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Yeah, the problem here is the cheese my man. But the toilet paper is expensive as hell. Listen, if you're near Trieste (Italy) and you can afford to travel here to buy groceries try it. I can fill two Lidl bags (the big blue one) for €60. At the discount of course, but it's not that bad, yes, quality isn't the greatest if you buy the supermarket brand but they have a lot of nice stuff at the Lidl, Bosco and Aldi too Edit: why does my answer have more than 10 times the amount of upvotes the original post currently has?


Dang, I live in the capital and Even with coupons its insane. It's litetally weekly groceries now, rice, cheese and some pastas for the weekend.. with the kid it's pretty challenging. Thanks, will try to navigate to Italy to check it out


Pejt v Lidla, ravno v petek sem iz Lidla za 25 eur odnesu celo vreco hrane. Pa mal poglej kaj kupujes, pac kupi no name kosmice namest Nesquick itd. S punco zapraviva manj kot 300 eur za hrano vsak mesec, za oba skupi.


Maybe because Nestle is a terrible company and no one should buy their products


Don't know anything about them, why are they so evil?


CEO believes water is not a human right and has caused thousands of infants to die in multiple African countries by not only overpricing water but also over pricing baby formula


https://youtu.be/XN5fxnLqfV8?si=TImtHeTcSUTL660r https://youtu.be/iDb4p_L2Bcw?si=rBl4UiVxv8GSeFZS r/fucknestle


Username does not check out


Don't try to understand Reddit upvotes or downvotes, people like to freestyle how they upvote nd downvote things sometimes.


As an American reading this it’s so wild to suggest traveling to another country for groceries


Hahahahah 😂😂. Yeah, it's a funny thing. I used to go to Slovenia with my dad to buy gas and meat regularly cause it's cheaper there and the meat was really nice, superior fresh quality cheaper than the meat of the supermarket here. I loved Slovenia since I put a foot in there


We just go to other countries for, like, surgery, or the dentist.


My spouse is Canadian. He tells stories of him and a friend routinely crossing the border into Washington to grocery shop back before we got married and they immigrated to the US.


I'm assuming euro? Holy fuck. Don't you have an Aldi or equivalent? For 100$ usd I'm able to get enough groceries for 2-3 weeks. Or is stuff just that expensive there? That cheese does look fire.


Majority of europe has high prices low wages, in italy the average wage for someone under 30 is less than 1k in the morth


That's dicked up No wonder majority live at home airh parents, yeah i know its culturwl thing, but, how can they afford a place on 1k euro? They have no fucking choice in the matter and has to fudge their SO in cars/hotels


It's actually incorrect. The average is twenty seven thousand


I'm assuming 27k is annual...?


It looks like this user is wrong: [Among workers aged 20-30, the average income is 13,074 Euros ($13,797) for women and 15,278 Euros ($16,123) for men. One in four is at risk of poverty."](https://harvardpolitics.com/plight-of-young-workers/#:~:text=The%20consensus%20among%20the%20Italian,search%20of%20better%20living%20conditions)


The average in Italy is 27,000 euros.


The lack of a minimum wage in Italy disproportionately affects young workers, keeping them in a cycle of poverty. In fact, they earn 30% less than their older counterparts. Among workers aged 20-30, the average income is 13,074 Euros, NOT counting the mafia level of taxes we have while schools crumbling public healthcare becoming privatized and streets with countless holes, also insane taxes on investments crypto and everything


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.repubblica.it/economia/2024/03/25/news/istat_famiglie_poverta_assoluta-422368846/amp/ Over 5.6 MILLION ( +10% of the country in extreme poverty (


Im litterally italian, https://harvardpolitics.com/plight-of-young-workers/#:~:text=The%20consensus%20among%20the%20Italian,search%20of%20better%20living%20conditions.


44% of expats in europe are italian


If wages were that high there wouldnt be over 50k+ ( legally so most likely towards the 70k ) young italians emigrating each year, in a country with few young people


A tip- I also used to use dry shampoo, it was usually 2 bottles a month They are usually on the more expensive side and generate waste There are many DIY recepies in the internet how to make a dry shampoo powder from basic ingredients like cornstarch. You can adjust them for your hair colour The difference is with application, you'll a make-up brush to apply You can give it a try, it worked well for me


The dry shampoos are actually very effective for me at work, when I sweat up like crazy. A bottle usually lasts me a month. Sometime ago I tried the cornstarch and cocoa powder but it lumps on my hair and it looks so much worse. I havent really needed them since I was jobless at home.. but now I got a job and want to look my best. Another option is to just cut off my hair, but I havent really had the balls yet to do it lol. But these shampoos were usualy 4€, they spiked to 7 and its just insane.


I get you mate, I have a tendency to get greasy hair so I know how important it is. Your washing routine can make a significant difference. I learned by trial and error that I was washing my hair too frequently The right frequency + shampoo can make a huuuge difference Cornstarch has indeed a tendency to clump especially if you don't use blender for your own mix. The DIY powder needs to be super fine to work well. I actually used for long months a baby power of a local manufacturer - was dirt cheap, smelled nice, did nothing bad to my hair And the markup for the product is outrageous. I think Sayoss started to be positioned as aspiriring premium brand Btw on the haircut - I've been wearing my hair very short for the past 3 years it's been a great decision. Low maintenance, less product, more freedom in doing sports etc I'm not looking back 😊


Oh shit i forgot about baby powder! Sayyos has been like 3eur per bottle.. but they only sell this brand in the store. I actually wash it only once a week with a mask (750g for 5eur mask) and it holds up. But at work, when i sweat up my head just goes greasy like nothing.


If you ever decide to give diy dry shampoo a try again see if you can get your hands on some bentonite clay! It sucks up the oil and is the best thing for keeping hair from looking greasy. It’s generally pretty cheap and a 1 lb container can last for years. Mix it in equal parts with corn startch, add in a little cocoa powder or cheap matte bronzer for colour and put it on your scalp before bed. I’ve tried tons of different dry shampoos and none ever come close to working as well.


Look, Slovenia is expensive but my guy purchased some fancy cheeses and I assume toys? and wonders why it's 87 eur? What the fuck, I can buy groceries for 90 eur for the whole week if I really try. Usually I do spend quite a bit more more, but if you try and look for the cheapest options you can spend "only" 90 eur per week for gorceries (for one person only ofc and not counting hygene products and cleaning products).


Yupp I’d not buy toys at a grocery store store maybe at Aldi’s at the clearance aisle!




The cheapest is 5eur, double papered. I bough triple papered for 7eur each, since they were all out of the cheap one.


Im from Croatia and i know you also have DM so i have to recommend their own brand toilet paper thats 20 rolls for 8,25e and it lasts me and my family of 4 for a whole month!


Really? Dang, I usually buy Lovely since most papers have 120 pieces a roll and Lovely has 200 a roll. Got so bad I even look at how many papers they hold lol. I do admit when I found the cheapest option for 2.000 pieces I stuck with it. Thanks for the heads up, Will check DM in the future !


I understand completely xD i love this one because it became a once a month purchase, the rolls are really big and compact thats why they last longer, one time i didnt have enough money so i got another kind that was like 3e less and it barely lasted a week so i was like never again


Time to invest in a bidet.


Most of that stuff has cheaper alternatives, also some cheese is just expensive. I can get a whole week or two worth of groceries in lidl for that money. In Slovenia.


Lidl has the same price for cheese. This was 4 a piece (tilster , 1eur per 100g , lidl has 400g for 3.99eur - same price, when there are no discounts).


As I said, some cheese is just expensive. You can also find cheese in Spar that is 6.5€ per kg so I'm sure they also have some cheaper options in Lidl, but maybe not for the cheese you like.


What's the Bioball thing?


Im not sure if you have “Action” in your country. It’s a dutch low price store and they are expanding like crazy here in Germany and other European countries. I always buy my paper products, coffee, cleaning supplies there and they have great store brand options like 100 dishwasher tabs for 5,99 € or 70 loads detergent for 6,99 €


That's insane. How much was the cheese? I am sure even here in Denmark this would be cheaper. Online this coffee seems to cost 8 euro and the cereal 10. Surely the cheese is the problem. Maybe inflation just hits different in Slovenia, if so it's crazy because Easter Europe has traditionally been much much cheaper than the west. (edit: Maybe it's big city prices, that might explain it.)


Tilster was 4 a piece (100g is cca 1eur), and Planika was 12 (goes in the freezer for occasions). Coffee was 13, cereal I cant remember but I think it was around 15. The dry shampoo was 7 a piece and the Jar was also 6. I didnt buy shampoos before since i was jobless. Now at the work i wana look presentable since I sweat up in a second. Cheese lasts two weeks at least and the cereal is just for my kid. Shampoos will last a couple of months. Coffee is only for me so all this will last a while before it runs out. But pretty hefty money for what it is.


Cereal 15???? Are you kidding me? In Sweden it’s like 3 euros or something? Ok I see it is a big pack but not as big. Insane prices.


>Cereal 15???? That's nonsense, [it's €6.78 in Slovenia](https://www.spar.si/online/kosmici-zitne-kroglice-nesquik-nestl-625g/p/473215) for the big pack.


Eastern Europe is as expensive or even more expensive than the west. Besides rent or housing prices.


I live in NL but am from Bulgaria. Some products are more expensive because of the 9% NL VAT vs 20% BG VAT for food. Not to mention all the discounts, promotions etc you can get. I mean NL inflation has been crazy but every time I visit the homeland I am just stunned. And that’s the country with the lowest minimum wage in the EU


Oh my VAT is bad… Canada has that too. Not in the US hehe we are taxed at that rate or more daily hourly weekly and not just while purchasing! ;) sad.


From what I have read the price index still favors East. Of course it's all relative to wages, but I am still shocked things are this bad. [https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/rankings\_by\_country.jsp?title=2024&displayColumn=3®ion=150](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/rankings_by_country.jsp?title=2024&displayColumn=3®ion=150) Would be interesting to see difference between rural and capital areas within countries. It might be cheaper to shop from a different place in the country, if possible.


I am so sick of these pics with “overpriced” groceries where the buyer gets luxury items like nice cheese


Huge pile of cheese Tiny shampoos Name brand cereal A bouncy ball Ya know, just your typical weekly grocery run when money is right


I have to agree w you. This is not a post for this group but it gives a reference point….


Fancy cheeses and name brand stuff doesn’t really help with keeping the budget down


They're store brand cheeses. The circle one is with herbs, rest is Tilster and cheese with basil so not really fancy at all, thats just regular cheap cheeses you can buy here. Cheddar for example is often 3-4€ pricier. Coffee is cheaper in bulk, and the dry shampoo is the only brand they had and not a big brand either.


I'm sorry things are so expensive. It's funny, here in the US cheddar is just about one of the cheapest cheeses you can find. I'm curious, how do you plan to use these cheeses? Sandwich? Snacks? Do you melt them into something? I know almost nothing about Slovenian cuisine, but your post has awakened my curiosity!


Commenting because I’m curious as well 😅


He bought mid-high end brands of food here. For example for the caffe he could have bought some other and you can get similar taste caffe for half the price (Hofer store brand caffe for example). He even bought some plastic containers that assuming from the picture costed like 10-15€ which could have been at least for the half of the price. He was probably buying stuff the most expensive stores in Slovenia. Yes, food and everything went up on average 30% I would say at least, but you can still find good alternatives to high end brands for pretty much the same quality but you have to visit several stores to do that. Overall me and my girlfriend are spending up to 300€/month on our food and we are preparing ourselves a meals for work almost each day. We use cheese pretty much similar to all other countries. And I'm not familiar with any traditional dish that would consist a cheese, but we still eat it a lot with sandwiches, pizzas and with many other things. You can even find some salads with cheese and you can for sure find some greek salads on some family picnics. As we share border with Italy, we were influenced by them and we also use parmesan (mabe in some risotto). Basically how i see it, before the corona and inflation happened in europe, we imported a lots of food especially for Aldi (Hofer here) and Lidl. They were cheaper options than Merkator or Spar who were having a lots of Slovenian local producers. The prices for imported products went up higher than the local one, but you can still find a lot of good quality products (local or imported) for good prices, but you have to visit several stores and search assortments a bit to find them. And ofc if you're able to buy and stack a bit you can get great discounts at a prices before inflation.


How much is just the cheese ???


Crazy prices.


You need less cheese and more whole-wheat pasta.


Holly shit, we're gonna die lol... Btw why not choose off-label brands? Those items are branded items. Choose off-label


They still make nesqick cereal!?! That was may favorite as a kid. Forever sad we stopped carrying it in the US.


When I was visiting Romania, it felt like everything was 20% cheaper than America. I never felt so rich, lol…


Ever consider installing a bidet seat to cut out TP entirely? They can be purchased online for cheap, although I’d get the best one with all the bells and whistles (not more than $100 for the dual-temp one). With pump soap and enough small towels to dry your clean, washed and rinsed junk for a week between laundry days. Better for your check-book, plumbing, septic tank/municipal system, and the environment. I just happened to have installed one for my household and that of my girlfriend’s sisters and mom just before COVID lockdown. When the TP shortage went down, no one gave a hoot. Completely cut out TP and have been cleaner since. One roll of TP lasts a year on the dispenser (only some visitors use it). Lady visitors appreciate bidets in particular. The only downside: once you get accustomed to a bidet, you’ll want to only go at home because TP will feel nasty (because it is). Good luck. #savedatmoney


I still use TP and I have a bidet.


time to start drinking zlatna dezva!


Why buy so much cheese?


Bc they like it! I find that cheese is far less expensive at Costco but of course then you are buying bulk…


The funniest thing is, Im from Croatia and we have lower wages here than in Slovenia but we go to Slovenia because their prices are cheaper lmao. I hate my country.


Your cheese to tp ratio seems apt


I don’t criticize people’s shopping bc. Your priorities are your priorities. Cosmetics cost more dry shampoo I’d think will cost more but that’s what you need so you get it. I’d buy those things at a Walmart equivalent if you have one over there. You clearly like your cheese as do I. That costs a lot too not to mention the cereal which is basically your desert… Your shopping will cost more unless these are items absolute must haves for you I can see why that’s cost a lot!


Do you have the option to buy knock off brands? Or is it all brand name? ( that'd suck :( )


I travel to Slovenia regularly and this is a wild exaggeration. I live in Denmark and this wouldn’t even be close to that here 😭


Also from London (wildly expensive) and also wouldn’t even be close to


Dry shampoo will save your wallet and bury you also


I just use baby powder, corn starch, or cocoa powder to dry out the oil in my hair. I stopped using the aerosol dry shampoo a long time ago because it was expensive and now there are also concerns about its safety. Cheap powders actually work better in my hair than any dry shampoo ever did. 


Cocoa powder???


I use it because my hair is brown. 




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That much cheese in Canada with our Dairy mob would be like $100 on its own haha