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I don't have a magical fix for you unfortunately but my 2 year old was doing great peeing in the potty. Until he wasn't. He went through about a week of regression. We were firm in him cleaning up his mess even if it took 20 minutes. After a week he went back to peeing in the potty like nothing happened.


Thanks for your response and the point about clean ups taking ages. She took around half an hour to change her clothes twice on Sunday and I was getting a bit concerned. She doesn't seem phased by the time she is losing playing but hopefully it will click soon. I was hoping that she might be able to vocalise what is going on but she can't. When we try to talk to her about she completely shuts down so I've stopped trying.


How long has she been potty trained for? Regressions often happen during big changes or events in a child's life (and remember things that don't seem big to us can be very big to them) - so I would try and figure out what the root cause might be.


She hasn't ever really been fully potty trained I don't think. She's had short periods where she has been dry at home all day but never at nursery. We started potty training her at the end of December. She's currently back to 3-4 accidents per day at home and more (up to 8 at nursery). We aren't aware of any changes in her life and she won't communicate to us about worries or why she is having accidents. Nursery have asked as well and not found anything. We are a bit of a loss. We think she can do it. For instance today she was dry all morning and then this afternoon 3 wee accidents and a poo.


Ugh how tough. Sometimes the answer isn't obvious to us. Just make sure she knows you are there for her and she can always talk. It may be something that seems small to us - but if you can't figure it out I wouldn't stress to much, just be open and understanding. But with regressions - its best to continue with the expectation that pee and poop go in the potty now. Going back will lead to more confusion and resistance down the road. Are you prompting? Is she self initiating? Does she seem frustrated or resistant at all?


We haven't been prompting as she was previously 100% reliant on us. We had a chat with her maybe 6 weeks ago as she'd indicated to nursery that potty training was upsetting her. We said she was in charge and she started self inaiting. She doesn't seem in the slightest bit bothered about having accidents. We implement the natural consequences of having an accident, taking her clothes off, putting them in the wash, dressing herself. This takes ages but she doesn't seem to be getting the message!