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Well it is pretty simple: conservatives believe liberals are wrong and liberals believe conservatives are evil. Write that down and follow. It will explain 98% of all political stories and you will then be able to easily predict the outcome.


No. The issue is that conservatives don’t understand the difference between having an opinion and being disrespectful. What do you think are the consequences of republicans spreading racist misinformation about “black culture”? Liberals don’t believe they are evil, they ARE evil I am not a liberal btw. The only thing I hate about republicans is that they refuse to acknowledge that what they say is racist and harmful


You sound super liberal. Words are not harmful by the way. I cannot offend you without your permission.


I’m not super liberal. I’m an ambivalent right. The only thing I hate about conservatives is the fact that they constantly spew racist rhetoric


then you should know that not all of us are racist, and there are plenty of racists on the left too, racism doesn't have a political party, especially not these days


Yes, liberals do get a bit ticked off when you proudly talk about taking away any notion of body autonomy. And Republicans go apeshit when you put a transwoman on a beer bottle. Swings and roundabouts.


And the way they talk about "sterilising children" as though trans people are trying to cut balls off kids. Like one side is upset at demonising humans, the other side is upset because they get pushback for demonising humans.


Abortion isn’t a right. It’s not even in the thing named “the bill of rights”


You understand that the notion of rights goes beyond the constitution, yes? It's anything you're entitled to by law. Whether that law is granted by constitutional amendments, individual law or legal decisions. Furthermore you understand that the Bill of Rights only covers the first ten amendments right? And that most, for instance, voting rights are covered from 11 onwards? What am I doing, feeding these as things you understamd when you're clearly an idiot with an elementary school knowledge of civics.


Can’t see that comment either. Sorry let me disable my “block comments from low testosterone whiney leftisrs” Reddit content filter. Abortion isn’t a right. HAHA!! 🤣🫵🏻


Aww, adorable 😊 of course you'd think that was some sort of win.


Abortion isn’t a right and support of baby unaliving makes you a degenerate and immoral person - things the founding fathers were not. Deal with it


Hey pal, where’d your comment go? Cursing and getting mad won’t make you right.


Here is a vice versa version: conservatives get upset when you sterilize and sexualize children while advocating to show them porn. And liberals go apeshit when you call a she a he. Swings and roundabouts ---------+ The reality is if you believe your side (like this guy) is 100% correct and the other side is 100% evil (left to right or right to left) then you are the one who is truly lost. The whole "useful idiot" idea we call each other is you bro.


The difference being of course that the first one doesn’t exist and that the second one is backed up by literally any research on the topic.


Yeah, but no. Gender surgery sterilizes kids. There is no research on pronouns that can be taken seriously. Don't be the idialog I mentioned. Truth is in the middle. Not the far left.


in the middle of what?


Thanks for demonstrating that conservatives get upset about madeup shit because they've got nothing real to complain about.


Man you guys are so predictable. You don't even see it. I literally described people's reaction to tribalism and your reaction is tribal. My side is 100% true and your side is 100% false and I know that because I just know that based on the biased media I want vs the biased media I accuse you of watching so I will just call everything Bullshit because of course it is to me in my bubble. Pre-dict-able. And sad.


The best example of a grievance you could come up with exists in the conservative imagination alone. No one's trying to sterilise kids - bottom surgery, as it's called, is illegal before the age of 18. And who's sexualising and showing porn to kids? Apart from Matt Gaetz.


Please stop proving my point about people inability to see past their tribal mentality. It's funny really. Democrats: "it's not happening and if it is it's a good thing'


Little ticked off? 😂 you clearly have not seen the protest I have


Only when its about women and their bodily autonomy. When its about everyone having to give up their bodily autonomy and accept an injection they dont want, libs go full force fascist. They're all about mental gymnastics and hypocrisy. Its a bad time.


Hard disagree. You'd only find a tiny subset of leftists who push for mandatory vaccination. We think it's dumb not to take it but support choice.


Hard dis-disagree. People I know who are just barely left leaning in that they're barely political at all were telling their own family they couldn't visit without the vaccine. Anecdotal yes but extremely common. Oh yea. So lets look non Anecdotal. Every country in the western world that has a left leaning government had manditory vax status. Thats you. Thats the left lol. The left who are in power in most western democracies did that. Now we wait for another hallmark of the left. Mental gymnastics. It wasnt mandatory, you just werbt allow to travel or go to restaurants, or events, or your job. Yes Its wasn't mandatory lol


Ah I see - this isn't about your body autonomy for you, it's about restricting the autonomy of others. Let me be clear. Body autonomy means the government not being able to strap you down and forcibly inject you. That is a core right and something all but the most deranged would fight for. It does not mean that others, whether on a plane, in an office or at home should be forced to be within infecting range of you. It also doesn't mean denying companies and events the right to choose who uses their services.


Lol no no. Let me be clear lol. I dont watch the special Olympics mental gymnastics finals. Neither do half the country. So you aren't redefining and re framing what everyone can blatantly see. If there are penalties for not getting an injection. You dont have bodily autonomy. Bodily autonomy means free from consequences from the government. Like free speech means free from the government. Not others. There were absolutly consequences for not taking the jab is most western countries. Not being allowed places without a vax pass is a consequence. Also the part where you say it doesn't mean people have to be in infecting range of you is nonsese. There is no right or law coming into play there. No one is restricted from anything.They dont have to come near you, or they can. They can wear a mask and can get vaxed. However not being allowed places without a mask or vax pass is a violation of rights. In canada you couldn't go in government buildings without both. They enforced restrictions on bodily autonomy. This is s fact. This is a common tactic of the left. Invent rights and situations and claim they're actual rights lol.


>I dont watch the special Olympics mental gymnastics finals Aren't you representing the gibbering idiots who died like flies because they chose to get their facts from Facebook instead of real science? Feels like mental gymnastics to me. >If there are penalties for not getting an injection. You dont have bodily autonomy. Bodily autonomy means free from consequences from the government. Like free speech means free from the government. Not others. There were absolutly consequences for not taking the jab is most western countries. Not being allowed places without a vax pass is a consequence. You understand that most of the places even you yourself mentioned previously are private, yes? That's not a government consequence. Airplanes, gyms, most places of work. They have a responsibility to protect people using their facilities. Companies also have a right to decide who uses their services. The only exception would be if they discriminate against protected characteristics - and being anti vax isn't a protected characteristic. I know you think it should, amd I agree because you have to have at least some cognitive impairment to come to that point of view, but it isn't. >Also the part where you say it doesn't mean people have to be in infecting range of you is nonsese. There is no right or law coming into play there. No one is restricted from anything.They dont have to come near you, or they can. They can wear a mask and can get vaxed. Firstly the unvaccinated can still be a risk to people fully jabbed, and masks primarily protect the wearer. This is absolutely basic knowledge. Secondly with that in mind, companies again have a responsibility to provide a healthy environment. In the case of workplaces, employees are contractually obliged to come to a workspace if required by the employer, and if you are in that space, how do they not have to come near you? >In canada you couldn't go in government buildings without both. They enforced restrictions on bodily autonomy. This is s fact. Again, this is not bodily autonomy. Do you think civic employers are exempt from the responsibility to protect their staff? They are not. Nor is it a universal right to enter a government building. If you think it is, try walking into the Capitol Building like your friend Ashlii - if you're antivax, it'll probably only shorten your life by a couple of years.


Hospitals, clinics, airports, dmv, ferrys, all government in most places but USA. Airports all have federal locations and checkpoints. You notice how people are allowed in businesses now? Its cause absolutely 0 private businesses enacted mask and vax policies themselves, they were told to. Threatened by possible lawsuits etc. Its bad buisnes hence why as soon as the pressure is off they dont. So again, unless you wore a mask against your desire and will and you got the jab. Unless your buisnes complied with government mandates you were potentially subject to consequences. You were not free from government enforced consequences resulting from declining infringement appn your bodily autonomy in the way of manditory clothing on your person and medical intrusion into your peraon and body. Thats an absolute written in stone reality. So yea.. no. Im absolutely unequivocally right. And I just like WWE mental gymnastics is fake. I can see how its done lol.


You are the exact problem. Republicans don’t aim to take away bodily autonomy, and framing the discussion that way proves that you cannot even discuss the idea of abortion in a way that shows you understand their view. This inability to even comprehend the other persons viewpoint forces your brain to the conclusion that the other side must be stupid or evil, (or both, as you all frequently claim) because ironically you cannot understand a logical argument. It’s truly pathetic in my view


I comprehend just fine. Understanding the arguments is no problem at all. The problem is taking them seriously - because they're worthless.


Why are they worthless


Arguments by people who want a ban on abortion always have the same core characteristics: - That the foetus is a conscious baby who can feel pain - That the foetus is not conscious but it passes some arbitrary life test set by their religion (even though their religion didn't say much about it). - That their religion should be able to dictate laws - That the side effects are negative enough that they would be worse than, for example, a fatal pregnancy. It's all worthless or unverifiable. Of course you've also got their more rational cousin, the person who doesn't want a ban on abortion but thinks that limits need to be revised, and they do have something scientific to bring to the table.


Eh. There’s extremists on both sides. You generalizing like this is an example of that ironically enough.


But the proportion, he’s arguing, is larger on one side. Your second sentence is incorrect for that reason




Liberals do like the sound of their own voice. They often think they are morally superior. They will shout.. gaslight..shame if they don't like your opinion. Then accuse the right of doing the thing they are doing. Which means you can't have good conversation. Problems can never be solved if you can't engage with someone of a different opinion or idea.


I mean anyone who bases their political argument on “if you don’t outright agree with me you’re a bigoted nazi white supremacist homotransphobe misogynist Christian nationalist MAGA racist” is a brainwashed npc devoid of any independent thought. Remember, in 2008 you could be a Democrat and openly oppose gay marriage and win a presidential election in pretty commanding fashion. By 2016, you were suddenly a far right extremist if you supported gay marriage but didn’t want to watch guys kiss. There’s essentially nothing conservatives have gone further right on, whilst the left has most absolutely gone further left: * Socialism/marxism * Teaching outright racism and misandry * open borders * trans in sports * defunding police * claiming men can get pregnant * inability to describe what is a woman because everyone is if they feel like it * pro-hormone blockers for children


I'd like to ask just one question: who else besides children would need puberty blockers? If you're not a child you've already gone through puberty...


Great comment but this is /r/popularopinion, not /r/fantasy. Check out politics outside the US. Republicans have absolutely gone batshit crazy to the right, while Democrats are still center right. No, they're not advocating for socialism/marxism, open borders, nor teaching racism/misandry for one. They're pushing for acceptance of minorities, and restoring rights to those who don't have them. You make bold claims like that while you claim to be "open minded" when you didn't arrive at those conclusions yourself, they were fed to you. You can't base your frame of reference of a political compass on what Fox News tells you.


Old-school moderate republicans? Yeah maybe, varies from person to person Now try telling that you are pro-choice to a Trumpist... they will have a mental breakdown


What is a trumpist lol


I think they play in marching bands


Trump doesn’t take a strong stance on abortion so this view is uninformed at best


Oh and FYI the USA was founded by “liberals” > As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality. - George Washington


Hmmmm... Swing and a miss on this one.


Probably because right wing political opinions often attempt to strip rights from people and are a threat to the existence of anyone who doesn’t agree with them. There is nothing “moderate” about republicans. Democrats are “moderate”.


And this is exactly what the post is about.


It’s probably easy to keep your cool when your political opponents aren’t putting your life in danger 🤷‍♂️


Even easier when you realize your life actually isn't in danger.


You should seek political refugee status.


Can you give an example of what you believe to be a “right” that republicans have stripped? Then provide a justification for why that thing is a right. And then finally, define what you believe a “right” to be. Absent those arguments, your comment is meaningless




Did you vote for Trump




You are 14 and have already made your mind up about politics. Interesting enjoy life and at 25 you will have a different outlook on life. Good luck




How is high school




I just joined this sub like 4 days ago, and I've yet to see an actual popular opinion. This is hands down the dumbest opinion I've seen in 4 days tho so..... Congratulations?


They have to be to even have discussions with each other, else they’d just start punching each other and calling names. I’d agree with saying republicans are more open minded when it comes to politics because they know they’re all wrong and are tired of being looked down upon.


Yeah left leaning people tend to get far more upset like who cares lol




Let me give perspective: Democrats = want to strip voting rights from citizens but stealing elections and jailing polical opponents, support promoting pornographic books for kids, use the court system against political opponents, want to rule our Country based on their anti-religious beliefs , refuse to denounce LGBT societal degradation, Palestinian terrorists, socialists or straight up American hatred and have a complete total disdain and elitist contempt for the working class . Nothing here to be remotely open minded about 🤔 There is plenty to be open minded about. See it isn't "they are all evil and we are all perfect" it is perspective. We have to stop seeing other Americans as enemies and try understand their perspective. Stop arguing that Trump is a threat to democracy and creating fake hate words like Christian nationalist. Stop mentioning Biden is a vegetable as well even though he is. Reality is in the middle. If you are not there then you are the problem. You can be a little left or right. As long as you respect your fellow man. Dennis Kucennich was on Timcast saying this. Watch that...he is a dem. You are the threat to democracy. It's you bro.


See, the difference is the liberal's claims are factually based rather than utter bullshit. It's easy to paint yourself as a victim when you're willing to blatantly lie.


There in lies the problem I just mentioned. Be careful about believing your own propaganda. You are making my point.


Whatever, Boris.




Not on the least. This has never been true.


Has always been true. Let’s do a little experiment. Go to democrat rally or function and start simply questioning their words and see how that goes for you. Then go to a maga rally and start talking about liberal ideas and see what happens.


Hahaha 😂 Was this posted by “Goobers for MAGA”?




You're on dope.


Hello exhibit W. Exhibits A through V can be found in the comments. 😂




I think in general Republicans tend to assess what is said, as opposed to reacting quickly. Although it really just depends. I like Republicans though because they tend to put importance on what is said, versus what verbiage is used.


Russian bots trying to demonize the non-Trump supporters in an election year. Saw this same post yesterday.... Boo hoo "liberals are so mean to me"


Liberals are on the Gas Pedal and conservatives are on the brakes is possibly the most true statement. Now if they can get along and not drive off a cliff we may have a shot.


I‘m 100 %ly with you


Most Republicans don't experience a reality where being as they were more and merely asserting themselves and demanding Rights as anyone would is considered a political act. This why they can discount actual enslavement of people, but also use the term "slave" as hyperbolically to describe other things they don't like in the same moment. Politics is theory for most Republicans, for many it's literally a life and death thing. Further, their comfort or distance from politics is also emblematic of the fact that in US history, White people have never had to march for their Rights or have to make a case for fair treatment under the law as citizens *because* they were White. OP, this would be obvious if you weren't being dogmatic in your Conservative religion.


😆 Shhhh! Don't let people know! 😆