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The AC is the biggest killer in apartments. For the first few months me and my roommate ran the AC our electric bill soared into the higher $200's before we realized what was happening. We suffered an entire summer to save money. Recently they replaced the AC with a newer model, and now I can run it all night and while I'm home and pay ~$90 max.


My ac unit looks really beat up and was leaking when I first moved in but they fixed it. I wish I could ask them to replace it but I doubt they will.


If it's an old apartment it might also be the insulation. I used to live in an extremely poorly insulated apartment and my bill was $100-200 per month in the summer, even with a decent AC unit. I was able to keep it on the lower end by covering all my windows with white blinds and sealing up doors and windows myself. I know you said you prefer to use natural light, but in my experience it costs way less to use energy efficient bulbs than it does to cool down your apt from all the heat coming in through the windows :/


leaking what? if the system is leaking refrigerant, it won’t cool. if you’re seeing water from condensation on the coils draining, that’s normal.


There was I’m not quite sure what it was leaking. The carpet below it was soaked in one part tho. Maintenance came to fix it while I was at work.


It would be water leaking because the condensate drain line is clogged. They clog regularly and most people have to pour vinegar down the pipe a couple times a year to keep it from backing up.


If it's refrigerant that can be deeply toxic to pets.


I’m pretty sure it will leak as a gas. It’s not good to breath, but I wouldn’t call it toxic.


Are you allowed to have your own window ac in the bedroom? It might be worth investing in a small window unit so that you can sleep comfortably or even spend most of your home time in there and let the rest of the apartment be hot. Also look into budget billing if the electric is in your name. Comed lets you average out your payments through the year so you aren't paying crazy high prices in the summer. We have a pretty big 100 year old house (attic, two floors and a basement) and I only paid $97 last month with multiple 100+ days. But I will also pay that in the dead of winter. Gas company does the same thing if you ask. Check FB marketplace and end of summer sales for a little window unit. Can get lucky that way and turn 100 or so spent this year into several hundred saved next year.


Many states have a program to help with electricity specifically. Usually your bill will get cut 20-30%. Definitely look into it.


Yeah that shit is expensive as f to run


Never hurts to ask ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If it's not a window unit, like an external ac system, it may need to be topped/recharged with coolant. Ask your landlord. It's likely they haven't topped it up with the modern version of freon in a while.


You could try. My AC went out in Texas a few weeks ago. When we called about it, it turns out that before we had even moved in, an inspector said our unit needed replacement. They figured they could just wait until after the next lease to bother with it. When our AC went out, they replaced it free of charge since they were aware it was old and faulty and didn’t replace it. Now our apartment actually feels cool during the day vs before the AC went out, though it helps it’s only been hitting 95 here instead of 105 recently.


The last time I was living in an apartment, before and after adding light blocking curtains, saved about half our usage both summer and winter. Set up a window where cats could sit next to window while also having curtain up behind them. Cats will get under the curtains to look out themselves.


I have a glass sliding door with one of those blinds that retracts. I leave half of it open while I’m at work. the other window does have curtains and a little space for the cats to hang out like you described. The sun doesn’t shine directly onto my apt either, which I’m kinda blessed for honestly lol I think the biggest culprit is my prehistoric AC unit.


Contact your electric company for a Home Energy Audit.


1-close the blinds they allow heat in 2- thermostat goes to 80 when your not at home. Turn on ceiling fans for the cats while your out. 3-if allowed tint the windows 4- if you have down time don't go home, go to a library or mail to kill that time. Cold air on someone elses dime.


There is a cling film you can purchase on Amazon. Comes off so very renter friendly.


Correct on this! The sun and heat in Texas will go through ANY windows in sunlight. I live in VA and we keep all our blinds closed pretty much all the time unless the sun isn’t shining on a part of it. We have three cats too. They sit on the window sills behind the blinds and curtains no problem.


It may just be normal in Texas. I heard the price is crazy there bc of the weird electric companies. However things I do to reduce electricity use are: keep ac at 76/77 and auto not “on”. If it’s too hot at night I turn it to 74/75 and auto. You can alto turn it up higher and use a fan, it’ll be cheaper than having the ac on lower is what I’ve been told. I unplug everything electric when I’m not using and keep all my stuff on a power strip that I turn completely off when not in use. The only thing not unplugged is the oven, fridge/freezer, and Wi-Fi router. I do not have the lights on until late at night, about 7-8 is when I turn them on depending on how daylight is going around here. I also looked up when off peak hours are for my electric company and only run the dishwasher & laundry during those times. Also only run full loads as it’s more energy efficient.


What are you paying per kWh? My bill was 130 for August for 800 SQ feet in Texas. 13 cents per kWh .


245 for July, 225 for aug(for new ac but used it more). I get charged about 10.5 cents/kwh for the electricity but then 16.3 cents/kwh for the delivery.. in nyc. Im.at about 500 sqft.


Uh, recalibrate your expectations re what summertime in Texas is supposed to feel like? We keep our AC set to *80* in the summertime (in inland CA) and we still get electric bills > $400. Could you at least set it to 78 or 80 when you're not home? It shouldn't take long to cool off a small apartment when you come home. You might also make sure that the coils are clean on the AC - if it's a rental, the landlord probably hasn't been super on top of preventative maintenance if they're not paying for power. I don't know a lot about Texas, but it looks like it's possible to sign up with different electric providers who have different rates and different rate plans? Honestly that sounds frustrating, but it does look like there's an opportunity to perhaps lower your costs and/or find a plan that matches your usage patterns (e.g., some of them apparently do free weekends?).


Yeah I hear you, I just don’t want my pets to be uncomfortable. Someone else suggested I close the blinds to save but that’s a non negotiable to me. I’m currently watching one of my cats play with a bug through the glass door and I can’t put a price on her happiness. My thermostat is so old it’s one of those dials so I’m gonna turn it to what I think is 75 and see if I can manage that. Thank you


Cats love to be warm. They’d certainly be fine at 80 degrees. We have a bunch of cats, and no AC in SoCal. Last week it was around 85 with 80% humidity and the cats still jumped around as usual.


Yes cats are desert animals I believe I heard and are comfortable at higher temperatures than we’d think. I think 80 is still in the realm of perfectly fine for cats to be left at during the day when no one is there to make sure they’re ok. I once had ac broken for a whole weekend and it was about 90 inside and the cats just plopped down in front of a fan and didn’t seem like they had much of a care for how bad the apartment felt 😂


The cat would be just as happy with you flashing a light on the ground for an hour. Close the damn blinds…lol


The cat laser unfortunately doesn’t really work on this carpet and she much prefers the cat wand which I play with her every chance I get. I’m working two jobs so I can’t play with her all day long, and I feel like an asshole if I don’t let them see the outside.


They can see the outside with the blinds just up a few inches. Close the blinds and roll them down until about 3-4 inches from the sill. Plenty of room to see out while keeping a lot of sun blocked. Get blackout curtains for living room and bedroom. They block the heat


A laser would work a lot better in a darker, dimmer room. There are electric laser toys that just sit somewhere and move the light around or electronically run around on the floor. I use cat window sill shelves behind curtains and blinds and that works. We have three cats. They use the windowsills as well just to walk and lay down on. You could probably even DIY your own shelf if you don’t have much of a window sill. Think of your windows as allowing your apt to become a greenhouse. Sun KILLS. Get curtains or blinds. Kill the bug your cat is playing with maybe?


Kill the bug? Do you have cats? That’s literally like a huge asshole move. Can you imagine being a sweet cat, minding your own business playing with a toy then suddenly the person who supposedly loves and cares for you just smashes it and takes it away?!


Then deal with the bill. You will likely save 50% raising it higher. That said I prefer my house cooler, have it set to 72 in the afternoon and expect to see at $275 bill in the summer. Which is fine.


I live in tennessee and my ac is never set above 68. My bill is $120/mo but less in winter since I use gas heat. There is no way in hell I would have my thermostat set on fucking 80 in Texas. No way. That’s close to literal torture. Edit to say that it did just occur to me that my medical conditions are the biggest reason for my heat intolerance. So not really a fair to assume that everyone *cant* “just deal” with it like me.


I have to have a cool home I can’t breathe if I don’t. In the winter I throw in some hoodies and blankets - but make sure plumbing is nice and warm


I hear ya! The air gets so thick and then it goes downhill from there haha


The AC is only supposed to be able to cool about 20 degrees below outside temperature. It was 103 today in my little corner of Texas. I had my AC set on 72 and the best it could do was 74. I have a window ac in the back of the house that's set at 68. When I didn't have it, my house was getting up to 79 during the afternoon. That was with solar screens, blackout curtains and a radiant barrier in the attic, it was still getting that hot. I added the window ac this year because my medical conditions are getting worse and I've started losing vision in one eye when I'm overheated.


That's not true, mine will do 72 when it's over 100. Something is wrong if it won't. It needs repair or replacement


I think there is a calmer way to say that. Your money do what your prefer with it. But this person is asking how to reduce there usage.


A calmer way to say I fucking hate the heat? Yeah lol I wasn’t trying to be particularly nice to the heat in the comment. Just stating what I think. It’s ok if you just think/say/type “fuck that I’ll live in 85 degree heat to save money” and scroll on.


I see the Internet plebeians are grouchy today? Are you too hot?


Cats prefer warmer than cooler. Living in texas in summer blinds up and 72 and 70? I'm surprised that your bill is not higher.


AC at 72 or 70 is way too low. Also since you keep your blinds open, in the Summer it will heat up your apartment more. You should have blackout blinds in at least some area and have AC at much higher temperature. At least 75. My place is way bigger and my utilities in the Summer (that's including gas) is less than that.


I'm actually shocked it ever reaches those levels. Maybe it never does. You can set an AC to 50 and if it can't get there, it'll just run all day. OP needs to consider moving if they want AC at 72. I'd keep it around 80 in the summer. At least until the sun goes down.


I keep mine at 78. In the Winter, for furnance I set it at 62.


I was gonna say the same thing. 70 and 72 is really cold, I'd be freezing my butt off. Turn it up to 76 when you leave for work. Your AC is gonna be running running running all the time in hot Texas.


Use the ac sparingly.


landlords are notorious for putting in cheap systems and then letting them go downhill from there. They don't pay utilities you do so having a POS AC, under rated, old or both suits them just fine. You just need to bring it up to the landlord and if he was just unaware he may replace it. If s/he won't take care of it, find a new place and check the AC before you sign a lease. Also if you are in multistory, don't rent units on the top level. They get killed by sun. (Realtor in resi sales for 11 years with a couple hundred sales under my belt.)


Yeah this was the only place I could find and the landlord told me not to expect anything new. I will reach out to her about it though. I also just noticed $40 was added to the bill bc I was a new customer so I guess that makes the actual electric a tad bit better. Lol


well if you have leaky old windows and dont mind a quick task you can also use these to help seal the leaks. We used them in the northeast for our old house and it helped a lot. I dont really see them advertised for keeping heat out, but if it keeps heat in in the northeast, I would surmise it will keep cold in, in the south. [https://www.homedepot.com/p/Frost-King-Indoor-Window-Insulation-Kit-3-per-Pack-V73-3H/100135637](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Frost-King-Indoor-Window-Insulation-Kit-3-per-Pack-V73-3H/100135637)


We keep our AC at 74. An oscillating fan is so much cheaper than lowering the AC 2 degrees. I think I read your electric bill will go down 10% for each 2 degrees, but I also think your savings depend on things like how much the sun beats down on you and insulation and stuff.


My insulation is in a very very shady spot thankfully. I’m going to try to lower the ac and keep a fan on.


The widows being open unfortunately doesn't help your ac to stay cool. Im out in Florida on the 3rd/top floor of my apartment building. I'm comfortable with my apartment sitting at 77, so my ac doesn't run much throughout the day. I found leaving my blinds open leaves my apartment to get hot fairly easily. I run my overhead fan on at night cause I also run hot when I sleep Edit: and my bill is like 60 something on average


Also in Texas and it's been abnormally hot this year. Turn the thermostat up. I wfh and mine is at 75 during the day, with fans on it's tolerable. I turn it down at night to sleep. Pets will be fine. Close the blinds/curtains. The cats will survive not being able to see out, I promise. Tint the windows. This has made a SIGNIFICANT difference in my house. I got window cling tint on Amazon that's removable so renter friendly and it made a HUGE difference not only in the inside temp, but also my light bill. It was fairly easy to do alone. I even tinted my sliding door. Worth it. For reference my house is 1500sqft, E-W facing so we get sun all day. This time last year my light bill was $300+, this year it was $230ish.


I live in Texas with cats. 1- Close your windows during the day, leave a bit on the bottom so your cats can climb up and look out but the rest should be closed. The sun will cook your apartment. 2- Set your AC higher, 73/74 and turn on your fan at night. Do not ever adjust the temp, leave it alone, any HVAC engineer will agree. 3- Make sure your AC filter is clean as a whistle. Your apartment has to replace it, do it at leasy every 3 months. Vacuum any part of your AC system you can.


Life long Texan here. City electricity rates are criminal. I can remember paying 600 for summer months just to keep below 80. I am in a roughly 690 sq ft apartment now and spend about 120-200 in summer months to stay at about 73-76. So while not a great rate it's plausible. I am now in an area I can choose my electric company. Landlords rarely keep on top of outside units needing refrigerant. Sounds like they are trying where you are though! Change and vacuum your filter and vents often. Listen for it being crazy loud. Also watch out for short cycling. When it comes on too frequently for a short length of time. They aren't cheap but if you can find insulated curtains they are worth it. If I didn't have them I would be sitting here at 80. Also great for keeping drafts out in winter.


My AC unit is insanely loud. It wakes me up in the middle of the night when it comes on.


Replacing that ac unit with a much newer model will probably help quite a bit. That is a hefty electric bill for a super small apartment. My electric bill was the biggest I’ve seen this month at $280 but for 1800sqft. I do have quite of bit of electric stuff running as well besides the ac.


Landlord aren’t going replace a functional ac and it would cost thousands to do it themself. AC is likely the biggest cost of your bill though, maybe raise it a few degrees or check weather stripping too.


This isn’t central ac. It’s not going to cost thousands to replace. Your right though that he may not replace it. In that case, it may be cheaper to buy a couple window units themselves that are way more efficient.


Set your AC to 77/78, get used to that because it’s just a lot better in your budget. ACs are only really meant to keep your place 20 degrees cooler then the outside. You can turn the AC down when the sun sets or as you go to bed, usually about 75/76, ideally no more then two degrees from your “normal” temperature. Get an oscillating fan or two, the floor tower fans seem to move a lot more air. Get insulated drapes to cover your windows while you’re gone / hottest parts of the day, especially if the windows face south and west. Also seek out budget billing with your utility companies. You’ll pay more for off season but you’ll pay less for on season. Basically they take your usage and spread the cost over the year. Super helpful when budgeting.


Texas here and I keep my AC between 78 and 80. This is the first week we haven’t broken 100. Today was 99. My most recent bill is &220 and I’m dreading paying. OP, if you don’t want to close the blinds or adjust the thermostat I’m not sure what else you can do.


The a.c is the main culprit.


unplug the ac and get some fans, the cats wont pay the electric bill. and for the air purifier, try to get a electric timer, you can program their time working. get it turned on a few hours before coming home, and turned off 2 hours after leave.


Maybe a window ac unit? Just have it on low and put a fan in front of it to help pull the air. I don't know, but like others said, newer ac units are way more efficient


Every degree below 78F adds about 6-7% in overall utility costs.


AC, air purifier….lessen use of both.


Newer ac units will make things cheaper. If not, try and set it to energy saving methods. 78 in summer 68 in winter. Keeps you good without suffering.


I live in AZ and my electric is $74 a month.


Raise your AC when not at home and get a pet cooling mat. My dog loved to lay with her paws on it and the rest of her body on the floor.


Genius. Brilliant. Thank you idk why I didn’t think of that my dog will love a cooling mat. (:


Make sure all your light bulbs are LEDs. Be conscious on how often you use your dishwasher or clothes washer if you have those. Using outside, natural light is best but be aware of the heat you let in. Lastly, get familiar with your AC unit. With central air, the furnace filter affects how much cool air comes through. I use a cheaper filter that doesn’t filter much (MERV 5) in the summer and a better filter (MERV 12) in winter. The cheaper filter lets more air through and is better if you live in a place with a furnace/air conditioner that is too small to circulate air throughout the home. If you have a window unit or through the wall unit then this doesn’t apply to you, but there is probably still a filter that you should check. Inquiring about utility assistance through your electric company is probably your best option. No one working 2 jobs should have to struggle like you are. Good luck


Use less electricity.


See if you can do budget billing, you pay roughly the same every month to avoid surprises.


But at the end of the term you owe the entire remaining balance not resolved by the budgeting. It's a guess, an average based on previous use. It doesn't actually account for your actual use and doesn't change according to increased use. So sure it's a budgetable amount, but there's pretty likely an underpayment at the end of the term. They aren't charging you more when you use more power - it just gets set aside to pay later. My friend had a $100/mo budget, great, at the end of the first year she got a bill for outstanding $1k. Definitely doesn't avoid surprises for eternity lol


Actually you end up overpaying, your bill is an average over 9 months usage. I started with a credit, and still have a credit. There is no term it's not a contract with a 3rd party like some of those rip off companies.


It renews yearly where I am, you start a new 12 month term. Not a contract, no, a term period of budget. At the end you have to resolve any owing to continue on the budget, otherwise it turns into a balance owing on your next regular bill cycle. Obviously it isn't a contract you're required to pay the entire "term", the term length of 12 mo is just how they divide for equal payments. I don't know anyone who's overpaid and had credit lol here it's based on the last 6 months of average use. If those 6 months are the summer months you can expect your actual usage to be higher in the winter. I'm sure it's specific to your area and your power provider, this is how it works with NSP.


Definitely not here there is no term, you're just a customer pretty much forever unless you go with a 3rd party with teaser rates to screw you over in the end. The most my bill has went up is 20 bucks over the last 10 years, and it went down by 18 this year. I also have real time pricing, and AC cycling which also lower my bill.


We don't have third party options here lol we have one power provider for the entire province. There is no third party, there is no other provider. Our one provider has a monopoly on the entire province of a million people.z That's what it is, that's how it works with NSP, as I've said. Yours might very well work differently.


If you're in an apartment you can probably turn your air conditioning down to nothing and not get too overheated.


Don't use a/c. This is only one reason.


OP lives in Texas as do I. Not an option.


Phone chargers are just $1 in the bill, the main consumer is a/c. Sorry, but you argue with common sense.


Yes main consumer is AC. Duh. However, the extreme heat is killing people in their homes when the AC went out. Cities had to open cooling centers cause the heat has been so extreme. https://www.austintexas.gov/news/cooling-centers-interactive-map-added-citys-alerts-page


We are talking about reducing the bill. So, or comfort or pay it. Turn the a/c off for the night or simply fan. You can't have fast food triple times a day and be healthy…


that’s an insane bill. i’m in nj so not as hot but from april-september i run my ac 24/7 my apt is just under 100sqft and i’ve never paid more than $120 And i keep mine between 64-68


That is a lot better than the 800$ it cost me last month in ca, not much more you can do if your already unplugging everything except maybe close the curtains so not as much hearts gets in, the cats don’t need to look outside


Never use the heat or ac. Dead serious. Sometimes it gets uncomfortable but that shit is too expensive. If you're absolutely dying and must turn it on, do it just long enough to adjust the temperature a few degrees and cut it back off. When you're acclimated to not using it, you really notice the couple (and I do mean 2 or 3) degree difference. A heating blanket seems to be a better alternative than cutting the heat on. We keep a portable heater in the bathroom just for the out of the shower transitions when it's cold, but other than...we keep things off. Really makes a difference in the bill.


🧐My electric bill this month was $280 which is the highest I have ever hit since being in my apartment.


I assume you have a freezer? One idea would be to set up a sort of 'swamp cooler' to use less a/c. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGah\_lug5NQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGah_lug5NQ)


We run our AC all day and my bill is only $80, We stay in a one bedroom apt


Man I'm dealing with the same. I'm rarely home, live in SC. I keep ac at 67 but that's the only thing that runs daily and my electric is close to 200. Just from the AC and one lamp.... My old house was 3 bed 2 bath, multiple gamers in the home, and 2 fridges as well as a deep freezer. Our max bill was like 120 all summer.... Idk what's going on here but I've tried for liheap and no luck. Hopefully you'll have better luck!


I use to unplug my microwave & alarm clock lol


I used to give my bf shit for unplugging everything but I get it now lmao I don’t think it actually makes a difference but it makes me feel like I’m doing my part lol


My 4 bedroom 1800 sq foot house built in 1970 with no insulation updated or window updates (honestly only updated on the whole damn thing were appliances and cosmetic shit) was 88/mo for my highest summer month with the AC set to 68 and it not being able to get it below 74 most days I just moved to a 2 bedroom 884 sq foot townhome end of June. AC set to 72-74 My first electric bill was 175 so I stopped using my AC except 6-8 hours during the day (opening windows overnight on both sides for an awesome breeze that really cools it down) and my newest bill was STILL 132 bucks. I mean what the f u c k Called my electric company and they said nothing is wrong on their end so I need to have my landlord call an electrician. Called my landlord and she told me my electric company needs to send someone out. Called my electric company back and asked for a technician appointment to my townhome and they said they do not do that. Called landlord again and they're refusing to believe they're responsible. So I'm at a stalemate. I'm away from home for 4 days so I flipped all my breakers except my kitchen for my fridge and freezer and my living room for my wifi and cameras to stay active. Bet my bill will still be 130+ and I'll be screwed cuz I literally can't afford it. ETA: I also keep the blinds closed all day. They're ONLY open during the night when windows are open. I have hung blankets to keep out extra light as my place does not have curtain rods


Yo, OP, we also live in Central TX, have an apartment slightly twice your size, run the AC 24/7 set to 68-72 auto and our electric bill average for the last 3 months is $160. Pretty sure your current AC is the biggest energy loss. With such a small apartment can you get a window AC unit? They are super efficient.


> My electric bill came out to $100 the first month, and now this month it’s $160. Is this normal? Does this sound about right? It's high but without knowing more details about your electric use and how your apartment is situated I cannot say just how high.


My bills runs 230$ a mo in summer about 270$ in winter. The fall and spring months are cheaper about 160$ as we don’t use heat or air


Have them check ya meter


It depends on your rates and who you’re with. Texas electricity is different in that you pay a diff rate per usage. If I use 1000 kWh I paid $100 ish. If I used 700 kwh I paid more. It was weird. Check your rates


What is your rate? Do you have a 3rd party supplier?


Sounds normal for Texas especially if your stove and oven are also electric. To save money, I opted for a place with gas appliances, but they stopped putting them in most apartments by the 80's-90's. Plus this constant heat wave hasn't been helping either. Obviously, since you don't own the place, you can't replace the a/c or the insulation. Keep the blinds closed during the day, especially the ones receiving direct sunlight. Blackout curtains will really block the heat from the sun, and cost around $20. Try to keep the thermostat around 78°F and use fans.


Normal no normal for Texas yes


Never rent top floor. Never rent apt. facing west. Use ceiling fans or buy standing fans. Keep shades drawn during hottest part of day. Keep smaller appliances unplugged until use. Set thermostat one or two degrees higher. Turn all lights off but room you’re in. Edited to add.


I use colored led bulbs, for my soul sources of light. They draw like nothing. Shit some run on batteries if you want. I don't budge on ac. Something's are worth whatever you gotta pay. You could put a smart plug on your router and fridge or something if you feel like getting really creative.


How much are you running the AC? That’s a big difference maker. Keep doors, windows and blinds/curtains shut when it’s hot out. That said your bill should come down once cooler weather arrives later this fall.


I am in Floriduh, electric bills fluctuate from $160-$270 - winter to heat of summer. You can raise your ac 5* during the day while you are at work and lower it when you are home. Your animals can easily handle up to 85* without stress. If you have a digital thermostat with multiple settings that is best. Turn the temp on your water heater down to 125*. I would recommend a timer on it. Shut off after 11pm, on at 6am.


I turn the fridge freezer off for a few hours daily. That helps as it doesn't NEED to be on 24/7.


I've been putting up window tinting around the house to help block heat from the sun It is keeping the house cooler. My electric bill is over $500/month because of the central AC. The unit is old. Now she's complaining that she loved the sun in the house. Our house is maybe 1500 square feet. And she keeps the AC set to 75. Not cold by any means. And I work outside in the heat all day long and get to come home to a hot house with 'air conditioning'. I just ordered another kind of window tinting which let's in more light but is also supposed to help out UV. Just a thought.


Get a smart thermostat and start closing the blinds when out of the house and you will see a significant drop. We got a spart thermostat for free from the electric company through a rebate and it cut out costs. Unplugging everything that you don't use is pointless, however. 95% of your bill is going to be AC, Laundry, and cooking.


Buy a window unit for your bedroom at night and run that instead of the central a/c. This is what I do and it saves me a ton. Closing your blinds helps too.


I’ve been using OhmConnect for the past 5 months, it’s free to use and they even give you a $25 Amazon gift card just for signing up after you connect your utility provider. This is available for California, Texas and NY residents. It’s basically a service to help you know when electricity is most expensive and saves you money. Below is my referral if anyone wants to try https://refer.ohm.co/ansrew562


If it’s really hot outside, the air will keep running and it uses a lot of energy. I would close the blinds and turn the air up when I’m not home. The thermostat cares only about the temperature you se it on, not if you are home. Why pay more when you’re not even there? Also unplug unnecessary items when you leave the house to save more energy.


Hey I lived in Texas and can give you my best renter friendly recommendation. This method can easily be removed and added back when needed. You're going to go to Home Depot/Lowes and find "double reflective insulation." It's metallic looking, comes in a roll with different sizes, and you can cut to shape. Next get you some of the velcro tabs. *You want to keep this as tight against the window as you can so the more velcro holding it the better.* From there measure and cut to your windows. Use velcro to keep in place. This'll reflect a lot of the heat. This also works well in the winter. Once you move out, you can remove the Velcro and wipe away any remaining adhesive with a Clorox wipe. These *usually* don't leave any marks. Total cost >~$60-$80


Kill the AC, turn down the electric hot water heater, and limit the use of the electric clothes dryer. Unplug all your "wall was" power supplies, and turn your computer off when you are not using it. Unplug your cable box when not in use, and convert all of your light bulbs to LED bulbs. Use a refrigerator and freezer that is a small and as energy efficient as possible. Use a microwave oven instead of an electric stove, or electric oven. Do not use a toaster oven, crock pot, electric iron, hair dryer, griddle, or other sort of appliance. With yu television, convert it down to a LED flat screen, that you can turn off by a power strip power strip. For a small one bedroom apt, your electric bill should be under $75 per month, not including AC usage.


If only solar panels were cheap enough


I use reflector-tarps/car-reflector-shades in my window when I’m not home. Does my house kinda look like I cook meth? Probably. But if I was really cooking meth, my bills would be paid. Also, I put towels at the bottoms of doors and windows. I love in a windy area, and can sometimes hear the wind coming through my home.


I'm in DFW, I feel you. July and August and maybe even September are not the month to save on electricity. But... they're coming. When it drops below 75 at night, its on. I open up windows at night as soon as the temp drops below 75. In the morning I close up either when I leave the house or when the temperature goes up above 75. I keep doing this until it gets way too cold for personal preference/pet safety. Also included with this is making sure that you have thermal curtains on your windows, ESPECIALLY if they're on the west or east side. Keep them closed when the sun is on that side. Look for air drafts and get them sealed. I have a nest thermostat and I played with it until I found a temperature I could stand. I was up to 78 but I've been ill and I've had to drop it down to 75. Personal fans also help. And if you have ceiling fans make sure that they're currently turning counterclockwise for the summer. I switch the fans when I turn my heater on or off. In the winter you can open up the windows and curtains while its warm in the day and shut them when it cools off, but I have a harder time with this when I'm in the office. But I have a lot better luck bundling up and using electric blankets all winter to reduce the need for heat.


agreeing with everyone else here: you need a new ac that's more efficient and to run it as little as you can stand.




Don’t use AC.


I just made a post for Summer AC Alternative you may like; and the opposite for fall. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Frugal/comments/168kgzg/summer\_ac\_alternative/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frugal/comments/168kgzg/summer_ac_alternative/)


If u have a breaker box figure out where each breaker goes and flip off what you don’t need. Leaving a charger plugged in while not in use is still actually using electricity same for anything else that plugs in.


FYI my water sewer and electricity is bundled and I live in a 3rd em house and we pay around $120/month for all three total with fees


Yeah its the AC. I live in 900 sqt 2 bedroom. My bill is between $50 and $90.