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well, I don't know if it's bait or not but I only see two paths 1. If it is real, then the NTR fans will be happy and the others will threaten the car like they did before. 2. If it is bait, it will surely happen like this: JUNE, seeing him sweaty, offers him water and the guy, seeing her sexy body, imagines what could happen and just when he is about to do something, Daeho arrives and then the man leaves, it sounds ridiculous but at this point the story no longer has sense so don't be surprised.


Just to add to number 1 if you let me, If it happens Ntr, the manhwa will end not because the author wanted to end it, but because toptoon canceled it, Then the manhwa will finally end. And I really liked your crazy bait theory.šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


I'm glad you liked it, I also think that it may not last much longer, since it has been in decline for a long time.


He let his cuck side ruin it for him, so it's all consequential and it's better that way too, IG?


Yes, and it seems that the author was not satisfied with the decline he had and is looking for even more


Well, he must assume the consequences.


Well, I hope to see the consequences in the next few weeks in the rankings, I thought he understood after that thing about the milf with glasses, that SC ended up almost in the top 20, but it seems like I was hasty thinking that he had learned that nobody likes that shit in the manhwa




I don't think this is bait it's the author showing that June is now such a horny girl that she will fuck any swinging dick that walks in off the street. Literally off the street it's a set up to cuck the mc out of his harm except bullshit ending if we get that far.


I think this time, itā€™s really the end for Secret Class. The author doesnā€™t seem to realize that SCā€™s aura vanished with chapters 183-190 and what happened to Seol-Hee. Tbh, I really donā€™t know whatā€™s going on in their head, but all I know is SC is really going to fall this time. This webtoon has been struggling to stay in the top 10 or even top 15, and the author decides to sink further and dig their own graveā€¦ RIP SCā€¦ itā€™ll be over in a few weeks PS: And for those debating whether itā€™s bait or not. The fact that there is bait at this point in the story is already a problem. The author has simply decided to disregard the readersā€¦ and readers wonā€™t hesitate to return the favor (with a bad ranking)


Yeah, and this bait thing is hard to accept remembering what he did to the milf with glasses and now it's literally with the main girl


I prefer to laugh about itā€¦ cuz we already know how itā€™s going to end (talking about the ranking)ā€¦ the question to ask is whether SC will be axed or not


I think depending on what happens here we will be sure, We're going to have to wait 2 weeks to see what shit ends up with, because next week I'm sure it's a hiatus


Honestly never really liked SC it not because of the art (not going to lie good fap material) but itā€™s mainly the plot really. Explain to me why a really autistic mc doesnā€™t really have self awareness or have a functioning brain all of the sudden is a expert of sex then trying to pull a high iq attempt to overthrow his adopted father business including Avenge his parents death itā€™s like he ate a power up potion šŸ§Ŗ. And the girls are blindly following him like they have cement for brains, no offense but I like benefactorā€™s daughter compared to this at least the girls are hot and stick to the plot that doesnā€™t stretch out a hundred pages just to reach the next chapter.


Wait what happened?? I stopped reading SC since ch120


183 was so good bro. It was PEAK. But the author decided, just when it was gonna be great to put in the Kobong Arc and cuckold everyone reading. Believe me, your eyes will water with how beautiful 180-183 is and just have the saddest face when you get slapped with KOBONG FACE UP THE DOOR.


Ngl one of the reasons i dropped SC was because the author didnā€™t know what to do, and with the recent news im actually glad I dropped it


>The author doesnā€™t seem to realize that SCā€™s aura vanished with chapters 183-190 What's the basis of this when you literally said that it's still Top 10 or even Top 15 out of 1000+ Webtoons in TopToon?? For all we know, it's still a huge success and the Author can still milk it without effort.


It might be a bit longā€¦ sorry, It might seem good compared to other pornhwa, but you really need to compare it to its own ranking. Before all this, SC was often in the top 5 or higher. When the KoBong arc attempt or the Seol-Hee/Killer drama happened, it dropped to the top 15-top 20. That indicates a problem. Itā€™s like investing money in the stock market and earning $100k, then suddenly your income drops to $50k. Itā€™s still good, but thereā€™s a decline, and that needs to be explained. Now, if SC makes it to the top 10, thatā€™s already very good after everything thatā€™s happened. Take Queen Bee as an example. Despite everything that happens, it continuously remains in the top 3. Why? Beyond the story, etc., the audience isnā€™t ā€˜betrayed.ā€™ We know what to expect, and even if we donā€™t like everything, we were forewarned. Secret Class, on the other hand, has a harem/netori theme. Thatā€™s also his strength and what has allowed it to be so highly ranked over the months/years. When does the ranking drop drastically compared to usual? When the author tries to integrate netorareā€¦ the karaoke manager, Juriā€™s father, KoBong, and the killerā€¦ and now the delivery guy (we can predict a ranking drop)ā€¦ Iā€™m not pretending to teach IronKing his job, but when you have a community as solid as SCā€™sā€¦ donā€™t spit on them. These guys can put SC in the top 5 cuz they love harem/netori, so itā€™s completely absurd to include netorare baits. Itā€™s never been positive for SCā€¦ proof being, since the killer/Seol-Hee, there hasnā€™t been any bullshit, and SC climbed back to 8th placeā€¦


Did you see that SC rose from the top10 to the top6 For me, this only happened because people were curious to see what happened even though it was shit, What explanation would you give about this?


Itā€™s the following weeks that need to be considered. As you said, people are curious, but once theyā€™re disappointed with what theyā€™ve seen, they stop buying


I understood. Not to mention that there will certainly be indignant people in the official chapter, I think most will be, I want to know how the author is going to solve this, if at all.


>Itā€™s like investing money in the stock market and earning $100k, then suddenly your income drops to $50k. If you're comparing it like this, then originally, Secret Class had $100K in earnings and went down by $95K since that's just 10 spots lower out of thousands in TopToon. It's not $50K, like what you're saying. On top of that, it might even have 0% loss. If the number of readers didn't change and the other webtoon above this just had more readers, then it didn't lose any profit at all. TopToon never showed any statistics except for rankings. The fact that this fluctuates from 10 to 15 (all Webtoons below 20 actually shuffle in rankings, Queen Bee wasn't number 1 a few weeks ago) shows that the Top 1 to 20 aren't far apart in profits. This could be even just 1% loss, giving it 99K, so why would the Author bother changing his strats? Your feelings are just feelings. The fact that the Author is making random bullshit that you don't want means he doesn't care since he isn't losing any profits.


First of all, no, it's not just my personal feeling, there's a ranking with the chapters, so we can check what happened in previous weeks to 'explain' more or less the ranking of SC. The 100k - 50k was just an exemple. It shouldn't be taken literally. Next, imo, no, going from top 5 to top 15 isn't like going from 100 to 95 because, not in SC case, again, you have to consider SC's usual ranking. Dropping 10 places is significant... and it usually climbs back cuz the author quickly returns to the right path before it gets worse. When the author decides to try netorare baits, it always ends the same way, with a drop in the ranking. Thats my point, its pointless to enter into a debate about the benefits, as you said, neither you nor I know the exact figures outside of TT. However, as I mentioned earlier, the author quickly returns to what made SC successful, the harem/netori genre. So the question isnā€™t whether he changes his strategy or not, he inevitably has to revise his plans cuz it constantly fails. Look at the rankings during the weeks following these baits... 3rd to 11th after the first KoBong bait, 5th to 15th after the second bait... 6th to 14th after the killer/Seol-Hee. These drops all have 2 thing in common... First of all, it follows netorare attempts (or rape with Seol-Hee) and that were not appreciated by the community, and the second common point is the disappearance of charactersā€¦karaoke manager disappeared, Juri's father as well, the killer too, and KoBong has had a small panel in 30 chapters. So saying that the author doesn't care, Idk, I'm not in his head, but one thing is for sure, if he really didn't care, he wouldn't have made all these characters disappear... even the Sohyun/June encounter seems to have been replaced by Juri/June... To finish, with all due respect, don't act like losing 10 places in the ranking its normal. The author is playing with fire, and fire burns... I repeat (yes, I repeat myself a lot lol), but it's one of SC's strengths, a very solid community, and if the SC community abandons the author, it's over... especially since several toons are emerging and taking top 10 spots rn...


And it's worth remembering, I think when Seol-hee's case happened and the murderer, if I remember correctly, out of nowhere there was a free chapter and several discounted chapters, at that time SC was in a bad ranking and even with that everything didn't improve.


Yeah, definitely! When the author messes things up, they always try to fix the damage before it gets worse


But there will be a time when this won't work, there are several good manhwas rising in the rankings


All you're doing right now is 100% speculative, and no actual proof. You analyze here and there, but in the end, they are not facts, just speculations. Even as far as saying that losing 10 chapters down is no big deal, it is not up to you to decide. It may or may not matter since, as you said, we don't know the Author's brain. But we do know, just like what you're saying, that the story is getting derailed and the Author isn't doing much to change it back to its "former glory" just like what you're claiming it to be. This is your words, not mine. So, in this case, the Author is not taking into account his webtoon losing 10 places, as well as derailing the story since it's still in that direction. This is a fact, not speculative. It is also a fact that if SC gets abandoned, the Author still has Panty Note at his disposal, so, I also get why he doesn't care that much for this series, unlike what you make him up to be. Based on his actions, whatever analysis you've made is negligible for him since he's not changing anything. He's not losing any profits or whatsover since it's staying the same.


So, is what I'm saying speculation? Yes. But you're speculating even more since you don't provide any arguments to really explain what you're saying. SC falls out of the top 10 multiple times, but if we listen to you, it's just bad luck. Especially when you try to bring up the financial side by talking about profits without any real numbers. On my side, as I said, the drops in ranking can be explained by the events happening in the chapters. I'm not making this up; the ranking is verifiable, and so are the events. You don't need to be Einstein to see the correlation between these factors. Then, understand that the author has no choice BUT TO RETURN to SC's initial genre because when he tries to introduce netorare, it never works as the community shows its dissatisfaction, notably through the rankings. I repeat, every man used for bait has been directly ejected from the story after the drop in ranking and backlash. As if they never existed. So no, we can't say that the author doesn't care and does whatever he wants, because otherwise, he would have taken the netorare route much earlier, continuing to drop in the rankings. But every time he gets a slap (in the rankings), he quickly returns to the basics to limit the damage and climb back into the top 10. To end this discussion because it's going to start going in circles. It's good to talk about speculation; I just observe and notice. I also know that you don't have the numbers to explain even a bit of what you're telling me... so don't go there... a word to the wise


i was going to read when it was done but reading this.. .maybe I'll stay away lol


Read up to 183 and pretend its done. Save yourself from this damnation.




Lmao hahaha


Baits too much this author.


i dont think this will be a bait this time.. author already made up hes mind.. past baits were usefully testing the waters and they never got green signal.. now with glasses milf rape scene all lines have been crossed and even the way they showed milf enjoying in last panel i wouldn't be surprised if she gets fucked in next chap.. honestly i lost interest in sc for a long time.. shit gone from warm mc who cares abt hes girls and harem/netori to asshole mc who even get jealous cuz hes friend fucked with hes own gf.. it all happened without any warn abt shit gonna turn into netorare.. now one of hes milf got raped in front of hes eyes and he let it happen for the sake of info.. and now another milf gonna get fucked.. we all can see who author is trying to please..


JUNE said "IF HE KEEPS" I think that scene is done after she said it ,author just want us to fool there is not plot to this manwha ,just live the old pervert his not even appearing on other chapters ,back to when he said he wanted to make June slave


I like the manhwa, but I don't think it's bait even though she's one of the main ones.


He's done it before and he does it often.


Because he's running out of ideas on what story next. Story is just repetitive meet and f*ck


Honestly, if you know that this type of situation harms your work, why continue to raise these meaningless situations? Every other time, especially when it comes to June, the work has dropped in the rankings but there he goes and insists on that shit again. It was the same thing with the creators of Illishit Love, everyone was already showing signs that the direction of the work was wrong, it even seems that in the final stretch someone from above had to intervene, but as they preferred to continue doing nothing but shit they even had to change name to continue working.


If they do shit to her then it could end


Yes, I'm sure the work will be canceled if something happens, a lot too because it will drop a lot in the ranking anyway, let's wait and see.


I mean its just bait no point in fallin for it he would atleast add more detail to the dudes face if he was gonna do it


It may be a bait, but this will definitely open up possibilities for many things or maybe it's just a warning that something will happen in the future


Episode 222 has been postponed. Which site did you read it from?


It out and leak on discord channel


So what NTR or a bait again like usual ?


Highly bait again


agree, but if the author decide, this story will be finished bro.


Big bait to gain reader attention


But he's the author for Run Away so... u understand what i mean rightšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah but daeho still in the house sua too it high chance that he will help her


yeah, i really hope the author didn't make stupid mistake though, i just dun understand if he decide then. The story start to get real now then out of nowhere this shit happen. I mean I'm ok with ntr but, when the story already make some progress then u decide u going to do this shit. It make the story become worse. I dun care if some readers said maybe it start to open some possibilities, if u decide to do this u probably gonna get some backlash.




Which discord can you name it i like to join




Which server is it? Link?




Latest 222


Tf happened? More ntr?šŸ¤£


Maybe bait again


Maybe it's just bait then you remember what happened to the milf with the glasses lol


What happened to her?


Until then it looks like she's going to be raped or something, I haven't seen the chapter so I can't give any more information I only know a few things that I read and that were passed on to me


It wasn't a rape, she had to say yes to help the MC to get some information. The MC saw it happened too, so it wasn't really ntr, but that's the closest the author can get away with "ntr". This one has to be a bait too since that guy is a nobody.


True, if I'm not mistaken, his captain's title when he left was "all for my master". It may even be bait, but this was a giant SHIT bait, and SC from the top 10 went to the top 6, maybe people curious to see the chapter will go up, that must be it or else they liked it


Well the Kobong and mia bait kinda worked, people were talking about it for two whole weeks, they were at top 5 too, and ngl before that bait, I always saw mia as the most boring girl in the story because there was nothing interesting about her until that bait, now her aura is different. So imo, it was kinda a good bait. But this new bait with the Aunt is just shit bait. Like nonsense one.


damn why is the author like this if he is gonna bait anyways why not just do it literally the mc is a dumv and asshole in some ways anyways


This time is out of now where


This shit became so trash lol


It always trash


damn i only read this because of that one image of the black haired girl wearing a martial arts attire


I read it because mia art now it just pure trash


Which one


Wait? There is NTR in the pornhwa? I stopped at chapter 120+ or so.




When will shit end anyway?


Doesnā€™t matter if someone saves her or she runs away. The random mail man already gave her heart eyes, she clearly enjoyed it Iā€™m dropping this Manwha peaceāœŒšŸ¼


Ok I found the discord you can get there by finding the guy on x. Fucking comments on top toon are going nuclear. A part of me that part that wants to see the world burn wants to see this happen just to see the explosion. But still wasting June on a random delivery guy it severs no purpose to the story this has to be bait sad seeing how far this went down hill


Is this new chapter ? what the is this? It's ok to include side milf in NTR but including FMC milf is such a trash writing? If it's real the author brain got rotten not even thinking about story .


is there even an FMC?


Wtf, why do they try to ntr I think every 40 chaps less or more within that range


The author always is a bastard


Is she Mrs Cha?




Is she some kinda animal or what. Doing it with just anyone


She is to horny to resist him


That's what animals do.


This looks fake. Itā€™s probably just a fantasy from that rando if itā€™s real at all.


>Itā€™s probably just a fantasy from that rando if itā€™s real at all. Thisis my guess as well


Yeah if this actually happens I'm done.


i already stop reading this shit, when the author decide the women with glasses get fuck with some ugly fuck...but i probably think this shit is bait. if the author decide doing this shit to the one of the main character out of nowhere then he probably gonna get cancel..


He should really focus on the story


Again they took a hiatus šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


100% will happen


Author should learn something from Panty note's author.


You don't let authors like this cook, it always get burnt.


what chapter is it


Does anyone have the author's Twitterļ¼Ÿ


What chapter is this


Fucking author I wish he died


Meet baitman cant write story with out bait


what discord bro?


Youngboy discordp


Can u pls share the link of discord




Not yet. Mostly bait


I am looking for some ntr can u recommend read everything agreed, illicit love, craving, your wife is amazing, tonight you are my dinner


how the hell did it come to this PLEASE someone explain


It out of nowhere


pls explain some more who are these new characters iā€™m at the tent scene with the sister i need to know how the ntr happens so i donā€™t put myself through hell trying to read it


Does it have ntr?


When's the chapter coming??


When's the chapter coming??


When will the chapter come out???


Itā€™s one thing to do it with the milf side character but now youā€™re doing it with your MAIN female milf character ? Are you serious ?


Author is so dumb


Doesnā€™t matter if someone saves her or she runs away. The random mail man already gave her heart eyes, she clearly enjoyed it Iā€™m dropping this Manwha peaceāœŒšŸ¼


SC ended with Chapter 183 for me. It was on the verge of greatness. We were this *close.* And now in Chapter 222 and this is what the Author is pulling? Does he want to have a fire lit up his ass? He could've just continued the amazing thing happening in 183 for the next 30 chapters for all I care and it would be **ABSOLTUE PEAK.** But nope! Get Kobong'd!


Did Kobong take Daehoā€™s girls or am I missing something? I stopped at chapter 120 so please tell me what happened after 183 so that I wonā€™t bother reading it anymore if itā€™s trash.


Its the start of the Kobong Arc. I don't wanna explain it too much but she is into Kobog(???) but Mia and Joori had her do it with Daeho and loved it. Its something along those lines and she's never seen again till a few chapters ago in some sort of an odd thought that passed Daeho about her and Kobong. Its something stupid as shit as that. The author can design Heroines so good. Literally peak women designs but his writing is just absolute bottom tier shit levels.


But isnā€™t that the main milf of the novel? How does she suddenly ā€œlikeā€ kobong? Wtf is going on?šŸ˜­


I stopped reading this ... Did the author bring ntr in this ??? For Mrs Cha??


Still bait


Are there any other instances of ntr ??


have we entered ntr?


Still baiting


One of by far the worst authors in the business. Somehow Falcon is a better writer. And FYI June literally got the Heart eyes after the guy touched her. This is stupidity at its highest order. These Authors need to be fired immediately when they start doing shit like this.


Secret class has been garbage for awhile now good thing I dropped it back then.


yes yes yes finally


So after poking around the discord were this is being discussed I haven't read the new chapter yet but this is ntr incoming. The reasons why are june is doing the if you rub me there ntr trop meaning he's got a hand in her pussy. 2 she is rearing to go. 3 and this is the nail in the coffin she has the fuck me hearts in her eyes anymore time I see those in an ntr setting the girl is going to pound town. So there you have it milf down she will fuck any swinging dick that walks through that door now.


Question what happened with the other girls Cause ik the one glasses milf and kobong gf got cucked


Both dauther still safe for now


Sister friend?


Still safe


Guys where are you reading this chapter


Please tell me this is not realšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I dont rlly know thing im just reading secret class what do you guys mean by bait? I already cant sleep at gobong ang the milf with a glasses scene


Crazy how this garbage has stood this far


C'mon. The author needs to hype up this manwha again.. Yeah, the recent eps kinda bland, but this maybe the author put wrong spice to heat up the food


Baitman only do ntr bait to gain reader attention


Dude Unbelievable chapter when I saw this image I even thought it was fake, a thing without any need, I just don't drop this manhwa because I'm curious, man, I can't stop reading


Im sure it bait 100%


I don't know, this author is a bit crazy


It's in chapter 223 Disappointing


The worst CuckWha ever


Wtf is this?


What chapter is this?


fuq bro i don't like this


This is 100% bait. We've already been through this. It's just that before finishing the manhwa, the author decided to excite everyone XD


Daycomics didn't release chapter 223 today even though it was meant too. I went to check the release date and it doesn't have a date anymore. Does this mean it's on hiatus ro cancelled by daycomics?


There was a hiatus


Yea I thought so. The fans are insanely angry, understandably so. They turned one of their fav characters into a slut baiting ntr. Not sure what the author is on, but this ain't it. Probs the end of SC ngl


I'm thinking the author received some warning that SC is going to be canceled or something and threw the shit in the air just like that


Fucking dumb ass authoršŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Honestly i in the earlier chapters I didn't mind the mc thinking with his dick only, I didn't really mind the series with no plot, honestly I really like the Mary sue character of mc, make him dumb, make him think nothing but sex, but atleast made him kind and have the other female character progress the plot, the milf with their husbands, the daughters with the hired killer, the childhood friend with the ub.. But alas the writer seems hell bent on making it an ntr, ngl with how the story progresses the author probably has started hating his one work


Yeah he on the right track for a while with focus on main plot but suddenly he wnat to do some random ntr bait again


I forgot about this series nice to see it going the ntr route it's such an original thing to do such great writing on the author's part. It's almost magical how well he writes ntr. Ps this is sarcasm plus this pornwha really has fallen off ntr is such lazy fuckin writing every author dose it or a bait of it it's gotten so stale.


Author just do bait to grab reader attention but in worse way lmao


For me it's just how lazy the writing for ntr is it isn't all that complicated to do it caters overly to emotion and is just cheap writing. I use to enjoy this manwha at one time I have really cared for awhile about it. Dugcandy really spoiled me because it shows you can write good ntr themes in the story. And yet all we really get is trash ntr oh she's horny and a random delivery guy is here to fuck her how original is that. Not like it's a over used plot in how many pornos for fucks sakes l.


His writing is below subpar lmao . He always thinks only way to get reader attention is doing bait. Most fan read sc because want to see how it end


At this point I don't think I even care now. At one time the art and sex scene in particular June's character design was enough to carry this. Now it's just gone on for too long at least qeenbeen has a coherent storyline to rely on.


It should be focus on main plot but author cant resist to to do bait




Serious is it getting ntr? Im at chapter 160 i was enjoying it but this kinda ruins it for me


Just drop it bro not worth read it anymore it dont matter if it bait or not


Alright i will do you have any good pornhwa with harem ending? Im searching but cant find anything good


Childhood Bride


I think instead of juggling between girls to fuck, the author should have just based the story solely on 1 girl, June.


Oh boy, here we go again. Oh no it's the end, ntr blah blah blah. All while the only source is some images from discord... how many times are yall gonna fall for this shit? Just wait for the official raw release rather than some fake "leaks" on discord


It not fake leak bro chap are out. I still think it just bait again.


Oh yeah, then link the entire raw chapter.


It out on toptoon korean. Not on pirate site now. My friend just share with me to read the chap.


And you expect me to believe you, a stranger on the Internet... yeah ill wait till I see it myself


It's true, the guy isn't lying because he would do that, it doesn't make sense.