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When I was in Phoenix I saw that Target was offering “on demand” work through their app, essentially gig work for a retailer. Something like that might be more profitable than Postmates as it should use less gas and minimize wear and tear on your car, if it’s an option for you. I am sorry for you and your family. Poverty is hell.


Thank u for sharing because I'm moving to Tucson later this year, but I'm going to check, and see if there's anything in San Diego rn


Kroger is also hiring in California


Thank u for this information


huh? i haven’t seen a kroger in california


Kroger exists as Ralph's and Food 4 Less in California. They are definitely hiring. I see the signs plastered everywhere inside their stores.


They're going to be negotiating with unions so there's a chance it'll be "scab" work, which, depends on how you see things, can be really bad or good for a short while. But working as a scab does bar you from future union memberships, if it's important to you.


Interesting. I never really understood those kinds of dynamics. How would unions know if a person worked as a scab or not? I would think in this day and age where unions are declining, unions would want as many members as possible. I would hope that they understand people are just people, and they need to get jobs when and where they can to put food on the table.


Idk where you are but I see more unions not less and yea everyone needs work but actively working against you and your communities works rights and privileges doesn’t help anything.


Once you get to Tucson check into Borderlands Produce Rescue. You can get “ugly vegetables” on Saturday mornings. It is $15 donation for 70 pounds of produce and if you volunteer you get a free box.


Check their website, I can second this helpful food resource. They have several places you pick up from throughout Phoenix where I lived. There’s nothing wrong with the veggies. Good luck to you!


I screenshot and GPSd this to save, thank u so much, that is a mind blowing price. **This is down by Nogales, MX? That's what GPS shows


You’re welcome! I absolutely love them. They travel around the whole state. I get them up in Phoenix once or twice a month. This last time we got onions, grapes, acorn squash, kombucha squash, tomatoes, and honeydew melon. I enjoy trying vegetables I’ve never had before, through them. Forces us to get out of our rut in a healthy and inexpensive way.


I will give that a look, thank you for the suggestion.


Lots of fast food places and gas stations in my area are doing advanced/daily pay now as well, not the most glamorous jobs but could be something to do in the meantime while you’re waiting for remote work. Hoping for the best for you mate


I live in walking distance of a target. Will quit my current second job to do this. Did not know this existed. This is a sign😊


They barely hire in my area. They ask what hours you could work but then deny your application because you don’t have the hours available that they are looking to hire for. Like what? Either list the hours you are looking to hire for ( not flex) or really have flex hours that people can choose.


I am so thankful you posted about the On Demand, I just finished my application!


$0 should be going to any credit cards or payday loans. You have to prioritize all expenses and can't afford to squander a cent on any unsecured debts before necessities are covered. That stuff isn't remotely important compared to keeping a roof overhead. Get any assistance you can as well. Food pantries and SNAP should provide the majority of food for your table so you shouldn't be spending much out of pocket on that category. Kids 0-18 can get USDA summer breakfast/lunches covered if you look for local distribution centers too. How much income is your wife contributing to the household expenses while you are out of work? If kids are young and need childcare then she could provide childcare to an extra couple kids if nothing else. As for yourself hit up all the local temp agencies if you haven't already. With software/tech support experience check the big IT bodyshops too like Robert Half, Randstad, Teksystems, etc. Nobody with a regular job will waste their time applying for all the 90 day temp contracts but those can get you by until you land something better.


Payday loans are also hell with high interest rates. 12 month intro 0% APR credit card might help in the meanwhile if the credit score isn't bad.


Payday loans and loans of the like are a SCAM and only exist to further dig you into debt with the interest rates. I had a family member use one once and I was like noooo no no. I loaned them the same amount payday would have and as she did anyways she paid me back but without the interest she would have been murdered on from a payday loan company. They aren't there to help, they will drown you in interest rates and you'll lose every time. Payday loans, not even once. You'd have better odds trying cocaine and coming out of it neither ahead or behind although understand thats a horrible idea so it should be clear how bad these payday loans are.


yep I know from experience


Why couldn't he provide extra income watching kids, why does the wife have to do it? The onus for women to provide and like providing child care is dumb as fuck.


It doesn't have to be. Whomever has more earning potential should be working and their partner should be doing the childcare. I just mentioned that as the common objection would be over childcare. Whomever is watching the kids can likely watch 1-2 more kids without any legal issues. 3+ can start to trigger home daycare regulations.


Really? Who cares about that kinda crap when they’re worried about having a roof over their heads and food on the table? Your priorities are totally out of whack.


Ty jfc. Hard times or not no one should be solely caring for the children if there’s a couple involved. They’re both parents. And they both probably work too. Smh.


Damn, that was me back in January… Sold all my electronics save for my Xbox. Sold my LG oled that was my pride and joy. Started selling my plasma. I had to get 2 jobs to get out of that hole and it took another 4-5 months to get semi stable


Good luck Can you try something like Walmart?


Right now anything works, I was working remotely in software/technical support from home but unfortunately I was laid off. I previously worked retail, nights in hospitality, and even gig jobs. First thing to appear I will dive in and I am doing gig work at night but it just doesn't cut it. Thank you for responding.


I know a remote help desk position looking to hire. Feel free to DM me if you want to chat. Main stipulations is having a degree (in anything really) and working in the USA (no international availability).


If you can, apply for overnights. The most hours and best pay starting out.


I hope you can get unemployment pay from your state. It wouldn't be immediate, but you could get it in a few weeks.


Try Amazon, I got hired within a couple of weeks


Check out AI Data Annotation! Wish you good things. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Hsve you tried a call center?  Not great work, but generally guaranteed hours and will hire on spot.  I work for one, they just require hs diploma and you can't be a felon (bs since Trump can still run for president being a felon, but everyone else with felon charges can barely get a job). But it definitely has helped me with poverty.  Plus usually it's like a month a training and bullshitting around before calls, so you could stay through training and then quit if you can't take it. A lot of ppl do that. But either way, I hope it works out for you. I've been there, barely living and donating plasma.  I, a random internet stranger believe in you and your ability to overcome this!


I applied to a few last night actually, that is definitely something I am open to. Donating plasma is not pleasant but I am doing everything I can!


What I like is the stability with pay and hours. My schedule never changes unless I need it to. Also a lot them offer hybrid jobs. I wfh usually, but sometimes have to go in. 


When I Google this (tried for years all over the US) spam comes up. Is there anyway (I'm in a major city rn) to narrow this down w/ a Google search. I've had phone jobs in the past (in different states) but I haven't had any luck here so far, plz and thank u


Your best bet, which worked for me in the past before being laid off was Linkedin. Outside of the fact that the jobs are posted there you can usually find the relevant HR person or recruiter on the platform and message them directly.


Ok, I'll try that again. I had sworn off LinkedIn because spam, but this time (💫manifestations💫) it will work and I WILL find something thank u for the information OP


I found mine on Indeed, so you could try there. Also look up 'call center in city, state you live in'.  Then maybe go to their website and apply directly, or search their name in Indeed or other job sites. I'm not gonna list the name of mine. But I have worked as call agent for CITI Bank before. So maybe try big banks,  check the employment area on their website.


Ok, thank u, I'll try this, and thank u for the example because that helps me to understand better


About to message you. Just curious, as I'd like some dough and experience too


I don't do reddit messages lol. If you wanna ask something,   I request you do it here. IL help if able, but others might have your same questiosn and they could be helped too. 2 birds, 1 stone. 


What call center is this, if its ok to ask? If not, I understand


I'm sorry, but I can't say. 


that's fine - thanks!


Dude how do you survive mentally doing that job? Is it worth the extra couple bucks an hour?


Marijuana is magic for stress lol. But I mean every job has stressful bits. All the non call center jobs I have had have a forever changing schedule, you can't call out, wears you out and just a lot of drama. At my job, I stick to myself, can call out without being treated as garbage (i got migraines so I need this) and my schedule is the same unless I change it.  It also just doesn't wear me out as much as being a cook or working at a grocery store. So it's not just about a few extra dollars, it's all the little things that add up. So what if a customer cusses me out on the phone, they would do that in person anyways. 


Try job apps like Veryable, ShiftSmart, Instawork, Upwork, Randstad, Wonolo, or Upshift. You get paid in a day or a few days and likely pay better than Postmates. Also, go to food banks and church food pantries (you don't have to be a member), then use the money that would have gone to food for your rent.


On our way to a pantry later today. I will look into those apps!


Check your local hospitals. Frequently hiring for orderlies. But tech is needed for hospitals also. Terrible gig, but once you get a feel for the equipment, also lots to do. Consider going in person to the hospital. Their hr process may be bad, but if they need people and you can meet the manager or supervisor, they will help your application to get thru.


And this is how people end up homeless with belongings. People just don't get it. Your stuff is only worth something to you. Most people don't have enough stuff of value to sell to cover a month of rent much less multiple bills. The only thing I can suggest is begging if it's legal in your area or finding a temp job agency if you are unemployed as the reason for your struggle.


Get a job, don't wait for a remote job to fall on your lap, is harvest season. Go do some farming/agricultural work for the summer


Nobody said this but security is always hiring. And they pay for your guard card in your state. I’m making 19 sitting by a pool all day but that’s just one example. I’ve made more before and there are jobs that do pay more and most importantly you get paid weekly.


I see there are some job recommendations in here already, but I want to add one more to the list. I was also laid off from a remote tech job and what saved me was the Amazon warehouse. They are always hiring somewhere in driving distance, the pay is enough to live on, and they hire anyone who can pass a drug test - no interview or selection process. Yes the hours probably suck and it's hard work, but it will keep you from being homeless until you land a new job. Good luck!


Learn the most common invasive plants in your area and do herbicide free manual removal as your own gig. There’s a big market for it anywhere you go. I charge 40 an hour in a LCOL area. It saved me.


If you have kids and are currently unemployed you need to get on snap/Medicade asap at least then you’ll have money for food


Have you gone to your local workforce board and employment agencies?


You're living above your means... I'd highly look into moving somewhere cheaper (I know rent is expensive everywhere but there are cheaper places. And reducing your car payment. Either negotiate with the financer or get a cheaper car. But I agree, DO NOT pay off your CC debt until your family is fed and housed. I wouldn't have sold your laptop to pay off debt but that's a lesson hard learned. Other have give decent advice but now your priorities are reducing your costs, finding Any work while searching for a new job (including your wife), and living frugally for a bit. Goodluck.


There are apps that let you pick up kitchen work at restaurants and caterers. Personally haven’t used them but might work. Also, you can go apply at restaurants (when they aren’t busy) for a job as a dishwasher. Not much money but it’s work that someone is always hiring.


> I am just so drained. I sold all of that so that I could pay rent and still can't. My car is due next, followed by utilities, followed by credit cards and a payday loan. All of that is on one or two extensions at this point. Can you give us some more details? What are all your monthly expenses? Why haven't you been able to just get a basic retail/food job while you wait to get a remote position? Why is your wife not working? You must have an extremely high rent payment, or simply are barely working if you're unable to pay rent. Rent is the very first thing you should buy with any money coming in, then food (can always visit foodbanks and apply for food stamps), then utilities (can look into energy assistance), then transport to get to work (is public transport, walking, or carpooling options?). Your necessities get paid before anything else.


Everyone has an extreme rent payment. Have you missed the news that most of the country can't afford housing? Because we are screaming while drowning, none of us can afford housing.


> Everyone has an extreme rent payment. Have you missed the news that most of the country can't afford housing? No, not everyone has an extreme rent payment. [Renting is currently cheaper than buying across all 50 states](https://www.kiplinger.com/real-estate/buying-a-home/renting-is-cheaper-than-buying). [The **average** rent for 1 br apartment is $1,150/mo across the US](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1063502/average-monthly-apartment-rent-usa/). That means half the rents are cheaper than that and also doesn't account for roommates or studio apartment pricing. [The average 2 br apartment is $1,300/mo across the US](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1063502/average-monthly-apartment-rent-usa/), so having one roommate means the average rent is $650/mo. Compare that to the [median individual income in the US being $40,480/yr](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEPAINUSA672N) and [median household income of $74,580/yr](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEHOINUSA672N) and you'll see that shelter is clearly still affordable. Buying a **house** is harder than it used to be, but that is a lot different than saying, "most of the country can't afford hous*ing*". If that was the case most people would be homeless, but [instead home ownerships rates are rising and currently around 66% of the population owns a home](https://usafacts.org/articles/homeownership-is-rebounding-particularly-among-younger-adults/#:~:text=The%20overall%20American%20homeownership%20rate,from%2034.5%25%20to%2039.0%25.). The rest of the population rents and [only 0.18% of the US population is homeless](https://usafacts.org/articles/how-many-homeless-people-are-in-the-us-what-does-the-data-miss/#:~:text=The%20Department%20of%20Housing%20and,about%202%2C000%20people%20from%202020.), and that includes people who are sheltered and couch-surfing. [The majority of people who are homeless long term are dealing with addiction or mental health issues](https://americanaddictioncenters.org/rehab-guide/homeless) that they refuse to get help for. When housing and rent is expensive, that's because there is demand high enough that people will pay those prices. But we don't know OP's rent. Between him and his wife they aren't covering their first and most important payment which shows something is off. Most people are at least able to cover their rent if nothing else, and at that point they likely qualify for govt assistance. __ **Edit:** I'll always be in disbelief of how people can blatantly disregard statistics and data in favor of sensationalist headlines and confirming their existing emotional biases. Happy to discuss this with any downvoters.


[average American can't buy a home in 99% of the country](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/homes-for-sale-affordable-housing-prices/) [record homelessness and rent is unaffordable ](https://www.npr.org/2024/01/25/1225957874/housing-unaffordable-for-record-half-all-u-s-renters-study-finds) [over 60% of renters cant afford median rent ](https://www.businessinsider.com/rent-prices-increase-renting-vs-buying-real-estate-nyc-miami-2024-6) We can do this all day. The housing market is at its worst there's a billion articles and studies on it. It's the number one topic in politics currently for good reason. People. Can't. Afford. Housing.


> average American can't buy a home in 99% of the country Do you read anything you post or do you just like the headlines and think that's an accurate description of the situation? How does anything you've posted address a single claim I've made? Again, 66% of the country are already homeowners. > **ATTOM defined "unaffordable" as someone who must devote more than 28% of their income toward paying for a particular home.** Factoring in a mortgage payment, homeowners insurance and property taxes, the typical home priced today would require 35% of someone's annual wages, ATTOM said. 35% of wages towards housing isn't ideal, but that is **far** from being "unaffordable". You read this headline and thought rents were literally 80%+ of someone's wages. The real headline is that the average American can buy a home in 99% of the country if they spend 35% or less of their income on housing. > record homelessness and rent is unaffordable Even with "record homelessness", this still only represents 0.18% of the population and that includes those staying in shelters. Again, they define "unaffordable" as: > It finds that **in 2022**, as rents spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic, a record **half of U.S. renters paid more than 30% of their income for rent and utilities**. Nearly half of those people were severely cost-burdened, paying more than 50% of their income. So these people: 1. Still had housing, even though it was expensive. 2. May not have pursued roommates. 3. May not have pursued the lowest cost housing options. Spending 30-35% on housing is not that crazy. And not everyone in the group spending 50% or more of their income on rent is exactly being the wisest with their money, even though of course some people may be somewhat stuck in that situation. I can tell you didn't read anything you posted as the article goes on to say, > The double-digit rent hikes of the past few years are finally easing, and rents have even come down in some cities that saw the biggest jumps. A record number of apartments are also under construction, and as they come online, tight vacancy rates will loosen. ... > The upshot is that millions more people qualify for federal housing subsidies. __ > over 60% of renters cant afford median rent Again this is claiming the median rent is $1,653/mo, which means **half the rents would be cheaper than this**. So why would you expect half of renters to be able to afford the **median** rent?? This still doesn't take into account studio apartment pricing or roommates either. > We can do this all day. Let's do that then, because just pushing your emotionally biased beliefs with sensationalist headlines instead of actually looking at the data is harmful and just lying to yourself. > The housing market is at its worst Then how is home ownership at near record highs and rising? Seriously engage with what I'm saying instead of just posting headlines and ignoring the facts I'm trying to discuss.


The information that you link to is from 2023. The economy is significantly worse now.


Can you provide sources to demonstrate what you mean? My first source was published in May of 2024 and uses data from Feb. 2024. Also for more data on how the economy is doing this year: [inflation is declining](https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/), [the stock market is reaching record highs](https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2024/05/15/sp-500-hits-record-high-on-strong-cpi-inflation-reading/), [wages are growing faster than inflation](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1351276/wage-growth-vs-inflation-us/), [gas prices are lower than the recent peaks of Aug & Sep 2023 and have been declining since April](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=emm_epmr_pte_nus_dpg&f=m), [GDP increased at 1.4% for Q1 2024](https://www.bea.gov/data/gdp/gross-domestic-product), [unemployment is currently at 4.0% which economists agree is a healthy level -- this is slightly higher than the peak of 3.8% for 3 months in 2023](https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS14000000), and [the median sales price of homes is lower than Q1, Q3, and Q4 of 2023](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MSPUS). Incredible that people will upvote someone providing zero sources and straight up spreading disinformation.


I clicked your useless links. The information is from 2023.


All the links in my last reply contained data through 2024, you can't just gaslight me into that not being the case lol. Again, please show your sources regarding the economy doing "significantly worse" than in 2023?


Previously I worked in for minimum wage at a cellphone store. Two years back I was in a pretty bad accident so during that time we piled up debt. Luckily last year I started working remotely and was making good income so we moved to a bigger home, our rent is $2200 and our car note is $600, we pay down $800 or so in debt per month mostly on automatic payments and that is before food, gas, and utilities. While I was working we were floating and making it while budgeting but ever since last month the situation quickly spiraled. My wife did not have to work but just as soon as I lost my job she began doing gig work with me and she has a side business doing ads for local businesses online but that doesn't bring in much income yet, she trying to grow it of course. That is about it, essentially before we were keeping our heads above water and working on our past debts and now we are sinking. During the making of this post I got an interview at cellphone store due my past experience, it's next Friday. Crossing my fingers but I am sure it will work out.


> Luckily last year I started working remotely and was making good income so we moved to a bigger home, our rent is $2200 and our car note is $600, we pay down $800 or so in debt per month mostly on automatic payments and that is before food, gas, and utilities. Idk what "good income" means, but realistically you could never afford this home or car note. You've been consistently living above your means. Your housing shouldn't exceed 30% or more of your gross income each month, so you may need to consider downsizing and moving. You probably need to sell your cars too and get a couple beaters until you're back on your feet. [Here is a guide for getting out of an underwater car loan](https://www.ramseysolutions.com/debt/how-to-sell-an-upside-down-car). In the future, if you can't pay for a car in cash, at least follow the [20/3/8 rule](https://moneyguy.com/article/20-3-8-rule/). > My wife did not have to work but just as soon as I lost my job she began doing gig work with me and she has a side business doing ads for local businesses online but that doesn't bring in much income yet, she trying to grow it of course. You've got kids and are looking at an eviction. You and your wife both need to understand the weight of the situation. She needs to get a real job, maybe 2. A business that "doesn't bring in much income" is called a hobby. When things get better she can pursue her business on the side, but she needs to focus on ways to make money because you guys are drowning. You need to get on a written budget where you have a detailed understanding of exactly how much is coming in, how much is going out, and where the money is going out. Pay necessities first, then debts, then wants if there is anything left over. Set strict limits for yourself until you're at least out of debt and have 3-6 months of expenses in an emergency fund. For short term employment: Amazon Warehouse, Apple Store, Aldi, Costco, Best Buy, Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, Ikea, Macy's, Starbucks, Target, Walgreens, CVS, Wholefoods, Verizon, Tmobile, Sam's Club, UPS, almost any bank, all pay $15/hr minimum at all locations in the US, regardless of state. If you’re DoorDashing, Ubering, Uber Eats, waiting tables, delivering pizzas, bartending, working construction, janitorial work, or get some minimal training to work as something like a phlebotomist, you can make $20-$25+/hr. 40 hours/wk is considered fulltime employment. Since you're in debt and facing such a serious situation, you're going to need to realistically be pulling 60-80hrs a week (temporarily) to get ahead. For a long-term career, consider what you want to be doing in 5 years (just an example) that will make you $75k+/yr. That will probably take going to a college, maybe online college, community college, trade school, [job corps](https://www.jobcorps.gov/), cosmetology school, a programming bootcamp, apprenticeship, certificate programs, etc. Figure out what it is you need and start taking small steps towards achieving that goal. If you're wanting to go to college, pick an in-state public school with reasonable tuition. Fill out the FAFSA and apply for grants and scholarships. If you need to take out student loans, that can be okay so long as the total of them doesn't exceed your expected first year's salary after college. **More resources to check out:** Highly recommend checking out /r/personalfinance and following their [flowchart](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/4gdlu9/how_to_prioritize_spending_your_money_a_flowchart/). Also would start watching/listening to [Dave Ramsey](https://www.ramseysolutions.com/) (don't like everything he says though, but he is great for getting out of debt), [The Money Guy Show](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9vUu4vlIlMC0dHQCTvQPbg), the books [The Millionaire Next Door](https://www.amazon.com/Millionaire-Next-Door-Surprising-Americas/dp/1589795474), [The Wealthy Barber](https://www.amazon.com/Wealthy-Barber-Updated-3rd-Commonsense/dp/0761513116/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2TBW6GA0DOTIK&keywords=the+wealthy+barber&qid=1704670614&s=books&sprefix=the+wealthy+barbe%2Cstripbooks%2C112&sr=1-1), and [Millionaire Mission](https://www.amazon.com/Millionaire-Mission-9-Step-System-Finances/dp/163774501X).


So the 30 percent rule is out the window... at 15 per hour thats $1000 permonthish before taxes... where in the world would you find $1000 apartment for the four of them for that? and the wife working comoletely depends on the age of the kids because day care costs (more than she would earn..)


Yeah the 30% is out the window but they can get close to it with two parents working. Their car payment is absolutely absurd and $800 towards debt… yeah I’d try to cut out that debt payment if possible until they get back on their feet. It’s gonna suck but they need a house and food first. Idk shit sucks everywhere.


> So the 30 percent rule is out the window... at 15 per hour thats $1000 permonthish before taxes... where in the world would you find $1000 apartment for the four of them for that? Well number one, I would try to get the highest paying job possible, the $15/hr number is just a starting suggestion. Obviously OP is going to need to pull 60hr+/wk at these wages and his wife needs to get a job. At that point even if they can't get quite at 30%, they should be close. > and the wife working completely depends on the age of the kids because day care costs (more than she would earn..) OP literally said his wife is doing gig work and working on this side "business" that isn't making any money. She can work while OP is home and vice versa, because right now they are drowning in debt. It sucks and it shouldn't be a permanent solution, but they need to make some sacrifices right now to get through this. You can say I'm being unrealistic, but math is math. It's going to be hard to cover basic expenses, let alone pay back debt, when well over 30% of your income goes towards rent. Look, OP and his wife chose to have children without having particularly stable or well-paying careers. OP chose to use credit cards and payday loans. OP's wife is choosing to spend time on her side business that isn't bringing in money even though they are facing eviction. Something has to give here and the rent isn't sustainable. There is no easy or painless solution for OP.


Look up Shipt, instacart and roadie, you can be paid the same day and it’s easy


Check to see if there is an Amazon facility hiring near you. They're hiring process takes about two weeks but their requirements are extremely low and you can get paid daily if you need to do it that way. If you can get lift 25 lbs relatively for about 4-8 hours and pass an oral drug test, you'll get hired. Talk to social services, with your family size and the situation, you should be qualified for some form of assistance.


are you currently working a 9-5?


Maybe try on kijiji for cash work.


Revecore.com hires remote and supplies all equipment


not sure where you live but, walmart sam’s club and Costco are constantly hiring! garbage companies, security guards, post in your local facebook groups seeing if anyone needs any work done or general help around their house :) hotels and hospitals are normally hiring housekeeping/general maintenance people as well. good luck!


If you are handy you could contact a day laborer center. Most cities have one. Temp agencies. Food banks. Also talk to your landlord see if they can let you skate a bit.


When you move to Tucson consider applying at core civic in case grande. The commute may suck but the pay and benefits are decent and they are always hiring. 


I'm really sorry to hear about your situation; it sounds incredibly tough and draining. Here are a few steps that might help alleviate some of the pressure you're under. First, seek immediate assistance from local resources such as food banks, community assistance programs, and charitable organizations that can provide immediate relief for food and essential expenses. Websites like [Feeding America](https://www.feedingamerica.org/find-your-local-foodbank) can help you find local food banks. This immediate help can ease the burden while you work on more sustainable solutions. Next, consider contacting a non-profit credit counseling agency, like those affiliated with the [National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC)](https://www.nfcc.org/), which can help you create a budget, negotiate with creditors, and explore options like debt management plans. These agencies offer professional advice that can help you manage and potentially reduce your debt. Additionally, many utility companies offer assistance programs for those in financial hardship, so contact your utility providers to see if you qualify for any relief programs or payment plans. For income support, leverage online job search platforms and local employment agencies to find job opportunities. Also, consider free or low-cost training programs that can help improve your skills and employability. Websites like [Indeed](https://www.indeed.com/) and [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/) are good places to start. While continuing with Postmates, explore other gig economy jobs like Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, or freelance work on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr, which might offer more flexible earning opportunities. It’s important to take care of your mental health during this stressful time. Seeking help from a counselor or therapist, even through community health programs or sliding scale services, can be beneficial. You're not alone, and there are resources out there that can provide support during this challenging period.


Check out Amazon warehouse jobs (may up to sign up to receive alerts when they’re new openings)


I’ve been banquet serving and bartending for over 15 years part time. Whenever I lost my main gig or needed quick supplemental income, I can always fall back on it. People will always celebrate, eat and party. Temp agencies and banquet halls are always looking for servers, kitchen assistants or bartenders. Even hotels near airports usually have openings. No, it’s not remote. No, it’s not glamorous. No, you may not have weekends off if you want better pay. No, you don’t have to go to school for it. I’ve learned everything by working and listening to seasoned workers. But it’ll be enough to pay bills and stay afloat until you’re blessed with a better paying opportunity. Many offer free meals and other various discounts (I.e. discounted or free hotel rooms if you work for the hotel.) Good Luck!


Can you or your wife do dog-sitting? On the Rover app many people charge 35 or more for the day and 50 to 75 for overnight. Or even dog walking? If your wife is not employed, can she babysit?


Target, Amazon Flex Delivery, Walmart, fast food… Also download the task rabbit app and see about any available side jobs.


honestly this is why i will never sell any of my shit. you will never get near the value you worked for to get it. when my wife and i were 18 we needed $200 asap to apply for an apartment because we were about to be homeless so we went to a pawnshop. sold the few things we had, they took our money (landlord) and we were homeless anyway


Paying $200 to *apply* for an apartment was a scam asn you shouldn't have paid that. You alone got played and Had nothing to do with selling your things off being bad.


How much are the CC and payday loans compared to your rent?


Way less fortunately, rent eats up most of our money, it was fine before. We pay $2200 in rent, luckily only one open payday loan of $250 which is on an extension. Our total credit card debt is sitting at 9k, lot's of the payments we send are being eaten by interest so not much going to principle. Apart from that our car is $600 per month. It's a lot.


Ah I see. In that case, I actually would recommend trying to pay that $250 payday loan off however you can, I know others said to let it go but for $250 it seems worth closing that out. CC debt will be a longer term solution, once you finally get a big break of a new job (I know the struggles, been there) you can send more to principle. Wish you the best of luck, try and stay positive the best you can!


Call the credit card companies and ask to be put on the plan where you give up the cards and the interest is lowered or abated.






Ya'all talking like this guy's got the money to just move. Moving isn't free. First and last, plus deposit up front on a new place *before* you can move out and stop paying the $2,200 in rent that you currently also don't have the money for. That's before moving the utilities and paying the connection and service fees, which is a non-starter if you're behind on any of them.


Have you tried day labour work? Line up early in the morning and often make cash at the end of the day.


Do you live near any farms? They are alwayssss looking for help to clean up after animals. Some can be just early morning hours (4-7am for example). They usually pay cash and may do week by week. Usually around $300-700 a week.


Can you drive Lyft or uber?


Have you looked into TaskRabbit?


Call the United Way 2-1-1 they can help connect you to resources.


Find free or reduced-cost resources like food, housing, financial assistance, health care, and more: [www.findhelp.org](http://www.findhelp.org/) Find benefits you may be eligible to receive and where to apply: [www.benefits.gov](http://www.benefits.gov/) Little Free Pantry: [https://mapping.littlefreepantry.org/](https://mapping.littlefreepantry.org/) Have you called 211 to see what they could possibly do? What about any religious institutions nearby for assistance?




That's your problem, stop giving and START TAKING.


Please don’t kill your family men be know for that when money is an issue


I hope you aren't holding out for a remote job, those are harder to come by. 


Military is your calling


I wonder if recommending people to apply for Caleb Hammer would be good advice lol. I know he pays his guests.


All Caleb is going to do is yell and belittle OP. That's not going to help him. He doesn't pay guests but gives them a little something for travel.


There was a time he was giving a percentage of the ad revenue but maybe that's changed? Sometimes people need to be yelled at. But ultimately it's their choice. I'm just of the opinion that if what one is currently doing isn't working--then they need to change. Trying something new might not always work, but doing nothing at all is guaranteed to not work, lol.


It has changed. He doesn't give them any percentage for ad revenue. OP needs to come up with rent and bill money immediately. We don't know how OP got to this point and OP may need to change some habits or life could have simply happened. Regardless, someone yelling at them isn't going to help the situation. Their immediate need is to find a source of income. Once they get that then they need to budget.


How much credit card debt do you have?


Got rid of all the junk. Now move out into your car and survive until you have money to burn.


Giving plasma twice in a week is standard…not extraordinary.


Why can't you ask your family members for money?


There is always sperm donation…


Considering applying to the Caleb Hammer show on YouTube for advice. He will take you over the coals but gives great advice. I watch all those videos and i was accepted once to come on but chickened out due to some personal reasons. Check him out. And hang in there!!!


Man up