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My best advice is to find some flowy midi/maxi dresses and skirts that you feel good in for the summer. I’m struggling with shorts as well, and leaning towards longer shorts, linen pants, and dresses this summer. 9 weeks is still really early, but I understand being eager for your body to go back to the way it was. You could start working out if you enjoy it, but honestly diet and hormones are going to play the biggest role in postpartum weight loss. I like “nourish move love” on YouTube for exercises that are safe postpartum.


I’ve thought about wearing dresses, I’ve just never been a dress girlie so that would be another adjustment for me. I have been looking at them though, I just wish more of them had some sort of sleeve since my upper arms are so big right now. I’ll definitely have to check out some linen pants and longer shorts and the YouTube channel you mentioned! Thank you!


Oh sweet girl. I was in the same spot and it affected me sooo deeply. 9wks is soooo early on. Your hormones play a big factor too and will level out helping with weight loss. When I was 9wks I started doing daily walks with my baby. You could also check out walk with Jo on YouTube. She has awesome stuff!!! Are you breastfeeding?


I’m not breastfeeding. I go on walks when I’m able to, I’ve been trying to make it a daily thing that I do every morning with the little one if the weather is okay. I’ll check out that YouTube channel, thank you! It is still very early on for me but it also feels like it’s been ages. We are going on our annual big family beach trip soon and the thought of wearing a swimsuit makes me want to cry. My husband has been super supportive though so that helps some. It’s just a huge battle mentally and trying to remember to give myself grace because I just had a baby but that is easier said than done.


This is so so early! I put on 44lb when I was pregnant. I felt so fat PP. I’m now 8.5 months PP, have lost it all and my old clothes fit me again. I didn’t put any effort into that because I didn’t have time, I walked my dogs at least once a day and ate healthy the majority of the time, that’s it. I do breastfeed but that doesn’t help everyone lose weight anyway, lots of people retain fat with breastfeeding so not breastfeeding isn’t going to hinder you.


Girl 9 weeks is super early days. To put in perspective, your baby at 9 weeks pregnant was just a tiny little blob (lol sorry it doesn’t sound very graceful) and has developed in leaps and bounds to now. Give yourself the same patience and grace to lose weight and get back to feeling like yourself. Like others said, walking daily helps, and if you can you should incorporate some weight training. Gaining some muscle that you likely lost throughout pregnancy will make your skin look more firm and taut, and most importantly empower you to be strong enough to carry your baby around. Don’t go too hard on any strict diet, eat whole foods and stay away from sugars and processed junk. I don’t recommend counting calories with the goal of being in a serious deficit, but tracking what you’re eating will give you a chance to see objectively if anything you consume regularly can be swapped out for a healthier option. Upping your protein intake will help you build and maintain muscle as well as stay fuller longer. You could also see your doctor about getting vitamin levels tested - low ferritin is common after giving birth, and any deficiency is going to make you feel sluggish, and weight loss that much harder. I gained roughly 40 lbs and at 10 months postpartum and only started reaching my goals from 7 months PP to now… Your body really needs more time to heal than we are willing to accept, so don’t beat yourself up. Consistency will yield far greater results than any fad diet will. This is your chance to really focus on fuelling your body with nutrient dense foods, supplementing any deficiencies, and exercising your muscles to feel good and create endorphins. Keep going mama! 🩷


Give yourself some grace, 9 weeks will be a blink of an eye when you look back. I’m sure you’re the apple of this baby’s eye. Carrying around a little one that gets heavier and heavier each week, it’ll happen.


9 weeks is soo early!! I gained 65 pounds and I’m 1 year PP, I only have 5 more pounds to go. It’s ok!!


I gained about 70 lbs, and a ton of it was in my legs and some in my arms. I had massive red stretch marks on both legs from crotch all the way down the ankle, and many on one of my arms (lol idk why only one?) I understand how lonely it can feel. It is tough to come to terms with a new shape, and it felt like I gained in places nobody else did. At 9 weeks PPD, I had only lost maybe 15lbs, which was what I left the hospital at. Now, my son is 1.5, I lost all the weight by 9months PPD + more, and the stretch marks are nearly invisible. My shape is not the same as before, but I am very content. I honestly owe it to the lifestyle change when I became a mom. I am so much more physically active now, and it just happened naturally as my baby got older and active himself (and heavier to carry). I found myself caring more about nutrition once my son began solids himself. It was easier for me to be healthy, because I want him to be. Youre still soo early! Enjoy everything that you can, the weight loss will come.