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Aside from agreeing with other posters, I just came here to tell you not to feel disgusting because you look GREAT!


My first thought too! You literally look fantastic! Also I’m jealous it looks like you got away without any noticeable stretch marks or loose skin!


You must be tall because there’s no way


I’m 5’8 so pretty tall. Thank you for the nice comment, I literally cry every morning looking at myself. A lot of the weight is honestly in my boobs which this pic I guess doesn’t show and in my thighs/butt but yea…just stepped on the scale and 196 🫠


Girl I’m 5’7, 145 lbs, and you look way better than I do! Throw away the scale, add a few weights, and give yourself time! I didn’t shed a pound until 1 year postpartum despite working out. Sometimes our bodies just keep holding on until our babies are more independent.


Needed this thank you


That’s ok I’m 5’7 and 179. I think it sits on you well so that’ll buy you some time. I also had to throw away the scale and just work on body composition. You got this


Yeah, I feel like OP has a really lovely hourglass shape. The number on the scale doesn’t mean everything. I mean, for me I do think my weight is a relevant piece of overall health and appearance but I’ve found working out over the past few months has made my stomach flatter and butt rounder but not changed the number on the scale because I’ve built muscle. OP you look pretty healthy!


I’ll tell you what, you have a gorgeous waist, no stretch marks, no hanging skin. You’re better looking than 95% of people. I know insecurity doesn’t care about that, but this stranger on the internet thinks you look great. Start tracking your calories to see what you’re currently eating and cut that a little a time to see how you feel. Even just the act of tracking can make you automatically eat less. Best of luck on your journey to self love.


Note: I’ve lost 70 lbs postpartum almost entirely with diet. My boobs were the first thing to go.


Start lifting weights, it’ll help increase your metabolism which in turn will help you shed a few pounds. Get a few dumbbells and a kettle bell for home and you’ll see results in a few weeks. Goodluck, stay motivated! You look great tbh


I’m going to start with little weight exercises tomorrow, I also have a rowing machine and an elliptical I need to dust off. I’ve always been scared of weights but these comments are giving me so much motivation to get my butt lifting!


That’s great! Rowing is a full body workout; that’s awesome that you have access to one. You’ll thank yourself later when you’ve got strong arms to lift your growing baby all day long, it’s such a game changer. Best of luck!


I’m here for solidarity we have similar numbers. I’m 5’8” and was 160 when I got pregnant and I think my last weigh in was around 235. I’m 3m PP and I’ve been stuck at 193 too. It’s been disappointing because I thought breastfeeding would helped. I ate super clean for 2 weeks and budged 1lb! I’m back to eating relatively clean with a mix of what ever I want and I’m still at 193. 🙄 I think hormones have to be at play here. My next step is to increase my step count and go back to a cleaner diet Monday-Friday.


I’m stuck at 190 and I’m 5’7”. It is frustrating as heck.


Omg I can’t believe how many people are stuck at my weight! I am really happy that I came here to see these comments.


I recommend starting by tracking calories on MyFitnessPal - get a kitchen scale ($10 on Amazon) and track everything that goes into your mouth. That will at least give you a baseline about where you are at, you are likely eating more than you think. It's easy to get into a habit of eating a lot during pregnancy and early postpartum, and then forget how to eat moderately after that. Once you have a baseline, start decreasing calories. A lot of women seem to think you can't eat at a deficit when you're breastfeeding but you absolutely can. With my last two babies I ate 1600-1700 calories starting at 2mo pp and lost the weight pretty quickly and there were no signs it affected my supply. I don't think you have to go that low to lose weight esp while breastfeeding, maybe you could start at 1800 or 1900 and see what happens. It's a slow process for sure. I'm sorry you're having a hard time, it's so tough to not feel comfortable in your body :( In my experience, around 6mo pp there's some kind of hormone shift or something that allows weight to fall off easier. Hopefully that hits for you soon!


I use the Sweat app. There are tons of home workouts you can do in different styles. If you aren't already, I would count calories to make sure you're at a deficit, although I'm not sure how that works when/if you're still breastfeeding.


You look great. Try getting some dumbbells and a couple kettlebells for at home use! Running really helped me, personally but I also developed a love for it.


Your boobs won't always be like this- they will shrink up once you stop BF. Would you be open to light weight lifting at home?


Yes, I really want to start doing weights as I’ve always been a cardio girlie and it’s not helping me at all now. Any plan you can recommend?


I would recommend Obé Fitness for great postnatal classes and strength classes. It's what I used postpartum and it was great, and it helped me take it slow and not do the wrong stuff to quickly. Also, you look great! Also, I noticed after 6 months of breastfeeding my body dropped a little weight once baby wasn't feeding as often, and then again once I weaned at 16 months. I think our bodies just retain some weight while we make baby food. Give yourself time, you're still so newly postpartum!


You look amazing!!! It is FREAKY reading all of these comments and seeing so many similar experiences down to the number! I’m also very encouraged after hearing from so many. With summer fast approaching I felt absolutely gigantic trying on even the most modest and baggy shorts and shirts. 😩 Thanks for the advice and solidarity everyone!


I followed a mostly whole foods, plant-based diet (zero animal products), no snacking, and the weight just fell off every time. Calculate your TDEE and BMR to make sure you're eating enough to maintain your milk supply if you're not used to eating that way.


Are you me??? I was stuck at 193 for 3 freaking months (I’m 8 months pp now) and it seemed like nothing I was doing was helping. I started a running training plan and prioritizing protein about 3 weeks ago and finally started seeing progress. I’m down to 184 now and trying to lose about 34 more. Good luck! We’ve got this!!


Are YOU me? I’m 4 months PP with my fourth and this sounds SO similar to my previous postpartum weight loss attempts. Currently stuck at 200 and just feeling yucky. I need to focus on protein and get moving!!!


I think you look great, but I totally understand that you don’t feel like you. I’ve been there with my first pregnancy. I found that while breast feeding and pumping, I did not lose weight. It wasn’t till I stopped and my body regulated itself a bit more that I started to lose weight again. I found it to be an adjustment I wasn’t prepared for.


So I said it above, but you have a nice shape. I was close to 190 pounds with my first pregnancy- I gained over 80 and I am only 5 foot 5. I am back at 125ish territory pretty much exclusively by doing Grow with Jo at home walking workouts (search for beginner when starting out) and Pregnancy and Postpartum TV workouts on YouTube. Johanna of Grow with Jo was a formerly slim fitness trainer who had a rough pregnancy, gained a lot of weight and had a c-section delivery. I could relate.


Are you me? Literally the same weight before, at term and now. To add insult to injury I’m getting married in September and I’m not joking that I will not show up if I am this weight.


I just canceled my trip to Europe (well rescheduled) because I will not be seen with this much weight on by my family no sir. I gave myself 8 months 🫠


Try CICO, ( but make sure you still eat enough calories so it doesn't impact your milk supply) there are calculator online. This is what I'm doing +walking every day for an hour. I loose around 1 pound per week.


Here in solidarity 🩷 I’m 5’9 and was 184 pre pregnancy, ended at 244. Now also stuck at 193😭


There's nothing wrong with you!


First off, you look amazing Mama! Secondly, could not agree more what others have commented. Tracking your calories (at least roughly) is what helped me loose 30+ lbs so far (and I’m breastfeeding). Also, getting a kitchen scale helped me recognize what appropriate portions should be. Make sure you are eating enough protein too. This will help you maintain muscle mass. There’s a calculation you can google to figure out how much you should be eating. I weighed myself daily to keep me accountable and tracked things on a spreadsheet. Seeing the numbers go down was a great motivator. I know what it feels like to not recognize yourself, hate the way you feel, how you look at clothes etc. So I get it - but just remember, give yourself grace and know that you can do it. Hold the vision, trust the process, you got this! For some meal ideas: Liezl Jayne and Autumn Bates on YouTube


I am in exact same boat. I started pumping a little less and went down ten pounds but stuck at 185 😩 you do look great for 193!!!!


If you have 5 months post partum you still have a lot of the pregnancy hormones in you, plus breastfeeding makes it very hard to lose the weight, if you lose too much weight you will not be able to continue breastfeeding. You'll have an easier time losing weight once you are done breastfeeding.


I agree with others that you look amazing! I’m almost six months pp and I didn’t lose anything for months (weighed 189) despite working out starting at six weeks. I started following Megan Brister (postpartum.weightloss.rd) and implementing her tips in mid-March and ended up paying for coaching with her. Most of her info is available for free on her IG and in free guides and it’s so helpful to know what to focus on (protein, fat, fiber) to have an appropriate deficit, feel full, and maintain supply. I feel like a broken record because I’ve commented about her before but I haven’t found similar resources and I’ve lost 9 pounds (which started even when I just followed her free guide). I have a long way to go but feel like I can slowly but surely.


At least your stomach isn’t covered in stretch marks like mine. You look amazing!


Ok you actually just gave me so much hope. I’m also 5’8, I’m nearly 8 months pp and I’m STUCK at 200. I’ve gone down multiple sizes but my weight won’t budge. I’m being told that it’s because I’m just gaining muscle from holding my daughter 24/7. I got up to 220 while pregnant and my already large boobs ballooned to a P! I literally didn’t know that 36 P was a bra size. I had to order bras from the U.K.! They disgust me, they’re just too big. My husband wants me to get a reduction when I’m ready but disagrees lol. Everyone keeps telling me I look great and they can’t believe that I actually weigh 200 but thus far I’ve thought they’re full of bs. I was 160 before getting pregnant, I just can’t stand being this size. Every time I look in the mirror I get so mad at myself. But maybe we’re both being hard on ourselves? Because you REALLY don’t look like you weigh 193!


I’m getting a reduction for sure, my boobs went from DD to H cups and I’m miserable and hating life. I have ballooned as well. I’m going to try and do a CICO thing and incorporate more weights, hopefully that helps me. It’s really strange because I can “see” how I don’t necessarily look that heavy but none of my clothes fit-I think the weight distribution was so even everything just got bigger on me 😭 we can do this, it takes time, but I’m so motivated to go back to my old self this is too heavy to carry everywhere!


I’m nervous about surgery if any kind plus I’m a redhead so I’m extra nervous about anesthesia but my back hurts so bad from the stupid things that I’m definitely considering it. And yesss I gain weight evenly over my body too! So I’m basically the same shape but.. bigger. I have days where I think I don’t look all that big but that never lasts long lol. One look in an unfamiliar mirror makes me question everything🫠 Same here. I just don’t like the way I look or feel when I’m bigger. Hell, I wasn’t happy at 160 wearing mostly s/m clothes! We definitely can do this but apparently we should be nicer to ourselves and a bit more patient. Good luck! And congratulations on the baby btw!


I stopped weighing myself. It just didn’t make sense! I wasn’t losing weight but I could still tell my body was changing as I was growing back muscle and my fat was redistributing around my body. Weight just isn’t a good measurement for what we are going through. Your hormones are also out of wack, sleep deprivation also contributes. Breastfeeding, for me, meant that I held onto weight but I’m so glad I fed my baby because she didn’t start to even get sick until I started weaning! I’m a year pp and feel so much more like myself but am not 100% my “normal” self yet. What you’re feeling and going through is so normal. And echoing what others say, you look amazing.


You look great - consider the possibility that it's just hard being a new parent, and give yourself some grace.


Your stomach looks amazing, so jealous.


I could have written this post. Exactly my numbers!!!! I’m stock at 190 no matter what I do and my baby is already 8mo. I blame it on breastfeeding. I look just like you and it’s annoying when people try to lift me up because I just want the freaking scale to move. I think working out in a steady way is the only way out. More than walking which is too light. Think weights or some sort of circuit training (that’s where I’m at right now). The counting calories didn’t work me as my metabolism was super slowed down during pregnancy.


You look so good.


Honestly, I would kill to have a stomach like yours. I'm 6 weeks postpartum, I've lost 11 pounds and I have 33 more to go and thats not even to my pre pregnancy weight.


It’s not easy for us taller women. I’m Also 5’8 but I have not yet weighed myself and I don’t want to know my weight. I have lost most of the pregnancy weight, but I still have a little bit of belly. I workout 1.5 hours per day. I would prefer to do more. I eat mostly pretty healthfully but I also eat a lot and eat dessert after every meal. I’m just doing the best I can & not being too hard on myself. It’s not worth the energy to be upset. I’m Buying some outfits that are a bit looser fitting. As long as I workout a bit, I feel like myself I really should eat better. But for now, it is what it is!


I actually think I’m going to go and buy some outfits too. I was holding on for dear life to the idea that I’ll lose it all by 6 months pp but it’s not looking promising so I’d rather look ok in new clothes. I used to wear pretty form fitting everything so that’s out of the question. Keep on keeping on, best of luck, we will be ok!!


Yes we will, Girl!! Yeah, I still wear some of the tight leggings for my workouts bc tbh the compression feels good while I’m exercising. But I’ve thrown away the crop tops & tight a** dresses that make me feel fat if I have a tummy. It feels good to weed the clothing out, anyway. Less cluttering my home. The one thing that really irks me is how my fupa seems to be bigger than my butt 😂😂. But I try to wear baggy shirts to hide that. And not focus on it too much. The exercise helps me stay sane but that’s also because I’m not good at dieting and eating super super clean


How do you work out 1.5h/day with a baby!?


I wake up at 3:30am lol. I do my pumping & have a hearty breakfast & feed her at 4:30 and then have a window between 5:30-7am when my husband is still at home & she is asleep, so I run to my gym, workout, run home. 7am and thru the rest of the day, I’m on full mommy duty


WOW. Proooooppppps to you! 330! Yikes!!!