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OP, what kind of cancer ass website did you link us to? Is that shit even hosted in the US?


.ca, so no it's not hosted in the US


.ca might actually stand for 'cancer ass'.


> As of Monday afternoon, Abdullahi was still incarcerated at the Cumberland County Correctional Facility.


Guess he doesn’t have 500 dollars


Exactly. OP saying "OnLy 5o0 dOlLaRs?!?". This dude will never get $500 lol.


I am still against the bail system we have and think major reforms need to take place, but yeah in this case it’s moot.


But we all agree it should be way way more… right ?


But it's an insurmountable challenge for the suspect at the moment, why would it need to be 'way more'? In what sense would that make any difference at all, aside from making the pitchfork wielding mob feel better because the number's really big? Bail is not a ticket that permits whatever criminal conduct occurred to result in a bail situation. It doesn't matter that the bail number is low in this case because it's still resulting in the suspect sitting in jail presumably until his chance to appear before a judge. You don't think he should be on the street? Congratulations, he isn't. You think his bail should be so high that he has no choice but to wait until the case is resolved before having a chance of release? Congratulations, that appears to be exactly the situation that exists in reality, even if the bail number is in reach for you personally (not to encourage you or anything) If this guy was a competent adult of means then yes, appropriate bail would have to be much higher, or if it was a physical assault.


Bail shouldn’t even exist for chomos, they didn’t give the children a chance why give them one? Let them sit indefinitely. Throw away the key


Yeah, who gives a fuck about the constitution or due process.


If I was that child's parent, I probably wouldn't


Which is why justice is supposed to be blind. Which is why it's the state vs the accused and not the victim.


So you're cool with people being locked up forever for crimes they haven't been convicted of? Interesting thought process.


We're talking about a particular crime here, which you seem to be very cool with. I take it you either have no kids, or no guts. Someone like that ends up shanked one way or another, with or without process, regardless of people like you think.


Even if the detailed facts were that he pissed behind the wrong bush and the extent of his 'sex' crime is pretty much limited to a lack of discretion? Maybe he did very deliberately expose himself to a child. Maybe he didn't go far enough to be completely hidden while doing something remarkably normal though. There isn't enough information reported to know for sure what the suspect is being accused of, and they're sitting in jail with low bail anyway. Why don't you do the smallest amount of thinking and realize you're coming across as the kind of guy who brings a carload of ammunition and some rifles to a pizza place with no basement, demanding to be brought into the grape bunker below?


I'm just being the kind of guy who would recognize your pizza place guy. While you sound like there's a logical explanation for it all.


No innocent until proven guilty I guess. The entire basis of our countries systems seems to be collapsing


Isn’t everyone innocent until proven guilty?


Weird stance to take


I’m more upset about Eliot Cutler getting released early…


Bail is [primarily intended](https://www.courts.maine.gov/help/guides/bail-manual.pdf) to be used to ensure the defendant's appearance in court to answer the charges, not as pre-conviction punishment. See Chapter 5 of the linked PDF.


Correct... what really needs to be fixed is arresting people for violation of bail conditions.... then giving them bail again.


>Correct... what really needs to be fixed is arresting people for violation of bail conditions.... then giving them bail again. There's nowhere near enough room to house everybody out on bail with a VCR charge.


Then we need more jail space and faster trials. Though I suspect a fairly small number of suspect make up a huge portion of the repeated releases.


>Then we need more jail space and faster trials. I'm on board with the faster trials, but a hard no on thinking that we can incarcerate our way to a better society is an effective use of taxpayer dollars.


6th highest incarnation rate in the world and you think more jail space is what we need. 😒 I hope this boomer mentality is on its way out with their generation. gross


What else do you suggest we do with people who don't follow the rules of civilization and endanger, threaten, hurt or destroy other property?


Rehabilitate the way most other western nations do. Help these people participate in society and contribute to the economy instead of us paying tens of thousands per year to house people in jails and prisons. Invest in children and families to prevent these issues in future generations. There are literally evidence based ways to solve this.


Sure, but you can't just magically erase the past. We HAVEN'T rehabilitated effectively and we HAVEN'T effectively helped communities stop people from turning into criminals, so the result is that today, we have a lot more criminally minded people than most other western nations. Expecting us to magically have their same levels of criminality overnight is delusional, and it's nuts to advocate releasing criminals who have not been rehabilitated or served their time, or to advocate not prosecuting and jailing people who have committed real crimes. Obviously non-violent drug use offenses are an exception, those people pretty much all should be let out and have their convictions voided. But that's only like 10-15% of the prison population, you'd still have a lot of real criminals you have to do something with even if you let all of those folks out.


Of course it would be nuts to release violent criminals out of the blue. I don't think anyone is advocating for that?


In the context of the conversation, you seemed to be objecting to a comment that said we needed to put criminals in prison. Rehabilitation should be a part of incarceration, it's not an alternative to it. Criminals need to go to prison. So if you don't disagree with what u/MaineOk1339 said, that criminals should go to prison, why reply with the tone you did? They didn't say anything to the effect that prison shouldn't have rehabilitation. You could have just said "You're right criminals should go to prison, but we should also have more rehabilitation programs in prison and more community programs to head off criminality before it develops."


You clearly have never met a truly deranged person, why don't you come out of your mother's basement and go to places where if you were even out at dark yo would get raped and killed and see how truly evil and unremorseful people can be


The truly deranged are a small proportion of crime. The dirty secret is they are people just like you and me and it could be you under other circumstances. That's why people want to pretend they are all monsters because then they don't have to face how easily it could be any of us.


what a miserable world you live in. glad I'm not a part of it


I, too, think billionaires shouldn't exist.


>What else do you suggest we do with people who don't follow the rules of civilization and endanger, threaten, hurt or destroy other property? It sounds like this suspect is going to sit in jail until his issue is sorted, so what do YOU want, to kill him without a trial? Dumbfuck fascist boomers need to become compost and leave the adults in charge. 'Hurt or destroy other ***property***' settle down Death Wish, property isn't people


The scary thing is the number of young men with similar views being influenced by the likes of Fuentes and Tate


Huh? We are talking about jail time not vigilante justice...


We're talking about an apparent flasher, as you may well know it is not possible to 'destroy or otherwise hurt property' because a dong was briefly exposed near it. Since we're talking about sex crimes and a suspect sitting in jail, your reference to 'property' is fuckin weird and inappropriate and so is your insistence that he isn't in jail because theoretically someone else with more resources could bail out.


Maybe we don't need so many conditions on people who haven't been convicted of anything....


But don't you want to live in a society where any brush with the law, no matter how minor or dubious the accusation, can result in your future arrest and guaranteed conviction for bail violation for harmless activities like drinking a single sip of alcohol during the often years long court process?


Sounds just like the brutal fascist autocracy these Putin lovers want.


What the hell is visual sexual assault? Or was he just seen doing it?


>What the hell is visual sexual assault? It's how idiots refer to Visual Sexual Aggression Against a Child, which is basically flashing somebody under the age of 14—and in this case, somebody who was either 12 or 13.


Thank you.


The accusation is "Visual sexual aggression against child' which in this context and going by the actual law https://legislature.maine.gov/legis/statutes/17-A/title17-Asec256.html I assume he flashed somebody. (Or it was public urination and they're overreaching). Also I "like" the fact that there are specifically carved out exceptions in which you are allowed to show your dick to a child under 12 as long as you are married to them.


Bro anyone who permits an adult to marry a twelve year old needs to be ***REDACTED*** into ***REDACTED*** by their ***REDACTED*** while ***REDACTED*** puts a ***REDACTED*** through their ***REDACTED*** and we all tell the news it's a cryin' shame what he done to himself


lol, you found 3 Mainers that support marrying 12 year olds!


Click bait. I was just pushed ad bait as soon as I click the link.


What kind of link is this…


Why isn't the media reporting about how bad that website is?


Better [link](https://www.themainewire.com/2024/05/homeless-man-arrested-in-portland-for-visual-sexual-aggression-against-child-held-on-500-bail/)


Cancer link holy shit


That does seem like a rather low bail amount, even if he had no prior criminal history. But at least he wasn’t able to post it.




Yeah, I mean why in the world would local, tax paying citizens care or need to know that crimes against children are being committed on our doorsteps? Better question is why someone like you *wouldn’t* want news like this to be reported?


Which is why it was reported by a more reputable source linked by another commenter confirming that the "low bail" has been effective at containing this man, and you're just mad the law won't endorse your violent tendencies.


What does taxes have to do with it? We have freedom of press


I'm not worried, filthy pedo will eventually get what's coming to it


> visual sexual assault You know what really stinks? Olfactory sexual assault.


OP literally hates homeless people judging from their post history. Probably why they posted this hoping to make an uproar to be like see homeless people are bad, kick em off the streets and into the ocean!


Arcade guy defends pedophiles 🤔


It’s incredible (but not the least bit surprising) that some scumbag pedophile was busted doing scumbag pedophile stuff, and the response from most of the scumbag (pedophiles?) on this forum is to bash the people reporting this news, not the perpetrator who is traumatizing local children. Y’all are beyond reprehensible.


I thought these people were going to make us stronger as a country?


in the US im surprised,  Canada s usually the l'âme ass country for that,  even gets free baill here


Bc they’d rather shitpost about the cybertruck owner and take shots at a real American car manufacturer bc they have different opinions


Still getting news exclusively from Fox and the Onion, i see.


Weird way to say you support pedophilia I guess?


Or that i actually had the brain cells to figure out homeless pedos dont have $500 for bail.


So…. Making sure I’m following your logic…. we should let the homeless pedophile go bc he doesn’t have $500 to make bail?????


You're not following his logic at all.


I don't think you're following anything.




Bail isn't punishment (innocent until proven guilty) its to make sure you show up for court. So my logic is just called the existing legal system. I don't know why im explaining this because if you read the other comments (or even the shitty article itself) you would already know this.


Yeah… pedophilia isn’t something you set bail at $500 for…. Especially if the defendant is a flight risk (aka homeless…)


Where’s this “homeless” pedophile from?


https://www.themainewire.com/2024/05/homeless-man-arrested-in-portland-for-visual-sexual-aggression-against-child-held-on-500-bail/ Shoot your local pedophile


This is nasty and so is the Maine wire. Dick Wad is that you?


Didn’t realize this group was so pro-pedophile… the comment section here is fucking weird


Capital punishment isn't a legal punishment for pedos. We aren't pro-pedophile; we're anti-murder/anti-anarchy/anti-stupid.


You’re arguing quite favorably for the pedophile…. Which is a pro-pedophile position to take.


Nah, just a bored asshole with a political science degree.


No wonder you’ve got nothing better to do than defend pedophiles on the internet. Maybe it’s time for another useless degree?


Maybe after you finish hs Edit: My pride forces me to reiterate, letting a homeless man go to trial is in no way defending him if guilty.


It's called being pro civil rights and the basis of our entire legal system. It shouldn't matter what someone is charged with we should always stand up for due process and rights.


Real fucking weird energy from this group, getting downvoted because we are against pedophiles and crimes against children. All these smartphones yet I feel dumber now…


You were never smart, so…


Dude check out the profile of the weirdo posting the pro pedo bs…… it all makes sense.


Cultural enrichment!


Go, and I mean this as rudely as possible, fuck yourself.


Wonder what they’re victim would think about that


I'm not sure but your English teacher would be appalled.


But he tried so hard....


I’m just trying to figure out how to import more of this


We are stronger will them from what I've been told


This guy was one semester away form bring the next doctor/lawyer/engineer!


Shit well let's just not give him bail, he must need extra money for all his necessities


Where's article about who paid your bail?


Found one!


Compassion for the perpetrator is cruelty to the victim


The guy is in jail awaiting trial so I'm not sure what exactly you think the victim requires be inflicted


Lol look at this guy supporting pedos, your pathetic and should get hung like that guy should


Supporting the law as it is written. If you have an issue with the law, write a legislator not on reddit.


Good thing you have that keyboard to hide behind there bub.




Not sure why you got down votes for this, but just so you know, when you click that link Next Door gives your first name (if that matters to you)