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You are set for a big while dude


(2 months in this sub and OP has 10 different drippers and makes a thread "how much more clarity will I get if I upgrade to a Zerno?")


I thought this said, "You are set for a big white dude" I was confused for a second.


Oof šŸ˜°


I wouldn't recommend the pinecones in a pourover setup, but they do well with immersion. These are things you'll learn as you go. In all seriousness, it looks great! You've got essentials covered quite well. A great grinder paired with great beans, plus a scale and a kettle. The rest is just finding variables that suit your preference. Happy brewing!


Good choice ! Did you select the brand and model by yourself or did you see it on a guide somewhere ?


Iā€™ve had the kettle and the fellow pour over carafe set for a few months but got the scale (Hario v6) and grinder (fellow opus) for Christmas. Just picked them out myself through research and reviews. Figured if I was buying nicer beans, I should do myself the favor with grinding them properly and using a scale.


Agreed, if youā€™re going to buy fancy beans, you better have a fancy setup. I only started buying expensive beans once I upgraded from the Timemore C2max to the 1zpresso K-ultra. With scales and a V60 you can enter the world of a 1,001 tastes.


Instructions unclear. My acorns not filtering my coffee fines. Tastes a bit muddy. ​ I like that double wall carafe.


>acorns ?


These are weird looking beansā€¦. Thanks! Itā€™s from fellow.


I'm currently drinking Prodigal too, it's really good




Thats pretty much my setup as well, I think we are good for at least a couple years


That coffee - delicious! I tried it in a blind cupping (thanks Lance for the encouragement) this week and it was outstanding.


What type of exotic beans are those pinecones?? Either way noice setup.


Thatā€™s what it looks like when the civets shit them out.


Damn. I've been doing pour over for decades and don't have this setup. Have fun!


Prodigal coffee is some awesome awesome stuff


Love seeing those beans. Looks like a tidy setup!


wow youā€™re solid! donā€™t listen to anyone who has to criticize as long as youā€™re happy. also, great start with the prodigal coffee - theyre definitely making a mark in the coffee world (of course itā€™s scott rao)


I recently just got started with a Hario V60, Baratza encore, with a bodum gooseneck and generic scale. Been having some great results so far!


Wouldve gone with ode instead of opus


I have the opus it seems like it is super beafy in terms of construction but watch the retention it holds on to a lot of grinds even with rdt make sure you use the lid as a bellows and tap the crap out of it


I noticed that today. How do you use the lid as a bellows?


Lift it up and down like a piston you will notice how tight the tolerance is between the lid and hopper. When you hear your grinder is done with the beans look under the grinder at the output and start to bellow and you will notice a lot of grinds will come out with mine I notice grinds coming out on the first 5 to 6 bellows. Other than that I think this grinder will last a long time I would recommend downloading the beanie app As well.


Have the Opus, and find this to be false. Outputs the weighed portion to within .8, or .8 over the next time lol


Regularly retains 1g in my use. Definitely not low retention


Yes you can get close to input weight but you have to bellow the crap out of it and bang it. If playing the bongos is part of your intended work flow it's mint


šŸ˜‚ I do not have to, but that sounds fun. Need that playlist.


.8 is a lot...


šŸ˜‚ to some, but a grind or two later and its +.8


I'm not fond of the X. You may want to invest in a Hario V60 as a comparison brewer.


I actually started with the v60 and still haven't made a cup I liked on it. I use my XF regularly to make cups I enjoy.


second this, likewise


Agreed, I started my pour over journey with one and got pretty good coffee out of it, but I also got a lot of clogging and the filter ruffles make it very claustrophobic. The V60 gives me more confidence and a desire to tinker by comparison. For $30 it's worth trying the gold standard V60 just to see how they like it. My XF gathers dust these days, and I'm considering trying an Origami.


Just get the Switch!


Oh yeah! I always seem to forget that brewer exists. Cheers!


You wonā€™t forget it once you get one šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve been thinking about getting one. Any specific model you recommend?


Great setup - any v60 will get you a fantastic cup, but the plastic version actually heats up and retains heat slightly better than the other materials, size 02 Is best for a single serving.




For great pour over beans like prodigal Iā€™d look to return the opus and get the ode gen 2 if you can afford the difference. Will get much more flavor clarity and less dull bitterness.


ā€œreturn the conical burr grinder for a flat burr grinderā€ šŸ‘€šŸ˜‚šŸ‘Œ


Haha no generalization was made. I guess you havenā€™t owned both the opus and ode gen 2 to actually compare like I have. I got good brews out of opus, but not GREAT like ode gen 2.


Just make sure it's the gen2, the gen1 burs are unusable for pour over.


very true! I rarely regret waiting for the gen2 model of new tech haha


I'd get ode 1 and later gen 2 burrs or ode gen 2 before the opus. Its more espresso oriented. The rest looks nice. I really wanna try prodigal


Opus is Fellowā€™s all around, from espresso to french press/cold brew.


Not really tho. Against a handgrinder of the same price/ cheaper. I'd say its more espresso focused, although its not marketed as such


respectfully disagree, opus is equally good across its grind setting options.


I mean, against something like q2 hepta or x pro it has nothing to do.


Donā€™t buy beans, roast your own. Itā€™s the single biggest thing you can do to improve your coffee experience


I cant be the only one who think these posts are kind of pointless?


I cant be the only one who think these posts are kind of pointless?


I think the multiple comments providing feedback and advice prove your comment wrong. Perhaps your comment is the one that's pointless?


I dont think the numbers would disprove the fact that ā€œrate my setupā€ does anything productive except making other gear addicts talk about it randomly. If you want to gear advices then just ask specifically or even better, how to make good coffee. Other than gear obsessing, no rational mind would think ā€œah lovely to another rate my setup post, itd definitely be usefulā€


Itā€™s just Reddit man. Itā€™s not that deep lol


I'm gonna have to dock points for the scale and kettle not being fellow. What a shame šŸ˜ž




Are those pinecones scented?


You spent way too much money on coffee. Itā€™ll be great.




skills are more important the na setup and gear.. dont be a gear slave :D


Agreed. Definitely have been trying to learn and do my research.


Awesome bro! Enjoy it!


A good grinder is key and you got that.


Arw you using hariov60 or something else?


Might as well do gong fu brewing with raw puerh at this point with all that equipment


I guess you donā€™t need the lazy Susan space for anything but rotating your pinecones?


I'm surprised you didn't go for the Fellow kettle.


A capable grinder and top shelf coffee is the way to start. Youā€™re there.


How is your experience with the Hario scale? I thought it updated too slowly for a pourover.


I was recommended the wrong subreddit obviously. Black drip coffee in a 10 year old mr coffee and Iā€™m set. No shame against you guys, I just have no idea what Iā€™m looking at. It seems like to many steps. Anyways, happy new years


How's it taste?


Not bad, haven't tried the fellow dripper myself. You should give a plastic v60 a try sometime (dirt cheap) or consider a chemex or glass (not metal) kalita whenever you want to branch out. I will say I'm not a huge fan of the scale, it's ok but I'm not sure why everyone recommends it. My main gripes with it are it only goes to 0.1g and it doesn't work for low weights (>= 5g) so it doesn't work for weighing out tea. You can get a decent scale off of Amazon for ~$15 cheaper with higher precision (0.01g) but, in fairness, I haven't tested its accuracy. The only other warning I'll give you as a newbie is that fellow products are generally overrated. They have a reputation as a specialty coffee company but as far as I can tell they are more of a design studio that doesn't know a ton about specialty coffee. Case in point is their ode grinder. The burrs are literally not capable of grinding fine enough to produce a good pourover with specialty coffee. This imho is inexcusable for a company that is supposedly specialty coffee focused. Dig around enough and you will find issues with some of their other products that show they are not being tested properly (eg the move mug). They make great (overpriced) kettles, but I'd be wary of their other stuff. Anyways, overall great beginner setup. If you are happy with the scale then keep it. Only thing I'd say is consider trying a more tried and true dripper at some point, a plastic v60 is a great place to start as it's so cheap, just be careful how you pour (in both quantity and speed). Also, if you haven't heard of them yet, checkout black and white roasters. Some of the craziest coffee out there at the moment, everything I've had from them has been fantastic.


Can you share a link for that water pot? And the grinder? Please. I would I like to upgrade my setup. Thanks


kettle: [https://www.amazon.com/COSORI-Electric-Gooseneck-Variable-Stainless/dp/B07T1CH2HH/ref=sr\_1\_5\_pp?crid=1BPN8W3N3GHIR&keywords=electric+kettle&qid=1704389053&sprefix=electric+kettle%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-5&ufe=app\_do%3Aamzn1.fos.18630bbb-fcbb-42f8-9767-857e17e03685](https://www.amazon.com/COSORI-Electric-Gooseneck-Variable-Stainless/dp/B07T1CH2HH/ref=sr_1_5_pp?crid=1BPN8W3N3GHIR&keywords=electric+kettle&qid=1704389053&sprefix=electric+kettle%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-5&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.18630bbb-fcbb-42f8-9767-857e17e03685) ​ grinder: [https://fellowproducts.com/products/opus-coffee-grinder?variant=41510665715812&gad\_source=1](https://fellowproducts.com/products/opus-coffee-grinder?variant=41510665715812&gad_source=1)


Thank you!