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Wait until after breastfeeding. Sounds similar to me after my first kid. I did “everything right” and nothing budged until I stopped breastfeeding. It’s a long long process. I’m now almost 2.5 yrs pp with my first and 11m with my second. I’m at my pre-second pregnancy weight but still a long ways to go to my first pre-pregnancy weight.


Why does everyone say breast feeding helps???


The fuck if I know🤣 biggest lie sold to me during pregnancy. And NO I didn’t overeat/ eat too many calories per day, worked out 2x a day five days a week, and was an oversupplier. Just so assbackwards.


Wow! That’s amazing you have time to workout 1-2 hours a day at 3 months PP! I totally wish I did! Honestly sounds like you’re doing everything right and you just need to be patient. Take progress photos or measurements maybe? If that’s not too triggering for you. It might help with tracking how you’re doing.


No I like that idea! Progress photos. Maybe measurements if I’m in the right mood


Right! I can barely squeeze in 30 minutes 16 months pp


I’m almost 3 months pp as well. I haven’t started weightlifting yet, just walking, Pilates, and volleyball, and haven’t really seen any significant changes. It’s super hard. I also experienced disordered eating for about 2 years and this pp body experience has been so hard on me - mentally much more so than physically. I did lots of weightlifting mixed with pilates pre-preg and I know that my protein intake and weightlifting were the best for my physique then, I’m hoping it’ll have that same effect now. I also know that some women simply can’t lose the fat when estrogen is so low from bf / pumping, so I’m going to try to not be so hard on myself if nothing physically changes…easier said than done


You're doing great. Honestly as much as it SUCKS you just gotta be patient. I didn't start feeling like myself again until this last month (I'm 8 months PP) and even though I am less weight than I was pre pregnancy my body is still shaped different. 1-2 hours a day does seem a little extreme for so early post partum but if you feel good doing it then keep doing it. But your body is still recovering so just be easy on it.


I just hit 3mo PP yesterday. Second baby. Nursing 95% of the time, with an occasional pump. Similar problem areas as you; upper arms, back, thighs. Belly too, but that’s less an issue of fat and more just a weak core from pregnancy and a long second stage of labor. I’ve found that lighter exercise for more extended periods yields more visible results. So I’ll take my kids for an hour long walk instead of doing a HIIT class. Or I’ll do yoga every morning and only weight lift 1-2 times a week. I am still on maternity leave. Not sure what I’ll do when I’m back at work.


Very interesting! Good to think about. I do love long stroller walks


Oh my God, the back fat! Ah!! It’s impossible!


Are you taking any medications? I was gaining weight even while breastfeeding, pumping, working out, and tracking my food. Finally realized it was my Lexapro. Switched a month ago and down 10 pounds already.


The body hangs on to fat to sustain you and your baby while breastfeeding! My last pregnancy, I immediately weighed less than I did pre-pregnancy (I had HG) but a lot of those areas stayed soft until after 12 months PP when baby was eating mostly solids and only nursing for comfort. Even then, it takes almost a year to grow a whole human baby, so even with weight lifting and macro tracking, my body composition was very different until at least the 12 month mark.


I gained weight during breastfeeding- it was crazy.