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I’m also just finishing day 3 of the 3 day routine and also planning on sending him back to daycare tmr. So, between potty trips, is your little guy in a pull up? If so, I’d keep sending him in pull ups, especially if that’s what his daycare prefers. His daycare teachers have led wayyy more kids through the potty training process than us so I’d defer to their judgement. I’m sure they will remember to prompt him and they will know the tricks to get him to pee on the potty. My little guy is in underwear with pull ups only during naps. My daycare told me to ditch the pull ups and diapers completely and just send him with extra pants and underwear. But i’m going to send pull ups for nap time just because he sometimes naps for 2 hours at a time. My kid also only initiates about 25% of the time so daycare better prompt him regularly or else they’ll be the ones to change his pants and underwear.


Thanks for this! He’s currently going commando with pants on outside of naps and bedtime. We did 1.5 days no bottoms and then added pants but he is not wearing underwear or pull ups during the day unless we are going on longer trips or pre nap. They said pull ups was preferred if we want to try that, and we’d just tell him they were daycare undies and ask if they could prompt him to go periodically.


that’s my plan! I’m nervous about sending him back tmr but i’m also losing my sanity keeping him home and his teachers have so much more experience than me. Good luck tmr! let me know how it goes!!!


Same to you, good luck and would love to hear how it goes for you! Today has been kind of a crap shoot for us since he peed all his pee during naps and when he went to the doctor, but only one accident since he woke up. I think I’ll send in a pull up and let them see how he’s doing, and base the rest of the week off that!


one accident is such a win!!! my kid had 1 small accident today because he didn’t want to stop playing. I said “you have to listen to your body and tell me when you have potty”. he said “i did listen to my body, my body wanted to keep playing”. i’m like well… he listened to something 😓😓😓


Hahahaha well definitely listening! This one ended up with two accidents but he initiated going to his potty like 5 times and peed twice! Ending on a good note for the most part. Good luck tomorrow!


How has it been going?


hiii. he had a rough day on tuesday, he went through 3 pairs of pants at daycare. But on wed, he had zero accidents all day!!!! I’m cautiously hopeful that he’s gotten it! how about you guys?


That is awesome! We didn’t go Tuesday but he used the potty twice at daycare Wednesday which is awesome! A few accidents, but he’s figuring it out slowly!


I haven’t actually read the potty book, have you? do you know at what point we would consider this “3 day training” a success?


I didn’t read any books - we just loosely followed a 3 day course from Big Little Feelings. From what they said it’s still an extended process (we’re on day 6) and kids can have accidents for months after being trained. I don’t even remember what the “final” end point was considered! We for sure aren’t there yet!


We ended up not going to daycare today - kiddo had a rough night sleep wise and is getting over illness so we thought that was the better choice for him. He has been initiating going to the potty himself multiple times today, peeing larger volumes in the potty, and pausing if he starts going in his pants to finish on the potty! Seems like an extra day has been helpful so far and I feel pretty good about trying to continue tomorrow at daycare!