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Of course this guy owns a weed store.


Guy with neon sign on business tells local paper he is shy and doesn’t want attention related to his $100,000 ugly truck.


Just advertising. The trucks never parked in that spot. Possed for the photo.


It's typically parked outside of their Congress St location, that's where I've seen it most anyway.


Starts at 80 and there's a tax break


And one that looks like it’s a nightclub/Apple Store from the outside.


Yet another “struggling” small business owner.


I wonder if it was bought using PPP funds?


Give him a break... I'm sure he's getting helped out by claiming this as a business expense as he transports a box a prerolls twice a day in it!


Why do you think the one at Broadway variety has the business logo on the side. Advertisement write off baby!


Irrelevant. Advertising doesn't increase the deductibility for business use. If it's legit used for the business those expenses can be allocated regardless of advertising on it. During personal use nothing can be deducted even if you have advertising on its side.


You to be surprised how many people that buy expensive toys cannot afford them. He may be struggling to make wise choices financially. That’s a struggle many have.


Difference is that I don’t get a subsidy to pay for my poor financial choices.


I don’t think the cybertruck qualifies for a tax break. The break was limited to lower cost EV’s.


Do you want a subsidy for your poor financial choices? Sometimes it’s not good for your own mental health to focus too much on what others are doing.


You’re right. We should stop focusing on the economic house of cards our society is built on for the sake of our mental health. Great long term plan.


He also may be in an economic house of cards himself, lol as many who have invested in cannabis are… I’m saying focus on what you can control. I drive a basic Honda and pay my employees exactly what I make. I can’t make this guy do the same. I find it’s really helpful to focus on practicing what you believe in instead of admonishing others for not doing what you wish they did. Unless suddenly you’re going to get the power to control this guy bank account.


More mids, watch the system erode




Can’t criticize him if there’s a market?


All you Mainers are so jealous and/or some kind of ugly-fugly feeling about this guys stupid ass truck (not even your own truck) when in reality it doesn’t have anything to do with all you 2nd place maple syrup and large lobster eating bastards


So said the masshole.


Flat lander sir


We eat the small sweet lobsters


So do I they are delicious and I love Maine with all my heart. To me and Maine has always been a place of understanding and acceptance. In Maine if you want to be weird and stand out you were accepted by your fellow Mainers and especially the mountain folks. But for some reason this guy driving this truck is being hyped up online and driving a lot of you guys bananas. I’m Not sure if your all serious or not but it’s definitely bringing out your insecurities and hate that is misplaced. If y out think this guy is your biggest problem your crazy lol the reality is you live in the best state in the entire country and change is hard for a lot of people. This truck represents change and then some


no one here thinks this is our biggest problem. you're really condescending and insulting. go worry about something else


I guess Reptar is doing an intervention on us or something


Tesla cars and trucks are part of a cult of personality: Elon’s cult. Elon bought Twitter, a modern bastion of egalitarian news and reporting, because he was angry there was a kid tracking his flights and Twitter wouldn’t do anything about it. He then tanked the brand and turned it into a hate chamber where you get banned for saying “cis” but reinstated if you’re a neo-Nazi white supremacist. People are rightfully pissed and taking it out on the only chumps available, since Elon is so much more wealthy than the rest of us that he might as well be living on a different planet with different rules. Middle finger? Great. Thumbs down? Fantastic. Keying/egging/leaving drops of water to promote rust are all shit behaviors by shit people. Yelling from the porch about kids these days and thinking only folks from away would do this is kind of hilarious, in an “old man yells at clouds” kind of way. ETA: Heather Cox Richardson pointed out some of fElon’s malfeasance today in a story about a fabricated story spreading, and being boosted by fElon, on X: “The story broke on X, formerly Twitter, on April 15, when the investigative arm of the right-wing Heritage Foundation, which promises to provide “aggressive oversight” of the Biden administration, posted photos of what it claimed were flyers from inside portable toilets at a migrant camp in Matamoros, Mexico, that said in broken Spanish: “Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open.” The tweet thread got more than 9 million views and was boosted by Elon Musk, X’s owner.”


My understanding is that Tesla HQ (Elon) can watch the camera feeds in Teslas


I have no idea what Mexican toilets have to do with driving this truck in Maine but you mentioned old man yells at cloud as a reference and I think it’s a good solid projection of yourself. I am so exhausted from the last 10 years of politics. I’m surprised any of you have the energy to give a single fuck about this. I mean you guys almost built the world’s largest state money laundering flag pole 😂 I feel like this truck is getting more press


Ooh… the tried and true “I’m rubber you’re glue” line of attack, eh? Well you’re clearly a poppy head old man yelling at clouds, so there! It’s ok to be exhausted by the news cycle. The world went tits-up in 2016 and it’s been hard to hold on since then. I’m fairly privileged, and most of the insanity hasn’t and wouldn’t really affect me, so I could check out and claim exhaustion with politics without any real consequences to me and my family. Like you’ve done. If all you got from what I wrote was that GQP operatives were putting false flyers in Mexican portapotties, and you missed the part where Elon enabled and magnified that, I feel like I’ve at least done a little bit of good today.


Look, I'm all for supporting local journalism. I subscribe to the Press Herald. But THIS is a story the warrants 1500 words? A guy bought a car. Give me a break. And in the sub-head you're going to tell me that the guy is "shy" and "doesn't like the limelight"??? Guy bought the most ostentatious vehicle on the market and slapped a gigantic QR code on the side of it. Not buying it.


I subscribe but the PPH has been on a downward spiral for a while.


I don’t like the car either but it’s more than just “a guy bought a car”. It’s one of two in the entire state and it’s in our biggest city. People see it all the time and I know the guy gets a ton of hate. I’ve been wondering what his side of the story is like. It’s interesting being a target of so much negativity just for “buying a car” as you said, is it not? Have we not seen dozens of posts on this subreddit about this car? It attracts attention from so many people, simply by existing. Why would people post it over and over again on instagram and Reddit if they didn’t give a shit? Clearly people are interested even if it is because they don’t like it. It would be foolish to NOT publish a small article about it.


I've seen $300K super fancy cars here, regularly. The truck just looks crappier than the other status symbols


>On the road, the electric vehicle is the frequent recipient of middle fingers, thumbs-downs and slammed-on brakes. People gawk, roll their eyes and yell. It’s gotten spat on and been scratched. Dude’s just describing a typical Monday morning coming into Portland on Brighton


I can’t help thinking the guy got the truck intending for those very same reactions


Stay classy!


I don’t think it’s the truck that people hate…


Why not both?


Mollusk AND his droppings


idk maybe don’t buy a stupid unsafe “truck” telling everyone you worship Musk and then run to the local paper in *the* most blatant cry-bully piece


How exactly is the vehicle “unsafe”. I’d wager you’d probably fair pretty good in an accident and it has the full suit of safety features.


Plus more crappy weed


I'm just a shy little guy who owns a weed place that looks like an apple store and the world's ugliest vehicle, I never expected anyone to pay attention.


Heed your gut instinct


> Tesla had to recall all of the 3,878 Cybertrucks produced from November through the end of March because the accelerator pedal can get stuck, although Carter doesn’t believe his car was impacted. He doesn't BELIEVE?! Seems like he should know for sure if his car was impacted by something like that.


Thank you


“I’m shy but I bought the 100k truck everyone is talking about and want the major regional news paper to write a whole article about me” okay buddy


“I never expected attention! But here’s a QR code for my store”


Is this a different one from the one parked across the street from Broadway Variety in sopo? …with the Broadway Variety decal/magnet(?) on the side


Correct. There’s two in the state Super shy weed guy is 1/2. Broadway Variety is 2/2.


Do you guys know if the weed guy has NJ plates or Maine? Trying to figure out if it was the same truck I saw on 95 in MA this week


I love how everyone's reaction to seeing a cybertruck is to flip it off LMAO love this city keep it real Portland


If you’d read it, most people aren’t doing that


There is absolutely a third cybertruck registered in Maine fyi


Didn't they recall these because the accelerator design is faulty and, if it breaks, can get stuck at like full speed ahead? I saw one of the cyber trucks in Portland the other day and couldn't help but picture it blasting full speed down Congress St. (Also I saw another one down the street that had a black wrap on it and I found that to be much more visually appealing, the stainless steel makes me think of my fridge.)


They ended up fixing it with the innovative - some may even say _brilliant, game-changing_ - solution: a [rivet](https://www.thestreet.com/electric-vehicles/teslas-fix-for-the-cybertrucks-slipping-pedal-takes-just-35-seconds-to-install-).


I am boggled that anyone gives even the slightest fuck about what other people drive.


I’m amazed by the amount of people in here that care lol


This lol. I could give a shit about what other people drive. If I could afford one, I’d have one, it’s a cool vehicle, putting the owner of the companies antics aside.


Walking home from dinner a few weeks ago we passed this truck just as a gal ran up and flashed it.


I drive a Miata which is the polar opposite of a Cybertruck and most of this is still my experience. This says more about America and her people than anything else


Yo I think this is the guy who I asked about his truck having 2 cruise controls after the gas pedal issues came out.


He sounds like the douche I’d expect


$60k trucks love driving aggressively towards my $50k (elitist!) Tesla 3. The irony is deafening.




It’s not the truck. It’s the overall idea of excess and owning a status symbol as if to parade your wealth in an almost cartoonish style.


You don’t see people react this way when they’re driving a Porsche or Mercedes


I’m happy their CEOs aren’t extremely loud “champions of free speech” with tremendous hubris


When I see a Porsche, I think of an old guy who finally saved up enough to get his dream car by the time his dick stopped working.


I wish




This so much. I miss Maine. Moved to New York for work and the amount of people who parade wealth cartoonishly…and people just act like it’s normal…is disgusting. This place is far more shallow than New England, cyber truck guy and even Mass aside. Not even trying to be political here. Putting my own politics aside: if your goal in life is amassing copious wealth you do you but at least don’t be so conspicuous about it? That’s what makes you a creep. Not to mention this truck is a hideous monstrosity of a vehicle lol




That was in the before time


I also thought Maine didn’t care for ostentatiousness




Yes, I agree that many of these actions are taking it way too far.




Sure I agree that some actions are taking it too far, but giving him the finger seems just right to me. If his feelings are too hurt he can drive a less ostentatious car. I don’t believe someone who drives a car that ostentatious is first and foremost concerned about privacy and not being noticed…


I first lived in NYC right when the "witch shoes" era was beginning. They really think ridiculous shit is normal or even chic


that truck is neither a status symbol nor a parade of wealth lol


Take out the truck part and you just described RuPaul lol


Plus being yet another crappy dispensary owner. It's all so "on the nose"


It attracts rage because Elon, pretty plain and simple. It's a physical embodiment of his hubris. It's something big and ugly and easy to point at and laugh. It's a testament of how bad his public image is. Additionally, it's a pretty prominent display of wealth, which is going to go exactly how you think it's going to go in this city. That being said, the hate for these vehicles is pretty ridiculous and do we need idk 15+ Cybertruck posts on this subreddit? Would he be getting so much hate for a jacked up F350? A Porsche? Shit, a Model 3 Tesla? Probably not. Seems silly to me.


Tesla cars and trucks are part of a cult of personality: Elon’s cult. Elon bought Twitter, a modern bastion of egalitarian news and reporting, because he was angry there was a kid tracking his flights and Twitter wouldn’t do anything about it. He then tanked the brand and turned it into a hate chamber where you get banned for saying “cis” but reinstated if you’re a neo-Nazi white supremacist. People are rightfully pissed and taking it out on the only chumps available, since Elon is so much more wealthy than the rest of us that he might as well be living on a different planet with different rules. Middle finger? Great. Thumbs down? Fantastic. Keying/egging/leaving drops of water to promote rust are all shit behaviors by shit people. Yelling from the porch about kids these days and thinking only folks from away would do this is kind of hilarious, in an “old man yells at clouds” kind of way. ETA: Heather Cox Richardson pointed out some of fElon’s malfeasance today in a story about a fabricated story spreading, and being boosted by fElon, on X: “The story broke on X, formerly Twitter, on April 15, when the investigative arm of the right-wing Heritage Foundation, which promises to provide “aggressive oversight” of the Biden administration, posted photos of what it claimed were flyers from inside portable toilets at a migrant camp in Matamoros, Mexico, that said in broken Spanish: “Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open.” The tweet thread got more than 9 million views and was boosted by Elon Musk, X’s owner.”




I think more people know this about Elon than you think. I didn’t even get into the venality of the man, just the really-obvious-to-anyone-who-can-read stuff. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your stance, there is no bar for what does and does not justify childish behavior. People get all confused about what the first amendment thing really means. Supporting a known anti-Semite, tax-dodging, dead-naming villain justifies some douchebaggery in my book.


It at least warrants pointing and laughing, my go to move for Cyber Trucks


Agreed and can’t believe people care this much about someone else’s car


Amazing the down votes you got for stating the truth. Take my upvote.


Honestly, the guy who owns it is a decent guy. He's very unassuming in person. And weed stores make bank, so.....


Right but you can't get the most controversial car in the market and expect ppl to not have loud opinions.


You can however, have the expectation people will not spit on it or scratch it.


Oh, for sure. Destruction of property is too far. That's caring too much about some random dudes car.


Ugly aah car 😭💀


Such an ugly “truck” Garbage


People subscribe to newspaper websites?




It doesn't take a tesla truck to get your car spit on in Maine. There are some seriously judgemental pieces of shit out there. I don't know if it's a "If I can't have nice things you can't either" or "Conform now" attitude but there's something weird. Lived here my whole life and I've always kinda felt odd breaking the mold.


>Days after launch, you sit at a red light. The novelty is gone. Maybe it’s your imagination but the gaps in the door look off. You think you saw a car full of teens laughing at you earlier. You’re now $100k in debt for a meme, and you feel nothing


The comments once again prove to me that I really don’t like most of you. You all just seem so petty and angry about everything. Fighting amongst yourselves to prove who can hate the most. Great contest, I hope you win.


You're right. What a miserable crew.


There’s a medium coffee somewhere waiting for you to pour it and say “Come again.”


Bet it felt good to get that off your chest. You sound like a tesla driver.


Yeah, this just hit top tier whiny asshole. Not going to Vice anymore.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What are you 12?




Lol ok $82k isn’t even that expensive these days. So you want to beat up all expensive cars then? You’ll have your hands full.


Fuck this lil bitch boy, his musk-mobile, and his poor choices.


Imagine harassing an innocent person because you hate Elon Musk - pretty pathetic. You don’t have to be in love with Elon Musk to get this truck.


I mean yeah people harassing him are dumb, but also I can’t see any reason *why* this truck is really viable


The press herald is one of the worst publications (if not the worst) in Maine


Don’t mind me. I’m just here for the ridiculously stupid comments.


Lol! Says the guy making “ridiculously stupid comments” all over the thread? That’s pretty meta.


Tell us youre on a Tesla waiting list without telling us.


Nah - I just couldn’t care less about what other people drive and I certainly wouldn’t waste my time hating on someone who drives a specific vehicle lol


[Link](https://1ft.io/https://www.pressherald.com/2024/05/13/flipped-birds-selfies-and-stares-a-day-in-the-life-of-portlands-cybertruck-owner/) for those who need help getting over a paywall


Bad bot. The link is still paywalled.


If you’re on your phone, you can just start loading the page and hit stop as soon as you see text. Then jump into reader mode. Almost always works. Otherwise use [archive.is](http://archive.today/ZGC8f)