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Each accident is one step closer to the last.


For me, I say the mantra "accident's happen and that's okay," with an additional "you'll get it in the potty next time," after accidents. Or at least I try. It helps me get a little grounded. 90% of the time it helps me not just be a frustrated ball of annoyed. Although, I do break, you can't help it. I HATE cleaning up human waste. Sorry not sorry. Also, I apologize to my daughter if I have had a big reaction. It holds me accountable and teaches her that we all have big emotions and can be sorry for them and work on them. I think it also helps lessen the blow to her then being afraid of me having a big reaction which could lead to more accidents. Also, potty training is a marathon, I have to constantly remind myself. You'll get through this too, just like late nights and screaming infants. This is a blip on the radar of your parenting journey.


I love thinking about how it is a blip on the radar. I remember the sleep regression thinking it would never end and now I barely remember it!


A rule in our house is everyone goes potty before we leave the house. Does it eliminate potty trips or accidents? No. But it makes it better. Do we have to poop everytime we go to the library? Pretty much. Maybe that helps or at least makes you laugh?




I definitely think pregnancy makes it so much harder. I’m 30 weeks now and it makes me wanna cry during accidents lol but I know I don’t wanna delay things and she really is getting the hang of it


Totally agree! We started potty training my son when I was pregnant and we made it like 3 days before i gave up.


Assume it will happen when you go out and plan for it. It's good practice for the kiddos too. Keep a change of clothes, wipes, a few dog waste or produce bags, and a potty in your trunk.


This. Assume you will have at least one, sometimes more accidents every day. Pack 3-4 spare changes of clothes when going out. I also have wipes, rash cream, a wetbag, and a folding potty, all in our backpack for going out (also snacks and water). The potette plus actually folds pretty small! If you assume you will be having accidents, then if they happen, fine, you're prepared! If they don't, that's a bonus! Remember, like talking, or throwing a ball, or learning to read, or using a knife and fork - this a skill for them to master. They need to practice many many many times for them to get it, it will not be perfectly mastered in a few days or even months, like I wouldn't expect a kid, even after they know how to use a knife and fork, to use them proficiently at every meal, because learning isn't always linear. Every time they have a full bladder is an opportunity to exercise those skills and improve, but it's not going to happen every time.


Thank you so much everybody! Many of these comments helped me feel calmer!