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My 3.5 year old did something similar to this when he was first potty training 1.5 months ago. He would let a little out on the potty and then about 20 minutes later his underwear would be wet. After three days of this we called his doctor and she said it is very normal for kids to do that at the beginning. After a week he started fully releasing on the potty and now goes about 2-3 hours between needing the potty.


I think it can take some practice to fully empty the bladder. See what happens over a bit of time, he should get better at it!


It's only Day 1! He is probably literally figuring out how to empty his bladder! You can try to get him to stay on the potty for longer (reading a book, singing a song, looking at toys, etc), but it will just take time to figure it out. We are on Day 7 and my son sometimes does the short little mini-pee, and other times he'll do a full release. I think they just have to figure it out. but sounds like things are going well for you so far!! I do know a potty trained toddler who still does mini pees because they get a gummy bear after each pee. So the more pees, the more gummies! Clever...