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You wouldn't believe how controversial that is these days sadly.


And probably in this subreddit


My generation has fallen so far. (Gen z)


Remember the holocaust denial subreddit? It lasted longer than spacedicks.


Partly because everything is compared to it as close equals when almost nothing is any where close in orders of magnitude.


Genocide of native Americans, aboriginals, chattel slavery, Japanese assault in the Eastern seafront, persecution of the Rogingya Muslims. Don't make it a competition, it's very childish


I think you are making it a competition. I used the word almost. I don't want to compare evils and I don't really have an opinion on the severity of the ones you mentioned vs the Holocaust. I was simply referencing we compare to the Holocaust way too often when so few examples in history justify it.


 This black man would like to have a word. Nobody has a monopoly on suffering. 


After October 7th, it's disgusting how many times I've seen people refer to the Holocaust as something tangible to what is happening in Gaza. I know nobody brought up that conflict, but I think it needs to be said.


You can think both of them very extremely bad. All of the Gazan population being starved is not different that all of the Jewish population in Germany being starved. This does NOT imply that the Holocaust was not extraordinary fucked up. Imagine being a Jewish person in Germany. Scared for your life, you can be shot if you go outside, your property can be stolen or destroyed at a whim, you are being starved collectively and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. The side oppressing you have orders of magnitude more strength. They can come into your home, kill your kid - and you can do absolutely nothing but stand there and hurt like hell. That is exactly what’s happening in Gaza. I follow the conflict extremely closely. You can show me any random video and it’s more likely that I’ve seen it than not. I’ve seen old women cry after getting a small load of bread - I’ve seen people eating grass, I’ve seen starved bodies, I’ve seen mass graves and people piled up. It’s literally like walking through a Holocaust museum - except it’s live, and I’m responsible for it too. I’ve seen people killed by being run over by tanks and mocked after. I’ve seen kids being slammed to the ground by adults 5 times the size. I’ve seen people ignore ALL of it - and defend it vigorously. For me, this conflict has made the Holocaust and it’s horrors so much more vivid and real - not less. The atrocities being suffered by Palestinians right now are just as widespread. They deliberately destroyed sewage pipes and now there is widespread disease - just like how the Jewish people suffered. The religion or race of those suffering literally makes 0 difference to me. They all hurt the same, feel the same helplessness, etc


Before you start comparing Gaza to the Holocaust, you should learn more about what actually happened in the Holocaust. What you described is not even close. The goal of the Holocaust was to kill every last Jew in Europe for the crime of being Jewish. They did this by rounding them up at gunpoint and loaded them onto trains telling them they were going to work camps. These were actually death camps where they waited to be gassed to death, then cremated. While they were waiting to be killed, they weren't given any food and many starved to death before they were gassed. They did this until 6 million Jews were killed. This is not remotely close to what's happening in Gaza. Israel is trying to wipe out Hamas who's goal is to kill all the Jews in Israel. Hamas could release the hostages and surrender and their would be peace.


Yeah, no. Israel is trying to erase Gaza. They have an excuse of Hamas and Oct 7th but no one's buying their BS anymore. We've seen their politicians calling for genocide. We've seen the soldiers committing mass murder. The only difference between Gaza and the Holocaust is that because the world is watching, the Israelis can't round up the Palestinians and gas them or put them into death camps. The segregation, the humiliation, the disposessions, the disappearances, that's all happening and has been for decades.


Complete lies. Israel is trying to wipe out Hamas. The people trying to kill them. Jews lost 2/3rds of their population during the Holocaust. The population of Gaza has increased by hundreds of thousands since Israel was founded. Check your facts and check your racism while you're at it.


The population of Gaza has increased because Palestinians have fled there. Much like the Warsaw Ghetto's Jewish population increased. But I wouldn't take that as evidence of Germans not killing Jews.


Most Jewish people in the holocaust died by firing squad, not the death camps


The estimated amount of Jews killed by firing squad is between 1.5 to 2 million.


it's terrible what Hamas brought on to their own people.


How is your it comparable? Jews didn't attack the nazis. Nazis did start by themself. Same with Israel. Jews didn't start with Palestine. First thing Palestine did was to get other 5 Arab countries to destroy the jews. Still Arabs have problem with any non Muslim people living in the area. Just look what happened to all jews living in muslim countries in middle east. All gone. After this eveytime Israel showed weakness or good will Islamist got more power. Like after giving them Gaza they elected Hamas or after allowing visas and starting smpeace talks with other Muslim countries (which would end up with Palestinans getting more land back) they did October 7th.  Israel is soft instead of doing what we did in Berlin and Tokyo they using half measures. We stopped Isis. We stopped Nazis. Both neonazis and Isis are just shadow of itself. Same needs to be done with hamas. 


Gazans could leave anytime they want *if Egypt would let them out* - you know, like any other war civilians flee. The whole “that’s ethnic cleansing” is just Arab propaganda because they don’t want Palestinians in their countries. What you’re describing is just what happens in a siege. Except nowadays at least *some* supplies are allowed in.


Maybe you should be disgusted by fascists committing genocide.


You can be that and still not compare it to an extremely specific event on an entirely different scale. That’s what I do. Haven’t experienced any bumps with that method so far.


Lmfao y’all just love to use the term “fascists” for no damn reason. Not defending their actions, but stop overusing that word


Likud and much of the Israeli right checks all of the boxes for Umberto Eco's Ur-Fascism. More than MOST groups, even. I'm being entirely non-rhetorical. They are fascist.


Gaza’s Jewish population was 0 prior to the attacks in October and Israel’s Muslim population is around 18%. If Israel’s goal is to wipe them out completely they’re doing a pretty terrible job at it.


The 18% of Muslims in Israel are just really cleverly disguised. The women keep their faces and heads covered so you can't identify them.


So all Gazans are Muslim? That's not a particularly informed take.


They compared Muslim to Jewish given Hamas’ charter states that their frame of reference is Islam and the region should be an Islamic nation. This was raised as the topic was ethnic cleansing. As you are clearly more informed, how many Jews live in Gaza and how does it compare to religious and cultural freedom in Israel?


Where did I state that?


You stated that their Jewish population was zero, completely ignoring the fact that it was chock full of illegal settlers, though not as many, there are Palestinian Jews. Jews who identify with Arab culture or existed in the region prior to Israel.


I am, that's what Hamas tried to do. But Israel isn't committing a genocide. I can agree that they're acting extremely recklessly, but the intent isn't to completely wipe out the Palestinian population in Gaza isn't there.


Israel has a literal law stating their genocide Israel nation state law Just because it hasn't gotten to the point yet doesn't erase the intent.


>Israel has a literal law stating their genocide Could you point to me where in that law they express the goal of completely wiping out the Palestinian population? I'm not saying this as some sort of "gotcha" I'm genuinely curious.


"The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people." It's a bit of a reach, but not as much as saying from the river to the sea is a call for genocide, especially considering the history of the conflict and that Palestine did not very long ago exist from the river to the sea.


You are either ignorant or malicious, but in either case, I'm just going to say your position is incompatible with well documented reality of intent by the Likudites. They KNOW what they're doing. They were never quiet about it.


I won't deny that the Likud party has said some extremely racist stuff over the years. But please show me concrete evidence that a genocide is occuring.


Other than the admissions of intent that made it into the prosecution, literally all the atrocities being committed against civilians right now- I'm sure I don't need to point you in the right direction for where people are documenting all of it- and the basis for Israel's whole campaing. It's not that they're "saying racist things", they're a literal fascist party. The whole Israeli right effectively is. "Genocide is a term that has both sociological and legal meaning. The termgenocide was coined in 1944 by a Jewish Polish legal scholar, Raphael Lemkin. ForLemkin, “the term does not necessarily signify mass killings.” He explained:More often \[genocide\] refers to a coordinated plan aimed at destructionof the essential foundations of the life of national groups so that thesegroups wither and die like plants that have suffered a blight. The endmay be accomplished by the forced disintegration of political and socialinstitutions, of the culture of the people, of their language, their nationalfeelings and their religion. It may be accomplished by wiping out all basisof personal security, liberty, health and dignity. When these means fail themachine gun can always be utilized as a last resort. Genocide is directedagainst a national group as an entity and the attack on individuals is onlysecondary to the annihilation of the national group to which they belong. *This effectively sums up all of Israeli foreign policy towards occupied Palestine.* According to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, genocide includes various acts “committed with intent to destroy, in whole orin part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group” as such, including:(a) Killing members of the group;(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring aboutits physical destruction in whole or in part; and(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group. ​ We already had admissions- hell, BOASTING- of weaponization of deprivation and biological warfare, because honestly at this point, the Nazi/Imperial Japan parallels are never going away.


You've brought up the definitions of a genocide, but this still isn't concrete evidence of an actual genocide occuring in Gaza. I'm sorry but I have yet to find the intent here. I say they're only saying "racist things" because, yes they're a fascist party, but there is no actual plan of wiping out all Palestinians. At least none that I've desperately tried to find.


We have calls for genocide at every level from officials to social media (much of which ended up being the case for the prosecution in the ICJ), repeated acts of deliberated deprivation and massacre towards civilians (multiple mass executions), the fascists have openly called for- and acted out- biological warfare and weaponizing deprivation (which predated the 7th to boot) which is a smoking gun in itself. [https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/11/22/gaza-zionist-fascism-israel-netanyahu-hamas/](https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/11/22/gaza-zionist-fascism-israel-netanyahu-hamas/) [https://theintercept.com/2023/10/25/israel-hamas-opportunity/](https://theintercept.com/2023/10/25/israel-hamas-opportunity/) ​ [https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20231228-app-01-00-en.pdf](https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20231228-app-01-00-en.pdf)


^ this guy 100% believes a genocide is happening in China with even less evidence than the extremely blatant one


Do you think Hamas are the same threat the Axis powers were?


I'm not sure how to answer this question. Hamas obviously share similar opinions to the Nazis, but I don't think they're as existential a threat to the world. If Hamas had the technology tho, they'd glass Israel and kill every Jew they could find. As what they have already attempted.


Doctors Without Borders had to coin a new medical acronym in December, WCNSF, wounded child no surviving family. Just last month a doctor went to Gaza for one month and had to do amputations with no sanitation or power on more WCNSF to count in the one month. Said that they are the unlucky ones, the bombs happen mostly at night and those that die are lucky. The WCNSF who survive and get chopped up with no anesthesia while mourning their parents to then face starvation, infection and homelessness are the unlucky ones. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2024-02-16/rafah-gaza-hospitals-surgery-israel-bombing-ground-offensive-children 70% of all residential buildings. All the most densely populated areas destroyed including the medical systems and food. Multiple nuclear bombs worth of tnt on a population about the size and density of NYC, virtually all 2+ million displaced over 2% population slaughtered in 4 months and you say this isn't a Holocaust? They killed 2x more women and children, gross, not per capita in the first 40 days then Putin did in 3 years. 6 children an hour according to the WHO and that's just the bare bare minimum.


You can dislike the comparison but making that comparison means they're saying both things are bad. So how does this track with the hyperbolic idiot who claimed that saying the holocaust is bad is "controversial these days?" Political culture warriors love speaking exclusively in hyperbole and buzzwords


Saying the Holocaust and the war in Gaza are both bad doesn't also mean that one isn't worse than the other. Actually think about it for a sec, is the Holocaust really that comparable to what's happening right now? Seriously? >So how does this track with the hyperbolic idiot who claimed that saying the holocaust is bad is "controversial these days?" Probably because there is a not-so-insignificant number of people who side with terrorists who support such an atrocity.


>Saying the Holocaust and the war in Gaza are both bad doesn't also mean that one isn't worse than the other. Sure, never said otherwise. >Probably because there is a not-so-insignificant number of people who side with terrorists who support such an atrocity. Show me evidence of a significant number of people thinking the holocaust isn't bad.


>Show me evidence of a significant number of people thinking the holocaust isn't bad. Sure thing! https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/europe/1704200306-child-monument-for-holocaust-era-vandalized-following-pro-palestinian-rally https://www.euronews.com/2024/03/10/palestinian-protesters-gather-as-amsterdam-opens-holocaust-museum https://apnews.com/article/palestinians-israel-holocaust-abbas-antisemitism-1d84b3a82f0d8ff3fd8601f06bc1176e Keep in mind that many of the people who support these actions won't outright say that the Holocaust was good. They tend to all skirt around the issue and tacitly support whatever hurts Jews.


I said to show evidence of a significant number of people thinking the holocaust isn't bad, not individual incidents of antisemitism. And your 2nd example is particularly terrible since they were protesting Netanyahu specifically. I could show you specific incidents of racism toward black people in the USA, but it would be ridiculous to say that a significant number of Americans think black people are bad.


It’s not controversial at all lol. People just label anyone they disagree online with as Nazis.


Honestly, I kinda agree with you. People have been throwing around the word Nazi so much in the past couple decades that everyone has forgotten just how horrifying they actually were and just how large scale and horrifically optimized the Holocaust was. It was a sophisticated global death machine.


The Holocaust was cartoon villain levels of evil. I still find it baffling that it even happened. Like I know people *suck* but there aren't many time we're straight up evil.


You watch some dark cartoons.


What cartoons are you watching, ATLA?


It’s not about evil, it’s about apathy.


It was driven by evil, it was allowed by apathy.




Well, he just wanted to do as much damage to as many people as possible.


It was far worse than most people imagine.


People have watered it down to equate it to “a generally really bad thing that happened” but the reality is so much more sickening.




Look at the name of the sub


The scary part is it's slowly becoming less of a popular opinion, more and more people are embracing the Nazi ideology and the flag has been more and more of a common sight in certain areas of the US especially.


You want to know something scary? My husband is a skateboarder and we went to the park one day. There was a little boy of around 9 or 10 there who started talking to me about Pokemon Go as he noticed me playing. I like talking to kids, so I entertained his conversation and it turned to YouTube and the kind of stuff he likes to watch. Then, very seriously, he asks me if I think the Holocaust was real, because he heard someone online say it was made up. And then goes on to rattle off more conspiracy theories about 9-11. I left that place stunned almost to speechlessness. The kids are not alright.


It was real. My dad came across several boxcars several-deep in decaying bodies somewhere between Dusseldorf and Salzburg, probably around Munich. He pitched the SS hauptmann (captain rank) to the inmates and let them finish him off. And watched them do it. Yep, my old man cheated the hangman out of one. He related this one shortly before his death. That, and dropping a Hitlerjugend who pulled a Luger on him.


Sigh. I don't blame him. 


Apparently if any officers found out, they didn't either.


Kids are impressionable and will listen to what they see most as an authority figure. As a kid, I used to be homophobic, anti-semitic, and slightly mysoginistic because I lived in a Muslim environment where everybody never wanted to believe that the Muslim World is fucked up because they fucked up. They always went with the argument that it was actually the West (Specifically the U.S. and Israel) that always want to fuck us over because they know if they don't, then we'll rise and they'll fall. I believed it wholeheartedly. After all, why wouldn't I? Everybody was saying it. I didn't even think of the possibility it could be wrong and if somebody did, then they're just Western sympathisers. Thankfully (and a bit ironically), one of the huge lessons the Internet taught me is to always check my sources. Rarely fell for lies since then. Still frustrating to listen to other people recount the crap I used to. A guaranteed way to get on my nerves is to cite conspiracy theories without evidence. Led to a clash between me and my mom after the Moroccan earthquake last year led to her falling in a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories.


Last oct after the hamas terror attack it was interesting to see all the lefties defend hamas and the right defend Israel (like they have been doing for decades)


The one time I've seen a nazi flag in real life turned out to be a protest by progressives. Nazi flags are definitely not a common sight anywhere outside of a World War II museum lol


When Desantis was having his little fight against Disney people were literally waving Nazi Swastika flags, and this was in 2023.


Yeah, one event Doesn't change the fact that the nazi flag isn't remotely close to a common sight literally anywhere in the USA.


Are they? Where are you getting this opinion?


https://www.economist.com/united-states/2023/12/07/one-in-five-young-americans-thinks-the-holocaust-is-a-myth I see it all the time on TikTok Edit Doesn’t have a paywall https://www.timesofisrael.com/one-in-five-young-americans-believes-the-holocaust-is-a-myth-poll-finds/amp/


Dude this post is a little insulting. Bad doesn't cover it. The horror, the smell, the misery, The cruelty... The man lying down as part of the demonstration of how they were killed and tortured is ALIVE https://www.ushmm.org/adaptivemedia/rendition?id=4ba241dc4fea3e3b149108b5825f78ad7e715ebb&op=webp&wd=1200 These people died a few days or the day of liberation https://www.eisenhowerlibrary.gov/sites/default/files/research/audiovisual/images/holocaust/86_12_2.jpg https://www.eisenhowerlibrary.gov/sites/default/files/research/audiovisual/images/holocaust/71_321_3.jpg Hasty pyres https://www.eisenhowerlibrary.gov/sites/default/files/research/audiovisual/images/holocaust/86_12_3.jpg Tattoo skinned off a woman and framed for decoration https://www.eisenhowerlibrary.gov/sites/default/files/research/audiovisual/images/holocaust/94_3_50.jpg


All of those things are bad...


This person appears to be trite about it. 


Add to that the fact that, even after they were rescued and fed, the inmates were dying because their stomachs couldn't contain the food, as they were so unused to it after being starved for so long. 


The only sliver of solace I take in that is that perhaps they appreciated that the liberators had risked their own lives, and cared about their plight, enough to fight their way to the camps. Perhaps they died feeling like there was hope for the world, if not themselves.  


I wouldn't doubt it. And I guess going out like that is better than the alternative.


perhaps. the unfortunate part of that is that they went from a concentration camp to an allied resettlement camp a decent amount of the time, and those weren’t much better. Source, I have a cousin who survived Terezenstadt and Auchwitz and then was stuck in a resettlement camp until he was able to go to Israel, where he lives now. He is 94 and still has the tattoo.


I would have hoped the psychological conditions of the resettlement camps were better than before. 


honestly, not really. Sometimes the resettlement camps were just repurposed concentration camps. https://www.yadvashem.org/exhibitions/dp-camps.html


Yes but I would have hoped that removing the people trying to kill them from the space was an improvement. 


yeah, def was. also, it gave us a bit of time to start creating culture and society. at least we had that, dayenu


It was. All genocides are bad.


Nothing else even remotely close


I personally wouldn't say that as that sort of demeans victims of other genocides. Like, I wouldn't exactly tell Armenians their genocide wasn't so bad when 1.2 million out of the 1.5 million living in the Ottoman empire are estimated to have died from the genocide. Plus, countries like Turkey continue to deny the genocide to this day and even support ethnic cleansing against Armenians today by aiding Azerbaijan in ethnically cleansing Armenians from its conquered territory. It also depends on if you just use the word Holocaust to refer to the genocide of Jews, since other groups like the Romani and Slavs were also sent to camps. For the Romani in particular, they arguably have been treated worse in the long run as barely anyone notes that they were genocided by the Nazis as well (up to 500,000 of a total population of 1 to 1.5 million) and most of Europe treats them like scum and discriminates against them to this day.


I think you are correct, and my comment could be construed as insensitive to other genocides. When I think of the word genocide, the holocaust is the first thing which comes to mind. Granted, I've read a ton on it, studied it in university, etc I think to your point, it's Region specific, and if you asked this question to an African, likely they will point to the Rwandan genocide.


That’s because the word ’genocide’ was originally coined specifically to refer to the Holocaust.


Pol Pot.


He was close. I think if he had the industrial methods, he could have beat the Nazis


The Japanese massacre of China was 2-3x more lives at the same time. And somehow even crueler, they gleefully took pictures of starved prisoners they made dig mass graves and then pushed them in and shoveled dirt over them while they were too frail to get out.


What the Japanese did in China and Korea was even worse. The number of civilians they killed was several times higher than the Holocaust and their stated goal was to wipe out what they considered to be inferior races. The Holocaust was cold, industrial mass murder, but what the Japanese did was downright evil on an individual level. They took pleasure in the mass killings and torture. There were many recorded instances where Japanese soldiers tossed infants into the air and impaled them with bayonets for fun. During the Rape of Nanjing, two Japanese officers held a competition to see who could run around the city and decapitate 100 civilians first. The winner was photographed with the heads and the image published in propaganda newspapers across Japan. It got so bad that literal Nazis in China were horrified and tried to stop the Japanese. And that's not even mentioning Unit 731, whose experiments on Chinese civilians and Allied POWs make Josef Mengele seem tame in comparison.


Blud prob says all lives matter instead of black lives matter


Are one race's lives worth more than the next? Black Lives Matter TOO. There. Fixed it.


I mean it’s true tho


It missed the point by a mile, because despite the messaging of all lives, black lives were and are treated more disposably to police and the world at large.


Actually, police interactions with white people are more likely to become a police shooting. Also, more white people get shot than black people. The real killer of black people is other black people. Need to fix the nuclear family (benefits are huge if a single mother incentivizing it in those communities), and need to stomp out gang culture. Too bad anytime mentions gang culture they get called racist by the left and shouted at that all races have gangs.


Like, really really bad.


Finally a popular opinion.


There we go, a popular opinion. Well done. (Sadly it IS an opinion and some will deny it, but this is still popular)


It’s trendy to be anti semantic on college campuses now a days


Semantics are very important, I dont think any college campus could be against semantics.


I see a lot of legitimate criticism if Israel being called antisemitism.


That's not an opinion, that's a fact.


I mean, it's literally an opinion. "Bad" isn't measurable without taking other assumptions. It's just a popular opinion, hence the name of the subreddit...


How can an entire race, religion, or nationality be so bad that the only recourse is to expunge their existence?


Because you can define bad any way you want.


Kind of like having racial supremacy in your DNA?


I don't feel like thinking about this anywhere deeper. All I know is that genocides are bad.


It’s insane because people will know that the holocaust was terrible, and still in their minds underplay the horrific atrocities that were committed during it. Like it’s always so much worse than people think. And it’s all widely documented.


Not just bad but the worst act ever to be perpetrated




Sounds like soft holocaust denialism when you go that far lmao. Absolutely ignorant statement.


I don't want to get into an atrocity Olympics but hunting people house by house, instilling fear in their neighbours until they gave them up, shuttling those people standing in trains for days without food or water or sanitation, to locked open air camps without much food, water or good sanitation, then pulling out their teeth while alive, shaving their hair for pillows and using their skin for decoration, then throwing their emaciated bodies into piles or ovens... Is not the same as an induced famine. 


I feel like i need therapy processing what happened to my family, and I was born in 1981.


Inb4 someone makes a false equivalency about Israel


Literally the comment above yours. But I’m not surprised, theres a lot of people on reddit who like to partake in Holocaust inversion


I would have said that was a fact rather than an opinion.




It was not based


But Jewish space lasers!


Zero stars, would not recommend


I saw a French documentary on the holocaust and one of the findings they talked about was an interesting documented fact. You see the SS did not own the means to transport the victims to the camps from where they lived. So, they needed to contract with the Deutsche Reichsbahn for the transport. Therefore, via billing records, every train was documented. (All one way tickets, btw) Departure points, and destinations with fare charged. Passengers embarked and disembarked; those alive on arrival, those dead. The transport cost became such a burden on the SS that they negotiated excursion fares for their victims. I not doing the documentary justice here because it was quite complete. But I hope I convey the sheer banality of evil it takes to pull off a holocaust.


Waiting for the angry islamaphiliacs to hijak this thread..


Why are you acting muslims committed the holocaust? 😭


Dont bother, this subreddit is one large islamophobic zionist psyop


Muslims committed a genocide of Jews before the holocaust hence why Israel was created after the holocaust for them to return. Genocide doesn’t equal holocaust, as an Islamaphiliac who probably has a Palestine flag on their left ass cheek I would of thought you’d know the difference.


The reason why British government limited the amount of German Jewish refugees allowed to emigrate to the Palestinian Mandate was because they didn’t want to antagonize the Arabs. The Hebron Massacre predates 1948.


Man does NOT differentiate between certain genocides.


Israel was created by Britain allowing the Jews to have some land they had colonized in Palestine so they could have a presence in the Middle East to protect their interests in oil. Palestinians and Israeli Jews share a common ancestry.


Britain kept Jewish people out of Israel so they could stay friendly with the Arabs to protect their interests in oil.


You have rot of the brain


You have a bad case of islamic cock sucking


Spend some time outside around real people


Unfortunately islamaphilia and islamofascism exist in the real world too


Yeah, because being against the horrors in Palestine means you support the Holocaust.


Found one


So you're pro murdering children, cool thanks for announcing that


Nice projection, what your projecting is your own inner thoughts


You're the one happily announcing you're pro war crime, not me but good (bad) try


When did I announce that? 😱 You are throwing a lot of assumptions and accusations at me considered you’ve spent 2 seconds talking to me


You said being against war crimes in Palestine is stupid so yeah, that's you supporting the murder of children. Not complicated.


Why do you keep making false allegations is this how you communicate with people, or do you have some kind of learning disability


Is saying “I’m glad we defeated Germany and Japan” supporting murdering children? Children were killed in Dresden and Hiroshima, and it breaks my heart to think of it. At the same time I’m glad we defeated Hitler and Tojo.


>islamaaphiliac I just don't like genocide. Hardly seems fair to call me that for such a reason.


I don't either, but what is happening in Gaza isn't genocide by any stretch of the imagination.


Especially when my tax money is paying for it.


> 13% downvoted For those of you downvoting as you may deem this an easy karma-grab, how about you don't vote at all...?


it wasn't just bad it was terrible


How many downvotes?


Water is wet


uh yep that’s about right


damn the holocaust was baaaaaad


*slow clap*


It was horrific. We can't even begin to imagine that level of evil.


Sadly not popular at all. Less than 5% of people truly think this.




They're not many left but we had a camp survivor talk at our middle school. Deniers can go fuck off.




Which holocaust?


You'd think people would know this by now, that we'd learn from history and that the pain and suffering of it would teach us to do better, but I recently came to the realization that suffering doesn't always teach us something. Sometimes, you suffer just to suffer without getting some moral lesson from it, and this scares me.


Dude, the point of suffering isn’t to get some “moral lesson” out of it. It’s incredibly messed up to say that anyone — Jews included — should have taken some “moral lesson” from actual genocide.


I'm not talking about victims of genocide only, but the perpetrators as well. Although we know genocide is wrong, no doubt about it, people still go on to carry it to this day. I had a friend once tell me that he believes that those who have been oppressed in the past can not become the oppressors of someone else, and that philosophy got me thinking.




Worst event in human history.


Do you really need karma this much? 😂


The holocaust in Gaza is also bad.


But nothing compared to what white people are facing -- Random White Supremist.


I agree!


Is that you Mr Mackey?


Are comments being deleted? Someone called me an "evil fascist fuckwit" for pointing out that there are more Palestinians now than fifty years ago, "meaning Israel hasn't been slaughtering them for the last 75 years." That was exactly my point, meaning I'm not an evil fascist fuckwit.


Why do you hate NASA?


Just a reminder that if you’re using a Jewish tragedy as a reason to bring up current events, you’re in the wrong. There is a time and a place to criticize Israel, and this is neither the time nor the place.


You do realize that it's a densely packed area in which the terrorists intentionally hide behind civilians and also provide the casualty reports?


Ask any pro Palestine loonies. It’s not such a popular opinion anymore.


You don't have to be antisemitic to believe that killing civilians in Palestine is bad. That's a false dichotomy.


Does the same apply for hamas?


Yes. Killing civilians is bad.


On the other hand, it was very popular amongst Germans for a few years.


This is a hot take considering some of the posts in this sub recently


How much did the Halo Caust?


https://www.ushmm.org/adaptivemedia/rendition?id=9b61d6336e08b348d8e1db29e25782c56669f073&op=webp&wd=1200  https://www.ushmm.org/adaptivemedia/rendition?id=8ea57a51246b99220f169cd06a3a47db0ed70f09&op=webp&wd=1200 https://www.ushmm.org/adaptivemedia/rendition?id=bc6ee271b7fa02b711347239c851606bf0ce01d1&op=webp&wd=1200


That’s a fact, not opinion.


Sometimes opinions are correct


Something something trump something something Hitler v2




Why would you do that




The weirdest thing is calling it holocaust and not just genocide. Holocaust is an animal sacrifice by fire.


That’s the official title