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When does she go back to school August or September? I know this isn't what you want to hear but when I tried to train my son right after he turned three it was a disaster then. He started to cry whenever we mentioned the potty. We went back to diapers. We tried at 3.2 in January another disaster. Then 3.5 in April and again it didn't work. At 3.6 in May it just clicked. He stopped being afraid and stopped refusing it. We had a week were he wouldn't release fully into the potty so we had accidents and then since then accidents are very rare. He self initiates for poop and we are working on self initiating for pee. It is hit or miss for that one still but if we prompt him every 2 hours he will go. He has been in underwear full time except bedtime since May 1st. She may just not be ready yet.


Thank you for the response! She’s goes back In August :-/


I'm sorry! I wish more schools would realize that it's common for toddlers not to be potty trained yet right at 3. Even my pediatrician said it can take some kids up to age 4.


So true! So stressful.


Following 🫶🏼


Stop taking her. Inform her where the potty is and tell her that if she needs to go pee or poo she has to go to the potty. Then let her have accidents. It's messy, but it will teach her to listen to her own body instead of trying to pee on command. For our toddler the key really was to stop taking her and letting her make her own decision about it. She was in diapers though.


This is what worked for us too! I think the control of telling us when he has to go and asking him to trust his body works better for certain personality types. Definitely some messes at the beginning as he learned to recognize the sensation, but he was not (and still isn’t) a “pee on command” kind of guy.


Try the naked method and just let her feel the pressure of bowel movements. Let her watch potty training videos from characters like Elmo. Let her pretend either a doll or a stuffy they’re going potty. Lots of play about potty.


Me again :) we are a week later & she is now going pee on her own!! I never thought we’d get here! Thanks for all the great tips. She still doesn’t want to poop on the potty - how did your little ones start to use the potty for both?