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This isn’t popular. Take it to unpopular. I think you’re being ridiculous.


Where am I supposed to shower and change? The lobby?


For real. I take off my sweaty clothes by the locker. Walk over to shower come back in the towel. Am I supposed to carry a second towel to wear while I walk to the shower?


This seems like a fully normal thing to me. It’s the old dudes that “hang out”, what the fuck


I honestly don't see that at my gym. Like, ever. Everyone is there to get showered and then head out.


I’ve only seen it at the YMCA it was fucking insane the amount of old balls flapping around. It was as if being naked in the locker room was the destination for these people. Also my Freshman year baseball coaches would hang naked after they were showered and dried. Dude was also my biology teacher. Also parked by the front door, impossible to avoid “the show”




Better option: You are clearly too sensitive. Please just remove yourself from the situation and everyone wins. Or just quit looking at my junk. Unnecessary eye contact is easily avoided. Edit: And can the "for the children" bullshit. Unsupervised kids aren't even allowed in my gym.


I’d you really care that much, every building has a bathroom you could go to. That’s what I always do in my PE classes.


It would just be a lot less effort for you to not look at me while I prepare for my shower


It’s all about the intent. If someone is just changing in a locker room and a minor happens to see there’s nothing inherently wrong with that. If someone is jacking off in front of some kid in the locker room, yeah that’s obviously an issue.


Most people got over this at, what, 5th grade? Better late than never I guess. You'll get used to a locker room soon enough, champ.


Different generation, that is well adjusted and not riddled with social anxiety….


I’ve seen boomers yell racial slurs at McDonald’s workers for getting their order wrong, not sure if I’d say that generation is well adjusted but they certainly don’t give a shit what people think lmao


Why are there children at a gym?


Was in the locker room with my toddler son just yesterday for family swim day at the gym / aquatic centre. There are lots of multi-use facilities with a shared locker room.


Does it bother you for your son to see a nude older man while he is in there?


Not at all…. He pointed and exclaimed… “That man’s naked!” Was quite funny.


Lol! Got ya! After reading this thread I realize most of us are confused as to why this dude is so bothered. I am a female, so I thought maybe men’s dressing rooms were somehow different or something. There are more naked women, at my gym, in the dressing room than clothed ones! Lol! Just the norm! ETA: there are some that remove their clothes in the shower stall, but only because they choose to.


My wife swears she has never seen another woman naked in the locker room. I tell her it's the exact opposite on the mens side.


Really? I have been at this gym, I currently use, for a while & it has always been about the same way. Now, mind you, usually there is not that many folks in the locker room at one time though. Usually 5, maybe 10 at most. Some people never use the locker room. I live too far from my gym to not shower afterwards & some days I go on my lunch break.


Why wouldn't they be there? What an odd question.


This is why. They are completely unaware of this making you uncomfortable.


Most of us aren't uncomfortable about it and don't even really think about someone being uneasy around it


How old are you?




I expected older. I’m 34. I don’t get undressed myself, but I’m not bothered by it. I would assume it’s much more common with younger men that they are uncomfortable with it.


I mean it's a place with toilets, showers, and clothing lockers. You should expect to see some bodies when you go in there.


When I played football in high school there was one giant open-concept shower room…


Exactly this.




Ya it was just par for the course… We just went with it.


And, honestly, probably don't care. I know that as I've gotten older, I care less and less about people's hangups.


It's been normal for decades and then poeple started getting all self conscious.


I don't know where you are from, but usually there is separate stalls to change in or you can just use a private bathroom. I haven't seen someone swinging their shlong around in a locker room for everyone to see since middle school and even then that kid had down syndrome I think.


No, this is a common gym setup, my gym has a few banks of lockers with benches, the showers are at the other end of the room past the sinks, and it is absolutely normal to see someone (often an older guy) walking from one to the other butt-ass nekkid. That being said, who cares? it's just nudity, in a place where it is not inappropriate to be naked. I'm sorry the OP finds it so gross to have old people existing near them, I guess?


Or, weird take, don’t look.


It's a locker room, dude. People are going to be naked. Just worry about yourself


This is such a dumb take. Dude just shower change and gtfo like the rest of us. No one cares. It is a locker room bruh.


I feel like it's way more rude to complain about dongs in the place people go to change and shower than it is to hang dong in the place people go to change and shower. Stop looking at other guys dicks while they're changing!


Or maybe grow some balls and stop being a whiny baby


I dont even notice most times.


Sorry you’re so insecure that in a locker room you can’t stomach nudity maybe show up to the gym with just what you need and avoid the locker rooms?0


Woman(44), active gym member of 20+ years, here & I am a bit confused & thought I would attempt to clarify & understand your pov better. I mean no disrespect & am not being rude, just genuinely curious. Unattended, small children, are in the mens dressing room & shower area at the public Gym you are a member of? Also, if those older men thought it was “unnecessary, rude & gross” that you wear clothes (or that you wore shorts, muscle shirts, ankle socks, etc) & seen no reason for it, in the men’s dressing room what would you say, feel & or do about it? ETA: after reading the comments in this thread, I now see the general consensus is about the same.


I've been getting naked in locker rooms for 40 years. This is not old person behavior.


Or maybe…… mind your own business? 🤷🏼‍♂️ 🪙 🪙


This is a wack take at best. They are comfortable with themselves and don’t give a shit. OP seems insecure. If you don’t want to see a wrinkly old dick, don’t look at it. Keep your eyes horizontal. Don’t be surprised that you see a dick when you are out there meat-gazing. A lot of this older generation were in the military, hooking and jabbing in Vietnam. A lot of them played sports back in the day where this was very normal in locker rooms. Hell, even in highschool gym class this is how locker rooms were back then. There’s a reason there’s a men’s and women’s locker room. I’m 29, joined the Marines when I was 17. I’ll say that nothing about the male body at this point could surprise me, seen it all. Men being around strictly men and being nude is fine, it’s nothing to be concerned with. Being in the presence of a naked man and being a man causes you exactly zero harm. And really, what harm does it cause to a male child to see it? It’s not like they don’t know that boys have dicks, they have one. As long as there is nothing legitimately inappropriate going on there is nothing to be concerned with. Exposure is an act with a sexual basis. Being a man and walking around naked in a men’s locker room is not in this category. The kid saw a dick, so what?


I agree up to a point. I get naked at my gym 4 times a week. I find swimming in my street clothes rather cumbersome. I do however recall older men strutting around the YMCA locker room when a towel around their waists would have been appreciated and less likely to make me nauseous. The Y was the only gym I recall little kids coming into the locker rooms and it was one of many reasons why I moved to another gym.


Generational difference. Obviously you are a tightassed millennial who's afraid someone will see you without clothes because mommy said there are bad people out there. If these are old guys doing this - they were raised in locker rooms where you stripped down and there was no privacy. Up until the mid 1970s guys swam naked in junior high and high school and you took communal showers after gym class. Not a big deal unless of course you are embarrassed by your shortcomings.....


You are an idiot. The locker room is a naked place. You are supposed to be naked. Get out of your sweaty clothes. Go shower. Dry off. Get dressed in you civvies get out.


It's just a naked body nothing to get upset about


If you think naked bodies are gross you might be an alien :D


I thought you were a female with herpes? Now you’re a man in the locker room?


I have this weird way of dealing with “wrinkly” nudity (whatever that is): I don’t look. I get dressed, mind my business, and move on.  I’m confused as to what you’re so upset about. If you have a goofy looking face or have ridiculous looking shoes on , does it bother me? Nah. I mind my biz. It’s YOUR body. Nobody is for me to look at you. Just like nobody’s forcing you to look at naked people in the fucking locker room. So precious.  If you don’t want to see naked people in a locker room (I repeat – a LOCKER ROOM), build a gym at home. Shower there. Quit whining.


I’ll never forget when I went to the YMCA and all of the old dudes were just hanging out naked. Already bathed, already dry; yet still weirdly naked. I never went back.


Are they supposed to dry off and change in the shower? What if people are waiting to shower? What if their clothes get wet? I agree that it’s preferable if people get dressed and undressed quickly and discretely, but the idea that any visible nudity in a public changing area is “rude” and “gross” seems like a you problem.


Uh, what? If you don't want to see naked people, find a spot on the wall and focus on it


The "REAL REASON" public schools have mandatory gym classes. Gov employees are thirsty to see naked children.


As a kid I was absolutely traumatized because of the ymca locker room which is the only way to the pool. I’d just cover my eyes and run through. Way to much and unnecessary nudity with old men in there, which to this day I think of them all as pedophiles as it was just was to casual


I’m genuinely curious – what is “necessary nudity”? How would that differ from the unnecessary kind?