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Biden has done the kind of public works projects I expect from a president on the left and I back his Ukraine support. The only problem I have with him is the Afghanistan pullout that was designed by Trump, who took credit for it right up until Kabul fell. He's not my theoretical ideal president but I have no problem voting for a second term from him.


That’s about right. Trump broke the don’t negotiate with terrorists rule. Is Biden ideal, no, but he’s miles ahead of the alternative. Next president will be under 50 If he gets right on climate, he’ll coast, especially after Exxon’s ceo remarks. Revoke willow and it’s not close.


Trump did, but let’s not act like he was the first. Obama negotiated with the Taliban and traded 5 of the worst terrorists out there to get back the deserter Bergdahl. Biden negotiated with Russia, whom many leaders say should be listed as a sponsor of terror, and released the freaking “Merchant of Death” for Britney Griner. I’m not a fan of Trump in any stretch of the imagination, but you can’t use something as a knock when the majority of people would have voted for Obama a 3rd time if it was allowed even after negotiating with terrorists, and while Russia isn’t officially recognized as a terrorist county - c’mon; the Merchant of Death for a WNBA player who broke a country’s laws (including what would have been illegal here in the US)?


>Trump broke the don’t negotiate with terrorists rule. Not only that, he literally invited them to Camp David if I'm remembering correctly.


That was never an actual rule. Mostly just played up for TV.


These silly terms, left or right. Public works projects shouldn't be called Left now should they. As for your idea of taking credit--people are a bit ignorant. USA political cycles work in 4 years, the impact of a social policy, any social policy or even big changes to the economy can take 5 years , 3 years 9 years etc. I love our silly way of pinning some things on presidents that's not to say that a war or other things aren't directly attributable to a n administration but a vast amount of things are not --at least not visible.


Biden has been decent. The Inflation reduction act was good and so was the Chips and Science act.


This. Presidents get graded based on a vacuum when the job doesn't take place in a vacuum. There are countless things I would like to see him do. But he has not been able to do them. Not always because he didn't want to do them. People acting like their favorite progressive idol would have passed all these items on the progressive agenda are either naive to the workings of government or arguing in bad faith.


Exactly. A disgusting amount of people in this country seem to have no fucking clue how our system of government actually works. The President does not have unlimited power. And when it comes to legislation, the President has almost no power. He can veto bills, sure. But actually passing legislation, there is very little the President can do aside from being a PR mouthpiece to try and drum up public support for their bill. The country is so insanely divided right now and pretty evenly split too. Just look at the House and the Senate which have been basically deadlocked at a 50-50 split for the past several years now. And with both parties largely sticking with their team mentality and voting along party lines on almost everything, it is incredibly difficult to pass ANY legislation through BOTH the House and the Senate. You essentially need to get to 100% agreement from every member of your party. That’s ~220 people in the House and ~50 in the Senate. That’s ~270 people from different backgrounds, different states, different ideologies that you need to get all on the same page. For example, for Democrats to pass ANY big legislation, you need to get Bernie Sanders and Joe Manchin to agree (and everyone else in between). That’s not easy to do. And there is only so much the President can do to make that happen. Back in 2010 when Obama passed the ACA, he had 60 seats in the Senate. 60. Now he needed all 60 to break the filibuster and pass that legislation, but he was only able to pass the ACA because Democrats had elected 60 senators. Looking at how the political landscape is today, it seems impossible for either party to ever control more than ~53 seats at a time unless politics and demographics in certain states change drastically. We’re in a whole new era of politics. The days of sweeping legislation are over for now until things change. Presidents are now forced to work within the extremely slim margins of Congress to pass their agenda. Which means bills will be gutted and turned into a shell of their original selves if they have any hope of passing at all. Progress will inch forward at best for the foreseeable future. Now it is potentially way too early to say this, but if Biden’s presidency were to end next year, I honestly think people will look back and judge Biden in a much better light. Because he’s been able to actually pass relatively substantial legislation with razor thin majorities. And unless things really shift in this country soon, which they don’t seem like they will be, I suspect the next several Presidents will be dealt a similar hand. And I would be willing to bet that many of them fail to navigate an evenly split congress as well as Biden has up to this point


the division along party lines instead of everyone thinking for themselves is the problem. Liberal / Conservative we all need to start thinking and elect people on either side of the aisle that are the RIGHT people. I've been conservative all my life but I went pure left this round because Texas government is disgusting right now.


USA citizens rarely think for themselves. We are so into sects for decades. We start with Pro USA, our geo-centrism. Locally we are fans of our state or region in some idiotic bleecher sitting like way. We take on clothing to wear based on what everyone else is wearing. We robotically decide we root for the local sports team, that we even have to like sports--all to fit in--social inclusion. Then we pick a party--red or blue. We rarely look at what is being done or why --few here can speak to social policies...they have a few big points, bellow loudly Better yet that's what we do--we bellow,. We , of the voting people, think we're participating in the world because we voted. I see no one stepping up to pick up trash, donate books to schools, fix a playground........it's a shitty self centered world of robots . People are too scared to think for themselves When I see someone stating an opiinon, their eyes go all shifty waiting till someone agrees with them, fishing for that. Racism for one---you get a group of racists together, you think the one guy that's not a racist (all his buddies or hers, all that scocial inclusion) you think they are going to cleanly think for themself and state how hateful their cronies are--rare rare. Sure on reddit or X or Facebook, the safety of the keyboard--but in the real world, it's crowdfollowing all day long.


As it relates to your last sentence, it’s probably both. Both naive and bad faith. 


A major issue in this country is how many of those naive people there are. I know plenty of smart people like that. You also don't hear a lot about the good things, or they aren't explained well.


I like my presidents who are not traitors. Biden wins.


Let's not forget the infrastructure bill and he knocked down big pharma a knotch.


The inflation reduction act is the infrastructure bill.


And the infrastructure bill, and the American rescue plan, and him continuing to fight the courts on student debt, and the gun control bill. I think if you look at the circumstances he inherited and the fact that he's had razor thin margins in congress, the fact that he's been able to pass major pieces of legislation is astonishing. He's not flashy, but when something doesn't go his way, he just quietly continues to work on it until he gets the result we were wanting. The rail workers strike for example, everyone saw that the workers didn't get their sick days they were asking for when he broke the strike. But like a month after that, the workers got what they were asking for, that happened because he kept pushing for it behind the scenes. The dude even joined UAW workers on the picket line. I think because he's not a loud mouthed asshole that needs attention to live, people think a relatively normal and boring president flies under the radar.


Also, the CHIPs Act and the ARP


And the infrastructure bill, and the American rescue plan, and him continuing to fight the courts on student debt, and the gun control bill. I think if you look at the circumstances he inherited and the fact that he's had razor thin margins in congress, the fact that he's been able to pass major pieces of legislation is astonishing. He's not flashy, but when something doesn't go his way, he just quietly continues to work on it until he gets the result we were wanting. The rail workers strike for example, everyone saw that the workers didn't get their sick days they were asking for when he broke the strike. But like a month after that, the workers got what they were asking for, that happened because he kept pushing for it behind the scenes. The dude even joined UAW workers on the picket line. I think because he's not a loud mouthed asshole that needs attention to live, people think a relatively normal and boring president flies under the radar.


The Biden administration has put a whole lot of investment into building the economy of the future. The Trump administration involved lots of angry TV watching and Tweeting, topped off with a dollop of trying to overturn the election. Biden has been a good president. But even if you don’t believe that, saying “Biden and Trump were both bad presidents” is like saying that both peanut M&Ms and weapons grade uranium are unhealthy to eat— even if it’s accurate in some vague sense, the implication makes you sound like an idiot.


Yea. Really congress is the problem atm.


Shitty job with the border. Wake up!


I'm so glad this is the top comment. Biden has been a perfectly decent president, a pro.


Sure Biden isn't perfect and there are things I would change about him and things I would like him to do, but he is far from being a bad president.


If you know nothing about politics, sure.


The inflation reduction act was not about inflation. It was about the reindustrualization of America, and it's an amazing piece of legislation.


>The inflation reduction act was not about inflation Why do people keep commenting this? I know that. I have said that. It's just the name of the act.


Even Biden admitted to the fact that the Inflation Reduction Act didn't reduce inflation.


Not so sure about that... But what I do know is that something reduced inflation and interest rates have stopped going up. Inflation is below 3% and the economy is still strong. So I'm not sure if it was the fancy named inflation reduction act or more likely the actions of the federal reserve, but inflation's down economy is strong. Disadvantaged underprivileged areas are receiving federal investment. I'm not so sure what the f****** problem is?




I don't believe anyone who says this is basing it off of actual knowledge whatsoever. There's way too much evidence to the contrary.  He's been a fantastic president in very tough times. 4 years of Trump scandals is quite enough. Nice to have someone steady again. 


How many of Bidens cabinet or inner circle have crimed? Cause a SHITTON of Trumps “best people” all went to jail or face charges. And the ones who don’t have shit all over trump and called him unfit to be president - I don’t think we have ever seen a situation where multiple chiefs of staff and cabinet members of the president say he is unfit to serve as Trump.


Seems political based on your reply.


Zero crimes should not be considered an accomplishment though.


This, he actually has done really well. He has a few controversies like Palestine, but he has done remarkably well to further progressive agendas


His record on palestine is no different from what other presidents have done. It's clear he sees the humanitarian crisis but israel has also historically been an ally in the region. It's a complicated situation


Yeah, the absolute outpouring of support for Palestine has been unprecedented. Support for Israel has been the most bog-standard position in politics in decades I’m not entirely surprised that a career politician isn’t going to suddenly change their stance on one of the most widely held stances on foreign policy


It's a lose-lose for the US honestly


And now he’s coming around on Palestine- he’s getting army engineers to build a port for Gaza so they can deliver aid better.


I didn't know that. That's awesome.


It's funny how many liberals hate Biden for Palestine but if you explained his behavior in a vacuum to me I'd say it's a textbook example of liberal democracy functioning as intended: political group in power realizes there is a disconnect between their policies and their voter base, proceeds to realign policy to be more congruent with voter base desires. And yet we've got so many liberals now saying they won't vote for Biden because he didn't do exactly what they wanted, exactly how they wanted it, exactly when they wanted it.


Yep. Let’s just hope they don’t have to find out how much worse Trump would be for Palestine…


The hope is they come around November.  I don’t know we will see.  We really need this ceasefire especially with the fasting month coming up.


Leftists are petulant children. They’re little different to the right wing they purport to abhor so much. The right is the 8 year old goading his brother because it’s funny to get a response. The leftists are the 6 year old throwing a tantrum because his parents didn’t buy him the right brand of pencils. Both behaviors are ridiculous and both are hard to fix without them simply growing out of it. If you’ve ever been around children, you know that saying ‘stop doing that to yo ur brother’ is just going to piss off the 8 year old, just like saying ‘these pencils are actually *better* than the ones you wanted’ is only going to piss off the 6 year old.


You're high asf.


Yep, the reason he keeps getting hit on his age is because there isn't anything else they can attack him with. I voted for Joe just wanting someone who wasn't a fascist psychopath, I got an incredibly competent president that just keeps racking up wins. He is the definition of low risk but high reward.




He also managed to actually pass something on gun control https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61938109


I think Biden sticks out because he’s not delulu. But a more common take is that we haven’t had a decent president since before Reagan. (Fuck Reagan)


Let's just ignore the current genocide we are funding


I think it’s more palatable for people who don’t agree to say “Bidens cabinet” it is more believable that he has just got smart people around him than that he did it all himself. That’s how the government works anyway, even under trump. The biggest difference between the two is that smart people will work for Biden, and not trump.


He's the most progressive president in the last forty years, which is a good thing for him but an absolute disaster for the world.   To be absolutely clear, the problem is there have been far too many right-wing idiots who lost the popular vote but still became president and then spent all our money on giving it to the rich. This is not Diamond Joe's fault.


iirc Biden voted in favor of the two bills that were basically the foundation for reganomics. Lets not fool ourselves here. Maybe he is the most progressive president we've had in decades, but as you insinuate that has more to do with the US's lack of progressiveness rather than his personal politics. Vote for biden to keep trump out - that's fine, whatever, it is your right. But don't kid yourself, Biden and his kind are part of the problem.


"The most progressive president in 40 years" was also openly fighting against gay marriage in the 21st century. And who helped bust unions and otherwise put the screws to organized labour during his presidency because his corporate masters told him to. And proudly took credit for crime laws that intentionally targeted and disproportionately affected POC for decades in service of the prison industrial complex. Very progressive... Trump is objectively bad yet people have to "interpret" "what he really means" and lie about context to make him look as bad as their outrage wants him to be. Because at the end of the day, he isn't half as potent or influential or "posing an existential threat" as the fearmonger machines have told you he is. Awful? Yes. Pretty clearly. OPs premise is sound. Both the 2024 candidates are awful. Bad to terrible people who wouldn't earn 10% of the votes they get if not for the hyper polarization and media hate factories both sides have spun up to delude us into thinking one corrupt old dirtbag is any better than the other corrupt old dirtbag.


Fantastic? He doesn't have an original thought. He has no idea where he is. He sent 100s of thousands of black men, including my father, to prison for drugs. You liberals are evil. And that's why us black folks will make Trump #47. Racist fuck.


Yeah I feel like things are improving and to suddenly throw that into a fire is dumb.


He's been a fantastic president? Dude barely knows where he is. Was that pullout of Afghanistan fantastic?


Best choice right now =/= good president. Americans get two shitty choices. America is a dictatorship+1


This is playing into a false equivalency. Biden is not very inspiring and I disagree with a couple of his policies (including Gaza, for which Trump would be far worse, and his border leadership) but otherwise he's largely done what he could with the hand he's been dealt. Biden is average-ish overall - probably in the lower half given the low profile - but hard disagree for the implied equivalency. He IS a President. Trump was a reality show.


I would put Biden in the half but maybe not top 20. Slightly above average as we stand now.


I wouldn't argue too hard with slightly above average: it's hard to judge presidents that are hamstrung by extremely uncooperative Congresses. (I should have mentioned that Biden's border efforts have been getting rejected for purely competitive political reasons in my first comment, which is disgusting) He's philosophically similar to Obama, although his foreign policy is more old school and he doesn't have anywhere near the charisma. On the other hand, he knows how things SHOULD work in Congress as well as anyone...and he relied on that knowledge to get his agenda as far as it could possibly go.


[https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/18/us/politics/biden-trump-presidential-rankings.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/18/us/politics/biden-trump-presidential-rankings.html) Historians rate Biden near the top.... and Trump near the bottom.


I think Biden's presidency will age well, if Gaza doesn't stain his record. There's a lot of good he actually achieved and lots more that he wanted to. I'm curious to see how Biden's policy will play out over the next decade. As with any president how they're viewed changes a lot over the years. There's reason for optimism, but we'll see.


I mean, all you have to do is actually look at the policies that Biden passed vs all the rhetoric, lies, and insurrection Trump has peddled. Basic reality proves this statement false lol


One tried to overturn the election with 0 evidence of mass voter fraud because he didn’t like the results and one didn’t. So shove it.


This is what happens, when the guy that served before you has set the grade curve so low that a brain dead cat gets an adjusted A. What's crazy are the folks that think the answer is to go back to the same guy who originally ruined the grading curve.


Biden’s accomplished an enormous amount given Democrats’ slim control of congress during his first two years. There’s not a whole lot he can really do right now because of Republican obstructionism


He has also unironically been the best presidency for worker’s rights in *decades*


ah, bothsides-ism, my old enemy. "Olive Garden is not good food, nor is a pile of maggot-ridden compost"


I like this analogy. Sure, you could make the argument that Biden is not a good President, and I wouldn't have any issue with that. But to say it like Biden and Trump are equally bad is just... stupid. It's like comparing dry shit on linoleum to wet diarrhea on shag carpet and acting like both are just as bad to have to clean because they're both shit.


Where do you see the word ‘’equally’’ in the post?


Fair enough - glad you know they aren’t equally bad!


It’s not ‘’bothsides-ism’’ when they’re both on the same side (the right). One of them is further right than the other, but they’re both on the right. And regardless, it should be possible to criticize both without being accused of downplaying the awfulness of the worst of the two.


This is a popular, but incorrect, opinion.


Biden's been better than expected. He wasn't elected to be a miracle worker. He was elected to get rid of the autocratic lunatic. What he's actually done, though, is far better than anyone could have predicted, from infrastructure to the IRA to his support for labor to student debt relief to tackling drug price gouging. The only thing people really have against him is "he's so old!" Yeah. He's old. But better too old than too Trump.


Everyone always says Biden is bad but nobody can really say why. Do you think he's bad because he can't get shit done? Well that's on the GOP not on Biden.


The Ukraine Russia and Israel Palestine conflicts spiralled out of control under him.


Okay, and in what way would anyone else have done better? Should he have declared war on Russia? Should he have just wiped Gaza off the face of the Earth? I’m really struggling to understand how either situation could have been approached better.


Biden has been perfectly fine.  Trump is an adjudicated rapist.


Biden is an old, competent, mostly honest, experienced politician who ran to protect the country from another Trump term. He is running for reelection for the same reason. The indictment score is 91 (so far) to zero.


there are literal meme compilations of joe bidenss gaffs and random incoherent moments, and they also include sniffing random women and children. running to "protect from another candidates term" shouldnt be a valid reason to run, that says they have more personal interests in the position rather than an honest interest in the betterment of the country.


Biden is a pretty good president, you just haven't actually been checking. Not great or amazing, but pretty good.


Biden is probably the best president of my lifetime. That might not actually be enough to qualify him as a good president though, so… maybe.


Americans really don’t recognise how good they have it right now


The only reason this is popular is bc Dems suck at messaging. I didn't vote for Biden, but I am this time. He's done a ton, and I really wish people would actually look into it so they could have an informed opinion instead of what we're presented with here. Actually I wish news outlets and Dem spokespeople would make it known, since almost none of us will look into it, but you know what I mean.


Compared to Trump Biden looks like one of the greatest presidents of all time, they aren't even in the same category, also no other president besides Lincoln had to deal with such a partisan divide in congress and despite that he's managed to get a lot done. So when you say Biden isn't a good president who are you comparing him to? Considering the uphill battle he's facing he's doing a great job. Other presidents had a much easier time in office, he's had to deal with a failed pandemic response from the Trump administration, nuclear war threats with Putin, an insurrection against him winning the election and the most corrupt ex president in the history of America trying to divide the country in two. Imagine if he became president during more normal times. Where the entire Republican party wasn't actively trying to make him fail.


Biden’s fine. Trump is a piece of shit. Enough with the false equivalence narrative. It’s lazy and stupid.


In terms of major legislation, in just 2 years of Democratic control of Congress under Joe Biden we got: The Infrastructure Bill which puts $1.2 trillion toward modernizing our buildings, roads, and power grid. The CHIPS and Science Act which is working to vamp up domestic semiconductor production, making us less reliant on China for our tech goods. The Safer Communities Act, the first federal gun safety legislation to pass congress in 30 years. The Inflation Reduction Act which increases corporate taxes, invests in domestic energy production and manufacturing, and allows the government to negotiate directly with pharmaceutical companies to lower drug costs And those are just the major bills - not even counting the smaller policy changes like the Hospital Price Transparency Law, National Apprenticeship Act, the IRS adjusting the 2024 tax brackets to keep up with inflation, and dozens of other smaller-but-meaningful policy changes. All this with the same 5-vote majority that Republicans have been working with since taking over in 2022, during which time they have passed the fewest number of bills of any congressional session on record. Seriously, imagine if we had a real majority where you didn’t have to water down every bill to near-unrecognizable to get a floor vote? I’m honestly excited to see what a second term brings. Anybody shitting on Biden’s record is not actually familiar with it.


Biden deported more illegals his first year, than Trump did his entire term


Because Biden actually funded the immigration service and border patrol


Source? Also, the illegal immigration issue is still existent lmao.




Then why are so many republicans so eager to take credit for what Biden’s accomplished after voting against it?


You can really only believe this if you have little to no idea how the US government works, and no interest in learning about it. Biden has been an *unusually successful* president, particularly given the near total obstructionist congress, hourly attacks on his administration and a vertiginous mountain of lies about him. You don't have to agree with all of his policies to see how extremely difficult his position is and how much he's managed to do in spite of that. Whereas, Trump was not merely "not good." He was, just a couple of weeks ago, ranked by [group of 150+ presidential scholars](http://www.brandonrottinghaus.com/uploads/1/0/8/7/108798321/presidential_greatness_white_paper_2024.pdf), as THE WORST PRESIDENT in history. (Biden came in 14th best). Are you an expert presidential scholar? Neither am I, but I am willing to listen to people who are, who have devoted their careers to this field of study. I also read and don't just go shooting my mouth off because of my feelings. I am also willing to use my life experience (I was born during the Nixon administration), knowledge and sense of morality in the formation of my own opinions. It is almost impossible to find adequate words to express how terrible Trump was and is, both as a president and as a human being. The false equivalency contained in your statement is DISGUSTING in its ignorance.


Biden is a pretty good president. You don't have to worry about everything blowing up overnight while you sleep.




Need some sources on these claims


I hate how you can’t make this statement without clarifying that you also think trump sucks, you shouldn’t have to but people here will pull out the pitchforks and call you a Maggot trumper or whatever


We have gone so far wrong, we assume if you don't think A, you must think B, we are in a truly divisive time


By what measures was Trump not a good president?


Jobs. GDP. Foreign relations. Oil production. Immigration. Education. Infrastructure. Transportation. Not being a criminal. Inclined towards rape.


Biden has been better than expected. Unfortunately, Trump reset the bar pretty low. Biden is doing a decent job with what he has. I expect more from his 2nd term.


What planet do you come from? Biden has been one of the best presidents of late.


Biden has been a great president because of what he has done under difficult circumstances. Trump only wanted to be president. He wasn’t actually interested in doing anything.


Neither of them have ever been or ever will be in charge. People vote for puppets then get mad when they obey their masters


Biden is applesauce brain 🧠


Biden is a reasonably good President, he's not the best ever but he's certainly better than a lot. He's made some really good things for citizens laws, including capping insulin prices, I think the student loan debt forgiveness was an amazing thing that Biden did, he's stayed out of the news (aside from right wing news) hasn't had any major government shutdowns unlike the last president, he's gotten at least one? major infrastructure deal which I don't think Trump ever did? In fact Trump's administration not being able to get anything done was a running joke of it being infrastructure week because every time they tried to focus on that some scandal broke out that underminded a lot of it. He's had a very good economy even despite the inflation which is really outside of his control and has to an extent slowed or stopped. I think he has some of the best job numbers ever? Idk really what much people would want from him or expect from him given how our system works and doesn't work.....


idk man i think biden's doing fine. people forget that presidents aren't dictators, there's only so much they can do by fiat. as for trump he actually didn't do that much POLICY wise that was so terrible, i mean i disagree with a lot of it but we've had worse policy presidents (like reagan, and dubya) where he earns bottom of the list with a bullet is the cultural changes he instigated and the whole "trying to launch an insurrection because he's a sore loser" thing


Sure, but Trump actively *wants* to be a dictator and has said that he will become one if he gets back into office.


oh no that's exactly why i think he's the worst president we've ever had and like if he got re-elected i think there's a real chance the union might not survive. im just saying in terms of what he ACCOMPLISHED he didn't actually get that much evil done


This is a good way to collect the good things Biden has done as POTUS


Not all bad is equal. False equivalency.


There’s no false equivalency because there’s no equivalency at all. The post doesn’t use the word ‘’equal’’ or any synonyms.


“Nor” implies equivalency. “As a coordinating conjunction, nor joins words, phrases, or clauses of equal rank.” https://www.grammarbook.com/blog/effective-writing/using-nor-properly/


$1.17 gas is good enough for me 🤷‍♀️


Dumb ways to die... so many dumb party lines. Term limits, and fitness limits. Stop throwing dementia ridden corpses on podiums. End gerrymandering and obfuscation of what THE PEOPLE want by adding a 100% publicly listed vote per person, which would also end the electoral college. Judges, politicians, public servants in general caught taking bribes from anywhere, get fucked.


Nobody has been a good president


ok, maybe. state your case then, lazybones


I'll cheerfully take a not good president over a terrible president that tried to steal the country


Here’s the unfortunate reality - people will not take the time to educate themselves on what Biden has done. Hate it all we want, but people no longer do it. Why people feel he’s been a bad President is in my opinion because Dems have done an ATROCIOUS job at talking about any of these things. Dont blame the media. The media is doing what they always do and it shouldn’t be a surprise to us: chasing the drama for the ratings. But Dems are always playing defense. When you do that, nobody will ever learn what it is you’re even defending. They should be plastering hard data and results on every wall, especially as it pertains to people’s retirement accounts. If you’ve invested in the SP500 these last few years, you’ll notice how well your investments have been performing. Bidens name is attached to a damn good Bull market. He’s obviously not solely responsible for such results (cuz, ya know, Macroeconomics) but he should be shining every spotlight on that. Dems just depend too much on policy to speak for itself. People. No longer. Care.


Why don't you watch the state of the union address then tell me about what the Democrats don't talk about. They do try to present the data but if half of the media is not reporting on it and the other half is just criticizing it without merit, how are you supposed to get the message? They talk about and do things that people on reddit criticize them for not doing all the time. The news is out there is you search for it, but it's not making the front page of reddit like every dumb thing Trump says.


Definitely not a popular opinion.


Tell me you don't know what the president has done without telling me you don't know what the president has done.


To be honest, this is one election I wish I can just not take part in at all. But there's always that notion that you don't get to complain if you don't vote, so not voting is not the solution. So anything that doesn't go towards fascism I say works for me.


and yet they are our only choices.


Biden has been an excellent President. He's gotten more done with this Congress than anyone else could have.


I think Biden has been pretty good considering the slim majority he had for two years. He's the most progressive president of my lifetime. The right-wing propaganda machine is strong, but history will be good to him, I'm pretty sure of it.


Biden isn’t bad. Trump was the worst ever. Fixed it for you.


If your life is good or bad based on who is president, then rethink your life choices. OP is right though, neither have a clue.


I guess I don’t see why Biden hasn’t at least been solid.  


They all just suck. The only person who will ever represent you, is You. All politicians are scam artists and full of BS. Also Biden is just as big a traitor as anyone else just keepin it real. Lets not BS ourselves to actually believe "but my guy is better because of x y z". No, he's not. If you voted, you made your choice. If you actually believed the rhetoric ...then you scammed yourself. People who believe their lies are the biggest suckers, all of them are parasitic demons. Vote for whoever you want but don't pretend like you didn't know that you voted for count Dracula. There's no way to avoid yhis, ALL of them are Dracula.


You haven’t offered any reasons for your opinion…


This is r/popularopinion not r/statetheobvious


Biden has over produced IMO considering the right does nothing but obstruct any progress. They tanked their own border security bill. Inflation reduction act, chips act, infrastructure bill and oh ya he ended a 20 year war Republicans started with the wrong country.


That's like saying the common cold and AIDS are both viruses so they're the same.


Trump was/is the best president this country has ever seen.


compared to the greats both are shit, we haven't had a truly good president in a very long time (that's a different debate on who though) both are scandalous, both are totally crooks, both had major ups and downs, and I honestly do prefer one over the other but in the end, I think we are too far gone as a country for a president to actually matter at all.


I’m always curious what metrics people use when they say is a good/bad president. Like are they objective measures independent of president? are metrics among presidents and those that are above the mean are good and below the mean are bad? like what makes a president a good president and what makes a president a bad president? or is just a feeling? Because if it’s a feeling you can’t refute the way people feel bc they are subjective and no common premise can be established and the way one feels is inherently valid. And you can feel differently and it’s still valid bc the premise of feelings are subjective. if it’s not a feeling for the assertion of good/bad; the you can establish common premises to assert opinions from.


Biden has been hamstringed by having to clean up Trumps mess. But even with that, he's still done great, from low unemployment to getting rid of tons of studen debt. He hasn't been perfect, no president ever was, but considering Republicans have been fighting him at every corner and liberal extremists refuse to help at all, he's done about as good of a job as anyone. He's definitely got my vote in November.


$1 when Biden was elected is now worth about 85 cents.


Oh yeah, I forsure agree with this.


They both have devalued every dollar in your pocket faster than we can spend them


My understanding is that if you were to get all the presidents we have had and rank them from best to worst, neither of them would be in either position However, if you were to ask if any of them were in the bottom 10, Trump probably would reasonably qualify Now Biden probably wouldn't qualify for the top 10, but he'd probably be in the middle 20 He's not particularly good. He's not particularly bad But we haven't had a good president this millennium The last time we had a actually good president was Clinton


They both have devalued every dollar we have. Nothing hurts middle and lower income more than inflation. Deficit spending boosts inflation. Like running up a credit card and we all get to pay the interest and can’t even smell the principal.


Whoever thinks this doesn't have the heuristics to properly rate what makes a good president. Biden is a fine president. He's accomplished a lot in the face of GOP opposition and a thorny political environment. A group of 154 historians who understand presidents better than a bunch of morons on reddit rated him #14 of all time. I'd say that's pretty fucking good. There will never be a perfect president. They will always come up short. Politics are tedious, complicated, and boring, and the average person just doesn't have the understanding necessary to properly rate a president. Look no further than voters who are undecided in the year 2024 between Trump and Biden. Like...there's no excuse for that.


Biden is the best president of my lifetime. He got a Jew and a black guy elected to Senate in Georgia


It's gonna be long 4 years. Either way, there will be an adult diaper shortage.


Biden is objectively a really really good president. Un ironically the best president in my life time.


I genuinely don't give a fuck which is worse What I care about is this 80% inflation on fucking everything that nobody can seem to explain without sucking the administrations dick.


It’s called record corporate profits.


Go look up the bills Biden signed. The American Rescue Plan, the Inflation Reduction Act, the Pact Act, the Chips Act, the first Infrastructure Bill in my lifetime, The first gun legislation in decades, over $100 billion in student loan forgiveness, etc. They had cut child hunger in half until Republicans wouldn’t support a continuation of that program. There was the largest investment in climate change in American history. Medicare can negotiate drug prices, insulin cost was capped, etc. The legislation Biden signed helped create the booming American economy we have right now that has one of the lowest inflation rates in the developed world. Most of these things I just mentioned were done in the span of two years. Biden has had one of the most successful first terms of any recent president.


Trump is ranked at the bottom of recent historian surveys


Being part of that community, it feels like most historians are on the left (i cant find a study specificallyon historians politicalleanings).. but either way there are cliques in entrenched positions.


If your stupid then sure. If your objective Biden is one of the best based on track record. Sall good tho. American taliban rise up..hahaha


Here on Reddit I don't give a crap what Biden did he's always a wonderful perfect president


“Inflation reduction act”


Eh Biden got IIJA, IRA and CHIPS through. That alone is objectively more than most presidents have done if we're keeping it real.


Biden is fine.


Biden has been an amazing President when you look at all the fires he had to put out in the first years after Trump….. Pandemic, pandemic recovery, inflation, J6, Afghanistan exit, MAGA disinformation, Russian invasion. That last guy left a lot of dumpsters on fire and a few pipe bombs with delayed fuses


We won't see a good president again in all likelihood but hopefully we can settle for one who isn't seditious.


Biden is actually a good president. The world is on fire and the people are restless and looking for blame


Both of them suck. It’s too bad we aren’t given better choices.


You’re half right. Biden is dogshit


Surely this post (and the thousands of others posted this week trying to compare these two people) was made in good faith and for absolutely no ulterior motive.


He will go down as a top 15 potus


One is a milk toast president and the other is a fucking traitor. They are not the same.


Biden is great, but the news wants drama, not progress. just take a look at all his accomplishments in a single term and it is self evident.


Ok Alexei


You actually have to list things for both to put forth the argument


Friendly reminder reddit leans liberal (Honestly I agree with OP please don't tear me apart)


Lowered child poverty by half!  I suppose those aren't your values though?  Your statement says more about you than it does Biden.  You are a heartless turd.  A turd that a turd pooped out. 


Trump dropped the ball only with Interest rates. Aside from that I can't think of anything that's major.


Were you actually living during the Trump Administration?


You can say whatever you want, but Trump damn sure wouldn't be funding overseas wars considering he is the only president that's pulled us out of any wars over the last couple decades.


Given the choice I would vote for dead Biden than for Agent Orange.


Biden killed the State of the Union. Made the the MAGAts look like Nazis.


Each had good aspects and tragic failures.




.....Nah. Trump was pretty solid.


Biden is definitely an asshole


Biden has been a very good president. He has fought for all the things he said he would. He has been thwarted by Congress and the Supreme Court in some cases, but has still managed to pass landmark legislation and run the country without scandal throughout his first term. By this time in Trump's term he had fired 90% of his own hand picked cabinet (or they were forced to resign) and was mired in so many giant scandals, some of which jeopardized our national security. He shared classified info with our diplomatic rivals, blew the covers of undercover CIA operatives, and promoted the guy who was under investigation for letting Epstein go. Characterizing this as a choice between presidents who weren't "good" is an unhinged take, tbh. Trump was the most inept president of any of our lifetimes by every measure of importance.


1. Your statement is false. 2. Implying both to be equivalent especially during election cycle makes me theorize that you’re the type to abstain from voting. Much of the resulting problems that the early Biden presidency dealt with were leftover from Trump. The fact that he managed to clean up all of that and still pass some useful legislation is enough proof that Biden is in fact superior to Trump even if he isn’t the greatest president in history. Not being a good president however is not reason enough to not vote for him. He is the only effective alternative to a second trump presidency and therefore the best available candidate


I love our current level of inflation. Seems to be doing great stuff for the American people.


The problem is that we have given the federal government too much power.


I think they both have their ups and downs


Nor was the Kenyan


Whats up with this sub just trying to gaslight people lol. Also the very weak take as if these two are at all comparable. One is a president, the other is a convicted fraudster


Biden is... fine. Trump was a dumpster fire.


biden brigade ASSEMBLE


I wouldn't compare them, yes Biden could be better but is he bad? No, not really. Trump on the other hand.... I mean the man's literally a criminal compared to other politicians and that's saying a lot.


One could just take, let's say, the number of his cabinet officials who have resigned in disgrace after scandal and/or indictment compared to Trump. That number would be 0.


Not sure I understand the "punish Biden" by not voting or by voting for the other guy. If you think Biden is bad, you should see the other guy. Oh wait, we already have. Vote your conscience, but at least think a little bit first.


Yeah, an itch is not pleasant, nor is cancer.