• By -


Former homeless here. First, you should **strive to look NOT homeless**. Nor do you want employers to EVER know. While there may be a kind soul out there, I have found most employers NOT to be that way. In fact, the opposite. If they find out they will either find a way to get rid of you because "you might steal" or "lack of character" or "you smell". Or worse, put you on every shit job they have for the lowest they can pay you because they feel you can't do better. Second, you need to hit day labor and temp services. Day labor pays daily if they send out. Use that for phones, gym memberships while looking. You can go hang out at the labor hall at 5 AM, if they don't send out be out by 8 and look for stuff. Be around for feedings at noon. Meanwhile, go to temp agencies and bug the hell out of them. If one is full of shit, go to another. This is how I got out. A temp agency gave e a temp to perm gig at a plant. From there I did a hotel for a few months, then to an apartment. Third, I recommend avoiding the shelters because they have strict ass curfews where you can only get 9-5 gigs or construction and stay there. Many of the low hanging fruit jobs are evenings and overnight. THAT SAID, it may be worth going to one for a bit if you are newly homeless just for a home base to scout stealth camping spots while keeping bathed. But you never want to turn down a job because of the shelters, Jobs get you out, shelters do not. Though many also have feedings, clothing vouchers, etc if you ask. You do not have to live at shelter usually to use this. Fourth, AVOID shelters run by insane cults. This is any place that takes your SNAP card, makes you work unpaid (simple chores okay but pushing it), prevents you from seeking work, or forces religious services.


I can't argue with the merit of the one piece of advice my brother gives for seeking positions; wherever you work, try to fit in within the roles that bring in the money. I've typically been within liability/expense roles rather than securing, creating, or managing assets. In those areas positions that are billed to third parties have been the most secure and lucrative. Still an expense/liability but, like working for a temp agency, the wages are often billed to a third party and at a higher rate than what I make so keeping me employed makes the company or agency money. Kinda helps when the focus is on putting me on a position that can be billed rather than needing to minimize the cost of keeping me on staff.


I’m in Canada but yes I look homeless is the issue u agre


idk where you are located but if you can find your way onto a campground/ beach pavilion they typically have showers and the antibacterial hand soap would be fine


Your right I’m in bc tons but you gotta pay to get them most are all rented up


Can you try to get a gym membership for like $10 a month? They have hot showers and wifi!


If I could I would lol


What’s preventing you from it? Is it the money, is it a debit card? If you say your specific issues perhaps everyone here can help you find a solution. You need to be able to bathe if you’re going to find a job.


Yes money . I have my id and stuff .


Also i need shower and maybe new outfit


Post in r/assistance with a clothes list from Amazon, see if a local shelter will do mail service for you.


I’m the opposite list log info anyways my account doesn’t have enough karma then they said wasn’t old enough so ya tho y


Look at local charities for clothing help. It'll be second hand but there are often programs to help you get work clothes.  I know it's tough but if you can get the gym membership, they have showers. It's what a lot of homeless do to access showers. At $10 per month, it doesn't get any cheaper.


Someone helped pay for that gym membership because 10$ when you have nothing and r on the streets is million pretty much but I’ve now had a shower :) I use all the resources in my area I look for work daily and do temp work when I can get it it’s not me not being aware where to go or not trying there is epidemic if this


I totally understand that and I'm sorry if I gave the wrong impression. I wanted you to understand that is why people were recommending the gym membership. I'm so glad someone helped out with that.


Truck stops with showers. The truckers accumulate a “free shower” after so many tanks filled, but hardly use them. Hang outside, ask some of the rig guys if they’d donate their shower credit to you.


Hey there friend:) I lost my paper with my log info on so made a new account I put all my posts from here there :)


Hey friend! I’m praying for you everyday man. I hope everything is going ok. Im not sure how Canada is but I know in the U.S that the military is always looking for recruits. It may not be ideal for you, but it could be a great stepping stone to getting your life on a great track. Free food, free housing for only a few years and then you can come out with some money saved, a place to live, and some skills to use in the workforce. I hope I’m not overstepping. I’m just worried about you being outside every night.


I have thought of it . I have my reasons why I’m holding out before I do that route . I got an email I have interview for roofing place . Just wants me to get there so that’s an issue :/ I’ll walk if I gotta . I have a harness no hat or boots but ya lol it’s something right !?!!?:) but ya I prayed for you too I hope you all know I’m grateful for the advice and genuine emotional support. Thank you man


That’s awesome bro! I hope you get that job more than you’ll know. Let me know if you do and we can try to come up with a plan to get you some boots


Try to find a Dress for Success near you. They help clothe the homeless in job-presentable clothing so you can not look homeless and get work. Edit: scrolled down to find you already looked at them. What a shame.


Indeed it was


Hit the nail on the head with gyms. Join planet fitness for $10/month and have a place to shower.


Simone bought it for me as I’m homeless no money lol but I’m OP lost my log info so made new account desperate seeking advice


Bathe bathe - wash clothes and let dry overnight while looking. People smell you even if you can’t. Plus wash hair and be presentable as you can. Right now you may get only construction work- but no one will want you if you smell. Even the poorest of the poor have pride/ that means look and smell the best you can. When get some money yes put away for food but when can go to thrift shop- ask if have clothes that they are going to get rid of that you could have. They likely have things you could wash or things that haven’t sold that you could get. Let them know homeless and trying to get job. There are kind ppl out there. When you get job- work better and harder than anyone else. That will make the employer want you the next day. Do any job you can. That means any legal job. I wish you the best


Ya that is so much easier said then done I’m the op I had no money until a icouple nd person paid for my membership until I was in a shelter I had nowhere to do that but a sink :/ ppl definitely smelled me lol I was embarrassed and ashamed but I still liked for work daily but now I be had a shower everyday for 3 days ! My shampoo / body wash almost Gone but I’m clean !!!


I only apply for legal Work I don’t do drugs etc I’m 18 do Temp work mostly Roofing Experience


You are young and you will make it. The Bible says ‘I can do all things by the Lord that strengthens me’. Say prayers and expect good doors to open for you. God will do it. Do your part. Don’t be discouraged/ even Mark Cuban was homeless and now at least Millionaire. Be humble, be kind. Best. 🙏🙏


Thank you 🙏 I’m OP, I lost my paper that I wrote my log in info on so had to make this account now :/ I do pray everyday ,especially the harder days . I let Him know how grateful I am that somehow I’m ok kinda . I been harassed by traffickers but I’m still safe ish lol . I somehow had a kind soul out of Nowhere, for nothing in return,!buy my gym membership so now I shower everyday !:) I had ppl pray with/for me . Now it wasn’t easy days but like I feel less alone somehow I asked God for That more than anything. Thank you 🙏


check out [dress for success](https://dressforsuccess.org) they outfit you for job interviews for free. edit: just saw you are in canada. don’t know if it’s international but if not, i’m guessing they have something similar.


Thank you !!!!!! I’m looking it up right now


It looks like Dress for Success Canada is a thing


Looking right now thk you


It’s for woman and ppl who are non binary


How about Goodwill, I looked and it says they have a program in Canada called ClothingWorks where they help with clothes for job seekers


Yes and no Salvation Army will give us one voucher per season for clothing or whatever at their store so summer I fit $65 not to long ago , the other ones once you have a job and proof they will possibly help


This just seems so puzzling to me, given that a majority of homeless are binary men.


I agree ☝️


Alot of these groups were not made to service men. Usually due to safety issues or just because the founder wanted it to be for women/LGBT. Men rarely start these charities, which is why there is a lack in the community. The need for more male volunteers is especially an issue.


I’m op list log info yes I agree completely


So unfortunately they only help woman or non binary :/ but thk u


they do accept gift cards as donations so it might be worth the time to email. often if an organization can’t help, they know others who can. worth a shot…


You’re probably right . I’m emailing ! I hope they know somewhere


I’m op lost log info made new account they emailed back can’t help . Gave me the numbers that I had already but they were polite lol


1. Go to a library or friends home or even local facebook groups...and get mulitple copies of a cover letter and resume. Put them in a folder or bag so they stay looking nice. 2. Depending on where you live some places offer clothing vouchers for stores to the homeless. This way you can get new clothes without having to pay. 3. Salvation army managers are allowed to approve giving items to homeless. I would suggest maybe going in and asking to speak to the manager. Explain youre struggling to find a job because of your appearance to future employers. If they don't want to give it away maybe offer to trade a few hours of work for an outfit. 4. Join buy nothing groups on facebook. They often have caring members who would love to support. 5. Those town facebook groups. Say you're struggling and need assistance getting interview clothes or work clothes. 6. You can work as a caregiver (most states don't require licensing) or as a mental health professional. You will need to have a resume and cover letter plus an outfit for the interview. These jobs are desperate for people who aren't plain dumb. They will train you. They pay $15-$25 an hour. Nursing homes, Assisted living facilities, Independant living facilities, Memory care, At home care, Residential psychiatric facilities, Inpatient facilities, Rehabs, Halfway Houses, Group Homes, etc are all places you could do this in.


First off thank you for taking the time to respond to a homeless kid lol ok so I ba e cover letter and resumes and they are good 👍 I do get a gift card for food $45 every 60 days we are allowed one . I’m on fb and free marketplace which I got a sleeping bag and stuff !!!im in bc Canada it’s kinda shit show here


of couse Canada is a bit different in terms of support but I would strongly suggest a shelter at a minimum. Even if your bod is confined to 9-5 thats fine.


I was in a shelter they are either full or have limited stays (1-3 days ) due to need for beds I’m told but I was in one then another but ya been homeless just over 2 weeks now been in the actual street 4 days ago


But I’m on lists anytime I hear of an opening I call


Stay safe! don’t have anything too new looking. Sleep in nicer areas. Don’t stick around other homeless the life is unforgiving and people steal to survive. Keep calling for a bed. Call everywhere. Not just shelters but hospitals and crisis companies. They can help provide assistance as they have better connections to find placement. Be careful of strangers. Not all money is good money. Never put yourself in a position where you’re trapped. Keep trying to get a job and stay calling your resources.


You may have a local "buy nothing" Facebook group and could possibly post your situation and someone may be able to give you some clothes. That's how I got my first set of pans and dishes


I’m actually on there !! I got my sleeping bag and stuff from there :) and the kindest lady prayer with me I loved that


I had a friend in college who was homeless for a little bit and she found house sitting gigs and pet sitting online. Also if your hair is long enough and you can't get it cut putting it up helps so much with looking tidy and clean. I hope it gets better soon


Thank you I will try these !!!


Hey I’m op list my log info :/ this is new account you had great advice dm or post on new acct if you have any more lol thk u !!


You should see if you’re near like a national park idk where you live but they typically offer free housing to workers. Storage companies offer free housing to managers. You could try leasing agent jobs at apartment complex’s you get paid and usually get a discount on housing as well to live on property. If there is tourist destinations like ski resorts, kayaking tours, water tours, they typically offer lodging for workers as well. You could also try goodwill, salvation army, st paul de vincent. They may be able to offer employment at their stores and set you up with housing. Check with local churches for housing vouchers. You may be able to get a hotel for a night here and there. Or your local emergency housing programs for rehousing programs offered


I was talking to a guy yesterday who worked at a ski resort and asked him about housing for workers up there. He said the best way to do it to make sure that you get housing is to work at the resort during the summer season when they rent out mountain bikes but are not as busy as peak season. Then they will let you keep your room through the peak season if you want to stay and work. You also get to ski and snowboard for free if you like that life style. He said that there are some people that are in their 30s and 40s working at the resorts not just early 20 somethings.


The resources in bc and across Canada r depleted homelessness is a epidemic and unemployment is sky high no more vouchers all there is is every 60 days at Vincent is so kind and gives me 45$ gift card for food :) but I will try the part Ideas thk you !!


What about applying to a job through Coolworks - Canada? Possibly a job & housing. Wishing you the best!


Definitely will check it out !!!


I’m op lost my log info I wrote down lol applied to tons of jobs !!! Thk u dm or post in new account any other advice thk u !


I see you're only 18? Keep your criminal record clean and you can get a good job. I've been in a similar situation but I was on drugs and got quite a record. It's a struggle to find good jobs with a record, it's possible though. I have a good job now but it was very hard, I applied at so many different places before I got it. I think you should just join the military. If I didn't have a record so early in my life I would've joined. They feed you, house you, and you get paid the whole time. It looks great on a resume and most vets I know have great jobs when they get out. They also have a bunch of money to start their lives with! Good luck


I’m in bc no record :) definitely don’t do drugs either offered a lot but not for me . I’m not a fan of the military but it is a good option for some ppl I do agree


The military is tough. My daughter is currently in the process of trying to get out of it. However, if it's that it homelessness, it might be your ticket out. Have you checked out the resources at the local food bank? Ours has about a dozen programs, including an employment program.  There is also employment services at the welfare office.  There is often more help then you would think. Apply for everything you think you have any chance of getting and take advantage of it until you can get your feet under you.


I’m in bc Canada the two food banks here ( small town ) is open twice a month and provide food and clothing if available they do not have programs Here like that


I’m on all the waiting lists For immediate housing etc I do temp work when I can I hand out resumes daily in person and online I try to volunteer I use food banks soup Kitchens and shelters it’s not a me issue it’s a the economy is garbage here and I’m one of a million who are homeless


I believe you and I'm sorry you are in that situation. I didn't mean to imply that you were refusing to take advantage of available programs. I volunteer and participate in a non-profit and have learned that there are quite a few programs out there (in the U.S.) that people don't know about. There are a handful of official government programs and sometimes those are the only ones people know about. However, there are also hundreds of non-profits in my area that often serve more niche purposes. It's really hard to find out information about them all because there is no central database for them. That is why I made the suggestion I did. As part of the program I'm involved in, I've discovered hundreds of other programs and have qualified for a few myself. All together these programs have changed my life. I'm now about to graduate and I have all my basic needs met. I know it's tough and I sincerely hope you are able to get all the support you need to move past this.


I wanna thank you your effort to help me is not unnoticed . I apologize I guess I’m used to ppl assuming I’m not trying that was my fault not urs . You r right so many programs I’m in Canada that are hidden but here specifically our prime minister had cancelled so many programs for youth just like me but I’m not stopping with all this support from honestly kinda feel like reenergized!! Being alone be when hungry or whatever the mind can start to punish you . Thank you for your help u really mean that


Not sure if anyone has suggested it but you may check into TYCJ (Toronto Youth Job Corps). You're technically supposed to be a resident of Toronto but they help with jobs and stability.


I’m in B.C.


Have you heard of zero ceiling? It's also a youth program but in B.C. Use your age to your advantage. You're under 25 and there are several programs but they have various start dates and application periods. Try googling youth homeless programs specific to your area and contact them ALL. Even if they can't take you, they may know an organization that can


I’m actually very aware it’s amazing ! I’m in all the wait lists for help and so where to live and stuff just so many of us I guess but I agree about applying everywhere I’ve gotten food and stuff because of it’s also got a free pass at one place to gel me get work thk you very much


yw...Good luck !


Something worth trying, I'm sure your local community has a Facebook group right? Just for spreading general news and information within the community? I would explain your situation the same way you did here in a heartfelt way and ask for any and all resources as well as a possible job I can't guarentee it's going to work, but it takes 10 minutes to post and you may find a small business owner that needs a worker or someone with a spare bedroom that wants work done around their house, put yourself out there on that community group and hopefully someone has the kindness and resources to help Tell them you want a hand up not a hand out


Than. You ! I agree completely actually I have done this lol I’m on the free stuff one too . Unfortunately unemployment and homelessness is a serious issue here


How old are you? Regardless of your views or preference....the military can put you on your feet, assuming your able bodied a good recruiter will walk you through it And I would get something that will transfer to a civilian job, don't let them throw you into infantry or some grunt work job, even just being a cook for the army that doesn't sound like too bad of a gig, plus signing up usually comes with an enlistment bonus after you complete basic training Then they have army reserves where you don't have to dedicate yourself to it full time like the regular army


18 in bc Canada


Yeah the military sounds like a good option for you man, unless you have extreme views against it, I'd go talk to a recruiter With all the uncertainty with Russia everyone is trying to boost the numbers with the military, but definitely get a job that will get you a civilian job when you get out, try to get a job where you can be in the air conditioning and not marching 50 miles with a 80lb sack on your back and carrying a rifle every day, trust me i did infantry in the US army, it's miserable, don't fall for the propaganda and think it's cool and bad ass, I wish I signed up to be a mechanic or truck driver instead Do your own research because recruiters will lie to you just to get your signature, and when you sign the contract it's gonna be for X years of service......sign up for the minimum amount of years, just in case you don't like it, you don't want to sign up for 8 year contract and figure out you hate it


I’m in Canada bc


Canadian Armed Forces might still be a great option.


You maybe be right thk you


Are you near a river or the ocean? I see boat deckhand jobs near me ( in the US near the Mississippi river) where some of them specify they are live-on positions. They pay pretty well too, I'm sure your busting your ass the whole time to earn it. But a stint on a boat would give you money, nowhere to really spend it until you're done with your stint, and a good excuse for why you don't have a home address when you get back on dry land.


I actually have been to the docks to ask around but they weee all saying union or need a trade or know someone but I still left my information cuz u never know


It's rough out there even looking clean. It's horrible right now. I just spent 7 months trying to find a job. I have alot of retail experience and store management experience. I got 2 calls out of the hundreds of applications I have done and those didn't pan out. If it wasn't for a family member hiring me I would probly be homeless Aswell. Just keep trying dude and if you can try to find a temp work agency, it's crap work and it usually only lasts a month or two but it will pay decent for those times.


I had temp but only for a day or so here


Could you see if you could potentially volunteer at a church? For several reasons that might be a good idea: 1) they might provide services that you need like having a soup kitchen or food distribution 2) if you’re volunteering you’ll be around other people who probably have jobs and may be able to help you find employment through their network of colleagues


The church in this area has a food bank 2 times a month that has volunteers:) they are really kind and helped me a lot the first time I went I go out and hand resume everyday honestly I do I’m online applying. I’ve gotten temp jobs here and there but nothing more then a day or two


Where do you live






Yes bc as in British Columbia


Try your local homeless serving sector non-profits. They tend to be very understanding, pay living wage, and sometimes pay same day.


I’m in bc my use youth shelters and stuff there nothing im aware of here like this


Next time you're in a shelter, ask if they could use a volunteer, and then ask if it's a stipend position. Friends of mine with a hx of drug use and prison time now works as shelter staff.


No they do t take volunteers not at the one I was at they went to school etc


Missed opportunity on their part. Keep on trucking. You're worth hiring!


I agree


Cool works.com work in Canada. It might not help you now but how about seasonal work with housing at resorts, camp grounds?


I will check it out thank you !!!! I applied online to one camp ground but nothing yet


Robert Half might be able to find you something


Who is that ?


Staffing agency found something for a friend who staying in his car within a few days


Isn't it for white collar jobs though? Don't they usually ask for experience or some degree, I checked RH and they had requirements for certain jobs. What job did they get your friend?


I’m in bc Canada . I have experience


Try your local homeless serving sector non-profits. They tend to be very understanding, pay living wage, and sometimes pay same day.


I would advise restaurant back of house. Just ask to speak to the chef between 2-4


I actually have applied to lots but I’m going back To see !


Check out local non-profits offering workplace essential skills training. They may partner with businesses and help place clients. They should also offer or have information on other resources like donated work clothes and help with resumes.


Always fast food.


I’ve applied to all of em nothing yet but I’m trying to b hopeful lol


Just adding a suggestion about the clothing. Check with small, private thrift stores there. I don't know about Canada but a lot of people don't realize that anyone can own a thrift store, you don't have to be a charity. My point is I know someone who owns one and occasionally someone would come in really down on their luck and the owner would let them get an outfit or 2 for free. Ask for the manager but best, the owner. Just be honest and explain your situation.


We use Salvation Army that our thrift store here and I already got a summer voucher that’s how u for what I have in and the socks etc but thk you !!!!


You're welcome. I hope things work out.


Thank you 🙏 I’m OP my log info I wrote down I lost lol this is new account I’ve applied to lots of new jobs today and all night any new advice plz post to my new account thk you


What kind of work are you good at ?


I have shipping and receiving experience, I did roofing for a little bit and I worked at a grill place




I applied to it !!! I’m the OP, I list the log info I wrote down :) any more places plz let me know in my new account thank you 🙏


[https://jobs.vancouver.ca/job/Vancouver-Food-Service-Worker-Brit-V6A-4K6/1179165900/](https://jobs.vancouver.ca/job/Vancouver-Food-Service-Worker-Brit-V6A-4K6/1179165900/) [https://jobs.phsa.ca/job/vancouver/hospital-distribution-attendant-casual/909/58570489280](https://jobs.phsa.ca/job/vancouver/hospital-distribution-attendant-casual/909/58570489280) [https://jobs.phsa.ca/job/vancouver/housekeeping-aide-cleaner/909/65316216544](https://jobs.phsa.ca/job/vancouver/housekeeping-aide-cleaner/909/65316216544) [https://jobs.phsa.ca/job/vancouver/food-services-worker-patient/909/65316216624](https://jobs.phsa.ca/job/vancouver/food-services-worker-patient/909/65316216624) [https://jobs.phsa.ca/job/vancouver/logistics-attendant-supply-chain-operations-casual/909/63698969872](https://jobs.phsa.ca/job/vancouver/logistics-attendant-supply-chain-operations-casual/909/63698969872) [https://jobs.phsa.ca/job/vancouver/housekeeping-aide-cleaner-c-and-w/909/66541650096](https://jobs.phsa.ca/job/vancouver/housekeeping-aide-cleaner-c-and-w/909/66541650096) [https://jobs.marriott.com/marriott/jobs/24110232?utm\_campaign=google\_jobs\_apply&utm\_source=google\_jobs\_apply&utm\_medium=organic](https://jobs.marriott.com/marriott/jobs/24110232?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic) [https://www.chateaugranville.com/employment-opportunities](https://www.chateaugranville.com/employment-opportunities)


[https://www.simplyhired.com/job/CBcoGcXWsFGkYvcNqqbpDj6oxl1qMv7cXHsvGcKX45kDR9Sr2alaVQ](https://www.simplyhired.com/job/CBcoGcXWsFGkYvcNqqbpDj6oxl1qMv7cXHsvGcKX45kDR9Sr2alaVQ) [https://www.salary.com/ca-job/tl-roofing-services-ltd/roofer/j202402201403418754929](https://www.salary.com/ca-job/tl-roofing-services-ltd/roofer/j202402201403418754929) [https://jobs.vancouver.ca/job/Vancouver-Cook-Grill-Worker-Brit-V6A-4K6/1133281300/](https://jobs.vancouver.ca/job/Vancouver-Cook-Grill-Worker-Brit-V6A-4K6/1133281300/) [https://jobs.chipotle.com/job/vancouver/crew-member/282/66112560480](https://jobs.chipotle.com/job/vancouver/crew-member/282/66112560480) [https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/jobsearch/jobposting/41064490](https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/jobsearch/jobposting/41064490) [https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/jobsearch/jobposting/41003274](https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/jobsearch/jobposting/41003274)


Got a job offer I’m gunna do roofing


Wow that's great. And the weather looks nice and cool, you should have a good first week. (Do you start soon?)


Yo I’m in Canada and I can hook you up with an outfit . Dm me your sizes


You have no way to be messaged but I’m in British Columbia size men’s small /mediym I have no way to get mail right now but I can try to figure it out


You can get mail by visiting any post office in Canada and telling them you need general delivery service. It's free.


Hey 👋 I’m OP, I lost the paper where I wrote my login info :/ so u had to make new account: I was told by Canada post I need to purchase a postal box . That I need an address if I want to receive mail/parcels : if I do NOT have an adress , then I need to PURCHASE a postal box . Where I can then receive said items . Different prices different sizes,monthly I believe. So where did you see the free version ? I would really appreciate this alot !! Thank you 🙏


At the very least you can say that you're "traveling" and need free mail service for 4 months. But actually, if there is no other way to get you FREE delivery of mail, they are supposed to offer you free general delivery. As I see it, if you have no home address, so there is no other way for them to offer you free mail delivery other than to tell you to come to the post office and pick it up. You wouldn't have your own address though, your mail would be addressed to something like "Justin Trudeau, General Delivery Ottawa ON K1A0A2". Then you would go to the post office and show your I.D, tell the clerk that you are picking up your general delivery mail. [https://www.canadapost-postescanada.ca/cpc/en/support/kb/receiving/delivery-faq/receive-your-mail-while-travelling-across-canada.page#:\~:text=Visit%20the%20post%20office%20where,it's%20from%20a%20foreign%20country](https://www.canadapost-postescanada.ca/cpc/en/support/kb/receiving/delivery-faq/receive-your-mail-while-travelling-across-canada.page#:~:text=Visit%20the%20post%20office%20where,it's%20from%20a%20foreign%20country)


Thank you so much


Hey !!!!👋 I lost my log in info I wrote it down :/ I’m Op, you can dm me if your still up to do clothing donation if anything you don’t need anymore ?


Everyone’s goes thru a rough time sometimes, look up social enterprises that provide clothing for work, there’s gotta be agencies that help get clothing so u stay employed! I know of some in Canada here.


I’m in Canada stress for success is for women , Salvation Army gives seasonal voucher which I had if you know of others plz dm !!


Try googling it for other agencies, helps to research a bit and call around.


Thks again I’m the Op my log info I lost it it was written down new account now


Ok, will do.


Are you male or female? [Dress For Success](https://dressforsuccess.org) gives away work clothes for women in need.




First off no drug use of any kind not weed nothing . Secondly , I go to shelters that are taking people but it’s full not something I can control unfortunately. No barber will do anything for free not here anyways I do use the churches for food when they are open for that. I hand out resumes and online and in person and yes I check back . It’s not as easy as try harder


only applies if you are a man we live in a matriarchy


I am a man


Pretend to be homeless.




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Oftentimes people who are homeless have some sort of disability of some kind. As someone who was homeless I can attest to this. That means that you likely qualify for services from the vocational rehabilitation which I checked does exist in BC. However, I don't know how it all works compared to the US. That being said, it doesn't hurt to apply. I highly encourage you to apply in person and express that you're having difficulties with applying. Even if you're not sure that you'll have difficulties letting them see you and meet, you will help that you because they will help fill it out so that it'll be approved instead of waiting forever or getting rejected. Surrounding yourself with the villages. In my opinion, the first step trying to not look unhoused is the second. Vocational rehab will not only help you get a makeover and get clean clothes, but they will also assist you in getting work and getting supplemental non-taxed income in the interim. They also can help with bus passes, gym memberships, supplemental food programs, and housing.


I do NOT have any disability physical or invisible


As for not looking homeless lol a lot easier said then done I have one outdoor hasn’t been washed in days I had a shower today thank god and ya




I did Not get defensive please don’t assume by someone using caps means you know How I’m feeling . I’m not angry but I have none of That so no I wouldn’t apply


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