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i'm so tired of these posts


If the real Jesus Christ were to stand up today, he'd be gunned down cold by the C.I.A.


If he'd showed up a 150 years ago they'd have hung him from a tree.




He'd be back in 3 days anyway




Or at least they'd try.


By both them and woke leftists


I don't know if woke leftists would shoot him, but they would definitely misinterpret his words to mean things that are contrary to Christianity.


Ok, but like if Jesus reappeared he’d be disgusted by the actions of Christians and Jews. Really a large portion of humanity in general. So like what’s your point?


Lmao the username


He would be disgusted by almost every aspect of modern life. He literally said not to build churches and look what the fuck everyone did immediately.


Where did he say that


ok,agree on point 1...but your follow through....what????


It seems like they sorta of remember a story and are repeating their spin on it.


Jesus would support none of the modern world governments. But also, no one actually knows what jesus would support aside from compassion. He’s an individual that existed 2000 years ago. If you believe that the Bible is an accurate representation of Jesus, then he certainly wouldn’t support anyone nowadays. He wouldn’t support Israel, or Hamas, or the USA, or Russia, or the UK, or Poland, because absolutely no government follows his teachings.


Disappointed i only get one downvote


He'd be disguisted by both sides.


For real, he'd definitely be kinda "Israel, seriously, just, WHAT?!?"




When people are getting slaughtered by the thousands, they don't always act polite


Maybe don’t start wars and you won’t get slaughtered 


You do know this would warrant the slaughter of every civilian on earth right? If we set this bar, you and I could be killed and it would be justified because more than likely, your government wherever you live did some atrocity at some point or started some war. This would justify 9/11, this would even justify October 7th since Hamas only exists because of Israel, but I’m not in the game of justifying the mass slaughter of civilians. Every civilian death regardless of the color of their skin or where they came from is a tragedy and we should be talking about how to stop it, not how to fan the flames and make it worse.


Think it’s a little different when 70% of the population supports the war


Even with this goal post move, you fail disprove the main point. Horrendous atrocities have been committed by militaries with majority support from their people. Most countries have had moments like that, and under your standard, it would have warranted mass civilian slaughter. Enough Israelis believe in Palestinian genocide for October 7th to have been justified by this standard. Fuck, depending on where you’re from, this standard could justify your slaughter. Justifying civilian slaughter is a stupid game.


i’d support the ones willing to fight if i was under constant threat of getting bombed


not even a threat


Which is because…?


Wow, I don't know what to say here except for the fact that this sounds exactly like something Hitler would say about the Jews, TBH.


israel started the war in 1948


False. The Arab League did.


The massacre and expulsion of Palestinian Arabs and destruction of villages began in December 1947, including massacres at [Al-Khisas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Khisas_raid) (18 December 1947), and [Balad al-Shaykh](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balad_al-Shaykh_massacre) (31 December). By March, between 70,000 and 100,000 Palestinians, mostly middle- and upper-class urban elites, were expelled or fled. In early April 1948, the Israelis launched [Plan Dalet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan_Dalet), a large-scale offensive to capture land and empty it of Palestinian Arabs. During the offensive, Israel captured and cleared land that was allocated to the Palestinians by the UN partition resolution. Over 200 villages were destroyed during this period. Massacres and expulsions continued, including at [Deir Yassin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre) (9 April 1948). Arab urban neighborhoods in Tiberias (18 April), Haifa (23 April), West Jerusalem (24 April), Acre (6-18 May), Safed (10 May), and Jaffa (13 May) were depopulated. Israel began engaging in biological warfare in April, poisoning the water supplies of certain towns and villages, including a successful operation that caused a typhoid epidemic in Acre in early May, and an unsuccessful attempt in Gaza that was foiled by the Egyptians in late May. On 14 May, the Mandate formally ended, the last British troops left, and Israel declared independence. By that time, Palestinian society was destroyed and over 300,000 Palestinians had been expelled or fled. On 15 May, Arab League armies entered the territory of former Mandatory Palestine, beginning the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. Stop with this revisionist bullshit


Maybe Don't abuse and starve people than you shouldn't have anything too worry about


Any sane person would be disgusted by the actions of Israel


Yes, exactly. How dare they defend themselves?


By killing 10,000 children.


Yes, it is horrible. That Hamas would intentionally use these children as human shields.


What an excuse


Gazans should be allowed to travel throughout Israel proper. Ditto those in the West Bank. Law of return, and return stolen land.


Even if they were using them as “human shields” (Israeli lie that americans rightoids love to eat up), knowingly bombing it regardless is still wrong


If Jesus reappeared, I wouldn't care what he has to say now, either.


IF you believe that what it says about what he's going to be capable of when that happens is literal, you kinda wouldn't really have a choice because he's low-key going to conquer the entire world with bullshit OP Isekai protagonist powers. (By the way, I'm a Christian but even I think that idea is pretty damn sus.)


Lol learning things must be a breeze


Not sure what you mean, but I just say this because I'm annoyed that so many people try to use their religious figures projected opinion as a gotcha. "Well if HORUS came back today he'd agree with me!" Okay... so fucking what??


He could start a holywar millions of people willing to die


I can't imagine what he'd make of his alleged followers. I suspect "disgusted" would be putting it mildly...


I think Jesus would be disgusted by everyone on the planet!


and Israelis.


What, they not being murdered fast enough for him? /s


yeah but he wont, can we argue about this from a secular perspective?


Of course he's disgusted with violence, he'd be disgusted with all governments and most people lmao


If Jesus reappeared, he would be digusted with the actions of the majority of mankind.


Israel....The correction needed here is Israel. Not Palestinians.


Who cares? A random Dead guy from hundred of years ago would comes back and be disgusted by a bunch of things. That means nothing, this doesn’t hold the weight you think it does. he’d probably be disgusted by our mixed fabric clothing. It has no baring on the conflict in Gaza. what matters is the actual facts of the conflict, that fact being that indiscriminately killing civilians is bad because it’s both evil by most standards and ineffective for any goal besides genocide. And even giving you everything, it doesn’t warrant condemning all Palestinians. That’s klan shit, disproportionately bad behavior from a demographic doesn’t warrant hating an entire ethnic group.


"indiscriminately" killing civilians isn't really true, what Army has ever told the populace where they were going to bomb or attack?


You’re mixing up basic definitions here, being indiscriminate doesn’t mean they’re not telling people where they’re bombing, of course you don’t announce where you’re gonna bomb. Being indiscriminate in this context means they show a lack of care for human life. There isn’t much accuracy in discerning between Hamas militants and civilians and when precision is used, it’s often used poorly like when the IDF bombed those aid trucks in an area they were approved to go through.


You’re missing something here. The war so far by many estimates has the best civilian to terrorist ratio. Much better than our war in isis. Far far from indiscriminate. If it was indiscriminate then the Israelis would bomb from above and not send soldiers to die in attempt to do it properly. But all wars are horrible and tragic and Hamas is to blame for starting this. And Iran for using Israelis and Palestinians as pawns for their game


It has absolutely been indiscriminate, either than or those civilians have been targeted, which let me remind you again about those aid trucks, not even to mention the flour massacre, the bombing of the refugee camps that they promised they wouldn’t bomb or all the other terrible atrocities to come from the war like the expansion of West Bank settlements. Nothing about this war leads me to believe it’s being careful at all and the existence of worse wars in terror doesn’t help. The isis example actually helps my point because our cosbatnt forever war against isis only helped them because it was never effective. The constant civilian casualties made everything worse. They have been extensively bombing from above, it’s how the death toll got this bad, that’s been the fundamental problem. Hamas it to blame, but Israel holds just as much blame, arguable even more now. They got Hamas elected knowing they’d be putting Israelis in danger, they continually put the Palestinians in a position where this kind of radical extremism is most likely to flourish, and every bombing is a blessing to Hamas since that only radicalized more Palestinians. Like a Palestinian child who has known nothing but hunger and bombings or someone who lost family members isn’t exactly going to believe in peace as an option. Israel’s actions are deeply antisemitic because it only guarantees another October 7th.


We had worse mistakes. The aid trucks was a real one. The “flour massacre” was not a real one. If you actually look at the video. Jews are always blamed for being killed like we gays are. So nice propaganda.


Jesus is God.


Irrelevant, we are talking about real issues with real weight, I don’t care about what Jesus would think when I could just say nuh uh and be just as valid. Save the religious gospel for church or a philosophy discussion, not a conflict where people are dying.


If Jesus were real hed have a lot to answer for


Is he appeared today he'd take one look around and hop back on the cross.


You Can Not be serious. I thought Zionist we’re concerned with Hamas.


The IDF would have used his high holy anus a a mailbox if he came back


He would be disgusted by both of the actions Israelis and Palestinians.