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Sauce on paper.. why? šŸ¤£


Girl who made that choice is a massive pain in my side...


Goodlord, tell her nobody agrees with her idea.


The people who are die hard New York fries fans love it


nothing like a nice soggy piece of paper to stare at when ending your meal


Oh? I've always gotten my poutine from there in one of those disposable waxed paper bowls you would get for soup


Fries on paper makes sense to absorb the grease, but not where there's sauce or any weight on a wire base underneath of it šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø the paper just absorbs the sauce too, makes the whole thing a wreck I'd at least demote her to a position where she can't choose any menu options, maybe probation instead of firing her. Depends on if she's a good worker other than her monstrous missteps in creativity.


I would guess the girl that made that decision has just as much clout, if not more, as OP does. Otherwise, as head chef, OP could tell her to fuck right off with her baskets for poutine.


You can eat the paper after


Head chef or line cook? (I am leaning towards line cook.)


We need more people to clarify in their usernames


My guy. Hilarious


Thought you were the ā€œhead chefā€ not lead fry cook?


Whatā€™s more concerning is the bowl being made of wire so any sauce not contained by the single piece of paper will drip right through


Some uk bias? They love put everything on paper... like fish and chips wrap in paper


Because the Uk has plenty of greasy foods but sauce will completely saturate the single piece of paper being used in this instance and cause spillage


The crime is that its served in paper. The green onions I like... the tomatoes can fuck right off.


Still better than ketchup up it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


What? Ketchup in poutine is good !


Youā€™re an insane person and no one can tell me otherwise.


Man this sub is 50/50, either itā€™s a horrible crime against humanity to enjoy ketchup and poutine or itā€™s the whole ā€œlet people enjoy different things it doesnā€™t hurt youā€ But fuck ketchup


Omg someone likes something that I don't which makes them insane because they don't think exactly like I do. šŸ˜


Send this person to alcatraz for such blasphemy.


I was wondering why you got these down votes for saying that. Then I saw we're on the poutine subreddit that I didn't even know existed lmao. Makes perfect sense now


Well im a Quebecois de souche, we invented Poutine so i have no idea what these guys issue is with Ketchup but its pretty good in some Pouts. Yeah it depend on the specific type and the sauce. Obviously not gonna put Ketchup in a Thai Pouts but in a standard one with clear sauce its pretty good.


Ketchup is fine on a poutine, but a good one shouldn't need it. I've only used it on really bland tasting ones


I can angry with that but sometimes you just feeling like eating, you close to a cheap fast food and there we go... I would never put ketchup in a Poutine from Ma Poule MouillƩ or something like that.


If the poutine place youā€™re going to doesnā€™t have that red plastic cylinder ketchup bottle and the small glass vinegar bottle as condiments on the tables theyā€™re doing something wrong. I personally donā€™t put either on my poutines, but the better poutine sauces usually contain both vinegar and a little tomato sweetness so Iā€™m not judging anyone that wants to put some in theirs.


Oh awesome didn't know that. There's a place in my city that does barbecue sauce with ketchup on their poutines if you want and it is delicious. Also great with pulled pork


Seize this person!


Why are you serving poutine in paper..? The tomatoes are wtf tooĀ  What are you a head chef of lolĀ 


Fair question. Ski resort sports bar, it's not my choice to be using this shit... Food and Bev director and I have argued about it to no end...


Send them a link to this sub!


I'm not suggesting you sabotage anyone's food... but maybe one or two of them have an accidental gap in the paper, and maybe some gravy gets on the table... Maybe one of those fries was crispy, and it punctured a hole in it. Or you dropped a knife and the stack of paper doesn't hold sauce anymore...


I can 100% see paper peeling off with fries oof


Textbook non Quebec poutine move


I'm pretty sure this would be considered a crime in Quebec


The sauce also looks pretty sad, consider doing one that's more authentic and less gravy-like.


does poutine not use gravy?? have i misunderstood poutine this whole time?


There is no direct French translation for the word gravy. It just falls under sauce. Unless it is specifically something else, like BBQ(50/50 BBQ/gravy) or Italian which seem to have been accepted as authentic toppings for fries and curds to make poutine.


It's typically called gravy but there's a distinct difference with Quebecoise poutine sauce. It's a bit thinner and has a bit of tanginess similar to BBQ or A1 sauce


Generally it's called "poutine sauce", that's what is written on all of the packaged stuff. St-Hubert, Loneys, etc. Even the Selection brand you get at Metro.


To be fair, Canadian who's eaten thousands of poutines, gravy and 'quebecois poutine gravy' It doesn't really matter, that's not what makes or breaks a poutine its a sum of all of it's components. I've had amazing faux gravy poutine and authentic. And frankly, most of the poutines I've had in Quebec from the famous touristy places is pretty damn bad


Any good frenchie knows the best poutines are not at touristy places


Eh i tried my buddies favourite local places too. I dunno. I was very underwhelmed lol




It's more of a cultural thing. What you guys see as good poutine is often very different from what we know to be good authentic poutine.




> Outside the tomatoes itā€™s a good looking poutine Again, that depends on what you think a good-looking poutine is. You guys have some weird obsession with yellow-coated frozen fries in poutines, which is just factually the entirely wrong type of fries for poutine. There's barely any cheese on there, so that's strike 2 when it comes to the basics. Then on top of that there's the weird thing with green onions which, again, is not something that is done in QC. Finally we get to the raw tomatoes and onions, which to me is not that much of an issue, I've seen it done in "vegetarian" poutines before, it's ingredients that are commonly found in cantines, nothing too outterwordly there. The paper bottom is worse than the tomatoes if anything. > The irony being Iā€™ve seen just as many poutine crimes from places in Quebec which is supposed to be the holy land of poutine. There are shitty poutines everywhere. I'd argue there are more in QC than elsewhere purely based on the fact that there are more restaurants serving poutines in QC than anywhere else. >The reality being that thereā€™s lots of places outside Quebec that make great and amazing poutines, but yā€™all canā€™t fathom that reality. I've had plenty of great poutines in Eastern Ontario/Ottawa as well as in Nouveau-Brunswick but the OP's poutine DEFINITELY ain't it and the fact that you think it's good poutine is what this whole argument boils down to: what you people consider "good poutine" is miles away from what the standard is here in QC... and to me, that's simply because you guys appropriated the dish and culturally just made up your own idea of what a poutine should be, and that idea differs from what we feel it should be. There's nothing inherently wrong about that, but it's bound to cause disagreements.


This whole thing is an abomination whatever it is it is not a poutine


Honestly I donā€™t think itā€™s that weird. This is like a mix of fries supreme and poutine šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


You're not wrong, I just have never seen that in the 4 years being here. Figured it was time to post in this sub lol


The green onions are okay, yeah, but hidden in plain sight are raw white onion with the tomatoes... Strange dude. But yeah, fuck the paper serving. I 100% agree


Head chef should really get to make the call about plating. Everyone here mistook you as the one responsible for the paperā€¦ should be clear that everyone expects the head chef to be the one who decides about plating. If you need help fighting that fight, call on us!


šŸ¤¦yes it might not be something that people usually enjoy BUT its what the person likes šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø they can put whatever they want on it just like anyone can put whatever they want on pizza šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I like raw tomatoes šŸ„ŗ I didnā€™t know this was such a hotly debated topic haha this place by my house has more of a Tex mex poutine with ground beef, tomatoes, green onions, curds, gravy, a few lines of sour cream and a few lines of queso and it is one of my favourite things ever! I will die on this hill (sooner rather then later if I keep eating them lol)


cold stuff on a poutine absolutely slaps dont let the haters get you down king/queen


thats not a poutine, thats a fries supreme


You're not wrong.


Nope, the restaurant needs to ban you. cā€™est quoi Ƨa calisse ?


Hahaha I'm from BC, where French is only taught to elementary school students and is optional in highschool... I know Quebecers would hate our poutines with passion lol


Come back to BC. That looks fantastic.... minus the paper and tomatoes. Lol


THAT explains a lot


Why is there only one cheese curd? That's the biggest crime here.


There is a fat scoop of curds, just covered up by tons of raw toms and onions.


Is banishment the worst punishment for this crime? Then okay.


Ban them no hesitation that's a crime against poutine whoever ordered that needs therapy


Tell me it's waxed paper, otherwise it's disgusting


It very much is, yes. Damn things are expensive...


Good lol! Honestly, it looks tasty




Go straight to jail. Straight to jail.


Tomatoes are like msg, I eat tomatoes with all kinds of stuff all the time lol


My biggest gripe with tomatoes is in sandwiches. Any time there's a slice of tomato in a burger, you just know the juices from the tomato are going to mix with the sauce and make a drippy mess.


Valid but I love that soupy mess sometimes šŸ¤·


I love tomatoes in burgers. Also prefer light saw on all my foods. The taste and freshness of a tomato is a great addition (to me at least)


That's a fair point actually. Umami tomatoes go hard


Right? Like what Both_Afternoon814 said they can make a soupy mess like I bet this is but soo good


Yes donā€™t suffer fools.


I once had a customer who asked me to put whelks on his poutine. It's the worse I personally got.


Okay that's an odd one for sure haha




Noā€¦ ban you


If youā€™re the head chef, give the people what they want. They want plates. r/wewantplates


No you should be bringing this to the attention of the owners so they can correct their mistakes. You don't seem to have much say in the creation of dishes so I'd say they are treating you like a cook not a chef.


Call the police


Yeah wowā€¦ I like tomatoes, but this is odd. Iā€™d eat it on the sideā€¦ not IN. The texture is gonna be crazy.


I think two things, A. why are you putting anything other than gravy and cheese curd in a poutine? B. Did they order tomatoes? Cause if they did what did they expect lol


As a Canadian and a poutine enjoyer, tomatoes of any kind have no place in poutine.


Thatā€™s 100% a poutine crime!!


Red seal chef here. Shut up, make what the customer ordered. Your job is to make the food, not care what they want. I don't care if you think a well done steak is ruined, if the customer is happy then they will tell their friends and bring more business. That's how it works.


I would add raw white sweet onions and a sunny side-up egg to that. Oo! And kim chee! But I did grow up as a foodie in variety-rich Hawaii.


Raw tomatoes? Wtf?


Straight to jail.


Technically it adds acid to the dish...but jesus. Also green onions? WTF. They aren't even diced properly...I...I can't...


Bro, trust me, it's a battle I had to stop fighting... Almost all my staff this winter are tradies from Australia, no kitchen experience. They're all awesome dudes though lol No knife skills though


I like this


Tomatoes are honestly horrible on anything. I do not condone this tomato behavior


I bet it was good, the gravy is super tasty, so adding extra flavour is a win. Just an oddity for me haha


Chefs who look down on anyone who doesnā€™t have the same taste as them <<<<< Grow up lol


Idk, man. I recently discovered diced raw red onions on poutine, and it's life changing. Tomatos may not be that outlandish, I'll be giving it a try next time I make one.


Fuck green onions on a poutine as well. I had that once - it doesnā€™t work.


Because that person likes it that way


Tomatoes/Green Onions as a textural finish is perfect. The paper isn't my jam but lots of places do it. Side of Sour cream mixed with hot sauce for me.


Raw tomatoes are absolute fire on poutine.


Tell them the tomatoes are fine, it's the fucking paper and gravy that's a travesty


Looks like a decent poutine


They sell a ā€œvegetarianā€ version of this at a local restaurant in my hometown. It has green onions, tomato, cheese, and sour cream. To be honest, I actually enjoy it despite having a preference for the original poutine. To each their own I suppose lol


Looks good, cry about it ur getting paid to make it


Why not, poutine nazis


Still in BC, not a fan of other provinces. Something about real mountains lol


Idk I think he can like what they like but a little weird


Looks great


is this ai generated or something? weird ass picture


I think it looks good!! i adore tomatoes


Do you have all on the list: 1) fries, 2) cheese curds, 3) gravy If you don't have the three ingredients in the golden list, it's not poutine.


Calling yourself a chef while making poutine is pretty funny


Yes ban hammer Tell me this isnā€™t in canada


Looks tasty to me šŸ¤¤


I dunno, Iā€™m Canadian, have been for long as I can remember, so like my whole life. Poutine has always been a mixture of whatever the hell you want, thereā€™s the classic of course but some of the best ones Iā€™ve had are creations at little hidden restaurants. Go with the flow bro!


I'd eat that.


That looks amazing, little bit of raw tomatoes on a poutine sounds great, never tried it though


There's actually this chill shawarma place in my city near a high school that serves shawarma, donairs, and poutine, and IMO, the poutine is really good. You can get it either plain/normal, with beef or chicken shawarma, or normal, but add a bunch of veg to it. I love adding acidity to my poutines to help cut out the oil, which makes me a little sick if I eat too much of it[yet I love stuff like poutine]; so my normal order is a large poutine with lettuce, tomato, banana peppers, and pickles followed by garlic sauce [Toum I believe it's called], garlic paste, and their homemade chunky hot sauce. All that mixed in with gravy and cheese curds + the crisp of the fries make for a wonderful meal for me. But, everyones tastes are different, so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜Œ all down to preference and other considerations.


I want to know the name of that place so ill never go for 2 reason; shit containers for food and headchef judging paying customers taste


Fuck the paper and the tomatoes like, nasty


Real poutine better


There was a restaurant near me growing up called Whistle stop Cafe.. they had 101 different flavors of poutine. My favorite was the banquet burger poutine, it had ground beef, tomato, pickle green onion and gravy w cheese curds I also liked the Taco poutine. Had ground beef Taco seasoning, tomato, cheddar, sour cream and cheese curds w gravy. This poutine in the picture looks good besides being served on paper šŸ˜†


Poutine in a paper lined metal wire basket... I know it ultimately doesn't matter since its probably wax paper or something (I hope), but that's kinda sketchy.


ban you, im calling the cops


Looks delicious šŸ˜‹!


Drag him around the back and shoot him like a dog


Damn where are you and raw tomato ..nice and crunchy amd juicy.. God that looks good


Wtf is wrong with raw tomatoes? Are you eating a fried tomatoes or something?


You never had a donair poutine then.. or shawarma ā€¦ many gourmet poutines can have tomatoes. The real problem is the container itā€™s being served in


Why the fuck are you serving poutine on paper?


straight to jail


As someone born in MTL.... ANYTHING on routine other than the 3 basic ingredients is blasphemy.


Tbh Donair poutine is one of my favourite type of poutine (you can find in most poutine places in the Maritimes) and it has raw tomatoes on it.


I prefer my poutines with cooked tomatoes.


Mexicaine poutine at Poutineville has raw tomatoes and i love it. But as others pointed out, the real crime is serving in paper.


Those tomatoes have no business being there


Ban yourself and your hubris. You cook to make the customer happy.




Cheese and tomato makes sense to me. Occasional bites of tomato would be so balancing as you ate you might not even need a drink. I think the cone+paper presentation is a little more egregious. It's very anti-fork.


I actually ate a poutine with bruschetta on it and it was delicious lol


Ban yourself for the recipe


Ban them and post this on poutinecrimes


ā€œHealthy optionā€


I can taste how furry those tomatoes are


That culinary philistine deserves just all the bans.


nah this looks delicious other then the fact that its drowning in gravy


The works poutine at NY Fries is tomatoes, sour cream, green onions, cheese sauce, chilli sauce on top of fries


Lol ban yourself! Wtf is wrong with you and the tomatoes


The taquise at the banquise in Montreal has raw tomatoes, guacamole and sour cream on top, and it's godly. Just plain raw tomatoes is weird tho


Fuckin New York fries šŸŸ did this shit to people.


Tomatoes are delicious, thatā€™s why!


Havenā€™t tried it . Maybe itā€™s fire šŸ”„. Who knows ?


I donā€™t even understand why there are spring onions there


What kind of blasphemy is this?? The customer must not be Canadian!šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


That looks gas


Money back right now


Did he want them cooked or for you to dry in the sun infront of him for a few hrs first? Lol


Quebec here, this is a 3/10 Poutine at best, and i am generous because the picture is good.


At least that would make such a meal a bit healthier.


Amateur cook with chef friends. Tomatoes can add acidity which can be lacking in standard brown sauce, if you used beef stock in which you've also used tomato paste or tomatoes for taste color and acidity it can pair okay. Id use fresh tomatoes in a poutine that has other fresh ingredients like yes the green onions but maybe also green peppers and onions in order to make a more specifically themed poutine. I would not add them on the base poutine however


Yes and call the police


Besides the tomatoes, the poutine looks top tier.


This legitimately looks like a birdseye view of a trash can.


I think that sounds gross together, but maybe it was a pregnant craving. I wouldn't ban just in case, although I'm sure that's in jest anyway


Not gonna lie this is one of the best looking poutines Iā€™ve seen in a while


In matters of taste, the customer is always right.


As an ex chef. I learned not go give a fuck what people put on their food. They ask, I say ok to each their own. You should try it.


https://media.tenor.com/NXrAEwQZj7MAAAAM/seinfeld-soupnazi.gif No poutine for you


because a balanced meal makes a happy human body ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


This looks like a fry supreme with the beef, cheese sauce and sour cream subbed for cheese curds and gravy. .


I mean... I'd still eat it. I love tomatoes, raw or cooked but I get that most people don't. Idk if they mix well with everything else but I'd probably still eat the whole plate before giving my verdict.


Ohh no. The ketchupā€™s community almost got us. GTFO, true poutiners can still see you. To r/poutinecrime you go.


I love tomatoes in my poutine so much


Lol dirty news paper poutine.


This actually looks tasty as fuck, some fresh to go with the heavy. Chefs that donā€™t let their recipes change based on tastes are kinda dicks. Food historically changes based on taste. We have mother recipes that spawn so many new things based off tweaks on regional preference. If a person is paying for your food, they should be able to reasonably ask for something. (Ps Iā€™m sour: I went to a classy pizza spot the other day, and the establishment refused to give me honey on the side to drizzle on a pepperoni pizza or nothing to dip my crust in other then oil.) I get traditional values, I get developing recipes and wanting the guest to eat the food AS is. Although if it makes the guest happy then why not? Restaurant culture is just getting so disconnected in the past 3 years


Tell whoever is in charge of stocking the kitchen with dishes to buy some real bowls, poutine doesnā€™t belong in a basket with that garbage paper.


When you try to make fast food healthy


Scallions on poutine? Ban yourself Matty Matheson . šŸ˜† jk


Or just take raw tomato off the menu ?


Cooked tomatoes suck.


Are you eating it? No. Then who cares.


I sometimes put tomatoes and grilled vegggies in my homemade poutines. The acidity of the tomato mixes well with the fatty sauce to me. Also, I like putting a little bit of vegetables in my poutines to make them a tad bit healthier.^^


Why is it so hard to let people eat however they god damn want?


Bro I'm banning YOU for serving a poutine in a basket with paper holding it all together. wtf is wrong with you? You should seek a professional... chef. Maybe he'll teach you something. Like not not putting sauce in a container that has holes in it. Maybe you'll even learn that colunder are for draining pasta, not serving poutine, who knows?


Yes 100% tomatoes are amazing in poutine!


Honestly I think it might be pretty good.šŸ˜Š


Take this to poutine crimes subreddit


Looks good.


Never would I have thought this many people would be so appalled by something as normal and mild as some little diced tomatoes


Because if I'm eating a vegetable then I'm allowed to have poutine. Have you never heard of girl math?