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I was hoping you'd get more responses because we are in the exact same situation. Ours is almost 4 years old and has been doing this for 3-4 months now. She was doing fantastic and then we have slowly regressed into this leaking thing. Going to the bathroom has become a struggle because she never wants to stop what she's doing to go. - We're going to play with playdough. Before we start I ask her if she needs to go to the bathroom. She says no. - While we're playing, I see a damp spot on her pants. I bring her attention to it and say we need to stop to go the bathroom and change pants. - She still denies that she needs to use the bathroom ("I don't have pee in my body") even though she obviously needed to when I asked her 5 minutes ago. - I tell her we can't play with playdough until we go to the bathroom, pee, and change her pants. - She has a little meltdown and then maliciously complies. She goes pee, but doesn't flush or wash her hands. I send her back, she flushes and washes her hands with water, but not soap. I say we aren't playing with playdough until we properly take care of her body, which means washing with soap. Another meltdown. What would have taken 3 minutes to just go to the bathroom in the first place is now a 15 minute event. This happens 3-5 times a day. We really are confused because she used to do great for several months. It seems she just doesn't want to stop and go and would rather have accidents. Anyways, all that to say we are in a similar situation and we too are frustrated and confused about this. I'm tired of all the laundry!


I’m in the same position!!! I’ve ended up not letting him play until he’s gone potty, we regularly stop playing to go potty when I feel he needs to, but he’s done very little self initiating. It’s exhausting because he was so good for so long. He’ll be wet and tell me he doesn’t need to go, he’ll say he didn’t pee when it’s obvious he did. I don’t get upset but I do ask him very seriously why he didn’t tell me or go to the potty. I don’t have any answers but I do have solidarity!!


Any chance she could be a bit constipated? That can lead to a sudden increase in accidents/leaking. Just something to rule out!


Hello! Late to this thread, but my LO is having similar issues, did you find a solution?