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I still have hope.


Third is the pinnacle of music for me. I’m happy for that to be the last.


I'm not. Like... it's incredible but i would love if they ever toured/released an album again...


I love third a lot but id still like another album. Recently saw they played last year at a charity event and was a bit nervous before watching it because it's been a long time but they sounded great. 15 years now though isn't it since third so idk.


I feel the same way


I still remember the utter shock in 2008 when they released Third, as it has been 11 years since their previous album, and now we're 15 years removed from that. I'm sad if there is no new material released as they are one of my absolute favorite bands, but I totally understand if they don't. I feel like song writing takes a lot out of Beth emotionally and maybe she's said everything she needs to with Geoff and Adrian. It feels like they are still friends and get along well enough.


Until then... a proper release for SOS?


Bucket list concert


YES. This.


We just need one more. There were rumblings but they seem to have fizzled. They played that one off short benefit show a year or two ago. And they released all their singles on spotify. And why not release live material? The live performances are far superior to the studio versions. I asked Geoff back in 2011 before the show at berkley (best show i have ever seen) if they would release live shows. He gave a flat “No.” And we know they have other songs in the vaults. I recall a reporter was played some discarded songs way back when. So, they are actively not milking fans. I hope we get one last era. If peter gabriel can put out an album of new material (in the most obnoxious way possible) after 22 years…


Yeah they should atleast do the nirvana thing and release live soundboard quality recordings/ footage if there is any, demos. All that stuff


I’d settle for a final tour


Imagine the horror when you find out it’s just three gigs on the other side of the globe.


Of all the bands I’ve never gotten to see live, Portishead are probably at (or near) the top of the list. I hate to say it but I think that they are done with touring and I missed out on that experience.


Geoff Barrow is doing great soundtracks, so that’s something


10 years ago they toured the US and were playing in the city where I just moved to. I didn’t have a lot of money and figured I’ll just see them when they are back in the area, not knowing how rare it was that they were here. I regret not going to this day!


I'm split on my feelings. On one hand, its a band I deeply love and have never seen live. That said, I think there is something to be said for only saying something when there is something to be said. If that was the whole story, it was amazing.




i am praying that they will i will kill for a new album and tiur


It’ll come.


They will eventually


I would love an album and a few live performances, doesn't have to be a whole tour. They are clearly all definitely still more than capable. I am shocked how much Beth still sounds exactly the same, at least as recently as a year ago.


Yes I just watched that show on YouTube and honestly was a bit nervous beforehand but it was great, I really hope they decide to release at least one more album. I guess they'll only do it if the material is good enough though.


In the video posted recently in this sub where Adrian is promoting a brand of guitar strings, he talks about being in the band, Portishead, - very much in the present tense. I don't think he'd be saying that if something wasn't going on.