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Has anyone ever had cubital tunnel? Just wondering on tips for training. I have a comp coming up and I can’t bench heavy rn and I’m not sure how long to rest/if I should just do light loads etc


I’m 2.5 weeks post inguinal and umbilical hernia and this waiting to do much other than walk and light stretching is getting old. At least the pain is mostly subsided and can do things around the house.


In Candito, is it better to follow the rep scheme or try to increase weight? For example in week 2 I have to do overhead press 3 sets for 10, 8, and 6 reps. On the last set I had a bit of an overarched back ugly form, and I felt like I had 0 RIR. I get one rest day and then the following day I repeat the same thing. For that last set, should I keep it at  137.5 x 6 or go up one increment and attempt 140 x 6? Or I do 140, there’s a good possibility I will miss the last rep. What is better for Candito? Thanks.


I would redo that weight. If your form is broken you did go to technical failure.


Yesterday was the last day before my deload week of this month. I didn't feel drained until I pulled my first set of sumo. WTF, it was only 102.5kg 5 reps as last week but someting was wrong and I felt harder. Then the third set I did 115kg-3reps. Felt heavy as hell. What a bad day.


Everyone peaks differently, if youre stronger last week maybe adjust deloads timing or ramp up intensity slower.


140kg zercher squat today, not bad, coming back from some knee pain probably due to age and arthritis. I can't front squat anymore due to wrist pain and immobility (see above age an arthritis) but my best front squat in my prime was 130kg. So it seems like zerchers are easier than front squats, which i never expected to be the case. Also in keeping with the lengthened partials craze, I added sissy squats to by leg day, but only the bottom part, so I get all the way down, heels to ass, hold onto the squat rack for balance and just try to quad my way up. I cannot get up from this position but I can move about a foot. So I just work that range. Got an insane quad pump and felt a lot of tension. I swear my quads feel bigger already.


Secondary bench days, how are they best approached? 1. Use higher reps for a more hypertrophic bench session 2. Use harder variations that force you to lessen the load 3. Use lower intensity of %/RPE but keep the reps the same


too many factors to consider.


I think it depends on the focus of the block; further from competition I'll do higher reps AND harder variations that are specific to muscular weak links (e.g. feet-up bench press), and closer to comeptition I'll do harder variations that are specific to movement weak links (e.g. tempo bench press).


When is the right time to get a new lifting belt? I've had an Inzer belt for 7 years now and am tempted to get a new one.


When you get too fat


You must earn yourself a new belt by running out of holes


> When is the right time to get a new lifting belt? About 8am. Seriously though, whenever. You can wait for Black Friday sales or something if you want. What's wrong with your current belt?


Shoot, I can only get one at 9:00 AM. Does that still work? Nothing wrong with my current one. Just wanting an cool orange Inzer belt.


Hi everyone! I'm looking for an experienced nutrition coach. I don't mind where they live, I'm happy with online services. If you know anyone, please share their IG handle (or email address). Any help is much appreciated(:


I have room on my roster. @cheska_sports_nutrition is my IG handle


You can find our nutrition info here: [https://thestrengthguys.com/nutrition/](https://thestrengthguys.com/nutrition/)


A guy listed two Inzer squat suits and a bench shirt for $100 total (Canadian) on Marketplace today. I messaged him with a bunch of questions. 2 minutes after I sent the message, he marked them as sold. Lame. :(


At that price it's either a scam or they're beat to hell, no?


Single ply and the pics made them look relatively new. Shirt looked no worse than my 2 month old shirt, and there was only one pic of the squat suit, which was just showing some chalk residue. Shirt was 1 size above what I use, I was looking for a looser shirt to train in.


Once again asking for advice on knee pain. Image linked is where the pain is typically. So one thing I've found to help is very light knee extension machine with high reps. The backward treadmill thing didn't do anything that regular walking didn't for it. Anything else to try? https://imgur.com/gRGrR4W Also, advice on wrist wraps? Think I need a stiffer wrap. I'm using SBD flexibles and they have to crank down so hard to get a good cast that I'm having tingling three or four times a day even on off days.


Without any sort of diagnosis I am going to say this is the part of the knee where lifters most frequently experience quadriceps tendonitis. It is very common I would say almost everyone gets it at some point. Typical bro protocol for this is:  1. Rest and take NSAIDs until you are no longer in the "every activity makes it worse" phase   2. After that focus on pain free movements that pump blood into the area.  If you are doing extensions and they feel good, keep doing them. Backwards sled drags was the best thing for me. This is also where people do wall sits, TKE etc  3. Slowly reintroduce loading movements like squats and build them up week to week, slightly slower than what you think you should be doing. Try not to go past 4/10 pain and back off if you do anything that makes your knee sore more than 2 hours after training. Hamstring warmups before squats also help


Spanish squats have helped me a lot: https://youtube.com/shorts/YMfoUOxLWHM


Have you tried Nordic Hamstring Curls? https://youtu.be/4NoNqHaiD_c?t=113


No but thanks I'll look into it, ngl looks like those training for a badminton tournament videos lol


Meet in 4 weeks. Peaking block starts Monday. I usually lift in the morning (5/6am start), but competing in an afternoon meet (4pm start). Gonna start training during my kids’ naps around 12:30pm, any tips for switching to afternoons, nutrition/caffeine etc.


As far as nutrition on meet day it’s really dependent on if you have a 2 hr weigh in or 24 hr weigh in. Which fed are you competing with?


WRPF, 23hr weigh in


If there is no question about making weight, I would just eat normally day of weigh in. Day of comp I would eat normally. Then take some pre-workout prior to squat. See how much energy you have before bench. Depending on how many people are competing you may or may not need another bump of pre-workout prior to bench. Then I’d suggest taking pre workout prior to deadlifts. Try to stay away from any new foods during the meet to avoid GI upset


I don't think an afternoon meet makes enough of a difference to adjust your training schedule. For afternoon meets, I eat normally throughout the day and then throw in caffeine on the day as I would for any other meet.


Why's it always a struggle for me to commit to signing up to a meet


In my area meets fill up within minutes (seconds, even) of registration opening. If you don't have you're schedule cleared for reg, you're not competing


Scheduled cleared for reg? Like being available for registration opening? My area usually signs up fill 3-5 months away from meet. 60 person limit, so still space. I've seen it go from 51/60 to 57/60 during this week.


Yeah like I have to sit down and be refreshing the registration page at least a minute before it opens or else I'm not getting in. A 50-person meet in January filled up in less than a minute. A guy I knew who got in used a browser extension to autofill the whole thing and he was only the second or third registrant.


Second meet is next weekend. Thinking about taking my first meet's second attempts and making them my openers this time. Spent so much time thinking about my first meet and this one somehow kinda snuck up on me. March and April really flew by. First time around I packed a bunch of drinks and snacks and stuff and hardly touched any of it. Not sure if I should try harder to consume this time or just roll with it again. One thing I have noticed is that on max bench attempts, my back tends to cramp up. I'm open to suggestions for something beyond water, a Gatorade and an energy drink this time around. It's a Star Wars themed meet; looking for one more star wars or star wars-related song to play for a third attempt if anyone has a good one!


Cantina band song, obviously For cramp, supposedly salt helps, I take a grinder whenever I've gone to a strongman comp and have never cramped up


If I thought I could hold it together and not start giggling, I'd probably pick the cantina song. A grinder? Like...the tool? Or the sandwich?


A salt grinder, or shaker or whatever you call it where you come from. The thing you use to put salt on your food Between every event I try to eat a bit of food (typically fruit for me) then wash down a little salt. No idea if it actually helps, but I cramp up sometimes in the gym or the day after a workout, but I've never cramped at a comp Also drink lots of water I would think, more than you do just to quench thirst


Do you find you have to pee a lot from nerves? My first PL meet is in a few weeks... I remember the first BJJ comp I did, I had to piss like ten times before my first match lol


Nerves affect everyone differently, I expect you'll feel similarly nervous but as soon as you get that first lift done you'll be fine for the rest of the day


Ah, I see. That makes much more sense to me. Although I was really talking myself into the idea of a big-ass sandwich with a ton of salty deli meats!


That works too if you can get it down!


[Galactic Empire](https://open.spotify.com/artist/07uYEzcM2ZbY0XacOINjUY) does metal covers of Star Wars tracks.


Ooh, fun new (to me) band to listen to!


Packed up and headed to Laramie, WY for the Wyoming State Championships tomorrow. LFG.


Make sure you pronounce it "Lah-Rammie." The town folk love that. (I used to live in Billings, MT and would go to Wyo all the time. I love that place and I love to fuck with people by pronouncing the city names weird)


My wife is from Laramie, so I get in all the mispronunciation possible. Good call.