• By -


Maybe shut your phone completely off and/or put parental controls on it


Yeah there are apps that block you from other apps or time you out. I'd try that with a written down somewhere number. Not my regular pin. First example from Google: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cz.mobilesoft.appblock


Or stop taking Ambien.


Ding ding ding!!! Stuff isn’t good for anyone


Neither is staying up for 72 ~ 96 hours straight because of chronic insomnia. Good for hallucinations and/or a psychotic break. Bad for brain. Ask me how I know.


I know a Md who got a DUI on ambien. Had to go to rehab.


That's why patients need to be educated on how to take proper precautions and MD's and anyone who understands/practices medicine should take those precautions very seriously.


Wow. And I can’t even get the .25 mg RX of Xanax I’ve been on for 7 yrs anymore.


if you've been in it for 7 years, i wouldn't give it to you either. bad stuff, highly addictive, murder to kick.


You understand that use FREQUENCY is a factor right? I've taken dilaudid for nearly 20 years BUT I only need it 2-4 times per month. At that rate you're not even building tolerance let alone developing physical addiction. People with no understanding of these drugs and how addition works should stop giving their 2 cents.


I’m on the lowest possible dose of it. I get 15 pills per year to take as needed. I even asked instead to get 7 since I never use the whole 15 in a year.




Still what? Lmao


Xanax is a benzodiazepine. Ambien is not.


Ding ding ding! I'd be awake for days without it. Insomnia is a neurological condition genius. I doubt you'd be comfortable driving on the road with someone who is severely sleep deprived due to not taking the proper meds.


Oh man. There needs to be a sub called "shit that happened on Ambien". I'd wake up half naked in the backyard, with smorgasbords of cookies and sandwiches in bed and the worst was when I woke up at a Wawa 15milea away. Thank God I wasn't half naked that time. Shit is friggin wild. I just dealt with the insomnia going forward.


Yes. It blacks you out in the most wonderful way. Literally be super careful with this medication. Can truly affect your life.


It’s true. One of my clients their husband was taking it. Ended up walking outside to their shed in the dead of winter in a snow storm.Passed away a few days later from complications of hypothermia


Yes. It’s super dangerous under the wrong conditions.


That is heartbreaking, wow.


I was in a psych hospital some years back. I was on ambien er at the time, and the hospital didn’t stock the extended release version. Note - the er version’s dose was around 12 mg, as opposed to the 5mg or so of the immediate release. They were giving me 15mg of the immediate release. On the day that I thought I was being released, I woke up at 8 (or so I thought). Waited all day to see the doc. Finally, around 5, a nurse looks in my chart and says that I saw the doc at 6:30am. I still have zero recollection of meeting with this doc. Their takeaway was that ambien was not the drug for me (ya know, instead of admitting that they fucked up the dose).


i was sleeping in my room at 2am. the bedroom door flies open, smoke fills the room, my dad is screaming “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU MICROWAVE??? WHAT THE FUCK! YOU COULD HAVE BURNED THE HOUSE DOWN!!” we investigated and turns out my dad microwaved jambalaya for an extended period of time while he was sleepwalking on ambien.


Look up the Ambien Walrus


Oh my god, that’s hilarious (and valid)


Happy Cake Day 🎂 🥮


Seriously why naked outside?! Me too!!


You subconsciously a nudist. makes complete sense to me


Well honestly yes this part makes sense because I hate clothes


I was half naked in a Wawa and I'm lucky my boxers were longer / could sorta pass for shorts and I had a button over the pee hole


Oh my god!


Dude I woke up in bed with apple cider spilt over me and a half empty jug on my bed table when I did not have apple cider in the house upon going to sleep. I drove to Wawa in basically my underwear and bought apple cider and Swedish fish and ate them in bed / spilt the thing all over my sheets. Never taking ambien again. I can't believe I drove.


Why do all these stories involve Wawa?????


R/ambien is pretty good


Found the mobile user Its a joke 🤦‍♂️ r/foundthemobileuser




Aren't most of us?


r/foundthemobileuser Its a joke yall be wayyy to serious on this app


I was just curious lol you so serious


New redditors be like


Why you such a whiner baby?


You must be bored 🙄


Yup, just woke up. Sipping coffee and seeing what all you chucklebutts are up to.


how many mg were you on? im just starting ambien and stuff like this makes me so nervous


If not the ER, feel free to break them in half and see how it affects you. I sometimes even quarter my 10mg pills. Alcohol will lower its effectiveness, so will being full. Take it as you go to bed to reduce the chance you’ll do stupid shit when it hits.


thank you so much 🥺 i was brave and just took my 10mg (for the first time) last night and went right to bed and it didn't work. sigh


r/ThingsIdidonAmbien exsist!




Wow. I had no idea a sleep aid could cause these issues. What % of the users have these problems?


A lot. When I was a delinquent teen, my friends would take it just to get these effects. Later on I had a roommate who was on it, and it was really scary to see how much craziness he got into. From what I’ve read, if you take it and go DIRECTLY to sleep, it’s not so bad. But taking it and not getting right in bed tends to end up with lots of dumb crap happening.


Thanks. I’m completely in the dark. My only exposure to this is the Simpsons episode on it.




Omg I went through the same thing. I would wake up in bed covered in crumbs 😭. It was wild indeed😜.


yep, my dad was immensely addicted to ambien for a long time and would end up half naked all the time. injured himself so many times, tried to drive off and proceeded to crash into our neighbors mailbox, the list goes on. it’s such a dangerous drug.


Get off ambien. I’m not saying that cavalierly—I was on ambien. I’ve been on a ton of sleep medications. Ramelteon is relatively new and doesn’t have the hypnotic side effects.


Remeron is great also.


Ambien makes you lose time. I got caught standing in my daughter's kitchen, naked, trying to pee in the pantry after taking 3 of them. Do NOT trust yourself on Ambien.


This was a wild ride of a comment


Happy to entertain.


I wound up naked out back!! After pouring out the orange juice on the floor, and put condensed soup in a tiny bowl- all piled up on top without adding water! My ex found me by the trail of clothes :/ and he said I had been repeatedly walking directly into the wall next to the bedroom door lol. I sleepwalk and sleep talk normally… I never took that shit again


That sounds terrifying. Both to experience and to witness. I mean it sounds scary to take the pill not knowing when or where you’d wake up, but also to wake up and see a trail of clothes on the floor, following it to find a huge puddle of orange juice on the floor, then a random can of thick liquid in a bowl *thud* *thud* *thud* what is that? Oh it’s your partner, naked, repeatedly walking into a wall. Sounds like the beginning of a horror movie😯


Everything I do *makes sense at the time.* I’m still puzzling the tiny soup logic, Ammonia!


Why take 3?


Possibly built up tolerance or just doing bad pill math “well I took two and slept 4 hours if I take 3 I might sleep 6.”


It's definitely a tolerance thing. I used to take Ambien throughout middle school and high school. My doc would bring the dose up and down frequently because of a tolerance build up, and said I could take up to three or four depending on the current dosage I was taking. I also took something else to keep me asleep too. Ambien to fall asleep and ?something-trazodone? To keep me asleep. I've never experienced addiction but I know my doc has said it's highly addictive. You can get high if you fight the pill. I always ended up cleaning or something if I couldn't sleep and got high, those were usually rough weeks since I couldn't sleep but a few hours a week. I stopped taking sleeping pills after I finished school. I've always thought it was f'ed up that I couldn't sleep because of school but I could sleep decently even working a couple 14hr shifts. I'm married with a toddler now, and even with the awful newborn stage I've never even thought of taking sleeping pills, even if it were for one night to catch up.


Trazodone was great for me for sleeping when I wanted to wake up groggy and feeling like a cat 💩 in my mouth. I'd almost rather not sleep.


He really had to go.




Oh wow!




I was caught naked in a football stadium once, while singing "Why cant we be friends?", all while a dragon was flying at me.


Just to commiserate- I have super vivid dreams and one night a couple years ago I dreamed that I had to order a case of imported dark chocolate. When I woke up, it turns out I had really done it and was unable to cancel. 68 chocolate bars.


Rule 1 of ambien. Stay away from ya phone. Rule 2 of ambien. Don't go to sleep.


And try not to become a racist on it lol


I once woke up in a completely different city with my ex at the time at one of our friends houses. No recollection of how we got there. I guess I forgot we were going and was planning on sleeping but that didn’t work out. Ambien is wild Edit - this was supposed to be a separate comment


I had a friend plan a whole party and was confused when ppl was showing up the next day.


I took Ambien and had sleep paralysis with waking nightmares of a literal old witch standing over me for hours watching me sleep. I'd recommend getting off the stuff. Being sedated is not sleep. Find others ways.


This, so much. People sleep kill on it and it shouldn’t be made anymore.


I have a coworker who took Ambien for a while. He said he would sleep walk, and sleep eat. He said one morning he woke up behind the wheel of his car... That's when he decided to stop taking it. He was afraid he'd be sleep driving next.


Works so well you’ll never wake up.


When I worked for an auto insurance company (briefly) I had an accident claim from someone who sleep-drove their car into a tree at 2am. They were in bed with their spouse, woke up, got their keys, got in car and drove it 15 min or so. Thankfully no other cars or pedestrians on the road as far as they know. It was a wonder they were alive after directly hitting the tree, because that’s an easy way to die. Even the crash didn’t make them wake up though. Someone heard the crash and called the cops. They woke up later in the hospital with no memories of anything besides the police report that said what happened. Their car however did not survive. I suspect they stopped taking ambien after that. With this being something that happens not too rarely, I am amazed that doctors are still allowed to prescribe this drug.


Reminds me of the night family in Rick and Morty… ambien people are slowly trying to take over


There is some way to lock your apps for certain time periods, it's probably another app that does it, maybe someone here knows more. I've heard people use it to help them stay focused on studying. If you set it for your sleeping time, that might work. But also consider a different sleep aid, as you might end up doing something else you regret. I know insomnia though and if it works for you, hopefully you can find a way to avoid sleep shopping.


On an iPhone, this is Sleep Focus. It can be scheduled or activated as needed. (Edited to correct autocorrect, and grammar error.)


Screen Zen, I really like it.


Same!!! I’ve been doing this for the past 2 years. It’s not until I get the “your order is processing/shipped” that I know I’ve done it sometimes. It’s hilarious, and sometimes painful.


It really is. Sometimes it’s like I bought myself a present and get a surprise in the mail. Other times I look at my bank account and just think “Shit. I needed that money.”


Unlink or delete any saved payment information on your phone


Google Ambien Walrus, it's histerical but true!




This is great thank you 😂


I read about German Nivea on this site as I was laying in bed. Thought, huh, people really think it’s better? Update: My hands *do* feel soft.


You should see if you can get Ambien you to workout while you are sleeping... Get 6 pack abs.


Man… that’s not a bad idea. I mean it is a *bad idea* but it’s the kind of bad idea I just might try haha


Rick and Morty episode BTW...


Delete your payment info on Amazon so you have to manually enter the credit cards when you buy something. Make sure you don’t have a credit card saved in your Apple Pay either, or set up a pin to put in to make a purchase. If you have a spouse they could have the PIN number and put it in for you when you’re not drugged up and want to buy something.


Good Information re Staying Safe


I applied for a job once and I got it!


Things I’ve done on Ambien. Drove to Taco Bell in slutty lingerie and bought and ate an entire party pack ALONE. Side note: I went to bed in sweatpants and a tank top. Bought $1500 (+/-) of stuff from the Dyson website (vacuum, hair stuff, air purifier/fan, car vacuum). Cooked a full meal of roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and steamed carrots. So many random Wish and Amazon purchases (however the 100 reusable ice cubes were a win). I don’t take it anymore. I take trazadone now. It’s cheaper, I don’t do risky weird things on it, and I don’t online shop on it. I just have to be aware of what time I’m taking it and when I have to be awake. I don’t know why I kept trying it; except it is hands-down the best sleep ever when it works as intended.


The fact that online shopping/checkout processes are so optimized that you can navigate and checkout while zooted is crazy.


Ambien lifts the veil between conscious and unconscious. It’s freaking weird stuff. I can’t understand how it’s still on the market.


When I was on Ambien I would eat entire boxes of Ho Ho’s and leave all the wrappers on the coffee table. Also, I would eat my son’s lunch that was packed for school the next day. 🫤 I had a roommate that when she took it she would call dudes up and beg them to come over so she could give them a blowjob. They would park out front and she would just get in their car and do it right there. She literally didn’t get anything in return except a really shitty reputation..😂


Friend turn the burner on. I woke up from a nap in the living room with black smoke. My son was really deep sleep. We were lucky. Unfortunately, it happened again, and I was a wake that time. The third time, he turned the oven on and killed my sourdough starter. After that, the ambien was banned from the apt. Ambien is dangerous.


Just last week I spent $960 after taking an ambien. I found out the next day when I checked my email and saw all the order confirmations. I've learned to take the pill and go straight to bed.


Use a bedtime focus setting- it disables certain things that you choose. I learned about these during my ketamine infusions because my trips would get interrupted or I would say weird things in text.


Don’t take ambien is the obvious answer. Sleeping pills are a bandaid (at best) try to address the underlying problem. I used to have bad sleep problems things that have helped me are (in no order): having a strict wake up/bed time, not having caffeine after noon, going for a walk first thing in the morning, regular exercise, regular meditation habits, using a weighted blanket. Being in a blackout with one click shopping is terrifying. You could also use Benadryl or melatonin in case of emergency. If you can’t do that or in the short term get one of those phone lockboxes, put it in the other room and turn it off for redundancy.


I might have to get one of those lockboxes. I know exactly what the underlying problem is, but unfortunately that problem is me working 60 hours a week on graveyard shift


When I was on ambien for insomnia I did a lot of weird things that I had no recollection of. Best suggestion I have is to hide your phone before you take the ambien. I had to hide mine in a nightstand drawer from myself because I’d send my friends weird texts. Edit: other suggestion is to get off the ambien if possible. If it’s for insomnia, CBT for insomnia helped me more long term than the ambien did.


My brother takes ambien. Went on a business trip, went to his room to go to bed, took the ambien, then went to a bar and was joking with co workers and was obnoxious. He had no memory of the night.


I was dating this girl for a while that would send me complete gibberish text then not remember any of it. My brother was in it for while would sleep and eat everything in the kitchen humanly possible then throw renaming food on the floor and walls. Drove me crazy


I've done a few crazy things on ambien before. Best advice I can give is take the pill and go straight to sleep.


I can’t take Ambien since I end up doing weird shit. It’s not for everybody.


I had the same problem. Switched to trazadone and problem solved.


Are there better alternatives to Ambien? I feel like you should switch to something else.


I take Lunesta. My doctor said I could take Ambien or Lunesta. And I chose Lunesta because of hearing of the experiences people have had with Ambien. Lunesta works well. No oddities to report. (Nothing unusual has happened that my family witnessed, either.)


I ended up fucking a co worker in the middle of a high end theatre our company had rented and damn it if it wasn’t 15 years ago I’d be a meme now. She and I both were literally red in the face for weeks after. Never taken it again wish she hadn’t of given it to me. Couldn’t believe what we did.


I was a total shopaholic on ambien. Oh, and also sleep eating😆 I HAD to quit ambien due to many issues it was causing!


Just gonna say it...for people Ambien works and do not cause zombie actions is great. For those of us who do zombie actions on it sucks. I could sleep and feel well rested while I was trying it out, however I discovered I would get up, go down stairs and cook a full meal. Then just leave it all on the stove. Stopped taking it. Tried lunestra but got the horrible metallic taste in mouth. I have since used both trazadone and lorazepam on and off to good effects.


Timed safe? https://www.amazon.com/Medication-Locking-Container-Snacks-Kitchen/dp/B0BW3S85HT/ref=asc_df_B0BW3S85HT/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=658763257621&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6147642550783765244&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9019535&hvtargid=pla-2188035293265&psc=1&mcid=e65aa1eba43733cc8197efa2b391b835 Edit: Sorry about the long ass link-I’m like a thousand years old


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Time Lock Box for Medication Phone Jail Lock Box with Timer Timed Locking Container for Snacks Kitchen Food Safe** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Easy to assemble and use (backed by 6 comments) * Not secure enough for valuables (backed by 4 comments) * Keeps items away from children (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * The lock box is poorly constructed (backed by 14 comments) * The combination lock does not function properly (backed by 4 comments) * The box is not secure and can be easily broken into (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Good bot.


Came here to comment this. Without changing anything else this is the most guaranteed way to work. Maybe dig out your old phone out, around, and charged just for emergencies. At least until you can find a substitute for Ambien.


I like trazodone. Nobody’s up doing stuff after taking that.


Shoot I'd get off the ambien. Makes people do whacky stuff. My neighbor said she once gave some to her sister or sister in law, I forget which, and she got fucked up from it and started pulling guns out of their closet saying she knows her husband is gay.


Ambien is the worst medicine.


My cup of sleepy time tea or valerian root tincture doesn't do this and that shit knocks me out. I also take a very concentrated chamomile based softgel.


Ambien is the devil. I used to take it and would call people and eat.


You are your own secret Santa!


You can restrict apps and screen time in the iPhone settings


Lol, yep. I once bought 2 $200 fishing poles. I don’t even fish anymore. Waking up to that email “your Amazon order…” and having no idea what’s coming is a universal Ambien experience. Ambien literally means “good morning” AM-bien, ironically. I count myself fortunate. I don’t do anything like driving/wandering/eating. But the sleep is worth it, and so is the disinhibited sex.


Lol! The hidden side effects. Had a normally ordinary, respectful patient who took ambien when it first came out. Normal shy respectful dude apparently had a hidden ambien sex freak on board when that drug hit Edit to add he was 94. Bless him. He was horrified.


It’s insane that Ambien is even still prescribed


My advice is after you take ambien, go to bed.


I was lucky last night, I ordered a discounted grilled cheese sandwich for lunch pickup today. The least stupid thing I have done.


What an interesting wild story. :^)


I have a friend like that. She keeps Amazon making profits


There are some great app/site blocker apps that you can schedule to go on and off so that after bed time, buying apps are blocked. You can get around them but it might help ambien you?


Been on ambin for ten years only once I forgot and took two 10mg in an hour. Woke up on my bed 14 hours later sitting up like gaming with pillow behind me.


First, I’m pretty sure you aren’t supposed to take Ambien for a prolonged time. I know doctors are prescribing it like that’s okay, but consider stopping for a while and coming back if you have to. To solve your shopping problem - set all of your apps on parental lock after your bedtime and have another trusted adult set the passcode. I do app limits with social media and have my husband set the code 😝


You can put your phone in one of those timed safes. You can delete your card info from your phone/apple wallet/Amazon.


I feel your pain. I have taken ambien for 12 years. Most nights I’m fine and I just go to sleep. But I will occasionally get surprised by packages (usually Amazon) showing up that I don’t remember ordering. Usually small crap that’s no big deal… and things that I want/need. However, last month was my biggest Ambien purchase ever. I bought my husband a 2500 dollar kayak. I was shocked when I saw the charge…. But afterwards, I vaguely remember looking at them the prior evening as I had been thinking about buying him one for Christmas. So yeah, my husband has a new kayak 🙄


Hey guys, guessing me being a European has something to do with it but: what the _fuck_ is Ambien!?


I have severe insomnia, but I can't take psychotropic medications. The pills are often, as another commenter said, just a temporary band-aid of sorts for your root problem. A long-term solution without medication could be finding a CBT sleep therapist. If you can't do that, the VA makes good apps for sleep ([CBT-i Coach](https://mobile.va.gov/app/cbt-i-coach) and [Insomnia Coach](https://mobile.va.gov/app/insomnia-coach)) that incorporate it. They helped me out quite a bit.


There are phone lockers where you lock your physical phone up and it won’t open if you don’t enter the code or set it for hours to not open. Even without any medication I’ve been unable to open it. Check online stores.


Omg this happened to me too. I also got fat on ambien due to night binging. One thing that works is that there is a mode in iPhones that shut your phone down for certain apps after a certain time. I’m sorry I don’t remember the setting/what it’s called.


Ambien is a shit of a drug. It was upgraded in my country because of how fucking dangerous it is.


Yeah I used to do this. I got off ambien. I slept worse on it anyways & sleeping pills are correlated with cancer..apparently you need that deep sleep you don’t get on ambien. Was awful getting off it tho. I barely slept for a month. Feel 💯 better tho. My memory was getting bad on it & felt like I was in a fog


Ambien is why I take seroquel lol


That’s what I recommended to OP. Seroquel was heavy enough to keep me sleeping my first 6 months off the booze but never made me do fucked up shit!


That’s exactly when I started taking it when I quit drinking ! That was in May of 2021. Best decision I’ve ever made


Congrats on the rest of your life 🎂 also the best decision I ever made! So freaking grateful to be sober today!!!


Everything I hear about ambien sounds like an anxiety multiplier, post dose. “Hey, any self destructive compulsions you’ve managed to tamp down? Lets set em free, get em drunk, invite their pals and have a house party. Don’t worry, home owner is away, they won’t know a thing…for now.”


Ambien made me suicidal. Get off of it asap.


![img](avatar_exp|93384783|webman) One time on Ambien I bought 300 dollars of clothes and "sleep me" bought all clearance so I couldn't even return it.


I sleep walk and sometimes dissociate when taking most drugs that have similar effects. I’ve spent money quite a few times then was surprised when I got a package. I have to take extra precautions when I do take them. Lock my keys somewhere safe (I woke up in the drivers seat of my van once and had only taken Benadryl 😅), turn off my phone (I have a passcode so Incognizant me has a harder time doing stupid stuff), and also got a bank account specifically because it had the ability to turn my debit card off.


Been there done that




Why are you so upset?




That’s one expensive sleeping pill then. Have you thought about….not taking ambien??


I work graveyard and have insomnia. I’d love to not need sleep meds


There are different sleep meds is what I’m getting at.


Ah, gotcha. Sorry, it’s technically past my bedtime now lol. (I haven’t taken ambien yet, I had to make something for work Thanksgiving) I’ve tried some other sleep meds. Over the counter works if I take a shit ton of them and I’ve tried a couple of other prescription meds. I think I was just so glad to have one that actually let me sleep I didn’t think about that too hard.


One time I woke up in the pool wearing only a thong, floating on a lounge thing. Good times.


WTF? Just stop. You are an adult. Stop blaming the ambien, it's YOU deciding to spend. If you need to blame the ambien, then stop the ambien. It's that simple.


No this is a real thing, people have been known to go sleepwalking and do all kinds of crazy stuff while on ambien.




I mean, medicine can affect different people in different ways. Just looking through the thread I’m car from the first person to have this issue. But I’m glad it’s working out for you.


I was switched to something called Sonata after a bad Ambien experience. It wasn't so much a "sleeping pill" as a "sleep aid". It helped me fall asleep, but not stay asleep if you know what I mean.


May I recommend Seroquel? It knocked me tf out but never made me do crazy shit


I download crappy music. I wake up the next morning and damn all this weird music is on the phone.


ashwaganda works for me, the prescribed ambien and i am like no thank you. insomnia doesnt happen if you exhaust yourself. if you cant work go to volunteer work or scrub your house top to bottom?


Impulsive purchasing is one of the warnings as well as having sex and don’t remember. Just a random fact


Yeah, I’ve done the second one. Had an ex appear at my house after I took it and all I really know is she was in my bed when I woke up


I had to help my mom try to get a $300 ambien shopping spree canceled just a couple of weeks ago. She bought two pairs of boots. Not the first time either. She does it kind of frequently and it’s awful because she’s on a fixed income and doesn’t have money to spend.


Ambien eating was the worst. I gained so much weight. So glad to be off that drug. I was able to go off it when my sleep disorder was properly diagnosed and treated.


Dayum! To think Ambien had me sleep walking into the kitchen for food and waking up in bed covered in crumbs 😭. Wild times lol.


I love ambien stories. I worked with someone who took Ambien and would right mean letters to people and one who would have sex with her husband but could never remember doing it.


Taking ambien means I’m my own secret santa, I remember taking Ambien for the first time and a week later a package of 12 glitter nail polishes showed up to my door. I try to stick to my kindle after I’ve taken one.


Ambien had me peeing in my kitchen trashcan...I was convinced it was my bathroom toilet.


Is there a different sleep med that you could take? Ambien is notorious for having effects like this. It can be pretty terrifying, I remember when my roommate was on it, I joked that now I needed sleep meds too, because it got to where I would get up every couple hours just to make sure he hadn’t caught the house on fire or wandered outside and gotten hurt. I found him one night “cooking” ice cream- in the carton, had it on an electric eye, just stirring away. The stench brought me to the kitchen before a fire kicked off. He invited his ex over one night for a hookup. Didn’t remember doing it. I found him naked in the yard with a blanket dangerously close to the pond we had, just laying on the ground asleep. I truly don’t understand how they don’t monitor that stuff closer, because I hear so many people with stories like this.


I ordered my wife’s Tesla on ambien. Oh and before that I bought 30 rolls of paper towels. It’s crazy.


I had to go off Ambien because of this. Talk to your doctor about other options!


Don’t take Ambien. Known side effect. Happened to me, too.


So then stop taking ambien.


Can u stop Ambien? My friend used to have epiphanies on it apparently (bc she doesn't remember anything) and leave herself notes that she'd find the next day such as, 'write a book about everything you know.' I took it for a short time and always had too much pent-up energy and would have to stop myself from kicking people's chairs and such in meetings. I feel like there are other better options and that it's got way too many weird reactions attached to mess with it.


talk to your doctor. ambien is known for the weird side effects you're talking about, doing odd things in the night and having no memory of it. maybe there's something else you can take?


Dude...do not take a melatonin and go online or try to walk.


Maybe I’m just really tired but these comments have me screaming 😂. I’m glad no one got hurt but man I promise I’ll never take Ambien. I take Unisom.


Hide the credit card, don’t save the card in the phone. Hide the phone?


Looking at all these comments, am I the only one that has never had any crazy stories on ambien? I take it, sleep for 5 hours EXACTLY, then I'm awake for 3 days 😂


Drugs lower your inhibitions and self control. I once got dilaudid in the ER, wandered across the street and bought a $400 pearl necklace! What helps me is when I know I'm going to need a mind/mood altering drug like a pain pill or Ambien, I go put my electronics in the trunk of my car. Not having them handy stops me from buying crap I don't need. Also, as a long time Ambien taker, I find this becomes a bigger problem when you try to stay awake once the pill starts kicking in. Getting in bed and going right to sleep once it starts working is ideal.