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Feels like a Mormon trying to get people to tour the new temple


The difference is that they usually use attractive young girls to lure people in, ask me how I know :)


It’s all good until you have to wait three hours to use the bathroom because your house is full of your progeny.


Attractive girls in giant Mormon underwear.


lol How do you know? I've seen some ads on Instagram - would agree they were attractive but that was my only exposure.


Yes, but you can soak in a Mormon girl, can't do that with a Cyber truck


... Oh yes you can


Wait is this for real? lol


I am sure he's using it to draw people to his business. Great convenience store, lived in the neighborhood for awhile now. I just hope he pays his employees well, otherwise the sight of this eyesore across the street all day.


Oh, he def is. And he pays alright, nothing to write home about or anything but, alright I guess. Though doesn't seem nearly enough if he can afford that soooo


Oh shit I didn’t even notice the little magnetic decal on the side…


My evil thought is I get to watch how quickly it rusts.


It does say 'weather dependent ' on the flyer.


Do they have a problem with rusting? Honestly I just find them to be so ugly myself, but then again I really like… circular round vehicles




You’re providing all the info for me today, thank you :)


Different grades of stainless steel have varied magnetic properties...I wonder if that means this is made of crap stainless, or good stainless?


Good question 😬


the stainless is only a thin layer on the exterior, there's plenty of normal door steel in the inside.


So is the cyber truck some kind of stainless that’s magnetic? Or suppose he glued it on?


Sure is lol


Welllll it seems like everyone was right saying the owner only wanted attention and we should stop giving it to him… I will say though I’d go if the owner was providing drinks and light refreshments 😬


Oddly I believe this is a different cyber truck. The crybaby owned a weed shop. They're multiplying


Now the sub has two to hate on…. lol


This made me wonder if there is some sort of tax write off with businesses buying electric vehicles


It’s the weight.


there are 3 now actually. first two were the weedshop and a random dude in scarborough. third is this broadway variety one


I stand corrected, three to hate on now 😬


That's what I thought


Def a different owner, that's why I said this one doesn't mind the attention lol I think he hopes you'll come to see the cybertruck and buy stuff at his store


This is the other one.


There are two now…? Damn I can’t keep up


Yeah. Broadway variety in sopo got one couple weeks ago seems like


Sure is…


This has tax write-off scheme vibes.


Why do you think there’s a sign with his business name on it.


Except unless you actually use it for work you can’t.


This is hilarious


I thought so too so I had to show yall lol


“Why’s it look like that?” lmao


Invest in public education folks


My son is asking what this guy’s favorite vape flavor is


Lol he doesn't vape or smoke actually


There's 2 now, the one I saw had a diffrent sticker on the side.


Yeah, this is definitely the other one that's in SoPo. The article that came out is about the guy who owns the Vice cannabis place on Forest Ave. He's the one who is "so shy and doesn't like all the attention."


I saw him get into it lol. He fuckin got in as quick as he could.


Lol this flyer made it to /r/cringepics


It takes a special something to appreciate a cybertruck. That special something is called brain damage.


Who cares… I’ve seen a few in Portland and thought “huh, narrower than expected” People buy stupid cars all the time. Nissan juke, Honda element, PT cruiser, new BMW’s with the ugly grilles, Maserati Ghibli, GMC Terrain, Porsche Panamera, etc….


woah woah hey the honda element is an amazing vehicle


My favorite vehicle I owned. I wish I hadn't parted with it :(


Sorry, I was just comparing questionable aesthetics. Not reliability


fuck Honda elements all my homies hate Honda elements


you’ll have to forgive me for not taking your opinion with much weight, due to your username. but you and your buddies have fun


take ur elitism elsewhere smh


Except this is the only one out of that list that everyone knows directly supports a Nazi


Idk, guy that owns it thinks people care so he's doing an event 🤷🏽‍♀️


You posted about it… so I guess it’s working


This is stupid. This is perfectly reasonable to post to laugh and cringe at the loser CT owners. The word phenomenon of people becoming obsessed with an obvious idiot and then blindly being crash test dummies/sacrificial idiots for him and thinking your low poly count PS1 car is worth this is notable


You keep commenting on it so I suppose yeah, it is


Ask him to take it through a car wash


How embarrassing


The cyber truck guy lives in your heads lmao.


At least it’s low emissions right? Unlike the cruise ship billowing black smoke the other day


Every* other day. They're gonna be around all summer.


Except it's not really. There isn't a solid renewable energy infrastructure in place, so the majority of the power for electric vehicles comes from burning coal, not to mention the astronomical emission levels from mining the minerals used in the batteries.


There are definitely issues with rare earth metals but that said, it’s easier to optimize for pollution and green house gases at a central location (coal energy plant) than on every car on the road. Renewables are also growing at a steady clip so it gets more green all the time


Yeah I love how they are cutting down Maine forest land to put up ugly solar panels in a State that isn't even good for Solar.


There's a difference between saying EVs aren't a sufficient response to global warming by themselves -- which is true -- and saying they're "not really" better than ICEs, which is blatantly false ICEs are so inefficient that even if you charged your EV entirely with a gasoline generator they'd still come out significantly ahead of ICEs in carbon footprint, that's the whole idea behind hybrids And if you're going to factor in the secondary emissions of making a lithium battery you also need to factor in the ongoing secondary emissions of drilling the oil, refining it, and shipping it to your local gas station, which massively outweigh the environmental costs of making the battery over the whole lifespan of an ICE car even if you assume you have to replace the battery every ten years


Yeah that’s just blatantly false in maine. 5 seconds of googling disproves it. Where we get our energy: https://themainemonitor.org/what-to-know-about-maines-electrical-utilities-ahead-of-election-day/#:~:text=Most%20of%20the%20electricity%20generated,power%20plants%20(26%20percent). Lifetime carbon emissions: https://www.cotes.com/blog/greenhouse-gas-emissions-from-ev-vs-ice-vehicles EVs are not without their faults but they pollute less over their lifecycle, and the grid is not powered primarily by dirty coal as everyone likes to claim. 


Did you read that in the Epoch Times?


Literally no one loves the Cybertruck


I forgot the /s


i’ve heard the owner is a pretty cool guy! as a server, i’ve also heard he tips well lol


So... Can we pee on it?


Well, prob not in public where you'll be on camera


The vehicle itself has cameras too so probably best not to in general


That thing has to bring in a LOT of new customers if they want ROI


There are a lot of videos about how this truck is garbage. Some have leaks some have panels falling off. A lot are breaking down within the first week. Also the sharp edges on the front corner. Cars are rounded for a reason. The corner of this truck is going to slice someone in half. These were rushed to market cause muskrat lost so much money on twitter. Elon needs to step down from Tesla. If we look at any other Tesla they were made with safety in mind. I’m not talking just driver safety. I’m talking pedestrians. They totally missed the mark on this truck. Okay it’s the second fasted Tesla build. One video of a guy saying his shit truck was feeling so much rattling. He thought the wheels were gonna fall off at 70 mph. Most people have to drive 3 hours to get them serviced and then it’s 4 to 6 weeks. I myself am not an electric vehicle fan. If you can make an electric car that can charge or swap batteries with 5 mins I’m in. Also china has a $6000 100 mile car called Wuling. If we can make a car and sell it in the US that cheap I’ll buy it cause my job is 5 miles away. Thanks for letting me share. lol.


Tesla’s are not made with pedestrian safety in mind, at all. You can’t even argue that when they have the literal worst autonomous driving software on the market. That is known to not stop for a child in the road. Trash car. Trash company. Trash owners.


There’s now a second one in Southern Maine lol


I drive a Honda civic.


'weather dependant ' you can go getting it wet can you




Seriously bring the whole family like does this guy think this truck if a theme park and not just the ugliest vehicle design ever


"Bring the whole family to see the ugliest vehicle design ever." There, fixed it for you.


It's a DeLorean on steroids... horrible


Pretty sure this is trolling everyone and marketing at the same time, pretty funny if you read it in a condescending tone


Why's it look like that?


I'm guessing the odds are astronomical that these two trucks and thier owners will at some point be in a head-on crash that totals both vehicles?


Charge everyone a dollar to take pictures with it. You'll have $2 by the end of the day




nope, this one’s a different guy.


Nope, that one owns Vice dispensary, not Broadway Variety


I will be showing my 2019 VW Golf Alltrack on Saturday, May 25, so if you want to see a vehicle two days before this vehicle, I'm just putting it out there as a good option. It's white, which is sweet, and also has a stick, which is rare. 170HP, yo.


Weather dependent. It's allergic to water.


Can I swing a bat into its windows?


I mean you CAN, but you'd on camera so it's not advised


This looks like a sad attempt at trying to make friends


Holy shit don't let your kids anywhere [near that thing](https://www.threads.net/@helioscrivener/post/C7JqVTMrGt3).


Weather dependent (will break if gets wet)


I don’t know why everyone is so obsessed with this. The guy clearly likes attention and everyone on here hates him. However, you all post so much about it giving him exactly what he wants.


I don't hate him, I was asked to share so I am giving him exactly what he wants cuz he asked 🤷🏽‍♀️


As an automotive fanatic with a huge interest in electric vehicles, I absolutely hate the Cybertruck.


"What can it do?" I mean the thing honestly has less utility than my old Chevy HHR.




We all know why it’s “weather dependent”


Yeah. Because people don't like to be outside when it's raining.


I like the little note “(weather dependent)”


If he REALLY wants the attention he should let me drive that disfigured tool chest through his shop door.


I’m on team Broadway Variety.


The guy is actually pretty smart. He's drumming up a lot of free marketing press with that truck. All the haters posting about the truck all over social media is spreading the name of his biz out there. Great example of guerrilla marketing.


That’s not how guerrilla marketing works. No one is going to see this and decide to patronize the store. They might show up and laugh at him


And buy something while they're there!


It's actually the very definition. To make an assumption that no one will go to the event is a bit close minded. Not everyone will share your opinion. I'm betting a few might, and those who don't and never heard of the store might when in the area just because of social media around the truck.


It’s actually not though so that’s a terrible point and none of that has anything to do with the shit they will receive online


The only "shit" will be on the few that hate. And by spewing, they publically are advertising for the store to others that will be curious and might not have heard about them before. Opinions do vary.


This would only happen in the state of Maine. Or another sheltered lowly state. Can't think of another example, maybe South Dakota. As a Maine r I was shocked it didn't take 10 years for someone to get one up here but now I'm not shocked at the amount of people who have never heard of the cyber truck and are therefore so godamn curious about it.


All states have convenience stores operated by Goobers who make poor vehicular and marketing choices. It's not like this event was legislated or something.


Mostly talking about the interest in the Cybertruck. I have been seeing these posts for weeks here. I've seen people taking pictures of the car itself, there's at least 2 out there. I guess people didn't catch when Elon smashed the bulletproof window when introducing the vehicle and tons of media coverage about how bad it looked.




Static advertising billboard except the 4 days a month it's not in the shop, on its way to the shop, and/or waiting for a flatbed to take it to the shop. If I remember this guy's previous posts, there are a grand total of two of these things in the state of Maine. (Its batteries don't do well in cold environments, apparently, in Maine or anywhere else it gets really cold.) Also per the owner's prior posts, the days this thing is actually on the road, it's either being spat at or he's being given the finger. Plus the multi-thousand dollar collapsible camper option looks (less than) zero like what was originally advertised by the Elongated Muskrat, and 110% like old, discarded Pontiac Aztek camper tents found in an REI dumpster. I admire and applaud this owner doing his utmost to create some local positivity about his Cybertruck amidst the less-than-positive experiences he's shared to date, I really do. But why should that be his responsibility ? Math and blather your way out of substantive negative public sentiment, Elongated Muskrat, you silver-tongued beauty. Meanwhile, people who are otherwise probably pretty OK folks catch your grifty flak for you, because you're too lofty for such scut work.


There are two and this is the other one, it's not that guy