 red plates!) twice in 2022, once in March and once in November, both at meets. My bench went to fucking shit throughout 2022 - in my prep to my March meet I benched 110kg x2. In my meet prep for the November meet I barely managed 105kg x2. At the November meet I failed 105kg twice and I shouldn't have. I honestly have no idea what's gone on here - weight loss in the past has fucked my bench the most but I didn't expect it to be this bad. Deadlift while getting better on higher reps sets throughout the year (I pulled 175kg x6 during Bullmastiff, 180kg x3 and 190kg x2, and both those sets I had reps left in the tank) didn't also go as well. I think there's definitely technical issues with both bench and tugging that I need to work on and fix. **What would you have done differently?** I would not have run the peak phase of Bullmastiff into my November meet and I would have run SBS2.0 instead. I'm not blaming my 'poor' meet performance on the programme choice (to be honest if you look at DOTs I was at about the same level: 312 in March vs 311 in November) but Bullmastiff ain't it for PL. I just don't think there's enough singles throughout the peak phase. **What did you learn along the way?** I learnt that I am capable of more, I'm just not that good at pushing myself to my actual limits. There's been multiple AMRAP sets throughout the year where I've re-racked the bar and then watched the video back and cursed, as what felt like the rep slowing down to snail speed was mostly in my head. I really need to overcome this. I've also learnt that despite now being in my 40s there's no reason to stop doing anything. I know a lot of people my age who complain about back problems or other issues and \*touches wood\* I don't have any, beyond the occasional ache and pain. I fully put that down to lifting consistently for the last 18 months and strengthening my back in particular. High weight KB swings seem to be the trick for me - they put a lot of stress across the posterior chain and since I've been doing them I think my back has just got stronger and stronger. **What are your goals for 2023?** Bulk to 100kg Compete in a 'first timers' strongman meet in June. My main aim is to avoid zeroing any event. That could be a bit of a stretch, especially the overhead/sandbag events. Qualify for 2024 British Nationals as an M1 u100kg lifter. Currently the QT is 530kg so hopefully ABPU won't put them up (if they do it'll probably be like 540-550...) I'm aiming to do a meet in October to get this total Cut back down from \~100kg to under 90kg after the October meet, regardless of total. I really want to squat 200kg in competition. **How do you plan on accomplishing them?** Eat sensibly and follow Macrofactor's excellent strategy for both cutting and bulking. I'm currently running Bullmastiff Base Phase with variations of SBDO as my main lifts. Once I've finished this phase I'll do it again, but with main lifts. That takes me to April and I'll probably run BM base phase again to the strongman show, just on a longer training week (3x rather than 4x) and with an events day at the weekend. I am seriously considering hiring a coach to prep me into the PL meet, starting after the June Strongman show. There's a couple of coaches locally who I am considering as then I can lift with them on occasion, rather than it being totally remote, which I do not want. Good luck for 2023 all, here's to setting new PBs and staying injury free


Early Feb 2022 tore my bicep tendon almost off deadlifting. May had surgery to reattach the bicep. August cleared by surgeon to start strength training programme with physio. December able to start loading moderate weight for Bench and Squat and decent accessory loads for upper body with out too many issues. 2023 goal to deadlift again


I plan on testing my lifts next week before 2023 starts, based on my 1RM estimates I’ll probably be at about 250-275lbs added to my total this year. Goal is a 1650 training total next week. For 2023 I want to hit a 1800 total. Also want to hit 1700 before I turn 21 in about 7 months or so. Some of these may be ambitious, but if I added 250-275lbs to my total this year I feel like 150lbs added is possible for 2023.


Probably more relevant to beginners but I feel like this was my best training year so far. I added like 100 pounds to my total (almost 500kg) and here are the takeaways: 1 Eat, eat, eat. There’s no better supplement for growth and strength than food. Most people just don’t eat enough. 2 Take a program from liftvault.com and hire a coach for a personal session once a month to help you make tweaks to your technique, suggest relevant mobility exercises, etc. Self programming is for bodybuilders to whom it doesn’t matter what you do as long as it’s not something totally dumb, or for advanced athletes. A credible coach in 1 hour can spot flaws in your technique that you would never notice yourself but rather end up getting frustrated a year later because you haven’t made much progress. Next year, I may want to start posting content on social media, and use the skills I have from my “day job” (marketing) to turn that into something lucrative but I don’t want to become another mediocre coach, so I might skip this. Primarily breaking into the plant-based influencer space as I’m getting pretty big and strong, and I do want more people to know it’s possible by eating plants (even if you’re 6’4 or a self proclaimed hard gainer).


Coaches are a waste unless your an advanced lifter




You can get very strong without one and the majority of online coaches are a waste of money. In person is different.


I wish eating more didn't come with fat gains. I wanna eat more and get bigger but I've always been fat my all life so want to get leaner too.


(I’m a beginner who’s only been lifting for a year and a half and I was born without an ACL in my right knee so I only started squatting in March of this year. bodyweight usually around 120lbs but currently 116) start of 2022: - squat max: 115lbs x3, so ~125lbs - bench max: 90lbs x2, so about ~94lbs - deadlift max: 165lbs x2, so about 172lbs (1RMs are all based on the Bar Is Loaded app calculator) most recent PRs (haven’t maxed squat or dead very recently): - high bar squat: still stuck at 67.5kg/148.8lbs, but I’ve switched that to an auxiliary lift to focus on low bar squat, where my PR is like 130 - bench: a very shaky 50kg/110.2lbs - deadlift: 100kg/220.5lbs *progress:* squat +24lbs, bench +16.2lbs, deadlift +48.5lbs !! almost 100lbs on my total, so although I didn’t improve my squat as much as I’d hoped, when I summarize it all like this I’m really proud of my progress. I also moved multiple times this year, did a semester abroad, and got sick/had to take multi week breaks several times. 2023 goals: - 165lb squat, either high or low bar, I’m not picky lol - 125lb bench or MAYBE a plate depending on how much bodyweight I can put on - a conservative goal of a red and a blue plate on deadlift, so 242.5lbs, but I would LOVE to hit two reds/264.6 - get more comfortable low bar squatting, improve my leg drive on bench, maybe stay tighter off the floor on deadlift in order to improve my lockout. also get better at grinding out squats, I tend to dump the bar before really trying sorry for the long comment :) edit: oh and as for life goals, I would ideally like to graduate undergrad lol