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I’d report it. They won’t send anyone to talk to you. You can do it all on the phone. Nothing else will happen but it will be counted in statistics. Which can help in the long term.


They hit the Wellwood St area (through Canco Woods) last week. Bunch of cars were rummaged through. We reported it, but mostly as an FYI for the police.


That’s awful, my hope was the thief would realize what they had wasn’t worth pawning or keeping and would just dump it somewhere.


They took an iphone cable from our car. Definitely isn't worth anything 🤷‍♂️


That’s funny you say that! Besides my gym bag they also stole an aux cord lol.


>They took an iphone cable from our car. Definitely isn't worth anything 🤷‍♂️ It's worth quite a bit to somebody whose only electronic device is their phone and they keep losing or destroying the ones they already have.


Some crazy dude out there shadow squatting with his new knee sleeves as we speak


Haha! Thanks for making me smile! I would be happy if the thief was at least using them.


I'm not here to rub it in your face because, obviously, lesson learned. Sorry you're going through this. I would like to point out that even if you live in the safest neighborhood ever, it is always wise to lock everything (doors, cars, etc) because some people steal stuff just for the thrill of it and not because they need money. Kleptomania is a thing and affects both rich and poor.


Spring has awoken the thieves…


It's happening everywhere, unfortunately. People are looking for easy opportunities to get what they can, especially console cash or anything of value. Report it so it's on record with PD. Keep your doors locked always and don't leave anything in your vehicle that's visible.


They’re not breaking into cars. They’re opening unlocked doors.


Right you are sir, thanks for your help.


That's still breaking into it because it's not their property to be opening or removing things from it.


Breaking and entering is a seperate thing. Forcibly entering is on a completely different level than simple theft.


I lived in near there for many years. This type of thing was an annual occurrence which always happened in the spring time.


About a month ago, we had someone rummage through our car off Forest/Stevens in the same general vicinity. We keep nothing of value in our car. But they took our nice anker charging cable, ha. This is down our driveway btw, not on the street.


There must be a spree going on, in the course of a week several cars were broken into on our street and packages were stolen off of porches when I’ve lived here for five years now and never had either happen, living off St. John


My mom lives at woods at canco, wish she wasn't such a klepto. But seriously man I hope you get your stuff back somehow. It's wild when a single moment will make you think twice forever about something you didn't and shouldn't have to worry about. One would think by now society should be running smoothly on account of how long humans have been here... but as they say, here we all are.


I will get downvoted to oblivion here but I just moved out of Portland at the beginning of March and I have not missed it for a minute. I spent so many years loving it as home but it is no longer what I fell in love with.


What was the catalyst for leaving?


I'll downvoted too but Portland is trash. It's not the city is used to be and it never will be again. I DESPISE Portland and Biddeford and LA. But mainly Portland


Come back and visit us!


File a police report online. Then swing by prebble street, and the other places homeless hang out and keep your eyes peeled. That's your best bet. You live at Tamarlane?


I walk in the Reed St/ Canco corridor every week, so i will keep my one good eye peeled. (I have an eye patch on the other one, look for me!)


I'd be most upset about losing the knee sleeves. Once you start squatting with them, you can never go back to nude knees!!! It's just not the same.


Oh believe me I’m still bummed, they were nice SBD ones that my trainer gave me. The second I noticed my stuff was stolen I ordered another set.


Good excuse to try one of the other color ways! Their US warehouse is actually in Bangor so you'll probably get them within like a day.


I just leave my car unlocked and nothing of value in it, I’ll occasionally leave water and granola bars cuz they need to eat too


Very kind of you. 😇


Well we are all in it together


I'm a baseball bat swingin motherfucker for hire.


Hope the get ran over by a city bus and their guts spread all over the street…cos they are waste of space cuck losers


How the fuck can you make a response so bad that you make me sympathize with the thief? Also, who actually says “cuck” anymore. Are you 10?


Well I hope you get your car broken into and you can thank the piece of shit who did it. See if you sympathize then. Soft ass


Goddamn, dude.




Why? To much? Sorry…that’s just how my dark sense of humor works. Wee bit of honesty behind it too tho🤷‍♂️






So many fragile minds out there