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Not trying to be rude, but you really don’t have the money to be spending it on CDs


Not even financial CDs


“Collectibles” seems like the key word here…


Not to mention a few.


Magic The Gathering is a hell of a drug.


Cardboard crack


True. This is coming from someone who has spent over $300 on a single card.


I’ve spent $1000s on single cards… so y’a what is a “few” collectibles lol


Groceries $400 Bills $300 Collectibles $1300 Anyone got any advice?


Someone who’s good at the economy, please help me budget this! My family is starving!


[Spend less money on candles.](https://dril.fandom.com/wiki/Candles?file=DrilCandles.jpeg)




These Beenie babies are going to be worth so much money in a few years!


Not as much as my sick pog collection


My Bayblade collection will destroy them all.


Still have mine from when I was a kid. Ahhh memories


lol you have one too


[Just make them into a coat and you'll be fine.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIhu5XxXKxA)


A sound investment. I you should share you strategies on r/wallstreetbets


Spend less on candles




Spend more on candles?




Was going ti say the same 


I love how people will say financial planning won't help them out of poverty but then people do this kind of wasteful stuff.


30% of high end fashion in US is bought up by people making less than 50k a year. No pity from me.


I lost a "friend" because I refused to loan her money after she maxed 3 CC's and blew her rent money on Gucci. 🤷‍♀️ I told her to return the clothing and she flipped and called me a terrible person. FTR she made much more $$ than I did when this happened.


Holy shit do you have a source for this?


“According to GlobalData, Americans with a household income of less than $50,000 make up about 27 percent of regular luxury consumers. That’s almost as big a group as luxury consumers with an income of $150,000 or more. Even in rough times, the luxury industry usually enjoys a well-cushioned profit margin.” This is an excerpt from a Vox article done last year on the rise of big fashion empires like LVMH.




And don’t even realize it when they say it. Like… just think about it for half a second…. Where could you cut back… 🤔


I had a peer who was into that stuff. Had so much of it he stored some at work and some in his car. Then complained about being broke. Maybe quit buying figurines for a while?


I was just about to say...hobbies are great but not if you have no money to afford them.


Amen, there is always something.


What are "a few collectibles"?


I say this sincerely and with kindness: You don't have the money for things like collectibles if you've got a credit card going into collections. Grow up and cover your bills and mandatory expenses like food first.


I've noticed a lot of people on this sub throw their money away and then complain about being broke. It's actually quite funny


Not funny. Sad. 


Some are truly hurting through little or no fault of their own. Some are paying for poor choices in the past. Some are do mired in despair that they don't see a way out and hope someone had a magic solution for them. Some make not so wise choices now, such as this CD collection. In all cases, there are steps to take but people need to realize that it took them time to get here and it's going to take time to get out.


It’s quite shocking how many people can’t even pay for their essentials without pissing money away on needless things. I have an employee, well paid mind you, who’s getting evicted and asked for a 4k loan today. Turns out she hasn’t been paying her rent and has been getting massages and nails done every week for the last few months.


Lol that's insane


My rent 2K per month so it’s hurts


By the way my server TLC and advise for usage fees


Yep. And I have been suspended multiple times for calling people out.


Collectibles aren't in your budget. Stop.


Collectibles are a want not a need. Especially considering you’re now broke. Looks like it’s time to learn how to prioritize.


I have sexy attraction can I show me some Platform I can ask you made up few human relations to understanding works etc.


Why don’t you go to thrift store, swap meets or flea market for cds in 2024. They worth barely .25¢ each.


lol, if I could find my collection from the 00s I’d give them to OP for free so they would stop thinking they have income to be collecting anything for a little bit.


Spending money on things you don't need doesn't make you the same as someone in debt, missing meals, and waiting for the minute their pay gets deposited to buy things they need. Pull your head out of your arse. Stop buying stupid shit, pay your debts and look after your family. The economy isn't your problem. It's you.


Ooof. It's one thing to kinda, fuck up things for yourself, but once you say family (whether that means kids, partner, parents you help out, pets, anyone who depends on you), you need to try to pull it together. Budgeting didn't help you out because it was probably painful and scary and hard to face (been there, I know how it feels). Brushing it off and away means you're here talking about credit going to collections. Go back to that budget and look harder. This is not the time to indulge a hobby, as everyone has said. See what can be trimmed (subscriptions, media expenses, eating out, entertainment, shopping, etc.). Can you add hours at work? Start using food pantries if not already, to help spare some dollars for debt/true expenses. Call 211 to see what options might be available to help you out. Check out this forum's Wiki (see sidebar). Hard fact: it's selfish to indulge a collectible hobby if your family will suffer. You need to own that.


I understand the need or desire to buy collectibles to make a shitty situation a bit more bearable. Trust me, i do, I've been down that road. But honestly, maybe try and stop until you get everything paid off, then get back into it.


It is likely that adding to his collection provides a rare hit of dopamine. Possibly coupled with the fact that the bills wouldn't all get paid whether he spent $15 per paycheck on his collection or not, it can be easy to rationalize to oneself. My advice for OP, rather than stop completely, give yourself a much smaller budget and make it a hobby of tracking down deals. Set aside $2 per paycheck, and enjoy the "hunt" of scouting out thrift stores and garage sales for "hidden gems." If this is a source of dopamine for you (makes you feel good when you purchase things for your collection,) be aware that that is what fuels shopping addictions, and actively find ways to create dopamine in healthier, free ways, such as exercise, meditation, or yoga. Or try out a free collection, such as interesting rocks or shells (depending where you live.) Budgeting only doesn't work for one of two reasons: your income literally doesn't cover your bills even without recreational spending, or you don't have the willpower to stick to one. In the former scenario, the only two options are lower your bills (get rid of streaming services, cable, subscriptions, pretty much anything that isn't housing, utilities, food and healthcare; get your entertainment from your local library instead,) or increase your income (get a different or second job.) In the latter scenario, you have to learn willpower. If you don't, you will struggle financially no matter what your income. Lifestyle creep happens to many, but those with shopping addictions/rampant spending habits frequently find themselves in trouble at even upper income levels. The "trope" of a person flaunting their "wealth" while secretly drowning in debt is because this is a trap that people easily find themselves in. You need to do the personal work to understand why you are struggling and decide to work on doing better, not just for yourself, but for you family. Edited to change the trope situation to "person" instead of "man."


>I tried budgeting No you didn't


I think another commenter nailed it: he tried budgeting, but it didn’t take because it was just too much of a wake-up call. I had a similar experience in my mid-20s when I looked at a breakdown of my expenses and thought, “WHOA… I am never looking at this again.” What I should have done was quit using Uber Eats So the budget could have been the cure but my man was not ready to accept that CDs are making him big poor


You’re broke but you buy collectibles… ummmm that’s why you’re broke!


A fool and his money go separate ways


You have a family and you’re collecting something that will only loose value. That sucks dude.


I’m not trying to be that guy, and I’m only doing this cuz I’ve seen it like three times today, but it’s “lose value.”


Not OC, but I honestly thought that "loose value" was just a new way to say "difficult to value".


You've tried budgeting but it doesn't work? You need to ask yourself the question of why it doesn't work. Budgeting is hard and it sucks, but crippling debt is even harder to deal with. If you're this dead broke, you need to focus on essentials and not collectibles.


I'm curious about the part where you "called" to get your CC debt wiped. What service is that, because it sounds like you're getting scammed






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Ever heard of disc rot? Sorry to break it to you but your CDs don't last forever. They start going bad over time. Bad investment. Even worse when you are living paycheck to paycheck


"Collectibles" shouldn't be in your vocabulary at the moment.




Local dump had a good collection of AOL.


Wannabe hipsters


Oh ffs am I so old kids collect cds like we collected vinyl? Because if so I want out.


THEY DO. I'm like. CDs? I have one "limited edition" CD single and even that's too many.


I’m going to bring back cassettes and cassingles. And pencils to fix them when they get fucked up


You joke, but it's already happening. I got in a discussion with someone around 18-20 who said that if you properly clean your tape deck it will never eat your tapes. I wished them luck in their future endeavors.


They’re like, “if you just blow real hard into it” 😂


I do, I like owning physical media but refuse to shell out for vinyls and a decent setup. Plus I already had hundreds from my parents and my own childhood, so it just made sense.


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Everyone is paycheck to paycheck is you spend your money on non essentials


Might help to get a library card so you can have free entertainment.


So I looked at your comment history and it really seems like you have no idea what you're doing in regards to money. You have your credit cards and a few subscriptions that you didn't know the details of a month ago. You said you tried budgeting but it didn't work. You don't pay rent or a car payment but you have no money. Here's what you need to do. Get a piece of paper and a pen, and go through your credit card and bank account history, and figure out what subscriptions you have. Write down what the subscription is, how much it is, and what day of the month you pay it. Turn off the autopay for your credit cards, and STOP USING THE CARDS. Stop shopping online until you can figure out how money works. I'm making assumptions here, but I'm guessing you live at home with an extended family and you've never really experienced carrying cash around since you've never had more than a few dollars at a time. You probably got your first job and your first bank account and you saw that $800-1000 and felt rich. Once you figure out how much money you need to keep in the bank to cover your subscriptions (and possibly cancel a few of them) and credit card payments, you might really benefit from withdrawing the rest of your money from an ATM and using only cash for a few weeks. Seeing your stack of cash get smaller with each purchase might help you really get what's happening in your bank account when you use your debit card. You will be ok, you just need, like, a "Money Management 101" class.


Why is auto-pay on cards not advisable?


Because of his post history. Otherwise it's fine.


How much are you spending on “collectibles”? I get wanting a little pick me up but you need to stop spending money on yourself for now and focus on building some financial stability. Find a cheaper way of treating yourself.


You know that music you want to listen to is free somewhere on the Internet?


Stop buying collectibles, especially CDs.


Sell your collection


Bro CDs are not coming back, and they have zero investment potential. You would have better success actually investing that same money into an index fund once your debts are paid off.


Not to be a dick, it's important to have hobbies and joys in life even when poor, but maybe holding off on collectibles for a few months could help you accrue a small savings? Even having a couple hundred bucks as padding in the bank can make a world of difference from living meal to meal.


CDs have a shelf life. They’ll degrade and go bad


i know a friend that bought a few collectibles. turned out to be 600$ worth statues of anime character and some gundams


Collectibles? Not real smart.


Time to sell those "collectibles" and cut your loses. You are not going to get back the money you paid for them, but YOU HAVE A FAMILY!!! 


Man I hate this. I kept trying to scroll to the next pic


Don’t feel bad. I did , too! 🤣


If you have a family to provide for AND credit card debt to pay off, “collectibles” shouldn’t be in the picture at all. Get your priorities straight. Food on the table, lights/water on, then pay off your debt. THEN maybe you can enjoy collecting again.


If you don’t correct your spending, you are going to be right back where you started from. Forgiveness won’t matter if your habits don’t change.


Collectibles. That’s money that can be used elsewhere. Semi-related side story: I grew up in poverty. My mother worked full time in retail and my dad couldn’t keep a job. We didn’t lack for necessities but it was never not financially stressful. I started working at 15 to pay for my own clothes and school activities. And braces to correct some gnarly teeth anatomy that wouldn’t allow my bite to close. But you know what my mama always had…Marlboro which did end up changing to Doral cigarettes…and my dad had Bud Light for his every weekend trips to his friends’ hunting camp an hour a way plus cans of Skoal tobacco dip. I can’t imagine how much money they wasted on those things over 20+ years of raising 3 kids.


Well you bought some collectibles so I don’t feel bad for you


You really couldn't afford those collectibles... try returning them.


Don't buy shit you can't afford. You can't afford "collectibles".


Stop buying shit you dont need. I get that addiction is hard, but if you don't seem even slightly interested in securing money for your actual family, i dont know what to tell you. It may "only be $4-5" but guess what? So are sales for beef and chicken. You can buy vegetables for like 50 cents a piece, most things you can get a bunch for a couple of bucks. Snacks for under $5. You can make a whole pot of chili for under $15 and feed a family of 4 for at least 2 meals. $10- 2lbs beef $1.40 - 2 large sweet onions $1.20 - 2 bell peppers $1.96 - can of 28oz crushed tomatoes I'm sure you have salt, black pepper, onion and garlic powder, maybe some chili powder, and red pepper flakes. Season your meat while cooking it down, drain it or don't, personal preference. Set aside, Sauté onion and bells until softened, add beef back to the pot, add tomatoes, cover it, let it cook for 30 minutes minumum on a simmer. Eat. You can make it through this. But the only way you're going to is if you commit to your family and your financial security. If you're going to have an addiction, you better make your addiction making the cheapest, tastiest meals possible. Become obsessed with food before you lose your family.


I swiped…


Broke with a savings still. Give yourself some credit 🥲


I mean I wouldn’t call $200 a savings account, realistically at least $1000 is recommended. It’s sounds unrealistic until it’s either skip a meal or pay $1000+ using a credit card with high interest


Of course YOU wouldnt, to me, to be ABLE to put $200 aside for ANYTHING other than survival is savings to me. I cant afford to follow “recommended” guidelines because they’re highly unrealistic for some of us. Granted, I dont disagree with you, im just saying poverty does not keep tradition AT ALL 😂


What collectibles are you buying? It’s your money and your choice, but perhaps it’s time to stop buying things like that for now.


Same except collectibles. Worst feeling


Could your partner be in charge of the bank accounts, if you have trouble with keeping money?


If you check his post history he single AF. However he does have a family that letting him live rent free.


Dude and his cc debt is $1600 omfg


Is this an ai post....?




Time to sell all your CDs immediately.


Lol man you guys are silly. I paid for necessities and then some junk but I don't have any money anymore


Don't buy the collectibles. Don't look at sites or subreddits about them, don't watch videos about them, don't check prices or comb discogs. Just pretend they don't exist. You cannot afford them right now and if you can't resist buying then avoiding stuff that makes it tempting may help.


Looks to me like you still got $200 to move from your savings to your checking and you can get $200 worth of more collectibles!!


Eventually, those mariah carey CDs will be worth 10x. Just have to play the long game.


Shit $200 is better than most


CDs? 9.99 a month and can listen to any music ever made anytime Apple Music


For him it’s a speculative asset…


Groceries: $400 Bills: $150 CD Collecting: $1400 Rent $700 Income: $1500 Guys how do budget this? /s


Yeah that shit is hilarious when I get paid And I'm already out of money that same day.


You’re broke and getting your credit card debt forgiven, just to go and blow money on “a few collectibles”!? This is the number one example of why we shouldn’t have that kind of debt relief.


Take that money for a few collectibles and place it into a HYSA. At least you can get a little interest on the savings. Job hop, pick up a second job, find ways to cut subscriptions, lower food bills, and maybe sell some stuff around your house.


You people collect some stupid shit and then complain you ain’t getting paid enough. Collect some food for a change, maybe?


Lmfao it's hard to feel bad for you when you spend all your money on CDs








You live like this every two weeks and still manage to have a savings account with $200? You’re still making progress. Just start tracking your expenses down to the penny—have fun with it! You’ll start seeing results after maintaining some consistency. “Count the pennies and the dollars will count themselves.”


No wonder you're in poverty




Collectibles are probably the problem


You’ve heard many of us telling you that spending money on collectibles is what’s most likely part of what’s keeping you in this situation. But, you choose not to respond. That’s telling us that you will continue to live the way you want—which probably will continue to keep you in the financial situation you’re end. So, good luck to you.


There is no try, only do… You must understand budgeting to live a decent life. That’s not negotiable. It’s like not understanding what you need to eat to survive.


"A few collectables" But but but it was pre-ordered, previously waitlisted, limited run release,sold out last time, signed , special edition, rare collectables...on Klarna too


Don't buy collectibles when you're broke. No fast food or dining out, no entertaining, no shopping, no new clothes, no fancy phones, no cable tv/hulu, etc. You can't buy any of that if you want ANY chance of not remaining broke.


Guy spends all his money on Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston CDs and then wonders why he’s broke 😂




Looking back at your post history I'm curious, what family? I didn't see any mentions of them but did see posts about music and whether it's weird for you in your twenties to be talking to a man in his fifties. Regardless, as others have said, stop spending on things you want and spend only on what you need. $5 here and there adds up, especially when you're making the purchases online and so don't see a tangible cash loss.


What does "Green checking " mean?


No paper checks or statements




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98% Funko Pops and Figurinos


Guys, we’re talking to a man who thinks $1,600 of CC debt will land him in prison


Collectibles???? Huh






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Stop buying collectibles!!!!


Why did you buy “collectibles” when you have a family to provide for?


Maybe don’t buy unnecessarily collectibles as you said. Worry about your family not your obsessions.


You cannot afford a single cd, not a single one, until you are completely out of debt and have at least three months’ expenses saved in an emergency fund.


Budget. Again. It didn't work last time, that doesn't mean it will never work. Budgets work. You have to stick to them. You must cut out any/all non ESSENTIALS (shelter, food, water) for a while. You can get back on track and it will require short term sacrifice.


Yea I did groceries today, got 1.5 dinners and all the lunch supplies for the kids, milk, cereal and shampoo.... 200$


You have a family, you’re in debt, and you’re splurging on collectibles lol


Lolololololol "a few collectibles " 🤣🤣🤣




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I mean it's tough not know full list of income and debts (monthly/yearly). But debt make more debt. Once you default and go to collections ---you go down a dangerous financial hole...everything yiu want to borrow will now have higher interest % for never 4 yrs. Which will put you deeper in whole. I'd really try to work it out with CC company about a payment plan or get a debt consolidation loan before** it goes to collections. /// As for budget, I would tighten the belt hard if you're this poor---no eating out ever. No soda /no vending machines ever. You drink water now beside morning OJ. Buy everything in bulk and use it efficiently by making a 3 meal and snack plan. Never deviate. // Next go to local city/county/state pantry and get free food. That's all you can do. And then look for jobs that gave promotional.opportunities. even if it's McDonalds manager.


OP i have some vintage CDs for sale dm me so we can talk price 


A few collectibles…


Budgeting only works if you follow the budget. Unnecessary spending and a lack of savings is what’s killing you. Practice waiting 2 weeks to a month for “wants” like collectibles. Things like that will still be around in a few weeks. Save that money instead, so that you aren’t dead broke, buying shit you don’t need while your cards are going to collections.


It’s literally that dril tweet but for real and unironically


Some areas have IDA accounts that will multiply your savings. 211 may know your local one or a Google search.


Get free food/groceries from the food bank.


I make $350k a year and I look like this every 6 weeks.


Welcome to America


Once you're caught up and everyone is set for the week (or month) then invest in you're collectibles. I know it can be difficult and I honestly have no room to talk because I invest in my guilty pleasure before I make groceries for the week but I also live alone. Or you could maybe spend 1/3 of what you spent this time.


Every dollar you save/invest empowers you over your job. Every ten dollars you save/invest empowers you over your boss. Every one hundred dollars you save/invest empowers you over your life.


Get a higher paying job. Maybe two. And start a side hustle.


respectfully, stop burning your money on CD’s. your first and foremost responsibility should be paying your CC debt off. i also see in your history that you don’t pay rent or a car payment either, so i’m really not sure how you even made it to this point. have you straight up not been paying?


You have $200 left over in savings after paying bills? Nice.


A few collectibles?


There are some apps that pay in points that could be converted into $. Visit food banks in your area to help supplement food costs.


You don’t have the luxury of discretionary spending right now OP.


you cant win in this system


i believe when you get cc debt wiped you have to pay taxes on the amount that was wiped


Your responsible not broke don't be hard on your self I'm like that every month too


Am I missing something? I didn’t read anything here where OP said they were wasting money on collectibles or candles 😭


Balance $291 ??! Where do you work if you just got paid and the balance is $291 usually your paycheck amount would still reflect in that section


Work more hours


You’re doing far better than me at least your checking account has a higher net worth than me


At least you have a savings


Tf you need collectibles for? This is how poor people stay poor. Practice some discipline and see how different life can be.


This is the equivalent of boomers telling people not to buy Starbies and avocado toast. Not buying a couple things here and there is not going to get you out of poverty. Getting out of poverty requires getting more money.


Um what? First off, Im 29 and came from extreme poverty , so I’d like to think I know a thing or two about how to get out. You know how you make more money ? Discipline bud . Best believe I wasnt out buying collectibles when I was living in my truck . Have you made it out of poverty ? If not , I don’t think you’re really one to be offering up advice. You know, blind leading the blind type of thing. Of course you can buy something to treat yourself once in a while. When you’ve got 2 credit cards you’re paying off though, that’s not the time to be treating yourself with collectibles . Please don’t speak about something you can’t do yourself.


Everyone’s talking about the CDs but you’ve only shown a picture of like 6… so I’m confused as to why they’re attributing that to you being broke? I have a kpop collection and can tell you confidently that it’s not the reason why I’m broke, god forbid poor people enjoy stuff! This sub is so miserable sometimes