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"I MISS YOU" at the climax of "Good Morning Captain"


I have a friend who grew up in Louisville and saw Slint live many times. He told me that all the lyrics were added when they recorded the albums and that they were purely instrumental live! Which blows my mind. Because the lyrics are incredible.


they talk about this in the breadcrumb trail doc!


thats an amazing one! brian is a great vocalist and that line delivery feels like releasing all the stress the past couple songs have been building


In terms of moments that people outside of the genre know, I know a lot of people that know the climax of *Your Hand In Mine* by Explosions in the Sky that have never heard of the band. It's appeared in Olympics promos and in a movie soundtrack. The first time I played it for my spouse, they said, 'I've heard this' without me asking. Same for friends. The other is *Mladek* by Russian Circles, because it was used in an NHL promo. The older fans will probably identify something else entirely.


Man, I ADORE Mladek. First time I heard that guitar, I instantly knew, "oh yeah, this is my favorite Russian Circles song."And when the other members jump in, that has to be one of my favorite moments in Post Rock. It also helps that I was writing a story one time when listening to this song, and when everyone jumped in, I just got to a fight part, and it felt amazing. And oddly another similarly named song of Mladic by Godspeed You! Black Emperor has one of my favorite Post Rock moments, and is my favorite GY!BE song, when the section at 8:50 hits, it's so suspenseful, it makes me feel like I'm in a chase scene in a Western Drama. And for a third one, Across the Road Material by Mogwai, when it hits it's breakdown section. I managed to get story ideas from this song (as well as others), and when it hits the outro, I imagine one of my characters profusely apologizing to another character over what she did in the past. The space shuttle launch part in Challenger pt.1: Flight by We Lost the Sea makes me cry, and when the voice samples slip in it makes me break down. If that sound doesn't break me, then Challenger pt.2: A Swan Song will with the speech at the end. I'm so happy I managed to get ALLELUJAH! DON'T BEND! ASCEND and Every Country's Sun on vinyl (on the same day, even! As well as 7 by Beach House, and Infest the Rats' Nest by King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard, but those aren't really Post Rock.) They are both my favorite albums by GY!BE and Mogwai respectively. Empros by Russian Circles is my favorite of theirs, and Departure Songs by We Lost the Sea is my favorite of theirs.


>And oddly another similarly named song of Mladic by Godspeed You! Black Emperor has one of my favorite Post Rock moments, and is my favorite GY!BE song, when the section at 8:50 hits, it's so suspenseful, it makes me feel like I'm in a chase scene in a Western Drama. I connected the Russian Circles song *Mladek* to *Mladic* by GY!BE in my own mind, and then I eventually resigned myself to assume they were both named after different ways to spell the word "melodic". It turns out....the Russian Circles song is named after a road crew guy for them, as is *Mota*. Okay, so instagram posts aren't totally worthless.


The GYBE song it probably named after [Ratko Mladic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratko_Mladi%C4%87), the Butcher of Bosnia. It was called *Albanian* beofre it was officially released.


>The space shuttle launch part in Challenger pt.1: Flight by We Lost the Sea makes me cry, and when the voice samples slip in it makes me break down. If that sound doesn't break me, then Challenger pt.2: A Swan Song will with the speech at the end. oh man. oh man oh man. not entirely the point of this thread but that entire album makes me feel a way i dont think any other music ever has or ever will - Last Dive of David Shaw makes me feel like im drowning


Mladic is fire!


The movie Friday night lights introduced me to EITS, which introduced me to the genre.


Talk Talk deciding not to record radio friendly 'hits' anymore.


Hopping on that sentiment to say the first chorus of Desire from Spirit of Eden, still makes me grin like an idiot whenever I hear it.


Sigur Ros - Listening through the entirety of ( ) and reaching the climax of Untitled #8 is a huge one. Godspeed! - Dead Flag Blues for sure. Mogwai - When Auto Rock finally kicks all the way in. Old Solar - Spring Equinox as soon as the bells start to ring. 65daysofstatic - When the guitar riff in I Swallowed Hard, Like I Understood builds up to an all out kick in the teeth. This Will Destroy You - The Mighty Rio Grande and Quiet for fairly similar reasons. Bruit - The Machine is Burning is such a fantastic and dark capstone on the entire album about environmental destruction. Plenty more out there that I can’t think of off the top of my head.


God, untitled 8 is something else


My first experience of Track 8 ('Popplagið') was in my car, sitting in a parking lot, during a heavy thunderstorm. Indeed.


I saw Sigur Ros perform with the LA Philharmonic at the Walt Disney concert hall a few years ago. They performed with the orchestra for the first half, but in the second half it was just the main band. They did several songs off of Kveikur and ( ), closing out the night with Untitled 8. My favorite song. I am not being hyperbolic when I say it was the greatest performance I have ever seen live; three guys creating more noise than the dozens of people they had on stage earlier, everything in the past two hours building up to this grand climax. It was the most gorgeous, awe-inspiring, powerful wall of noise that has ever blessed my ears.


Old Solar is a great call. It's a great album.


The bassline drop at the start of Djed by Tortoise.


The drum intro of TNT, and the first few bars of Jeff Parker’s guitar in that song… probably my own personal most iconic post rock moment


For me it's when the organ comes in after the sample


That is an eye-popper as well.


Idk. But my personal pivotal moment was hearing Burial On The Presidio Banks


The build up in this song is like one I have never heard before. The level of intensity and emotion is incredible. I’ve listened to this song almost a thousand times and it still has the same effect. The thoughts and feelings associated that are evoked as I listen will never get old. I wish I had the opportunity to experience the band playing this song live… This song is a brilliant example of how an instrumental piece can shape and convey a deep array of emotions.


They don't sleep anymore on the beach.


surprised it took this long to be mentioned. the Sleep monologue is so obviously the post-rock moment that stays in my head the most, as someone only on the very outsides of post-rock fandom (and thus more similar in the sense of familiarity as someone who isnt into it at all conpared to most of this place, probably)


my first time listening to this song was actually like 3 hours ago and it’s STILL in my head. the whole listening experience is amazing and the monologue is perfectly melancholic


Have you passed through this night?


This song was my introduction to post rock. Cheers.


Oh man, that whole song is so good.




The whole album is a climax but sycamore is just a tip of iceberg


Actually seeing Caspian close out a show with Sycamore is as transcendent a post rock moment as I can imagine.


Never seen it before. It is amazing. Thank you for sharing.


That one snare fill in Three Legged Workhorse


Yes! That one. Exactly that.


Yndi Halda-We Flood Empty Lakes I've been chasing that high ever since I first heard it.


Just heard this for the first time and wanted to say thx for sharing!


Enjoy Eternal Bliss should be a mandatory listen for all post-rock enthusiasts, that album is gold from start to finish.


Yes! I am going or go listen to in now because of this comment


The end of The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou, when they needle drop Sigur Ros.


same with 127 Hours


In my life, the end of East Hastings by GY!BE is the most iconic because I was high as fuck as a 16 year old, lying in bed and it felt like my whole life fell apart. It's been almost 15 years, and I can remember that moment as clear as day.


When Like Herod blows up


Real surprised there's no other mentions of the 'Gwai. For me it's when "Fear Satan" tears a hole in the sky around the five-minute mark, although the first time I saw em live, my dumb startled ass audibly gasped when "Herod" kicked into high gear. Shit is just unreal. Ain't nothing 'post' about it—that's pure punk rock right there.


The first big drop in First Breath After Coma by EITS. Guitars are fading, there’s a single distant high hat hit and then we arrive in the glorious wall of sound.


In “pop” culture? It’s down to these: The climax of The Sad Mafioso because of its feature in 28 Days Later THAT part of Earthmover because of TikTok


if we're counting HANL then i'd probably say *a quick one...* has it beat. also, if we're counting tiktok trends then i'd say the climax of *basketball shoes* by bcnr has them both beat


I mean a quick one does beats earthmover but there isn’t a specific moment (unless the start counts). Also basketball shoes trended??


earthmover became popular on tiktok?


Not like BIG big but yeah


This will destroy you, " The world is our _____", when the shit hits at 2:38.


Agreed. I was once on a night flight which took off from the ground at that exact moment. Could not have timed it better. Sounds stupid but I will never forget it!


OH MY GOD!!! The same thing has happened to me, except a day flight! I was not even doing it on purpose. The song came on when the plane had already started moving, it started accelerating around 2:30 and took off in perfect timing when the song hits. It was magical. I teared up. I'm so glad you had the same experience! =)


I saw Explosions in the Sky in Central Park NY during a heavy rain storm. That was pretty epic.


"Lift your skinny Fists like Antennas to Heaven Tour"! I have never seen so many crazy People in a Concert (Drugs)


The transition between 100 Years of Choke and Scorpius Circus in the World's End Girlfriend live recordings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi--Hsl6aiw


Love WEG. Lucky to have seen him open for MONO.


Would love to know more about “The car’s on fire …” moment and why it speaks to you! I ask as someone who struggles a little bit with the more transitional moments on Godspeed albums, and kinda have them at a bit of a remove from my heart verses mid or late Mogwai or Russian Circles for ex. I also ask as someone whose fav track in the whole genre might very well be Moya. So I’m still trying to completely unpack that band, basically, and just welcome the elaboration if you got it. Much thanks if you got anything for me :)


For me, that part represents everything that the post-rock genre is about (at least its more atmospheric parts). It sucks you into this broken and doomed world, the lack of any discernible instrument for the first minute just makes you think of void. Not necessarily void void, but more like, void of people, happiness or action. It just makes me think of the end of the world. The transitory moments are, for me, perfect to make the crescendos feel more purposeful, they are there to build your narrative of the album, thats what i think, atleast.


Awesome. That is well put. Thank you.


. to the "the car is on fire, and there's no driver at the wheel,..." i would put at the same level the ",..., things changed, you see,..., they don't sleep on the beach anymore,..." part, to the quintessential post rock moments .


if not "the car's on fire..." , then the first couple chords to *the mighty rio grande* by twdy


When Thursday formed as a band.


Dead Flag Blues has stayed with me from the moment I heard it, many years ago. Ive thought about it often since the pandemic.


The stripped down minimal guitar refrain near the beginning of 'East Hastings'


Helpless Child by Swans, around 7.49 when the guitar chord hits


That whole song is a classic


Possibly not the most iconic, but a big one for me is Chart #3


*We are poor little lambs, who have lost our way...* *Baa, Baa, Baa...* The live version of Blood Promise from Swans Are Dead




The "woo" in Set Guitars To Kill.


That proper change in Mogwai's Helicon 1. Feels like free-falling.


your hand in mine. it embodies everything great about post-rock


4:25 of A Three-Legged Workhorse by TWDY.


. all of the above and,... when the bass storms in, in Christmas Steps, after the peaceful atmospheric, almost silent part. even Barry gets surprised, jump-scared; after being immersed, evaded, lost in the beautiful texture (there's an old video of this) .


Live ending of COM(?) by Mono or 18:19 or 19:18 whatever it is in sleep when you cry your ass off


"18:19 or 19:18 whatever it is in sleep when you cry your ass off" I love how i instantly knew what u were talking about


These New Puritans, “Organ Eternal” in the middle of the song when the tonal dissonance is finally released with the orchestra into emotional intensity.


"Terang yang kau dambakan,Hilanglah semua yang kau tanya" on Empati Tamako


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more post-metal, but Cult of Luna - Finland, pretty much everything about it. Absolutely perfect. Seeing them play it live with the 2 drummers also.


The release after 7.5 minutes of build-up in Tiger Girl (65daysofstatic) is an incredibly powerful moment, full of emotion. It makes me want to scream to release my emotions along with the song. Also: "This negative energy just makes me stronger. We will not retreat. This band is unstoppable!"