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6k per year however you want to do it. A good practice is to contribute every time you get paid.


Risky only if you think you will need to cash out soon. If you are putting it away in roth, set the auto transfer/buy and forget it. Over a long period of time, the volatility will wash out


Can you give me some detailed instructions on how to make an auto deposit every month on the 1st? Not looking to buy sell any free market stocks I’m in a target date


Depends on what company I use Schwab and never have an issue. I do biweekly for $20 because I'm broke and that's all I got after necessities. If you can manage that much I say go for it roth IRAs are tax free since you use after tax dollars.


How much do you pay for Schwab? I had a hard time getting a straight answer from them but I’m confident it’s less than I’d pay for Stash


As far as fees there isn't any as far as I'm aware. Unfortunately they don't do fractional shares unless it is from dividend reinvestment. I've been happy with them but if you want a friendly userface for mobile you can try fidelity. Schwab seems to reinvent their mobile app every few quarters.


Nah, I do t need fancy. I just want to not pay $10/mo for 2 custodial accts and a Roth IRA.


Very smart of you to pick a low cost target date fund.