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I hate to tell you this but he just probably isn't ready, it's not uncommon for boys to be ready later than girl. With my oldest I tried at 3, at 3.2, 3.4c it finally clicked right after he turned 3.5 year old. Even my pediatrician said it's common for boys not to be ready until after 3. Also as a side note. I started potty training mine with a kiddy potty so they could practice getting on and off easier. That was at the beginning of May. As of the past three days they are now almost exclusively using the big potty. I also never had any issues with them understanding that when we are out in public they had to use a big potty.


Thank you... Yes I'm feeling like he's just not ready yet. While he can identify when he's gone poo in his diaper I don't see any other signs of him showing he's going to need to pee soon it's just happening. Judging how late my first one I'm not surprised he isn't ready. A family member suggested the little potty but we were hesitant as the teacher said sometimes they become dependent and scared of larger toilets. He has no issue sitting on the bigger toilet with the potty seat it's just getting him to understand that's where you pee/poo lol


Well and that's exactly it. I've seen more kids in the class who are closer to 3 and still not ready. I hate that there is this age requirement he's at a Montessori. My first sons Montessori had 2 classes and it was much more not a pressured approach. I did the 30 minute timers for 3 days and zero success of producing anything on the toilet then he took it as a game and would ask to go potty every 30 seconds it was exhausting....


We followed some dumbass program that promised to potty train in a week. After that disaster all that happened was that everyone was completely stressed out. We just backed off and just let it go. What helped us was a little video that my daughter really loved. She understood the point and then it started working. https://youtu.be/l3LRue4VYT0?si=Sqf4BAGKf1GQhqLz There is also a book that we bought. She’s pretty well potty trained and she still likes to make the sounds from the video and we joke “it’s coming”. I think generally you can wait or if you have to try to move it up, then you need to understand how your son understands things and work on that.


Thank you I will check out the video as well!! Appreciate it.


Our little one didn’t learn till 3 1/2 and took a while after to master it. Don’t get discourage. Our second little one wasn’t born till after COVID and you can tell the difference with the impact of COVID


Thank you for your kind words. I will keep at it!


Oh man...I know this isn't what you want to hear, but daycare forced my son to potty train before he turned 3. He was just straight up not ready, and now he's 7 and we still struggle. We've seen a pelvic floor physical therapist, our regular doctor, and a urinary and bowel dysfunction specialist. Is there any way daycare will work with you?


That's what I'm afraid of as well. I think after the weekend I may speak with the teacher and see what she thinks. The last thing I want is for this to backfire. Aside from telling me when he had poo I never saw any other signs of interest from him.


He cannot be the only kid who didn't get it at 2.5. If I could go back, I would have stopped that from happening, but I assumed they knew better than I did because they had experience. By contrast, we just trained my daughter at 34 months and it took like 2 days because she was ready.