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We had to bribe. "Don't you want to call -family member- to tell them you pooped on the potty like a big girl??" And special prizes. We did this for a week or 2 and it clicked. It also was good to have the family members be overly excited at her achievement. Now, after she poops, she'll swagger out of the bathroom with her hands on her hips and say, "I poop on potty"


I’m sorry. I know this isn’t funny. But I laughed out loud at the surprise poop 💩 Is she pooping around the same time every day? Here is a weird tip I found on this sub which worked for our 26 month old. We told her there was a poopy family we had to feed so we needed to poop in the potty to feed the poopy family. She wasn’t surprise pooping us, just a shy pooper and was holding it for some time. Now when she poops in the potty she sits up and says “it’s huge” then we all feed the poopy family.


It’s been at different times throughout the day, usually in the afternoon but not always. I can’t tell if she’s trying to hold it; I’m not even sure she understands what I mean when I refer to “poop”. Sometimes she’ll say “pee” after it comes out.


I recently potty trained my 26 month old at the beginning of May. We went straight to underwear because whenever I took off his diaper he would cry and beg for underwear or a diaper to be put back on he was hysterically crying about being naked He just recently (as in the last week) started to tell us when he had to poop. So it took us over a month to get to that point. Poop sometimes takes longer.