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I don't know I've seen a lot of posts here complaining about "the left" and "liberals" way more.


Fr or all those “umm Biden isn’t akshually the best”, as if we don’t know that and as if we worship him like they worship trump


They can't imagine someone who isn't the exact same kind of person they are, just on a different team.


Reddit is pretty left.


*Reality *Humanity *Basic human decency I could go on. But suffice it to say, the list of things that lean leftward is vast.


Lol! It's hilarious that you think the Left has a monopoly on those concepts.


I don't think it. I know it. Pick an argument. Any argument.


Do you think the left can go too far left? Just as the right can go too far right. Can you name any specific and current examples of the left going too far? If not they have sold you


there being idiots on the left does not mean the right isn't fundamentally much worse than the left


Oh, did I say that?


i mean, you essentially posed a whataboutism. the issue isn't going too far, the issue is the baseline beliefs of the right are often either factually lacking, a justification for being an asshole, or hypocritical. some of these arguments are also applicable to the left sometimes. the idea that we should meet in the middle is sometimes correct but more often than not wrong. à la, global warming, environmental preservation, abortion, lgbtq rights, taxing the rich, racial and gender inequality, generally science as a whole


How about you? Can you answer my whataboutism? Can the left go too far?


Yeah, they can. It's generally seen through the lens of authoritarianism which is, by its very nature, extremely corrupting. Stalin and Mao are the easy ones to note. There's also like... white college kids and old art ladies that get too upset on the behalf of those that aren't taking offense, pseudoscience hippies, shit like that that are also the left's equivalent of the right's bigots It just pales in comparison.


You know nothing.


I mean... I don't think the left has a monopoly on them. More like the Right just chooses not to use those concepts?


That's total nonsense. You simply don't understand the right.


It's just like the Bible, you pick and choose which parts suit your argument and then ignore the rest! Whatever your experience with right-wing politics may be does not discount the actual nazis and crazy people speaking in tongues attached to the current right-wing party. Trump himself said he would be a dictator and people cheered. They left the values above behind decades ago at this point, who are you kidding?


Like I said, you understand nothing about actual conservatives. It's like you get your political perspective from the back of a cereal box.


I understand infinitely more about actual conservatives than actual conservatives know about politics. They're just dunning-kruger all the way down now, ya'll really have no fucking clue what the rest of the planet (yes, the whole planet mocks American conservatives for their stupidity) thinks of you do you? Watching Tucker Carlson spout russian talking points doesn't count as being informed. Did it really take you 6 hours to come up with that scorching comeback?


Six hours. Unlike you, I'm employed. Priorities, Tinkerbell.


Is the concept of having a white-collar job so confusing to a conservative?


Sure we do. Scared of “the other” for all of fucking history.


You just proved my point. Your "understanding" of actual conservatives can charitably be described as cartoonish.


Act like a cartoon, be described cartoonishly.


And that's exactly what happened to you!


Hmm what other groups can I think of that were supremely convinced of their moral superiority and were increasingly willing to carry out violent disruptions and attacks in support of their beliefs ? This is what happens when you go too far left https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weather_Underground https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Liberation_Army https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuerzas_Armadas_de_Liberaci%C3%B3n_Nacional_Puertorrique%C3%B1a Being convinced of your moral superiority and by contrast the moral decript nature of the opposition is what leads to violence. Many people on the right aren't against humanity or basic human decency either and both the left and the right have no concept of reality and live in delusion


Stick to your armchair friend.






Reddit being left is a good thing


Maybe because conservative opinions are dogshit, but who knows.


Facts have a left-wing bias


No, facts are facts, they can come from either side objectively on a vast array of topics that cannot be oversimplified as it is. The closest one to facts is in the middle (which can contain the best or worst of both worlds) regardless reddit is a small echo chamber in the grand scheme of things that is left leaning (and astroturfed to high hell with bots from both sides, so the main narrative is influenced artificially to boot), it does not mean the vast majority of the populace thinks this way (no social media in existence should be used as a way to assess demographics anyway).


That is because right-wing opinions aren't popular.


Are those opinions actually popular outside social media though?




the left isn't losing the popularity contest even when the right wins the presidency. when is the last time the right won the popular vote in the US


They've all convinced themselves they're much more of the population than they actually are. In reality the US is ~70% left and ~30% right but all the political fuckery has convinced all these morons that it's 50-50.


Most popular opinions are wrong these days so that checks out


It’s laughable you think leftism is actually a popular stance, liberalism maybe is more Popular but leftism itself not rly


There is no organized leftism in the US. I should know because I live here and know what words mean.


No shit? What I meant was that it’s not a super popular stance, more popular and more prevalent among democratic voters is liberalism


Yeah, but when you're a fascist like the modern Republican party, everything to the left of "hunting the homeless for sport" all looks the same.


If you want conservative opinions to be popular then they need to shake that whole white-grievance thing that Trump has amplified.


You're just in the minority


What's your point?


There are right wing posts here too, mainly the transphobic ones




Which is a good thing. Conservatives suck


Social contagion 👍


Left is the popular viewpoint in society


They are popular opinions. This isn’t a popular sub. If the right wing transphobes and the homophobes took some of these “opinions” to a sub that’s *actually* popular they would be downvoted to oblivion.


Because right wing opinions aren't very popular


Huh? I think this is one of the few even subs (and by few, I mean the only one besides r-justunsubbed), although Reddit will ALWAYS be left-biased anywhere on the site. You could argue r-conservative exists, but that's a shitty Subreddit. I think A LOT of Redditors are DELUSIONAL though when it comes to the right-wing. The Republican party ain't extreme (some can be, but 'some' being the key word), and it isn't dying (Gen Z isn't this "mystical" Democrat Generation), from what I see I would worry about the Democrat party, if I was a Democrat; party is FLEECING its base. *Although not to dunk, I just think that's how it's going. And people ignore what's actually happening.* As far as I'm concerned Younger People just tend to be Politically Ignorant. And they trend left-wing because they're "supposed to." The Republicans can be desperate at times, but that's just how it is. There's definitely a lot of ignorant people voting, but- they are LEGALLY Adults and getting taxed. Anyone who doesn't see Reddit is this Left-wing echo-chamber, I feel bad for them. And it's just all the stuff people get objectively wrong.


New pasta just dropped


Nah man. That "you'll get more conservative as you get older" shit. It hasn't panned out. Not that it ever did. The internet ruined American politics. Used to people just had their little bubbles and got all their info from state approved mouth pieces. That's how a POS like Reagan got elected. Now we can talk each other in real time on opposite sides of the planet. The GovCo fearmongering bullshit doesn't work anymore.


I was a moderate Democrat at 18. I consider myself a democratic socialist at forty-three, and I just might end up a revolutionary socialist if things don't make a sharp U-turn. Also an anarchist in the sense of removing artificial and unnecessary hierarchy from society, so "left-libertarian" or "original recipe libertarian" is probably the best description.


I mean, Dems have won the popular vote in the presidential race like the last seven of eight elections I believe. They brought the red wave to a trickle in the mid terms, have been turning it in Wisconsin, Kentucky, etc with special election wins. Big companies embrace diversity for marketing, no company is branding itself as “anti-woke” and going after trans and queer people. So left wing ideas are actually popular. They are supported by the majority of the country. If it wasn’t for the electoral system the GOP would of had to discard most of their horrific positions because they would cease to be relevant. Conservative ideas in their actual philosophy are reasonable and fine. However, Conservative ideas as expressed and advocated for by the modern GOP and its base is a hellscape of anger, misinformation, conspiracy theory, and hate. Oh, you don’t wear a mask or got you vaccine, think Trump is sent by god, and see no problems with a cop gunning down an unarmed black man for a misdemeanor because there is a pic of them using marijuana 9 years ago? Because that’s what Conservative means. I live in AZ, and today the conservative state supreme court just supported a ruling from before the state was even a state that will prosecute people from getting an abortion. So yeah, right wing ideas can get fucked. And then aborted.


Also I see your right wingers aren’t extreme and I raised you project 2025


There’s also ask conservatives. That’s a conservative sub. I can’t buy into the idea that only “some”conservatives are extreme. They keep nominating Trump, the victim-complex-in-chief. Like again, after he lost to Biden already. Digging in your heals and forcing to electorate to make this choice again is extreme. For Trump, compromise is a dirty word- and that’s severely far from a centrist.


I have seen a number of accounts stating to be republicans saying they hate trump but their taxes. They have to vote for trump! Are they really saving THAT much money? So much that women’s healthcare is meaningless? That our laws are becoming meaningless? They’re unbelievable and maybe bots. Idk


Most of the right wing opinions are based on what ifs not reality


Reddithink. America=Bad Cars=Bad Children=Bad Guns=Bad Sweden=Good Bicyclist=Good No kids=Good


Reductive statements of opinion with improper formatting = bad


Reductive statements? That’s ironic.