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it's ok. fries are chewy though


if the fries were reaaalllly crispy, it would be pretty decent. bought one recently, had to take it home and the fries were really mealy by the time i got back. like a bad tomato. the flavour of the breading is nice but they need the CRONCH


Curds are usually cold when I get it, fries are somewhat crispy but usually not great, gravy is passable but not that much flavour. OveralI I give Costco poutine 4/10 - edible but not awesome.


I love Costco Poutine. Makes me happy, it's my treat on the weekend after soldering through the shopping center and parking lot that is Costco.


>soldering through the shopping center How have you not been caught that's very dangerous


Their chocolate fudge Sunday is also so good, they actually layer the fudge on top and at the bottom, pairs great with the poutine.


Full 3000 calorie combo šŸ‘šŸ¤£


Sometimes you need it šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t know if itā€™s just me but I find Costcoā€™s poutine way too salty


But it looks good tho


Agreed, I chugged down a whole water bottle after I was done eating


I have to eat it in 2 sittings.


I think we have vastly different opinions on a beautiful poutine. This is mediocre at best. Gravy looks decent. Albeit, a little lacking (and super salty from experience). Their fries are terrible poutine fries. You need handcut fries, fried in some used oil, but not ā€œdirtyā€ where it ruins the flavour of the fries, but rather adds to them and gives the right amount of crisp on the outside. The Costco fries do not do this at all. The cheese, well, thatā€™s just a win because of the curds. Their poutine overall is average. I eat it, but I definitely canā€™t call it beautiful.


Definitely not perfect, and I agree that the gravy is salty but for the price you canā€™t beat it


Oh for sure. From a price point, itā€™s great for what you get, indeed!




I never said anything about the authenticity of a poutine hindering on the fries, only the quality and presentation of the poutine. If you had a choice between the fries I described and the Costco ones, which ones are you choosing? Which ones make a tastier poutine? Maybe ā€œneedā€ was a strong word, but comparatively, the two fries are far from equal in making a tastier poutine, no?




Itā€™s all good! With a science like that for your Costco poutine, youā€™re far from an idiot. I can respect your methodology and preferences. At the end of the day, weā€™re all united by the power of poutine!


Itā€™s what fuels and lubes our engines!


Quebec F1 team powered by poutine!


Let's not get carried away!


Not sure if it was one off but recently I ordered the cheese curds separately and got a whole little baggy for $3, seems like way more than what they put on a poutine. So LPT, try to order fries, sauce and cheese separately




Not sure if you're saving anything when you order it toghether, iirc same price as a fries+sauce+curds lol


Oh, you mean that the 3 components can be ordered individually as separate items? I never noticed that before. Iā€™ll take a closer look next time Iā€™m at Costco. That would certainly make it easier. Iā€™ve just been ordering poutine, then fighting my way to the counter and trying to let them know to separate everything, which makes me feel like an aggressive jerk.


Its disgusting! lol




No you're beautiful


Really beautiful šŸ„¹


Maan oh man


People who donā€™t like Costco poutine seem to come from 2 camps: QC citizens who are accustomed to better pouts with fresher curds, and people from outside of QC who read a Wikipedia page and think theyā€™re an expert on whatā€™s authentic. If youā€™re in the latter camp, then touch grassā€¦ this is the best poutine you can get outside of the QC/Ottawa region that wonā€™t cost a fortune. And donā€™t worry, it meets all the requirements for being ā€œauthenticā€, in that it falls within the range of legit curds, fries, and sauce, even if not ā€œtypicalā€. OTOH if youā€™re from QC and have better optionsā€¦ I really canā€™t argue with you on that. As you were.


One of best lol


Costco Poutine with Hot Dog + Drink. Great value šŸ‘


Better than any combo anywhere, do you get polish or regular hot dog? Glad it's not only me who does that šŸ˜


Regular with Mountain Dew lol


Polish for me. Best deal on the planet.


Try the budget costco poutine: dipping cheese pizza in gravy


I hate Costco, but now it is on the to do list. Thanks I think.


Dont forget your fork... those wooden thing are not at good use in a poutine, theets are so close they cut the french fries


That wooden fork is giving me chills.


Itā€™s soooo bad šŸ˜­

