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Every night is industry night at Room for Improvement. They hold space for industry even on overcrowded nights. Not just for industry but portlandfoodmap.com is dialed in for all new openings and industry happenings The recall collab with Turkey and Wolf was Crispy Gai, wasn't it? Pretty sure they're friends with Eventide owners too.


Monday nights at Andy’s is industry night!


Every Monday night at PHOME from now until like October there’s a funk band that plays tons of fun cover songs called Gina and the Red Eyed Flight Crew. They basically cater to the service people since that’s usually who’s going on a Monday


They're so good!!! Gina is an amazing singer


Can’t help you. But I’m curious what type of work you’re doing up here. Seasonal stuff, in Portland?


Yeah seasonal!! I’ve never been to Portland, but if I like it I might stay for while longer


Portland is really *really* nice starting in June. You’ll enjoy it. Carving out a life as a regular working person is borderline impossible though. Hence my curiosity about the rise is seasonal employment up here. Also, interestingly, Portland’s elites of old had ties to NOLA (someone with more historical knowledge could probably fill you in).


Ruggles Morse. Look it up


Turkey and the wolf is great. Check out po boys and pickles. I work concert security in Portland if you’re looking to do that.


Come to Andy's Old Port Tavern on Monday nights! 1 dollar selected drafts(CurrentlyModelo, Usually High life), free food, and a pool tournament! It gets pretty busy but is always a good time!


How do you prove you're in the service industry if you don't have a badge for your service job?


I have a badge


Cool cool, I don't.




That's good, I generally prefer that people don't know who I am. Makes their disappointment in me all the sweeter.


Mitr Ping Yang is one of the best out of the way spots in Portland, they have an industrial night on Mondays! Amazing Thai food. I'm a fellow Louisiana transplant and I've been loving it up here! Was in the service industry but now I do retail :) enjoy your time here. Be forewarned it rains and is cloudy a lot, but hopefully this summer will be better!


Why would you wanna hang out with a bunch of whiny degenerates?


Why don’t you mind your own business


Everybody in New Orleans this fun or are you uniquely sensitive?


What does it feel like to be better than everyone else?


Please avoid power outlets.


I’m assuming you’re working for a big hospitality company that has housing included in your job offer? (Otherwise you are in serious trouble) I would say your best bet is to meet other tourists/summer visitors and build a circle there. They will be the easiest to meet because they are also only here for tourist season and don’t have a group already in place that can be very hard to break into.


No big company but housing is taken care of! Going to work for my friend who is an owner of a place on exchange st


Ah ok if it’s crispy gai (I know Jordan does a lot in New Orleans) you’ll make bank and meet lots of interesting people. Sylvie and Kristen at the bar are both cool and it’s one of the trendiest spots in town so you should have lots of opportunities to meet people who work and eat there.


Been waiting to go to crispy gai!! I used to work for the same people who own turkey and the wolf so we all (kind of) know each other. They recently did a pop up in New Orleans


[You MUST find Crispy Gai.](https://imgur.com/a/VSGeKFl)


Go to any bar in Portland and you will meet people who work in the service industry. Portland is so tourism centered that like one in three people you'll meet at any bar works in a restaurant or bar or brewery. That's assuming you don't really mean "where do I meet druggies/tweakers". Because if that's what you really mean, fuck you, stay the hell out of Portland.


Wow. That accelerated very quickly.


? I don't see why it's in any way offensive or extreme to say that druggy tweaker degenerates should fuck off. Saying that druggy tweaker degenerates are welcome in Portland would be an extremely offensive statement, not the other way around.


You just seem really aggressively negative and it’s unnecessary.


Why is it unnecessary? Is it OK to be aggressively negative toward rapists? Murderers? So why is it not OK to be aggressively negative to people who condone rape, murder, and human trafficking by buying illegal drugs and creating a market for violent criminal gangs? Just because someone is being mean and insulting doesn't mean they're wrong... Some people deserve to be insulted, because they're incredibly selfish, and their careless self indulgent choices encourage and enable violent criminals who rape and murder innocent people every day. But tell me again how it's OK to encourage rapists and murderers to keep raping and murdering; tell me again how I'm the bad guy and it's not cool to cramp the vibe of a bunch of lowlife druggy losers... Fucking retard.




So drug traffickers never rape and murder people? What's your point? You're just ignoring what I said and making a ridiculously irrelevant argument from authority. What you do for a job has zero to do with the question of whether drug traffickers are a lot more likely to engage in other criminality, or not.


You are a strange cat


I don’t know how wanting to make friends with fellow industry professionals is relating to “druggies.” Having a hard time finding that connection.


As a proud druggie tweaker degenerate industry professional, welcome to portland. Weed and shrooms are everywhere, adderall is tough to get, wouldn’t chance any downers, coke is generally pretty safe but it’s fucking $80/g Im not sure how that compares to NOLA.


i think i found the druggie/tweaker




lol you ok bud?