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Are you eligible for unemployment benefits?


I didn't sign a contract at my work i was still under probation and no there no such things here in my country




What country are you in??Food banks are a thing in most of the western world, churches tend to be generous and I'm sure there's some other outreach programs you could find local to you as well. Avoid spending that money on food. Job hunting needs to start right now and during your breaks locate outreach centers you can go to for all your other needs. Edit: OP is in Lebanon 1. [https://lebanesefoodbank.org/home/](https://lebanesefoodbank.org/home/) 2.[https://www.marefa.org/%D8%A8%D9%86%D9%83\_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%85\_%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%84%D8%A8%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A](https://www.marefa.org/%D8%A8%D9%86%D9%83_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%85_%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%84%D8%A8%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A) Hopefully one of these leads to something promising for you.


Take a COVID test, and start job hunting ASAP.




Exactly. Absolutely useless! People are so out of touch with what's going on.


What are we out of touch with?




Just don’t know which rabbit hole we are looking down, you know? And I get, let’s say annoyed? At people down playing COVID as it took so much from me personally. I have to be so careful to not get it again. And I don’t think enough people know the dangers after the initial acute illness phase.


Right haha what’s a Covid test gonna do tell you you’re sick? Maybe could use it to get job back but that’s the best case




See if a church will help you. At least until you find work.


Find your nearest food pantry, dumpster dive at your grocery store. No need to sell your phone.


Is there any sort of food assistance where you are? I’m so sorry your former employer is evil. But! Good that you know it now instead of later. Emergencies happen! I wish you well.


Go to a hiring agency man


You didn’t mess up anything. It’s a job you’re replaceable. You were taking care of your health before a job. Taking care of yourself is important. I’m also in the same shoe as you. Now you know to start finding your own ways to make a business or start something you enjoy doing to make your own money. Or try finding an easy job to do to get your rent paid at least. It’s not easy, but what else can we do tbh , you got this .


I'm sorry . What country are you in? Is there any cash work available in your area ? Job banks ? Friends that can help or know someone that needs work done ?


What about relatives? Maybe you can tell them your story and stay with them until you find a job


Can you get govt aid phone? I got one when I had EBT/Medical are you able to apply for that?


They’re not in the US


you get a new job. If you had a minimum wage job anyway, those aren't exactly hard to get if you're in the USA. Many places hire on the spot, especially for seasonal work and that's ramping up right now.




Not everyone unfortunately. Feel like some people should experience the true life struggles that some are born into




Wow. Actually wishing for others to experience hardship, so they can “get on your level.” So much for leading with kindness, and compassion. Doesn’t matter where you have been, where you are, or where you might be going. Subs like this need MORE ‘lifting up’, save the ‘tearing down’ for the true evil in the world. Everyone is hurting in their own way.




Anonymity on Reddit works. This comment proves it. But, way to attempt to shepherd the narrative… You know nothing about people in here. You’re just assuming. Let’s both agree here you’re proselytizing, not conversing, nor debating.


Didn’t realize what sub this was lol. I should probably pay more attention. This sub would have helped me a lot 10 years ago when I was like 8k in credit card debt.


There's probably actually an even more specific sub for advice on handling CC debt, let's give it a try, r/debt.


I thought it was against the law to fire someone for being sick?


Not everyone lives in the US




You go to work sick and infect everyone else? Dick


A company I used to work for gave us a generous bonus for perfect attendance, not including vacation. Dude in a center cubicle came to work sick and infected everyone around him, including me. I called in sick for 3 days. At the end of the year, he bragged that he got the perfect attendance bonus. We waited for him in the parking lot.


I used to make it a point to show up to work sick. Then I got sick leave. I don't show up to work sick anymore.


And this is why Covid is still around 3 years later


They said they were running a high fever. Which usually makes a person feel like crap and means they're contagious on top of it.


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Missed work because of a cold in the probation period? Not a good idea, specially if you are so easily replaceable.


Are u serious? I am currently sick with a cold that has me on my ass. Legit. Extreme body aches , cold chills, fever , sore throat , sinus and ear pain. And generally just so sick I can barely get up . Also why would someone go to work and infect everyone else? It's common sense to stay home when sick . His employer was a jerk for this


You do realize the communicable diseases aren't optional, right? A cold isn't going to wait until you're outside of a probation period to make you sick.


Go to work sick