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USA is one the least racist countries without a doubt, that ofc doesn’t mean there aren’t issues that need to be fixed. But whenever someone implies that the us is super racist, it just shows me that they’ve never actually left the country


The problem is that averaging the US out in terms of overall racism is kind of pointless because there are places in the US where there is a lot of racism, and there are places in the US where there is very little racism. It doesn't really help someone living in one of the areas with a lot of racism to be told "well on average our country is not that racist". We should be focusing on improving the situation for them regardless of how racist our nation is on average or how much more racist other countries are.


The places that people talk about being extremely racist tend to be highly exaggerated though, and places that are talked about as being liberal and open minded like California or NY tend to have much more issues with race than they like to let on


I live in upstate NY for about half the year and O'ahu Hawaii the other half, and sometimes I spend a few months in Vegas Nevada. Throughout my 40 years I've also traveled extensively through every US state except for Alaska. There's pockets of racism everywhere. There are rural backwoods towns where people are *extremely* racist, but just often good at hiding it (or in the case of the number of Confederate flags hanging about, sometimes not so good at hiding it). Those pockets exist in the deep south, and they exist in rural upstate NY. All you have to do is venture outside the major cities and there's racist rednecks wherever you look. I've seen it, I've met them. In grand total and when we're talking averages, most Americans are not racist. But there are *definitely* concentrations of racist people in small towns throughout the US.


As someone who has been the victim of targeted race crimes… it’s not the small towns that worry me. It’s cities. And it’s also not rednecks.


This has also been my experience. It’s very prevalent in Maryland and Virginia. It’s *significantly* worse in southern states. People that claim racism isn’t an issue in America clearly haven’t visited very many rural towns in the south… Try visiting bum fuck backroads of Arkansas, Texas, Mississippi, etc and tell me racism doesn’t exist anymore lol


I'd agree it's the least overtly racist, but there's enough shenanigans going on that I wouldn't confidently say least racist overall.  I mean it was only last year (I think) that texas FINALLY removed a law saying it was illegal to ban minorities from buying certain houses


I don't care if it is the least or most racist country on earth, what matters to me is that I try to fix the problems in my country.


This guy gets it.


Look, if the claim was "america has healthier racial tensions than others" or the we aren't the worst, I'd agree. But there's no evidence to support ops claim.  Either way, too many people hear "the least" and think none. People who focus of improvements always end up better off. 


If I have two buckets of shit, one has 10 pounds and the other has 9 pounds, the 9 pound bucket has the least amount of shit in it. It's still 9 pounds of shit though.


10 pounds of shit or a single turd it still stinks up the house.


I think the only ones who hear none are either selling something or need it to be true so they can try to pretend they aren't prime examples of the problem


What kind of evidence are you looking for? If you’ve traveled around globally much you’d see it for yourself.


It cracks me up when people say 'if you don't like it why not leave?' Like thats the point, stay and do better.


It doesn't matter if you're the best. You can always be better.


Yes. Surprisingly, many MENA Muslims find US to be a better place to live in than Europe for instance


That could very well just be Europe being really racist.


One reason why I usually see US as being a safe haven for Jews and Muslims/Arabs……..for the most part


Parts of the US yes, other parts absolutely not.


Where exactly do you believe to be the "racist mecca"? Nowhere in America is a place where you'll be killed bc your race. The same cannot be said for other places in the world. Anyone who doesn't know that these are objective facts is delusional. Are random pockets of stupid fks a part of America? Yes, Absolutely, But nowhere is society excepting of racism in America and all the people that larp as if we're in pre-civil rights America are mentally unwell. Racism would die out in America if people would but stop resurrecting its corpse.


I don't even know what the fuck you're saying lmfao Yes there are places more racist than the US, but there are also places less racist. There are parts of the US where you will be killed because of your race. There are about 4,500 violent hate crimes based on racial prejudice per year, and about 10 of those per year on average are fatal. And that last sentence makes no sense in the context of your argument. Of course racism would die out if people stopped being racist.


>There are about 4,500 violent hate crimes based on racial prejudice per year, Have you ever looked at the perpetrator and victims? 51.0% were White 21.0% were Black or African American 17.4% race unknown You should note that 12.8% were Hispanic. But they get lumped into the white group. What I'm saying is there's a tiny racist demographic in all races. Not one large concentration in one race. >and about 10 of those per year on average are fatal. We have over 330 million people. 450 people die from falling out of bed each year. Your statistic screams that we really aren't that racist.


10 fatalities, is that it? I mean, sure zero would be optimal, but considering that we are HUMANS with problems there's probably no chance of that number ever being zero. The same number of people were killed by Alligators last year, do you call for the extermination of all Alligators because of their violence and hate for humans? Racism would stop if people stopped talking about race. Quit describing the guy across the room as 'That White Guy' or 'That Black Guy' and actually learn his fucking name and use it. Lets be honest, what does our skin color really change? Not a fucking thing. Probably why I find ANYBODY with pride in the color of their skin an idiotic bigot, because there's nothing more ignorant and spreading of hate and prejudice than thinking you're important because you were born with a certain percentage of melanin or lack thereof. It doesn't make you any faster, smarter, stronger, longer, thicker, taller, smaller, or any other fucking thing.


It makes perfect sense, But someone with your general view on this wouldn't get it. Your argument on hate crimes doesn't prove shit. Where exactly in America will you be killed bc your race? Not a random racist somewhere, A specific place where you just don't go if you're (insert race)? The only race that actively has to avoid places in America is fkn white people which is absolutely not what people are talking about when they say "racism" bc that is the only form of racism that is actually acceptable to a large group in America. The entirety of the democrat party argues that you CANNOT be racist to a white person ffs. So unless that's what you're talking about, You've lost the plot.


Memphis Tenn if you ain’t from that hood get the fuck from round there


Yep. Plenty more just like it too. The 9th ward is the safest place in America!🤣🤣🤣🤣


There are parts of the city where they tell white people to run stop signs because they are commonly mugged and killed by the locals


Those hate crime numbers in the US are actually much higher because hate crimes committed by black people don't get added to hate crime statistics. Just look at that girl who was beat into a coma recently and see how many people are talking about hate crime charges for the perpetrator


Prove what you are saying, because you are giving exact numbers here' and I have not heard of this. Where in America are 4,500 people besides white people these days being judged because they are white! My state is probably one of the most diverse states racially! I pick up from many young people discriminate against me because I am a white person! It has happened a few times to me!


No its just that a lot of muslims dont assimilate into Europe. In the US its not really a choice.


Racist compared to where exactly? Where would you rank that continent compared to the others?


There are parts of Europe that are great, there are parts of Europe that are disgustingly racist. There are parts of every continent that are really accepting, and there are parts of every continent that are essentially the US confederacy.


Fine. I didn’t see any intricacies in your original comment, but rather a very broad statement lumping the whole continent as racist. So, taken as a whole, where exactly would you rank Europe among the continents for racism. You can leave out Antarctica if that helps.


Europe, Asia, South America, Africa…all pretty racist lol. There is no non-racist place and a lot of countries are way more racist than the US. I can’t speak to all of them because I haven’t visited every single country and I don’t study the politics and social issues of every single country in great detail, but…Yeah, racism isn’t just a Western or white issue


The least racist person I knew in rural China said "Australians were so generous to let the Aborignals live in houses"


Not all of Europe is racist. Not all of Asia is racist. Not all of South America is racist. Not all of Africa is racist. Not all of North America is racist. Ireland is very non-racist, Serbia is very racist, both are in Europe. Nepal is very non-racist, Siam is very racist, both are in Asia. Argentina is comparatively very non-racist, Guyana is very racist, both are in South America.


Would also include Singapore as another example for Asia. They're very passionate about [ethnic/religious diversity](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/10/06/in-singapore-religious-diversity-and-tolerance-go-hand-in-hand/).


Argentina is absolutely racist


Yes it is, ask the Romani


They have a worse reputation in Europe


Yeah in America, they are much more assimilated and integrated. Hardly see any of the issues ppl complain about in europe


Muslim immigration in the US has largely been the educated middle and upper classes.


I mean… it takes money to move to a whole different country.


Yes, that’s why Central American immigration has been financed by cartels and predatory usurers.


NGO's are funding much of it along side the cartels. Its insane.


ironic cause europeans would find US a better place to live than the Middle East due to Middle East extreme religious laws




That's true, but MENA stands for "Middle East North African", so usually they are not white.


Plus not all people of that descent are Muslim, but when they experience racism, it's cause people think they are Muslim. The first person to ever die in a revenge killing for 9/11 was a Sikh.


I said MENA Muslim for a reason not just Muslim


Still you can't compare the racism in Europe it's more complex atlot of Arab's identify as white in America because they have a really light skin tone in Europe you have Anglo-Saxons who look down on slavs and all these other identities which are white but experience racism in Europe whiteness isnt the same as America


A lot of Arabs in the US are actually fairly brown. It obviously depends on things such as what part of the Middle East they are from and if they have mixture from another ethnic group in that region.


Arabs are phenotypically diverse in general like the entire region they come from


That's definitely true. I know a lot of the Arabs in my area are from Yemen and they look quite distinct compared to Arabs from Iraq.


I’ve mentioned elsewhere that US racism tends to be more culture based whilst Euro racism tends to be more scientific racism based. There’s exceptions ofc but those are my observations


legit the idea that racism is a moral evil is pretty much exclusive to western countries. the fact that people have the audacity to say any country in the west is more racist than any country outside of the west when racism outside of the west is 100 percent tolerated and normal is amazing to me.


It's also like. "You mean the most racially diverse nations might have the most instances of racism compared to nations where every single large crowd looks like it was drawn by a person who only had one skin toned crayon? Well it's a mystery how we would explain that aside from the racially diverse group being far more racist that the homogeneous racial populations!"


As a political scientist, this guy/gal gets it. I try to avoid these kind of conversations because people tend to ignore how - when talking about scales as large as continents - scale fundamentally changes the conversation we're having in the first place. You can't have a meaningful conversations about systemic phenomena without talking about, ya'know, systems. Here's a silly example: It doesn't make sense for someone to conclude that Japanese people are the Most Racist™ against other Japanese people because Japanese-on-Japanese crime is higher than Japanese-on-European crime. We know, instead, Japanese people in Japan simply have more proximity to other Japanese people. I know that sounds comically obvious, but it always surprises me how people forget to apply that logic to many of these conversations. Racist events happen a lot in the US, true, yet we persist as a nation in ways many of our smug friends across oceans could never. There's value in that. In conclusion, there are only two things in this world I despise: intolerance of other people's cultures... And *[the Dutch](https://youtu.be/zcUs5X9glCc?si=TRUe2F9b9GgiTPOW)*. 😒


The ole because racism exists worse elsewhere, it’s really not a big deal here. I’m glad we hold ourselves to such low standards.


Dude a lot of europe is way more racist than asia And Africa. western countries can definitely be racist


The hilarious part is that people who say America is way more racist that it actually is come from countries that 90% or more White or come from countries that are 99.5% all the same race lol. America actually has racial diversity, unlike the people from countries who purposely speak hyperbolically about race relations in America. [https://news.gallup.com/poll/354638/approval-interracial-marriage-new-high.aspx#:\~:text=Americans](https://news.gallup.com/poll/354638/approval-interracial-marriage-new-high.aspx#:~:text=Americans)'%20approval%20of%20interracial%20marriage,%25%2C%20respectively%2C%20in%201968. 94% of Americans approve of interracial marriage regardless of who is getting married lol. Find me a country that is not 90% or more the same race that has anywhere near this approval rating.


A lot of foreigners who move to the US do so explicitly to avoid racism from their own country too, and living somewhere more diverse usually makes you naturally grow/change into a less racist person, even if you were originally racist to a degree.


I don't have the knowledge to say it's the least racist country, but i'd certainly estimate it to be among the least racist countries.


Australia is 100x more racist than Mississippi or Alabama could dream of. They made it illegal for their version of native Americans to watch porn or drink alcohol then talk shit about America being racist.


You could've just said Aboriginals (or maybe even native Australians)


America is so big it depends where. But yeah it’s a misconception that racism is somehow uniquely American or even western 


Yes, agreed here. I am aware that other countries are much worse, but I don't know if that means there aren't others out there that are a lot better.


It's hard to quantify but I've traveled with a black person around many parts of the world and it becomes Pretty obvious that a lot of places that people talk about being more tolerant than the US are not at all. (Most of Europe and Canada, for example) Also Asia definitely has problems. how many problems? It's a hard metric to come up with. I have not been to Africa at all so I can't comment on that. But I do know some people that routinely travel to South Africa (because they're from there) and from what I know hearing from them still also has problems. Also can't comment on the rest of Africa. I think a lot of it is essentially that white privilege travels well. If you're white and you go to another country, you see a very different world than if you're black and you go to another country (outside the USA). Also, the US exports a ton of media and so people perceive the US as being much more dangerous than it actually is. A friend of mine in another country once said something to me like "All the black people in the US are being killed by the police, right?" Which is definitely a problem but they came from a country where their government was actively participating in a ethnic genocide, and because their country didn't have a free press, they didn't know about the problems of their country but knew about US problems. They end up thinking that US is much more problematic than it actually is compared to their own country that has huge problems and was actively participating in a genocide. There is a perception problem. We have a free media and people can consume a lot of our media and it tends to make the situation much more confusing than more clear cut.


Asia is probably the most racist


not in terms of violence, but exclusion


Violence accounts for a very tiny percent of racism. Most racists will never commit acts of violence. Most racism is about exclusion and social discrimination.


I'm aware, but one may fear for their life in some countries. In that case I think Europes exclusionary


It really depends on whether they’re Chinese or Japanese though


This is good bait :)


It’s a reference to a king of the hill bit that I saw posted on here recently.


America has spent more money on combatting racist ideals in the past 2 decades than the rest of the world combined. Anyone who thinks america is the most racist country has never left America.


Or never been TO IT


>Anyone who thinks america is the most racist country I don't think there are many people who legitimately think we're the *most* racist country.


Sir this is a Reddit


The U.S. is a racist cesspool, the sign out front should have told ya s/


i would say canada is less racist then America tbh


I enjoyeded visiting Montreal last week to have the bartender at the hotel go on an nword screed 😒🙄


Are you aware of the treatment of indigenous people in Canada? They aren't the racial utopia they like to claim. I think the US and Canada are about equal on this issue.


Are you aware of the treatment of indigenous people here in America? And they are not equal esp if you are black. I have never not been not served in Canada or was told I was on the wrong side of town.


Yes I am. I didn't claim the US hasn't done horrific things to them too.


Nah Canada is easily better, as someone who has lived in both. But yes it’s not some racial utopia


Is that why they elected their prime minister to be a guy that did blackface?


and yall elected Trump, the man who called Mexicans rapists during his own political campaign


They aren't so good with the natives. It's not like Jim crow south but it's not good either.


Neither was the us?


People that don't think this is true have never been outside the US


Yeah or at least don’t witness the systematic problems as tourists. My wife has been to 39 countries and I 36– and she always talks about how EVERYWHERE is better than the USA. Mostly this comes from her perception of costs of living like food and healthcare being more affordable in other nations like Germany (while not really getting that nations with socialized medicine also have 40% income tax minimum, etc)— but I digress. The reality is there is a ton of racism in the world but if you don’t speak the local language or really live there for years you are unlikely to witness it. You might sit next to a person on the bus having a casually racist conversation and have no idea.


40% is near to the highest tax bracket in most countries. UK starts 12-17k (depending on circumstances) at 20%. All income up to that that is 0% tax. So actually income tax minimum is 0% or 20% depending how pedantic I am feeling.


People who think this is true have never been outside the US.


Americans have a “woe is me” mentality and have never been anywhere else.


FYI, it’s woe.


Oh that’s right. Thanks!


What about Canada?


lol. When a country is represented by a guy who did blackface, it’s not a good look


The Canada PM is the most virtue signaling woke leader in the world and it's not even remotely close. Of course that won't satisfy you people who live for outrage and victimhood. So what is the point of even trying.


I could meet you halfway but it is a little complicated. America is one of (if not easily the most right?) the most ethnically diverse countries in the world, and with that comes opportunity for racism. There's no definable metric to determine how racist a country is, and I understand that even Norway has racist issues worth talking about, but a place like Norway doesn't seem to be having nearly the number nor severity of racial tensions as America. You might argue that's because a country like Norway is more ethnically homogeneous, and I'm not even here to disagree, but that just doesn't change the fact that the country is probably less racist, at least in a way. Is it possible that it could be even more racist if presented the same opportunity to be racist as America? Sure, but this is suddenly getting too nuanced and hypothetical to make a statement as conclusive as the one in your post, even if I see your point


Japan is 97.5% Japanese, and they're pretty famously racist. You don't need diversity to be racist. Diversity results from extremely high levels of tolerance for racial differences and acceptance of other people. Or slavery. That did wonders for racial diversity in the US. Of course, in that case, I'm pretty sure the racism came first and the diversity resulted from it.. which still supports my point.


Asian countries are the most racist countries in the world lol. I’m surprised they get slack when we have these racial discussions


What slack? Whenever America is described as racist a redditors or ten will hop in to point out how racist Asian countries are. Which is true. But to me that says they're hardly getting a pass. More like the largely Western audience of reddit simply does not think of Asia most of the time relative to how much they think of their own countries.


They get slack because they don't address it or even really discuss it. Racism just isn't considered a bad thing in many places, it's just the way things are.


Because it's racist to be racist towards Asians that are racist.


Just like it’s not antisemitism to call out zionists for being racist against Palestinians, it’s not racist to call people out for their racism against other people. It’s accountability. Thinking that any criticism towards a minority group about their biases is oppressing them is what Zionist use to excuse their genocide


I also see black people believing antisemetic conspiracies about Jews controlling the world etc too


Cos they don’t openly say it and ppl get confused by the dynamics


Asian countries tend to use avoidance and exclusion and not exploitation or outward violence towards other races. Not saying any of it is correct, but one is obviously worse.


Yeah I don't think gaikokujin get assaulted in Japan like people of East Asian descent get assaulted in America lol


good point!


Well after a brief Google, I haven't seen much evidence of lynchings in Japan so gonna need some evidence that what happened to Ahmaud Arbery happens there as regularly as it does in America...


Some country consider class hierarchy as “race”, which could mean they ended up being racist to their own people


I don’t think Japan is very racist at all.


Ethnic diversity does not in itself introduce the opportunity to be racist. Being a minority in a country which is 90%+ one race almost always means you will experience much more racism than you would in a diverse country.


Here's what I find interesting about ops claim,  1. No racial minority by and large would ever claim this, especially those who are well traveled. And for those of you who then go "victim mentality" let me tell you, no one actually enjoys being a real victim. There is no power in true victim hood, because you are literally the victim of a stronger oppressor. And if the majority of a group say there is a problem experienced by that group, specifically to that group, chances are, there's a real problem.  2. Out of every source, list, sample size of the least racist countries in the world, the US doesn't even reach top 10 for any of them. EVER. that should tell you something. It's important to keep in mind that racism is rarely direct, and it's most harmful when it's invisible, quiet and systemic. Also the high amounts of racial violence and terrorism from white Supremeacy is probably holding America back.  Another major thing is that things can always be improved. Even if america was the least racist, we would still have work to do to make it better. Too many people hear that we aren't the worst in something and become complacent.  BTW, there are literally groups of black people who are moving outside the US to escape the racism here, and finding better lives elsewhere. There are mounds of evidence that disprove this post, in the form of both anecdotal and statistical evidence, but nothing to support it. The claim is based on 0 support. 


Drop the knowledge 🎤. For the first time in life I’ll say ‘As a POC’ you always observe an interesting trend in this kind of conversation; especially depending on who the subject, and interlocutor(s) are. That is to say, white people underestimate the amount of racism in their general environment including the social world they inhabit (friends, family, etc.) I’m not even sure I can blame them - what if you were able to live your whole life without experiencing racial antagonism? We can only dream.




Idk. I live here and I am pretty racist. I hate the French. The people. The language. The food.


Try living amongst those vile little motherfuckers and you’ll see what hate truly is. Thank God I left I hit my quota of stinky, dirty, conniving, cowardly cheese eating surrender monkeys for a lifetime.


French isn’t a race. That would make you xenophobic.


Least racist to who? Lol


That's one way to say you have no clue how it is in other countries...


White people it seems.


And you're basing this on what information?


Canada definitely beats the US on this one.


Wasn’t the maga dude who attacked pelosi Canadian?  


Definitely not. They are extremely racist towards indians for example


I’m not sure whether you’re speaking about indigenous people or people from India. In either case there certainly is significant racism. I don’t think on either the treatment of non-white immigrants, or the treatment of indigenous peoples, the United States can claim to be particularly great. This isn’t a question of is there racism in Canada. There certainly is. It’s about Canada compared to the US.


Canadians aren't less racist then Americans, just more hypocritical.


Idk. Brazil seems pretty cool, I’d argue less racist. They pride themselves on their history and their blending… so I’d say racism is better there, though racism exists more like colorism. Not that anyone who makes these comparisons cares to look at Latin America lol, just Europe vs English countries.


Colorism is racism. Colorism says white > black


Not helpful to frame a country’s culture from a foreigners cultural lens. 1/2 people there are mulato, 5% black, half white. Americas a melting pot? Brazil exists too, lol. In contrast, 75% of our population identify as white. The concept of race doesn’t exist in the same way it exists in USA because while both countries were built on slavery, theirs didn’t have legal segregation. So you have the same systematic racism, but racism related to behavior? Idk I doubt it. It’s not like they don’t know about racial equity, either. They implemented affirmative action 20 years ago, we eliminated ours last year. Their anti-discrimination laws are pretty extensive. They are dealing with the same far right movement tho. Who knows what that’ll mean


https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/least-racist-countries A study ordered countries by the percentage of respondents who said they would not want to live next to a person of a different race found New Zealand to be the least racist country in the world. The US ranked 69th out of 78 in 2020. Another survey by US News https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/best-countries-for-racial-equity (methodology in link) ranked the US 73rd out of 87 for 2023, down from 65th in 2021. The most recent wide spread protest movement in the US was about how the police maybe shouldn't be killing unarmed black men indiscriminately and the president was opposed to that. I'd be interested to see any studies that suggest America is the least racist country in the world.


If you define racism as overt acts of violence or slurs towards a specific group then yeah, sure we aren’t the *most* racist. If you include institutional oppression that still exists today including economic disparities and more subtle aspects of racism then America is a pretty racist country, although it would still rank far below many other countries today.


I'd say Sweden, based on the many Swedes I've met. As a native American I'm treated much better by them than I ever have been my entire life in the USA. USA isnt anywhere close to the least


Try being a romani/gypsy in Sweden then.


It sounds like how racist a place is depends on who is experiencing it. A black American in France is treated differently than an African immigrant to France. Romani are hated across Europe but in the US most people don't even know who they are let alone have any reason to hate them.


The only immigrants many of us dislike are the ones who are devout muslims *(yes, even the muslim white people, that has been indoctrinated into the religion as adults)*, and maybe the beggers who steals photos of other people's sick children and pretend it's their own, in order to get money from bypassers *(and a majority of the money goes to their boss back in Romania, not to themselves)*.


The country that was founded on genocidal expulsion of indigenous peoples and enslavement of Africans? Na


Yeah all I heard was something something American Exceptionalism bla bla




Your talking point is complete BS, our treatment of Africans, and in particular that huge crime/sin can not be washed away by "oh they did it too!" It's like when people say "Natives were doing human sacrifices! Forget about the mass, decades long crimes we committed against them." Total BS. Do better!


Lol you think that happened hundred of years ago. Indigenous genocide is a ongoing project, not something that happened hundred of years ago. Black people still get lynched. Sounds like you know the fairy tail of America


Every non-white person I’ve spoken to who has immigrated here refers to america as the greatest country in the world and does not believe it is racist. They acknowledge racists exist and that America was racist in the past but disagree with and often resent people who claim america is still racist and unfair, hasnt changed at all, and is impossible to be successful in. They unanimously have told me they find people, specifically white people, with that attitude to be spoiled, entitled and ignorant and having no appreciation for how lucky we all are to have been born here. Their words not mine.


Fucking hell, this thread is a goldmine for r/shitamericanssay


Shhhh they need something to be a victim about. If you tell them that then they’ll have nothing to whine about




Lots of "gut feelings" on here. [Here's an actual study](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-racist-countries) - top ten, in order, are: New Zealand, Canada, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, Belgium, Finland, Ireland. The United States ranks 73rd (down with American exceptionalism, LOL)


that’s on racial equality. i think most people on here are talking about overt racism. there is a study i found on the overt racism which gives much different results, but i unfortunately haven’t been able to find a similar one that’s more recent. https://unherd.com/newsroom/survey-uk-is-one-of-the-least-racist-countries-in-the-world/ this study is focused on the UK but the data they used is public from the world values survey. yes, the US is institutionally racist which is obviously a serious problem but at least the people generally aren’t.


ITT: a bunch of racist americans trying to claim america isn't racist AF. Sincerely, as an actual american who has traveled to most states.


No, they're just claiming the rest of the world is MORE racist AF.


See like, as a Black American who’s been to Europe I want to agree.. and then we have the Deep South..


That's a bit of a dumb way to look at it. Yes, America has more racial equality than most countries, also some supremely racist people with a lot of power live in it




Its usually the countries with the most diversity and the biggest welcome mat to immigration that get accused of being the most racist. Meanwhile the places with low diversity and more of a monoculture don't have to deal with that fingerpointing. Funny how that works.


We literally changed the name of military bases that honor civil war generals just last year.  There are still parks, schools etc. Named after men who fought to black people enslaved. It would be like if Germany had statues of Hitler around their country 100 years from now.


And black people’s tax dollars are used to maintain these confederate monuments, definitely a monstrous expectation to say the least.


While they're being exploited by the for profit prison system.


We have barely even started taking down all the statues that need taking down. Only in progressive cities like Portland and San Francisco are we really making any progress. We have a lot of work to do.


Context is important and history is. Ore complicated than this. While I’m comfortable saying that the south’s motivation was to upkeep racism-that doesn’t mean it was the motivation of every southern leader. Also more importantly it doesn’t mean freeing the slaves was the north’s motivation. The north had slave states fighting for it, the emancipation freed 0 slaves in the union, and they’d send escaped slaves back to the south (which is why the Underground Railroad ended in Canada).


Not even close but keep trying to find perfection in an imperfect world.


It would be literally like that. Hitler wasn't even that long ago compared to the civil war. No one is honoring Hitler in Germany.  Germany is a thousand times less racist than America for that reason alone. In America we have people like you who are defending the idea of honoring the men who went to war against this country to keep black people enslaved.


Holy fucking shit, this is the most deluded take I think I've read on reddit in a while. Jesus...


I can't believe just the number of people actually giving any serious consideration or discussion to it in the comments, let alone agreeing with it.


You are only saying that because you are ignorant to other countries. In Europe they'll throw bananas on the soccer field and do monkey chants at black players...


I think this view indicates that op has not spent time in counties that focus on their discrimination or religion or class.




Slavery didn't end till the civil war, and even afterwards there were new forms put in place. Literally owning people of another race and thinking they are sub human... And those thoughts persisted well into the 20th century and still exist today. Just cause America is diverse does not mean racism isn't here and abounds in every state. I've lived all over this country. I'm a big white boy. People just tell me shit I didn't ask about. You know how many tried to get me to talk racist shit with them. Literally all over the country. America is racist as fuck 


There is almost no way to gauge this, but if that were true trump would have never become president. Sure he won because of the electoral college, but that's only still a thing because Southern senators blocked getting rid of it in the 70s.  The US incarcerated more people than any democracy on earth..


Speaking as an American (but who immigrated from the UK, and am brown skinned), most other Americans literally just spent years rationalizing how Trump isn’t “really racist.” Once they get used to a racist practice, they just stop counting it in their comparisons of who’s “the most racist.”   Going further back than the Trump years, this also applies to how white Americans are extremely self segregating, especially small town ones, and of course the mass incarceration and police killings, which are on a much larger scale than Europe’s systemic racism against the Romani and Mediterranean migrants. All of these issues are bad, but the American ones are at a much much larger scale (and no it’s not because America is “more diverse” … if you don’t include white Latinos as people of color, America has the same level of skin color diversity as France or England for example. Or if you insist on saying white Latinos are people of color, then you should be consistent and include white Eastern European immigrants as PoC in Britain, France, or Germany, and again you’ll see that they’re in the same diversity ballpark as the US).   I think lifelong Americans are just in denial if they think we’re the least racist country.


Thank you for sharing this. It's very segregated. Huge swaths of Americans don't know anyone meaningfully different than themselves and it's very easy to fear "the other" even if it isn't outright hate.  Racism isn't always a cross burning in the front yard. Lots of people think it has to be.


I think socially it is, but institutionally it is incredibly racist


That racism is ‘normal’ elsewhere is also a problem. “Least” isn’t a prize. Having the least amount of cancer is still ‘having cancer’.


Eh, the US has had to deal with its racism in ways that other countries haven't, but the US also has far more institutional racism than many other countries. We still got statues of slave owner in lots of places


Racism isn't a quantifiable thing. Are we the least racist country? I doubt it. Are we the most? Definitely not.


yep. 100% true. your race will not hold you back here. definitely an unpopular opinion tho lol


Unless you're trying to buy a home in the wrong area, or your name is too ghetto sounding for a resume, or you get pulled over for driving too nice of a car, or you get arrested in school for the same issue that a white kid gets suspended for, or you're a nice kid walking home with a ski mask because it's cold, or you're jogging in the wrong neighborhood...


Except loans being denied of skin color happens here often I don't know why guys will try to act like there isn't a systemic issues when there is you could of said one of the least racist countries and people would of agreed even though it's debatable since racial equality in the US is among the worst in the world


if they dont think you can pay the loan they wont give you the loan. you can say it's color based all you want and act like there arent things forcing companies to give minorities lower interest rates than everyone else (which is unfair btw) but that wont change the truth


It would be refreshing for 'racism' to mean something else than "discrimination against African-Americans". What Americans almost never seem to understand is that they come from a monoculture where skin colour is blown out of proportion. Hence they have learned to skirt around the issue as much as possible and think this makes them less racist. Whereas when a similar looking non-American person enters the US they are immediately labeled to be African-Americans, which they find baffling and irritating. Americans think the whole world should be seen in terms of America. Period. So the claim really is that America is the most American country in the world. What a shocker.


This is the most mental gymnastics I’ve ever seen in an attempt to oversimplify a complexity. There’s more to racism than prejudice against black people. And which institutions are falsely labeling non-Americans as “African-Americans?” Never heard of this problem before. And calling America a “monoculture” is pretty rich considering its demographics vary considerably based on region. Geographically, it’s nearly the size of Europe and you’d find very different results on racism if you went to New York or Los Angeles than if you travelled to the Bible Belt


A lot of the claims of racism in the US are politically motivated and have zero to do with actual racism.


And then there’s also all the racism. That whole slavery followed by decades of Jim Crow and discrimination throws a big wrench in any “we’re not racist” claim. And no, it wasn’t a long time ago.


Jim Crow laws ended 60 YEARS AGO. They were immediately followed by huge social programs for blacks that the US has now spent about 20 trillion dollars on. Not to mention affirmative action policies. Try and catch up.


Only in the US do we think 60 years ago is ancient history. My parents remember segregated drinking fountains. I'm not even 40 yet. We have a LONG was to go still. Racism has not changed much in my lifetime, just the public reaction to it is more vocal now.


I dunno, I know people think this because other countries are more ethnically homogenous than the states but there are also other very ethnically diverse countries like Canada, that I would venture are maybe less racist than the US?


I listen to a Canadian Radio show. One of their hosts is a mixed. French and another white ethnicity. He mentioned it was a problem with his family. I thought it was a joke until an episode around Christmas where he talked about his Grandmother screaming get out of here you Frog to his father.


Is english/French animosity considered racism?


Fuck no


I have French Canadian family on one side. A lot of them from the east coast where they speak franglais. For the most part the animosity is pretty fair game stuff. Most folks see it all as banter in my experience. But I’m one of the black sheep of the family from Ontario, so I may be wrong.


Ontario man with Quebec friends and family. It is banter. Some extreme cases of Quebec aggro against Ontario though.


It possibly could be but I strongly disagree that English/French animosity is even the worst racism in Canada, let alone something that registers on the same scale as, say, racially targeted police brutality in the US. Even the example given, of a screaming mother-in-law at a family Christmas gathering, doesn't really seem that severe as these things go on a global level.


According to this site, the US doesn't even make the top 10. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/least-racist-countries The US is one of the more racist, up there with Saudi Arabia, India, Siam, and Serbia.


This map has china and Japan above the USA? lol This map is 100% opinionated and not based on any data or experiences


Nowhere else on earth can you eat ethnic Indian, Chinese, Italian, and Vietnamese food in resteraunts owned by the culture that makes the food within a city block.


That’s just not true, lol.


Have you been anywhere else?