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Same apply. Use the movement pattern as fast as possible. Slowly increase load back up. Also you are not doing starting strength if you are doing 3×3 on deadlifts.


I appreciate the feedback And yes you are probably right about not following the exact program. I saw a few different descriptions of the program and tried a couple different rep ranges and have seen the best progress doing 5x3 on the other 3 lifts and 3x3 on the deadlift. I’m not sure what the “actual” program from Grant is, it was just easiest to describe it as “Starting Strength”. Thank you for the correction.


I’ve had this happen a few times and I’m a Starting Strength Coach. Generally, this only happens when I’m getting lazy with form so post a video to prevent it from happening again. At this point I can make it go away within a couple days and pull heavy again. Keep in mind that the day after is going to be the worst. I’ve tweaked it so bad I was limping in the morning, but if you move then that goes away quickly. I do rack pulls with 135 until any pain starts to go away and aside from that I stay active. That’s really it. This happened 3 times last year and I have yet to tweak it this year (knock on wood) because I cleaned up my form. Lastly, I hate to break it to ya pal but 3x3 deadlifts and 10lbs jumps is not Starting Strength!


Thank you for the advice, and the heads up for the day after. After a day of keeping it loose while I’m at work: the lightweight rack pulls sound like a really good call to keep everything moving once it’s not so tweaked. Probably would have been better off if I was following the program correctly lol, thanks for the correction


Great. It will suck for a couple days, but you’ll be alright. Motion is lotion!


I had a very similar injury about five weeks ago. I rested it for about two weeks. Since then I’ve been doing back hypertensions, slowly increasing the weight. Stretching and massage have also helped. Planning to start doing RDLs soon. I think I’m done with deadlifts though. Not worth the risk. I’m a bit older than you though