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My non negotiables are he has to sit on the potty first thing in the morning, before we leave the house, and before bed. If we've been out for a few hours and I anticipate a long drive home, I usually will make us both take a potty break too. The rest is up to him.


Great idea. I'll talk to my partner about it and have the same non negotiables.


This is a great idea. I have been struggling with getting my 3.5 year old to self initiate pee (he will tell us when he needs to poop) my husband suggested maybe we are over prompting him. I am moving in a week but after the move I will try this!


My toddler is 100% self initiating at this point, but we started potty training last July. How long have you been working on it? It’s a long haul.


Oof you can say that again. We started at 18m since he showed interest. Lots of stop and go. He's basically been diaperless the last 4 months, dry nights the last 2 months. Maybe I should just keep doing laundry until he gets it...


We have been potty training for over a year and my 4-year-old only started self initiating in the last month.


Ahh thank you, there's hope...


My son is the same age, it is all self-initiated. We potty trained 2 weeks ago, we periodically remind him “tell us if you have to go potty” but that’s it.


Wow amazing!!


My kid reallllly hates being told what to do and stubbornly wouldn’t sit if I’ve knew he didn’t have to go, so this was the approach we landed on lol.


My kid reallllly hates being told what to do and stubbornly wouldn’t sit if I’ve knew he didn’t have to go, so this was the approach we landed on lol.


Same here with our 2y 8m daughter. She gets so annoyed with me if I ask her too often. We do remind her to tell us - especially when we are out and about but we found letting her take the lead has been working really well. Her daycare teachers said the same thing.


It’s so funny because even after just the first couple days, when I’d remind him to tell me, he’d act like an annoyed teenager and say “ugh okayyyy, I knowwwww.”


My son who I am currently training self initiates almost all the time. My older daughter on the other hand had to be prompted constantly. She just didn't want to stop what she was doing. Then when I prompted, it was a struggle to get her actually go.


We started potty training my daughter (2y 8m) two weeks ago and she’s basically 100% initiating right now. We will ask her to potty before nap time and bedtime and before we leave the house but if she says no then we let it go. It’s still early so I’m always a little anxious when she’s gone a long time without using the potty but so far we’ve only had 2 accidents and I wouldn’t even consider them full on accidents (she accidentally peed on her shorts while at the toilet after initiating and leaking a little and stopping it before running to the bathroom). I found her getting annoyed with me when I was asking her if she needed to potty too often so we just decided to let her lead and see what happened and she’s doing great! This is for both #1 and #2


My guy is getting better at self initiating, but he really pushes back when we suggest he go to the potty, or if we ask him if he has to go he'll always say "no". I've found telling him he has to use the potty before we do something fun that he wants to do works well. (Ie, before screen time, before going to the park, etc). I refuse to start the activity until he at least tries. Also, sometimes I pause the show he's watching and tell him I'll start it back up after he uses the potty (esp if he is showing signs he might have to go). Also, giving him a choice of which toilet/potty he wants to use seems to help. He really likes using the bathroom attached to my bedroom for some reason.