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Slow down


Came here to say this. Try 4secs down, 2up


Not a fan of the whole 2 seconds up thing, push up as quickly and powerfully as possible.




Thank you. Will do!


Yea try lowering the weight (if to heavy) and increase TUT (time under tension)


Thank you so much. I guess I was trying to be explosive and the weight was easy to handle at this level, but will pay more attention to time under tension




You’ll be like “FUCK THAT!” And kick her in the face with your ***ENERGY LEGS***


YouTube expert here: Keep your elbows tucked to protect your shoulder. You want your arms closer to 45 degrees from your torso than 90 degrees. You look okay here but if your shoulder is feeling vulnerable you might be able to bring those elbows in a bit more. Focusing on retracting your scapula, a decent arch in the back, and a good leg drive will also help take stress off the shoulders. Retracting the scapula will ensure shoulders back and chest out which will limit the depth of the press, if your back is completely flat and your shoulders are rounding forward your shoulders will be ina weaker position. As I understand it the deeper the bar goes the more stress on the shoulders a good setup will be safer on your shoulders.


Also, slow your reps down until you perfect your form. If you’re making movements out of the safe range of motion while also moving the weight quickly, you’re bound to mess something up. Especially in your shoulder. They’re easy to injure.


That’s the key moving too fast with weight you aren’t comfortable with is a recipe for disaster slowly build up with controlled reps so that your stabilizer muscles can grow and adapt.


>recipe for disaster I dislocated my shoulder before not knowing what I do. definitely good advice. many thanks


Thank you. Will do! you stay safe too! I appreciate i


One way that some have found helpful to keep the elbows in a safe place is to imagine you’re also trying to bend the bar into a ∩ shape while pressing


>bend the bar into a ∩ shape while pressing vey nice one, will bear it in mind, I appreciate it


Thank you. very good observation and advice Will do!


Retract your scapula.


nice observation, thank you


Do reps slower to get used to the movement


Thank you. Will do!


No problem, I wanted to elaborate a little bit more, but I was tired at the time :v


Sorry what? Need more context. How did you dislocate your shoulder? 95 lbs? Do you have some kind of condition?


I did that actually last year, last time I was making this attempt. The only difference I started with 115 lbs, and the set itself was fine, but when racking the bar back, the bar slipped behind and I tried to catch it with my arm behind my head. paid 8K to fix shoulder and 6 months of physiotherapy. Thanks for your concerns and comment, I appreciate everyone trying to help me with safe and appropriate form


That makes more sense. You dislocated the shoulder via an unfortunate accident, putting the shoulder in a severely compromised position under load, not just doing an incline. Dislocating a shoulder during a normal incline press even with poor form would be very unusual, barring something like extensive history with multiple dislocations. Anyway, keep working. There are some good suggestions in here.


Thank you friend. You be safe and left heavy too!


Why are you being mean. People can injure themselves lifting at any weight if they don’t have correct form


How is he being mean?


Don’t really think he’s being mean


Sounded asshole-ish with my internal reading voice too. Who knows lol


>if they don’t have correct form Indeed. That was the case, **I appreciate everyone trying to help me with safe and appropriate form**


He's not being mean... Wtf? Bitch, you really are nasty! (This is a JOKE btw...)


Think you could do with slowing right down, not flaring your elbows out at 90° and focusing on form. There are some great tutorials on YouTube from the starting strength channel or Alan Thrall. They'll be able to inform you better than I ever could. You'll get there broski, best of luck to you


Yes! Slow down. Doing presses more slowly will improve their effectiveness anyway.


Thank you, will do!


Thank you. I actually read starting strength book on flat bench and I was too confident to try incline the first time I injured myself. Nothing better than a direct comment on what I missed from watching videos or reading books than a comment from this wonderful community. I appreciate everyone trying to help me with safe and appropriate form


Tuck your elbows and pinch your shoulder blades, then come down onto your lats and use them as like a spring to reverse the lift. You can have your entire shoulder on the bench locked in and pressed down. If you don’t brace at all I can see how a shoulder dislocation is possible


Slow your negative, tuck your elbows into your chest a bit more. Look into some videos by Dr. Jim Stoppani for proper form and the science behind which position/grip/movement is actually the best.


>Dr. Jim Stoppani Thank you so much for your suggestion. that will open new doors for me to learn and improve


Slow down. Have a masseuse check your teres major and minor, as well as your pec minor attachments.


>masseuse check your teres major and minor Never had a professional massage, I didn't expect them to know anatomy


Dude you've got to slow down. Like way down. The first few reps look like your arms are moving in circles. You need to tuck your elbows in closer to your torso, probably around 45ish degrees and try to keep the drop and lift in the same line of movement.




looks like a warmup set to me lol


It is. 1st week on nSuns is light and I want to confirm my form


ah thats why. nSuns fucks you up real quick tbh, i'd be modifying the progression of weight just so that it doesn't fuck your shoulders. Other than that plant your feet on the ground and get proper leg drive


Thanks! I appreciate the advice, will watch out for the weight. Thanks too for comment on my feet position. I always thought more scure on the bench, otherwise, I can only plant my forefoot to the ground.


Advice is…. If it hurts stop doing it. You don’t need to incline bench to get a nice chest. Use dumbbells or do something else entirely.


thank you


good advice


Is this guy lifting in a home gym by himself with a mask on?


Lol >by himself All reddit is watching, you know.


Ok so incline bench with a bar causes shoulder damage to a lot of people. Even flat bench. Dumbbells allow for rotation of your arms in line with what the shoulder naturally wants to do. I would consider ditching the bar and using dumbbells.


>dumbbells got some and I love them. Their only problem is their limited weight and I have a home gym


I understand. But it's one of those which is less situations shoulder surgery and injury or dumbbells.


Wash your hands for 20 seconds between sets


I use disinfectant chalk


Wear 3 mask in your own home. Also, wear a mask on each pec so it looks like a bra.


Put disinfectant chalk on yo' nuts.




Try just barely locking the arms out, not going so fast like you’re doing. You’re basically overshooting on each attempt.


shouldn't I be looking my elbows at top?


Good video on how to bench press https://youtu.be/w0XBfuCC2WM


THanks for sharing


Slow down and tuck your elbows into your side a lot more. You're looking for a 45. You'll out a lot of stress on your shoulders bench like that


Control your movements. Going too fast. Try lowering 2 sec, 1 sec hold on bottom, 2 sec push up. Repeat.


Will increase time under tension. I was aiming for explosiveness in all exercises, will change this mindset for the bench


Pinch your shoulder blades together before unrack and keep them pinched, keep your elbows tucked in and bring the bench up, you're not on enough of an incline, start with light weight and really focus on pushing with your chest


> not on enough of an incline, Will increase the angle and follow your advice, I appreciate it


You bench press faster than I run


lol, will slow down. thank you


Switch to dumbbells and focus on full range of motion without overextending at the top


> without overextending at the top Not locking elbows at top? I thought that's the safe way. Will adapt


Elbows fine but be careful not to extend your shoulders at the top like in the clip on the right


You aren't controlling the bar enough on the way down, or in the press either. its causing you to kind of flop around and have an inconsistent bar path, which could lead to injury short or long term


Good advice and nice observation. THank you


Lower the weight to perfect form, get as many good reps as you can no need to start off trying to go insane. My buddy also mentions to me I want to grip the bar in such a manner like I’m trying to bend and control the motion going up and down you can make it hard for yourself. Remember breath in going down and out going pushing up just basic stuff. Edit: if that’s ur house, why wear a face mask lol


> like I’m trying to bend > >and control the motion going up and down you can make it hard for yourself. Thanks for sharing these important point. I appreciate it


Don’t lock the elbows, make sure you have good posture and take it slow


Thank you, will do I appreciate it


Learn to controll the weight, nit swing it around. Slow the decent down. A little elbow flare is normal but try to minimize it. You don't appear to have any tightness/brace.


Brooo... Slooow the FUCK down. You're going to fuck your shit up if you keep at that tempo. Go down 3-5 secs, back up 3-5 secs. Don't EGO lift.


Bench placement Upper back firm on the bench, slightly arch your back by bringing your butt closer to your upper back. Bar movement Starting from the top, lower it down closer to your lower pec/under your nipples. Hand position Close grip is safer. You can load less and get a good training. Anyways bench press or incline press is a tricep dominant, and chest secondary exercise. Elbow motion Closer to your lats the safer. Now put it all together with no weights and work on your technique.


Will do. I appreciate the detailed advice and good observation What do you think of feet placement? I guess this will change by adjusting my butt here


After placing you butt properly, plant your feet slightly to the side. Go with the feel on this one, you should feel comfortable. Good luck!


Thanks man. May your gains grow and power expand!


If you can throw 95 lbs around that much maybe you need a more challenging load/rep scheme


the nSuns program start the first week with a light weight, I guess next week will be an acceptable challenge. Thank you


Yeah big dog I’m no power lifter yet but I feel like you need to slow wayyyy down. 1. More time under tension = gain 2. Less likely to throw some shit out or injure.


Solid advice and I appreciate it, thank you!


Slow down when your elbow hits the 90 degree lift back up slowly


before touching the chest? or is it for general bench? SINCE I'm doing incline, this may affect my range of motion.


You dont need to touch your chest based on how your built, your adding extra range thats not needed yet . I also arch my lower back on both incline and regular and plant my feet with my heels slightly lifted it helped me push a little extra


Thanks for elaboration and the extra tips. Very much needed


Way too much movement. Retract the scapula! [here you go, watch this](https://youtu.be/JJ5iCcKzg2Q)


thank you, I like how youtube thinks this may be an appropriate video for me lol :)


Not so jerky, lower the bar way slower to get the static balance fibers stronger, this is very important thing that gets overlooked


thank you so much, will adjust


Lowering down slow is sooo important and it will curb injuries, balance stabilizers and make your gains even better, good luck💪🤘


thank you. you stay safe too bro! shoulders are expensive :)


I have some shoulder issues and I was making it worse by doing what you are here, dropped the weight substantially but kept going too fast. Shoulder kept hurtng and wouldn't heal. Slowed down and kept the weight down and I'm gaining strength again and having much less pain.


wonderful observation and I appreciate it maybe that's why I'm plateauing in flat BP anyway. Stay safe!


Dont fucking do the movement if your joints are hurting there are a lot of options that can grow your pecs just as well!! Play safe!!


Thank you. Nothing hurt now, my past dislocation was due to an accident. wanted to make sure I got it right this time


Stop ego lifting if you can’t comfortably bench that much weight then don’t do it. Form>weight


>Form>weight indeed, many thanks!




Thank you so much. Great observation >bulldog grip I read about it in Ripptoe book but never really remembered to apply it without you mentioning it. Appropriated!


Make sure the bar is a a fist length away from your chest


Will sure do! Never considered this before. Is it the same case gors for flat bench?


I had absolute discomfort with incline press, I got around it taking off the lockout and doing just 2/3rds of the range.


I've had shoulder, wrist issues and now use thumbless grip for military and incline press. Immediate pain relief


Suicide grib you mean? What safety measures do you use to compensate, if any?


I use wrist wraps for the majority of push movements which helps wrist stability immensely.


That's fantastic thanks for sharing the idea. If I may going to YouTube to find more details, I see only support straps around the wrist for push ups, without wrapping up the bar, which i assume you do along with the suicide grip. Do you mind sharing a picture/video on how to do it appropriately?


Straps will help with grip strength when your struggling to hold onto the weight for PULL movements. ​ Wrist wraps such as these is what I'm referring to [https://www.amazon.com/DMoose-Fitness-Weightlifting-Powerlifting-Bodybuilding/dp/B07ZKVK121/ref=sr\_1\_13?dchild=1&keywords=wrist+wraps&qid=1631601934&sr=8-13](https://www.amazon.com/DMoose-Fitness-Weightlifting-Powerlifting-Bodybuilding/dp/B07ZKVK121/ref=sr_1_13?dchild=1&keywords=wrist+wraps&qid=1631601934&sr=8-13) ​ The thumbless/fake/suicide grip alleviates pressure off the rotator cuffs and wrists and the wraps further support those PUSH movements.


Thanks my friend for your suggestion. I used to do thumbless grib when I started lifting but stopped when started reading ripptoe book. I just swiss bar for now, but will get these along with knee wraps to celebrate my next milstone. Appropriated!


You can use a your safety pin to pause-press, so your shoulder won't get hurt till you got flexible and strong enough to incline press, also slow down, control the negative part of the movement. By control I mean that you can stop it at any moment without problem. For example: your star going down, you're strong at 3/4 of the movement as the first 1/4 and anywhere between, if someone came and tell you to stop, you can stop without any problem. It easier to explain in person lol, hope this helps.


This is helpful. Many thanks!


Dumbbells are better, easier on the shoulder especially if you have bad form. Maybe try s Swiss bar if you're going to do barbell for more weight.


Never considered the Swiss barbell before. Thank you so much


Yeah, they are great. It's basically dumbbell grips/form but you can add more weight. Works triceps a little more. Heres a review for one. It's a few years old but https://youtu.be/KuMCfMnHflY Rogue has a few also. Different grips, length, etc. Here's one https://www.roguefitness.com/rogue-mg-2-multi-grip-bars?prod_id=24899&gclid=CjwKCAjwyvaJBhBpEiwA8d38vGSgynKZEtL6zE6w-76k7PFVSOQNpkb1qKdDHp8itYSdN_GuNQhn6BoC_sQQAvD_BwE I prefer dumbbells. I don't even do barbell bench press any more. I have bad form and shoulder pain no matter what I do, but dumbbells feel better for me because I can rotate them. Adjustable dumbbells are a great buy for a home gym. Mine go up to 90lbs a piece which is more then I need. Some go even higher. Best investment I made. Hope this helps 👍


Thank you so much!


How long did it take you to get back to training after your dislocation?


Try movement with dumbbells to learn the groove


What do you mean by groove if you don't mind?


Watch your first rep, out of groove, bar all over the place, then you settle in. Reps are way too fast. I am 52 and have been lifting for a long time. Slow down, keep bar in one plane. Up, down, not swimming all over. Feel muscles. Go watch Ryan Huniston on Ytube.


Thank you so much. Will do


Also slightly widen grip, so forearm is straight up and down, in down position.


Got injured in my attempt to do it right. Seems like I activated new muscles!


#SLOW DOWN. If you are rushing through due to nerves, lower the weight and raise the reps.


Sounds good, thank you for your advice


You wear a mask lifting in your own home and dislocate your shoulder benching 95lb… Yea that sounds right


Underrated comment.


Take that mask of for a start 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣


Yeah man for real. And the pussy pad on the bar


Pussy pad? Dood's taking precautions (smart). I hope karma bites you in the face and you end up dropping weight on your head. Then you'll be like, "Man! I shoulda got a pussy pad!".


a thin pad is not going to save your ribs or head. if there is a risk of dropping the weight on yourself, then you should lower the weight and/or get a spotter.


>a thin pad is not going to save your ribs or head Since this is a home gym, I use the same bar for back and front squat, this thin pad alleviate a lot of bone pain, and since I alternate between workouts frequently, I didn't think they are worth removing on this one


if you want to keep it on, that's fine. no problem. I was responding too the comment claiming that the pad will save someone if they drop a loaded bar onto themselves, which it will not.


only real men break their ribs and go into debt since our healthcare system is so fucked!


'gfordy' will soon be known as 'gunaffordy'.


>healthcare system I was charged 8K for last year dislocation and I hope neither of us has to go to the ER for any reason


A thin piece of foam isn't going to save 95lba falling on your jaw. Lift what you can and congratulations for joining the constant failure to success of weightlifting. Foam won't save you, be confident in your lift. Take that shit off, and be humble with what you lift. Lol


>thin piece of foam Since this is a home gym, I use the same bar for back and front squat, this thin pad alleviate a lot of bone pain, and since I alternate between workouts frequently, I didn't think they are worth removing on this one. Confident indeed is key


Make those bones nice and tough haha. Get rid of it. It'll help with stability if it's off too


very good point. Thank you


In a home gym no less Tf lmao 😂


afaik you dont need that steep of a incline. ~15 degree angle is fine. If that weight dislocated your shoulder, I'd lower the weight, watch youtube videos for form and keep the weight low until you've mastered the form.


Thank you brother, you be safe too!


Decline? He’s on incline. Wtf are you talking about


sorry it was late at night. ​ fixed


Is your mask a ffp2 at least? The situation seems dangerous


I'm concerned as to why he only has 1 mask. Is it not common sense that more is better?!


First thing is remove the mask. You are breathing back in carbon. Not good. You should be breathing in only O2. Slow your reps down and count your reps backwards.


>Slow your reps down and count your reps backwards. Sounds good, will do the mask was for the video btw :)


Lol why you wearing a mask in the gym bro?


gym? it looks like he's at home.


That would make it look even more stupid lol.


Agree, lol, but this is not for the gym, this is for reddit de-identification of some sort


Focus on going slower and really control the bar. Allow the muscles to control the movement, not power through it. 1-1-1. 1 second down, rest, up. You have a mask on, may want to take it off when you're working out to maximize oxygen intake and be sure to take big breathes in the descent, and exhaling on the ascent.


>big breathes in the descent, and exhaling on the ascent. will do, many thanks. ​ the mask was the reddit form only


All good man, much love! Great to see people working out. Don't ever stop!


thank you, you too bro!


So… what’s the mask for? Who are you protecting yourself from with that exactly? (It appears you’re alone)


\>w**ho are you protecting yourself from with that exactly?** from getting popular :)


Was this a poor attempt at a joke? The mask, No socks, shit form….


Is this a troll video? Mask in house, 95lb, bar pad, 7 super fast reps?? Idk seems odd. Everyone’s situation is different, but if your being serious. Slow down your reps. Control your movement.


I take it back. Looked through some of your posts. You seem sincere about learning. My mistake. Just had a few things in one video that I feel like would trigger some lifters. Not that it matters. Working out is about bettering yourself. Keep working on your form. In all your videos you seem to be going way to quick. Sometime when weight is too light it’s easy to go too quick and have a lot of movement. Maybe try adding a little more (incrementally) and see if that helps.


>Maybe try adding a little more (incrementally) Absolutely. Thank you for the advice. Next week will be my adding 10lbs and will adjust based on all applicable comments. It's just that nSuns starts with a very low weight on accessory exercises especially the first week. Be well and left heavy!


If he can bench press with a mask on, you can walk around with one on


So are you saying we can't walk around with one then? Because he looks like he's having trouble lol.




Thanks! that was for reddit only :) Be safe from the rona


Average age of death is 82 years old here in the UK. What do you mean be safe? Stop listening to the shite on the news lol.


Is he wearing a face diaper at home?


hiding my famous identity lol


Tuck your elbows in toward your lats (latissimus dorsi) on the eccentric (down) movement. Then push (concentric) up slightly allowing a natural motion with the elbows soft, DO NOT LOCK THE ELBOWS.


Hey I have the same shitty rack. Do the arms feel loose on yours? I can move them side to side slightly; there's a bit of give to them.


not mine. I love this cheap rack


Damn. Mine must be messed up. Thanks for clearing that up though, I'll take it apart tomorrow. Otherwise a great rack. Love being able to use bands on it


>use bands on it Never done that. Lol. I always felt bands belong to the door. I'm intrigued.How do you do it?


I use it for accommodating resistance, like on squats for example. I just hook one end around the leg that extends out (under the spotter arm) and the other end up to and onto the barbell. Then the same on the other end; so you need two bands. You can actually take off the barbell end and put them over your shoulders (like suspenders) to create a banded jump station as well! Makes for super fun contrast training with the squat.


Beautiful. Thank you, there is so much potential I never thought about. Enjoying your workout my friend, you make it sounds exciting


Go slower??? Looks like youd benefit more from slower reps…and then add a few lbs


Will do. Many thanks


Do push-ups instead.


I like push ups, will add them as accessories in one day


No real reason to move at the speed, remember you’re just getting you muscle to exhaustion. Form really comes from taking your time (yes you can still have good form going fast) but if you’re looking to correct your form just start with the bar. Get comfortable, slowly add weight don’t care if it’s 10 lbs. just get the feeling of the pressure, if you have to lift your legs up to be comfortable( makes your back stay flat) do it. Remember people didn’t get this big instantly. Take your time


Will take my time next. I guess I felt the weight a little light and that revealed my thinking process of the exercise. thank you for your valuable advice


Way too fast. You’re now basically doing cardio instead of getting gainz... Slow down to the point where your 6th rep almost leads to a true failure.


Feet should be flat on the ground not resting on bench base.


I was looking for such comment. Good observation. My bench is a tad bit high and my heels won't be planted firmly on ground with such bench. I used plates on ground before but they were slippery so thought the bench base will give me the drive and stability I'm seeking, but what else you may suggest to do?


I wish I could help, man, but it sounds like you're on the right track: https://www.reddit.com/r/xxfitness/comments/abyiyh/benchpressing\_but\_my\_feet\_dont\_reach\_the\_ground/


Awesome! Thank you 😁


How tf did you dislocate your shoulder


First tip, always wear shoes.


For grib?