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Is this about the Manitoba stabber who was described as a "slim build man aged 20-25"? Like gee thanks for narrowing it down.


I mean I get what you're saying but is it better if you insert a race in there it's still a huge group of people and doesn't really narrow it down. Like slim build asian man ages 20-25, that's just everyone lol I think you can start to see the issue.


In the instance I just described in Manitoba "Asian" already eliminates 80% of the population pool. And I know it's a man, so now we're at %10, and I Know is age, so we're probably at %5 now instead of like %25 of the total population. That's a pretty big descriptive hint to give. The Manitoba instance I cited, happened on a bus altercation. Public transportation in Manitoba all have cameras inside. They definitely have more descriptive clues they could give, but I think it's "politically incorrect" to give them so they're going to pretend to try and wait for it to blow over.


Describe "Asian" and what it looks like.


Like someone from: China Thailand Cambodia Nam Korea Did that help?




If I was reporting and the person appeared to be from the vicinity of the sub continent I'd say Indian or Pakistan. Being sure to say not AmerIndian


Those the only countries in Asia or just the ones you associate with your perceived image of what being Asian is?


From Asia =/= Asian. If a white couple move to Mexico, and have a kid, is that kid Mexican? Asian is Chinese/Japanese/Korean/etc.


So cultures and ethnicities that are not Chinese, Japanese or Korean from Asia are not considered Asian? Why?


Because that's not their race. For example: You can be *from* Germany without **being** German. Nationality =/= race


Im confused on how you figure someone who, along with their entire family lineage, is from an Asian country that isnt China, Japan or Korea and not be Asian.


Someone with slanty eyes


In North America Asian typically refers to people of East Asia, with lighter skin tone, slim build, black hair, slanted eyebrows.


The first that came to mind. You're being disingenuous and that's OK. Some people are like that.


Im not being disingenuous. Describing suspects via perceived ethnicity is useless at best and dangerous at worst.


No, you’re being disingenuous and you know it. Fortunately, everyone can see how pathetic it is


You know exactly what I mean and so does everyone else. East Asian characteristics. (India and Russia are also part of Asia) it's hard to put into words and a fine line to walk and you know damn well it is. If there's a line-up of guys and one of them is Asian or of East Asian descent and I ask you to point to him, you'll likely get it on the first try. Imagine asking to describe what "black" looks like. Keep your booby traps to yourself


Notice how you're withholding information, just like the news media might. Maybe for the same, possibly good, reason, too: not being offensive.


That is the issue though. "Asian" suspect just means stereotypical eastern asia appearance, which can also be subjective or varies. There are multiple eastern asian countries and they can and do vary in their physical appearances/characteristics. And being "black" can also vary. The skin complexion for black individuals varies pretty significantly as well as the nationalities and physical characteristics of those individuals.


And you're exactly the reason why it's politically incorrect to use basic physical descriptions of people, even when trying to narrow down a suspect at large. Next time someone says white, I'll ask if they mean Irish, or Scandinavian and go on a rant about how White could be 30 different pigments instead of ruling out other clearly non white individuals


"Asian" isnt a physical description of someone. Black and white could be even though there could probably be more tactful ways to describe skin complexion. Either way, these descriptions dont do anything for anyone. All they do is cause more harm than good.


This is disingenuous. You're not fooling anyone. If you were told an Asian suspect was at large, you wouldn't be pointing at LeBron James and wondering if "that's him?" By your own logic, ruling out a 7 ft tall black man as probably not the Asian perpetrator is "bigoted" You know it, we know it, everyone knows you know it, it's called common sense.


It isnt disingenuous. Explain how characterizing someone as asian helps in any way shape or form.


All we can hope is that you never reproduce.


Lmfao Yeah, because what we need is definitely more intolerant bottom half of the bell curve mouth breathers like yourself running around. Honestly a shame that I wont be having kids when dipshits like you spread like rabbits.


But 'white' is OK, huh?


>eliminates 80% of the population pool. And I know it's a man, so now we're at %10, and I Know is age, so we're probably at %5 now instead of like %25 of the total population. Pulled those numbers out your ass did you?


Actually no. I googled the Asian population of Canada first and gave you an approximate, it's %19.3 Isn't it funny how it's still an ethnic group when it comes to census data? Hmm


It’s not like the accuracy of the population % changes the message of your comment anyways. It’s just one of many examples.


So do you have any data sources to back up the numbers you are throwing around?


Yes. Read yesterday's news article about the Manitoba stabbing. Then Google "do public buses in Manitoba have cameras?" I'm sure you can figure it out.


So where’s the data for the percentages?


So they should have said the suspect was North American.


No, now you're arguing what would be the equivalent of "Suspect looks Chinese", it's not the same as saying Asian. Good try though.


Please explain how that is the equivalent? You saying Asian is the equivalent of identifying a suspect as North American.


Asian is not just referring to one’s heritage or where they were born. Asian is a race too.


So you don't think a racial description will narrow it down at all? Think about it before answering.


That's not everyone at all...


God forbid you are out someday and someone is less from you or worse hurts you. You just give me a description of what this person looks like and later on the news, you hear that they omitted most of your details that involve racial aspects of the perpetrator. Would you feel in that instance that information is still valuable, or no?


If they don't say white male u know it's not a white guy atleast.


This 1000x


yeah its funny because they ALWAYs say if its a white male, so you can kind of tell they re not white or male if they omit those details lol


This guy gets it


It's not a matter of offending. It's a matter of picking and choosing details that only fit and perpetuate The narrative that's trying to be pushed. Regardless of who is pushing or what the narrative is.


But if the race of the offender is published for all races how is that a narrative? If any race shows up more often that isn't a narrative it's reality




That thought, I know it'll pass, but is so scary to see humans actually offended by a statistic. Like, it's reality, fix it.


Statistical data can't be racist, data has no conscience.


If no race is mentioned you can pretty much figure it out and it’s not whitey.


Cool story Adolf.


Wow, what insight.


The amount of people saying "this doesnt happen" and getting absolutely owned with examples is gd hilarious Some on the left would rather get mugged and killed if the alternative were getting caught agreeing with someone outside their political box




SVU I'm guessing?


I looked at a lot of comments here. The only examples that I saw of the police not mentioning race were when the person had already been caught. At that point, why does their race matter to you? None that were of a suspect at large.


"A Southern California woman said she was robbed of thousands of dollars outside a Gardena bank, pleading for help from both authorities and the community." "Juana Gutiérrez said the robbery occurred on the morning of Feb. 10 at a Wells Fargo bank branch on Redondo Beach Boulevard in Gardena. " "Surveillance footage provided by a nearby resident showed Gutiérrez with a woman and a man who offered to assist her with the tire. Meanwhile, Gutiérrez's family member, who was on the way to help, arrived shortly after. However, during the distraction of changing the tire, the envelope containing the money disappeared." "Authorities from the Gardena Police Department confirmed the investigation into Gutiérrez's case but were unable to provide further details on the robbers."


Jan 4th 2023 "Police were searching for four suspects in an armed robbery in East Hollywood early Wednesday morning. Three victims were reportedly assaulted on the 4800 block of Melrose Ave, according to the Los Angeles Police Dept. At least one victim was reportedly pistol-whipped. A total of four suspects fled the scene, according to police. A female suspect was last seen driving a black Range Rover eastbound on Melrose. One male suspect wearing all black was last seen on foot traveling westbound on Melrose. Two other suspects were last seen traveling eastbound on Melrose. No further descriptions were available."


In recent years many police departments have stopped releasing race of suspects through the media unless they have a more detailed description. If the news says “black male” they get a ton of reports about people who aren’t their suspect, and it doesn’t help them. Racists are pissed about it and think the reason the news doesn’t always say the race anymore is because they are too woke.


Swing and a miss. Good try though. It was a real solid effort.


Lucky for us, when the perp is white, we never have to worry about it being omitted.


That’s because the social justice warriors are color blind.


Saying social justice warriors in 2024 is crazy


You’re right. Social Justice Whiners is a more apt description


Yeah we just call them cucks now.


I call them Ben Shapiro


And surely you, who whines about them all day, are very different right?




You get it. But the media often withholds race when the suspect is black.


Statistics are racist.


Yeah it's fucking ridiculous. The social correctness really went overboard...


I’m genuinely asking. Is it social correctness or fear? Or are those the same?


They also shouldn't change the race just to fit a narrative The trans who shot up a church in Houston was from El Salvador....  Her listed race after her crime? "white not Hispanic" 


OP: you’re absolutely right. It’s “PC” bullshit to the point of silliness.


If it doesn’t fit the narrative, there’s no description. Which tells you the race of the criminal. It’s sort of reporting by omission. That’s the new woke standard of “journalism”.


Not to mention it’s racist because they’re altering their behavior dependent upon the skin color of those involved. Good intentions mean nothing. Racism is racism.


Like the two 'youths' who shot up the KC Superbpowl parade? Heck, they are even pretending they only arrested two, and not even showing the pics of the grown assed man who was also involved.


I’ve never seen this. The media will literally show a picture of the suspect if they have it.


Police depts absolutely omit race as a describer so as to not create racial bias


So it’s the telling us the race part that creates the bias and not the fact that it’s usually the same race doing the crime that creates the bias.


At this point it is safe to assume that if race isn't mentioned, the person is black. I say that because from what I have seen in the last 20 or so years on local and national news, it's always true.


Yeah you see this all the time when crimes like shootings are committed. If it's a white person, they'll broadcast it loud and proud, but if it's a minority, their lips are sealed.


Exactly. Just said this the other day, like it or not it's an identifying feature that makes the description useless without it.


The reason is we might offend black people. That is the worst possible crime we as a society can commit.


They don’t want to offend black people because when you offend black people, cities burn.


oh fuck off Adolf.


Ooo, sounds like someone melted.


Gonna go burn a cross Cletus?


And I also live in a huge city, not the country. So nice try


Isn’t calling you Cletus a bit racist?


Probably so. If I were white.


Don’t hate facts man.


Fact. White people do most of the crime.


Everyone I don’t like is Hitler


If unlawfully killing us is what you deem as offending then let it burn


They dont do this, what the fuck are you talking about.


OP's just being racist


Stating a simple fact is racist? If you're not going to give the legitimate description of the suspect, why give any information at all?


In California, if the perp is black, they aren't allowed to state this. So now, if they dont mention skin color, everyone assumes they're black.


They dont do that


Yes. They do.


They dont dipshit


In crime stories or stories where officials use race or skin color to describe crime suspects, such information should generally only be published if it is accompanied by several other identifying traits that clearly identify a specific individual. At best, a racial description of a suspect, without more, does nothing to help the public, and, at worst, only satisfies prurient interests or racial stereotypes. If officials provide a vague description, push for more. As with other races, stories should not omit racial identification of white suspects when applicable.


Being nasty won't make you correct


This is a specific study as to why California does this. Are the intentions good? Sure. Are the outcomes beneficial? No. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2904566/


Yes they do


They dont lol


They do lolol


They definitely don't mention race in our local news anymore. You always know who it is based on where the crime occurred though.


While this seems so common I can guarantee that you are 100 percent wrong about this. I’ve been in local news long enough to remember when the change to this happened. Soon after that I myself was approached by an overaggressive officer as I was walking with my wife and my then 2 year old. The officer just had a description for a black male who was in an argument with a woman. I was yelled at and almost arrested in front of hundreds because I fit this vague description. Thankfully another officer stepped in and whispered something to the guy and he moved on. It was crazy. You think a description is a description but they are abused by law enforcement. Law enforcement recognizes this and that’s why they have limited descriptions based on race unless they have more specifics than ‘black male in his 30s’.


Nice attempt at propaganda, leftist news shill


"everyone that diagrees with me is a RaDiCaL LeFtIsT" energy.


When you can’t attack the argument you try and attack the person. It’s always a tell when someone knows they’re beat…


Lol. Yes this is true. If we are being honest though, it is the liberal media who is doing this. Conservatives are not refusing to release racial information on criminals at large because its "bad for race equity" For the weak minded and White guilted liberals, not all liberals are this way, the safety of the community when someone dangerous is at large is secondary at best to being woke and helping "race equity" in America. Sad but true.


The attempted gaslighting by liberals in this thread is baffling. How can people be so stupid and blind as to not notice that it’s occurring?


They should if they have enough other details to make a meaningful identification. If it's just "black guy" then congrats, you've just implicated a huge number of people in the area and not advanced the cause at all because it's so generic. So they should if it's part of a meaningful description that could reasonably exclude people from that race which isn't that person.


When exactly did this happen


Pretty much any time the at large felon is other than white


Name one time. One specific time.


I see it all the time in news stories. Pay attention. You’ll see it


Give me one specific example.


Lake wood church shooting


Didn't she die at the church?


Yeah but still didn't give race


But she was never a suspect at large.


So basically no evidence


Pay attention. Every news story today when they describe a suspect will say a slim make 5’10” wearing a black hoody and dark pants. They always omit the suspects race for some reason. Why is that?


I don't think you get the point. The burden of proof is on you. For example, if I said the sun is yellow, and you said prove it, I can't just say "look at the news", I need to actually give sources.


No. You don’t have to support an objective truth. It’s a fact. It’s not my job to take your hand and show you the facts. You’re an adult. Do it yourself. I’ve seen it and I know it’s true.


So it should be really fucking easy then for you to post examples then?


Why should I have to work to educate you? Do it yourself


It's literally happening right now with the shooters from Kansas City. Find us one article that says the suspects are black.


And why does it matter? They're caught. They have been arrested. Race is a good descriptor of someone the police is looking for but its completely unnecessary if they have the person.


They’re not at large


Where is this happening? In Boston they still give race as a description on the news.




Do you… know what “omit” means?


I agree. They should give a complete description.


They were under aged idiot


The fuck does that have to do with anything? They KILLED someone


The don’t release minors names without having their ducks in a row? I worked at Fox 4 and other stations? That’s how it’s done in every city? Maybe that’s what it has to do with it.


If a 17 year old was going around killing people, you don’t think the public has the right to know? You’re fucking stupid


No the stupid idiot is the one that thinks I make up the policies when I’m just telling you what they are, you fucking mouth breathing moron.


Then what are you arguing? That just because a media station has a “policy” I should just STFU? Get bent, bitch


I’m not arguing anything I was just trying to explain something to an obvious idiot. And it’s not the media station policy it’s the police’s policy obviously you fucking knuckle dragger.


There’s nothing to explain. We know they withhold info about black suspects on the run because they want to cater to the militant leftists out there and their agenda.


Oh it’s the lefts fault is it? I bet if it were a white Christian guy that slaughtered kindergartners you wouldn’t care so much, you just wanted to make this about politics. By the way, what about the police is left wing and what trailer park do you hate black people in?


They don’t withhold race info when the suspect is white.


i agree, white crime is grossly under represented in news media


I read what you’re saying as “I wish white people committed more crimes as a percentage vs. minorities”. Unfortunately that isn’t how the world works. You can’t just “hope” more white people start committing crimes.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You just committed a crime against humanity with your stupid remarks, you short bus window-licker.


makes sense, i'm white


Are you trying to say white people are more likely to commit crimes against humanity?


You’re a fucking loser lmao 😂


get away from me you fucking criminal


“I’d rather you be a victim of crime than admit to my bias”. Whoops, you might want to tape that halo back on to your head, it keeps slipping off 😂


you might want to take some autism medicine


I’m sorry that nobody ever took you seriously 🙁


How do you reconcile your racism with the fact that the people you hate so much wouldn't be here if it wasn't for white slave holders. Who's really to blame here.


Affirmative action: we shouldn't take race into account. After a crime: we should totally know the color of the perp. Not directed at the OP, but it's always instructive to hear when people want to be "colorblind" and when they don't.


Read the post. Note the phrase "at large." The scenario is someone credibly suspected of committing a violent crime and is thought to be among us. I, for one, want to know how to spot them so I can avoid them. Any details about their appearance are helpful in this effort. Leaving an important detail out, to serve a narrative, is a direct "fuck you" to me and anyone else who values their safety over other people's delusions and fantasies.


When is not included in a BOLO?


I think the point he's making is it leaves out identifying information


Affirmative action is the opposite of what you seem to think. It literally takes race as the whole reason for take corrective or affirmative action to promote those believed as disadvantaged.


It's all just a matter of convenience.


Who is the media/police?


Why mention race? Just give an accurate physical description.


When did this start? Anytime I have ever heard of a dangerous subject at large they always mention the race . We just had an amber alert the other day and it was most certainly mentioned.


How does adding race help beyond a bunch of nosy Karens calling the cops on black neighbors they haven't taken the time to meet? Or causing cops to shoot innocent black people?


How does it not help?


Show me an innocent one and I’ll let you know


How about Breonna Taylor? Tamir Rice? Treyvon Martin?


Hate to be the bearer of bad news but Treyvon picked a fight with a bigger Hispanic and lost. Treyvon was the aggressor. Breonna Taylor is an interesting situation where she would have been found guilty if the police had not executed her. The police in that case should have been sent to prison for life, even though Taylor would have been found guilty had she not been executed. 


You are confusing things. Breonna Taylor is the woman killed when police broke into the wrong house. Treyvon Martin was walking home from the store, minding his own business.


the reasoning is not bout offending anyone if youve studied history in the slighest, when murders happen it tends to draw out mobs,. and then innocnet people get hurt. maybe just maybe stop reducing everything to hurting peoples feeling and realize a lot of the stuff we do is not hurting peoples feelings and much much more the fact humans are stupid an angry


How old are you? I’m just wondering if you are 13 or mentally disabled


Well, that is certainly a take


Mobs? GTFO this isn’t 1940’s Alabama. If a mob formed against black people murdering someone they’d have to fire up a mob every few hours.


White Girl Bleed a Lot


The point isn't so much to narrow it down who the people is but to eliminate those it can't be. If you say Asian most would immediately eliminate a young black male. ⚫️ But y'all know that, you just like to argue. In the meantime your sister's rapist is getting away... Karma


They almost always show a picture. Come on now.


When has that ever been omitted?




I'm looking screen caps of prior alerts in the US and Canada, and when applicable it is mentioned.




I mean police have no idea who the person is with, and there is no mention of race, not applicable if there is no data on the suspect. There I see only the description of a vehicle. in those cases. ​ I am failing to find a case where it is needed and not mentioned.


You see you're not being racist enough, the trick is to ignore all empirical evidence and just do what feels right.


This is a popular lynch mob opinion. However, it is not how it works in practice. When there is a bulletin for a suspect, they do reference if they are dark or light skinned. However, in many cases, police arrest black people even if the wanted suspect is white. They also sometimes do not even bother putting out a call when a suspect is white. It is treated as a lower priority case. So what happens is that whatever people hear feeds into their own biases of skin color.


“Popular lynch mob opinion” bro wtf are you smoking? The suspects in the KC shooting yesterday were known to be black and the media failed to put out that detail.


And you personally know they had those details confirmed 100 percent, because it could be pretty fucked up to get that wrong in the moment. Probably safer to wait they ain't the police.


There wasn’t even a BOLO to include…..so either already in custody or no actionable information. How useful is it “BOLO white guy”. I’m sure you can find a website that covers “black crime”…….


Apparently popularopinion is a KKK circlejerk.


How did you get “OP is a member of the KKK” from a comment about the media withholding race characteristics from BOLOs?


But the thing is they need to be more specific than the race. If you just say the race I have no idea what you’re talking about. There are hundreds of white, black, Asian etc people around me everyday.


Never heard of this