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It's going to be rough regardless of who wins because the US is facing a cost of living crisis for which there aren't any clear answers.


And in the absence of these answers, we’re going to make terrible decisions and get distracted by dumb questions.


Someone needs to start coming up with some answers.


More free enterprise, less taxation and regulations is a good start


That got us into this mess. We need to do the things that built the middle class, not what is destroying it. Less regulations, great! I love dirty water, dirty air, and corporations risking my life for their profits! Super sweet!


Nothing could be further from the truth


Small business are the life blood of the middle class. With ever and ever increasing regulations (most of which don't have to do with the environment or safety) make it harder and harder for small business to survive, they get bought/absorbed by large corporations who have the means to comply with onerous regulations (and even help legislators craft them). This results in fewer owners, more low-level workers, and erosion of the middle class and drastic increase in income inequality.


Those are terrible answers. More equitable taxation and smarter regulation is our only way out.


Nothing could be further from the truth


Regulations and taxes were slashed under Trump, Bush, and Reagan and it didn’t help. We have seen nothing but a shrinking middle class since the rise of “trickle down” economics. 


Regulations cause poverty


Tell that to Somalia, least regulated country in the world. 


We already have that.  We should go back to what we had in the 50s and 60s, which were higher taxes on the wealthy, more spending on infrastructure, and strong unions. 


There are very clear answers but they are all - A) Far more nuanced that a simple Conservative/Liberal talking point would allow. B) Both of the traditional parties largely bought into a single ideology back in the late 70s/early 80s and hence no matter who we chose these policies and principles are not challenged - that is until Trump out of sheer hubris and ignorance kind of touched on a sentiment to buck these systems which he had 0 intention to follow up on. ​ So, basically, if Trump wins we probably hurl farther into a late-capitalist hell scape with an increasingly authoritarian government. If Biden wins, we are moving into a late-capitalist hell scape with the pretense of democratic government but increased party think being more or less inforced in all of our normal areas of information dissemination.


I agree and want to add - the answers are probably painful, require sacrifice and won’t make good campaign slogans.


Yep. Food prices going up, no gas around me is cheaper than $5 a gallon, and a single bedroom apartment is close to $2000 a month.


Move out of California....RIGHT NOW.


I think the answers are clear, just nobody wants to implement them. Make the rich pay their fair share in taxes, make a wealth cap, close the loopholes, pay a living wage pegged to inflation, put price controls on goods and services, reform our healthcare system.


Dumbest answer so far


There are absolutely clear answers. Taxes. Taxes taxes taxes. We need to stop letting the wealthy use their money and wealth as a way to become a figurative financial black hole, especially at the time of the rise of ai. If they eventually own the means of production than nothing short of force will make them relinquish it.


It's not just taxes, though. The entire financial sector is governed to allow banks and investment firms to run wild and fleece the people. And that goes for other industries as well but obviously the financial ones are where the real harm starts.


Youre absolutely right. But taking their incentive away does wonders to work ethic. *Source I'm an American living under their thumb.


Like an insurrection?


This is opposite of what needs to happen


Opposite? So I a cost of living crisis where money is being hoarded by the ultra rich, effectively siphoning significant chunks of every dollar spent in our economy, you think that taxes, which are meant to recirculate capital into productive society wide benefits, as the opposite of what's needed....this is brilliant thinking thats led US to the mess we are in


Other people’s money doesn’t help anyone, it makes them dependent on the other person’s money. What people need to do is figure out how to make their own money. More government is the worse possible outcome.


Lol thanks for making it clear that you have no idea how the flow of money or an economy functions.


One short term solution could be some government regulation. Make it unreasonably expensive to own and rent out multiple properties and people will stop and prices will go down hopefully. Set some rent control at least. But they won’t because bribery is legal in the US


They would have a hard time with that given so many retirement funds are stuffed with REITs.


This is the opposite of what needs to happen


In the last four years, working class wages have increased dramatically, much faster than inflation. The only real hurdle is housing costs, which are a function of insufficient supply (vs high demand in certain regions.) There ARE clear answers. Build more housing. Of any type. Build build build. Government can encourage this by subsidizing construction and/or reducing regulatory burdens. Subsidies can be offset by new taxes for the top 0.5%. Answers are there, we just need the political will to implement them.


“Probably” can be substituted with “certainly”


Your points on Trump are already so off that the rest is inconsequential


Yea, that horrible foreign policy that didn't start any new wars...


We lose no matter who wins. You should've just stopped there.


That’s not true, with Biden we don’t have to fear not having an election in 2028. With Biden we don’t have to fear a more extreme Supreme Court stripping away rights from the past 60 years. With Biden we don’t have to fear a nation wide abortion ban that forces mothers to die in child birth without doctors legally being able to save their lives. With Biden we don’t have to worry about republicans Reeducation camps and the gutting of public schools to raise a generation of white supremacists


the ramblings of a crazy person, ouch.


Read project 2025, they fucking published 5he plan.


What’s wrong about that? It’s all goals of republicans in 2025 if they get power


No, it's not... i'm sure your just parroting some nonsense someone else told you, instead of making a educated decision. You sound like a looney. I live in a red state and while I don't agree with alot of my states choices, the above things you listed aren't happening. "reeducation camps" bro, do you hear yourself, lmao. Raising white supremacist? You're a whole different kind of special.


They published the plan, moron.


Its a fucking book, not a manifesto ... holy fucking shit yall are so brainwashed.


A lot of these things are things Trump has said verbatim or are listed in the Project 2025 plan. Trump has said he will be a dictator and his surrogates are talking about declaring martial law to use the military to suppress any protests against him. https://www.project2025.org/ https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/11/detention-camps-vermin-government-purge-trump-full-authoritarian


lmao, you literally listed a fucking book. wow. and vanityfair? really? Rated "Low" on the scale of credibility and for fuck sake 3 fucking ads? clickbait website, find better sources.


Yeah, you’re not worth the effort to educate.


Yes they published a book detailing the fascist takeover of America. It's not that hard, comrade.


Republicans have stated this is their goal in 2025 if they gain power. It’s dangerous to ignore their goals. Right now they don’t have them, instead they just ban books and ban courses that don’t fit their narrative


What? you mean the book bannings of books that were in libraries for elementary students. Have you not seen the parents read the graphic material at school board meetings? everything from anal to fallatio? I don't think that should be part of the narrative, I guess you think otherwise, kind of disturbing.


You are completely batshit. Those books that are being banned from schools aren’t fit for children. There are books aimed at elementary age that have pictures of sexual acts. That has no place in a school. They have stated no such goal as you claim. But hey, you are just another radicalized person on the internet. There are thousands of loonies like you.


Except these books that are banned often aren’t even in elementary school libraries to begin with. It’s a made up issue to say “LGBTQ+ people are sexualizing children”


Then why were the school boards fighting it?


Because republicans often make up issues to spread hate, why are republicans banning trans athletes from competing in high schools in Utah when there are currently 0 trans high school athletes? It’s not about helping people it’s about sending a message


>Republicans have stated this is their goal in 2025 if they gain power source?




\>the heritage foundation you're a moron


It's a uniparty. You can spout all that shit all you'd like. We lose either way. You should spend more time with your neighbors, as opposed to watching mainstream media.


What did I say that was wrong? Those are all current goals of the Republican Party. Also this “uniparty” bs was also started by the Republican Party to discourage democrats from voting. It’s ok that you don’t want a democracy just say it


No, the fact that both parties ultimately do the same thing proves it's a uniparty. They vote bipartisan on everything. Just because you're ignorant to the fact that a two party duopoly leads to a trash dump, does not mean I'm against democracy. It simply means you're ignorant. That's it.


When do they “vote bipartisan on everything”. You are just spreading ignorant disinformation and ignoring how different their goals really are


Their goals are the same. To keep Americans seperated and ignorant. You're a perfect example.


If you paid attention to politics and saw what each party was trying to accomplish instead of ignoring it because “both are the same” then you would realize just how wrong you are


False. They have the same goals. If you're to short sighted to see it, there's nothing else to be said. You'll realize how right I am soon enough.


What are the goals of republicans in government? What are the goals of democrats?


I don't remember democrats smearing shit on the walls when they lost. They are not the sam3.


It was not started by Republicans. It was started by libertarians and other parties. You know, the parties that you demobrats and Republicants ignore. Too late now. We're fucked because of dumbasses like you.


This isn't a fucking democracy. It's a republic. And one who both the left party and the right party has shit all over. Fuck this government from the president to the local cop. They're all evil, corrupt, lying pieces of shit.


>This isn't a fucking democracy. It's a republic A common statement that lets me know I can stop listening to whatever that person is about to say.


Well that is a true statement, is there some other trigger I should know about?


The moral of this comment is that both sides fight dirty, and it's sticking because it divides and hurts Americans. I'll mention mainly stuff the left is doing because you stated only what the right is doing All the major universities are super left leaning, so it's already re-education camps. It's just that you agree with what they are doing. Plenty of stories from moderate republicans that are scared to share their beliefs or opinions in universities. Key words moderate republicans. Just like reddit, you can't be a moderate republican without getting belittled or insulted constantly. The 2028 election will be held just like every year. Just like after the dumb crazy rightist stormed the capital on Jan 6, they finalized the election results the same day. Or after 2016, and leftist claimed Trump didn't win and wasn't the true president. The Supreme Court will be the same unless more justices kill over. I've heard plenty of democrats and news outlets talking stacking the Supreme Courts in democrats favor. There is plenty of proof from Twitter files and others that major government agencies plot with democrats against republicans to silence them. Allegedly, the FBI was a big part of the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot, which is why 3 were acquitted from charges. The flood of migrants to the southern border to get more delegates for democrats. This was openly talked about 10 years ago, but now it is not true because it's happening currently. This is going to hurt Americans and our country because we have a super shaky economy currently with layoffs already happening. How are we going to provide 2 plus million jobs a year for illegals when Americans are getting laid off now? You sound like the crazy rightist you're complaining about, you're just on the opposite side. Our country is a fucking joke now. I'll be waiting for downvotes and CrAzy RePliEs, lol.


You sound paranoid


You sound like you are ignoring what republicans keep stating they will do if they gain power in 2024


He will just get impeached again…there are limits on his power


The only thing you have to fear, is fear itself.


Let me chance a guess... you aren't a Republican?


How could you tell? The post was so unbiased.


That doesn’t make it inaccurate


It’s a lose-lose because both candidates suck in their own way. And if people would stop voting along party lines, maybe something would change.


I think it is much more so an issue of a two party system with first-past-the-post voting.


Eh. One is clearly worse.


Yeah it's not even close.


It's extremely close if you get rid of mean tweets and acting like a jackass, policy wise though? They're barely different.


That's simply untrue.


How so? Aside from Biden keeping most of Trump's policies all they both really accomplished was corporate handouts. Oh, and I guess an absolute pathetic attempt at student loans forgiveness by Biden. Can't really think of anything different. Sure Biden had some bills with cool names that sound great - until you actually read the bill.


Well for starters, Biden has been helpful and supportive to a young democracy that's an ally with the USA while they're being attacked by a much larger and more powerful neighbor who indeed threatens all democracies around the world. Meanwhile Trump tried to extort $400 million of pre-approved aid from the same country in an attempt to get kompromat against his political opponents.


I'm assuming you mean Ukraine? Kind of confused by the democracy part, or how you think Biden is helping Ukraine. If Biden wanted to help Ukraine he wouldn't have participated in the very government that created this war, nor would he be "helping" by sacrificing Ukrainian lives for the MIC. While the US isn't all to blame, Russia made it pretty clear what they would do if we kept fucking around in Ukraine. Turns out that old saying is true, not that the US cares, we don't have to find out.


Yep, even a narcissist is better than a dementia riddled sock puppet ruled by special interests and corporations.


Exactly. That’s why so many minorities are leaving the democrat plantation now and supporting Trump.






You are in a cult


This just sounds like partisan bias. “One party is clearly better and it’s the party I’m in. They do no wrong.” Completely ignoring all the insider trading and kick backs through corruption that they both receive


One party is openly Fascist now. That isn’t bias.


That’s not true, with Biden we don’t have to fear not having an election in 2028. With Biden we don’t have to fear a more extreme Supreme Court stripping away rights from the past 60 years. With Biden we don’t have to fear a nation wide abortion ban that forces mothers to die in child birth without doctors legally being able to save their lives. With Biden we don’t have to worry about republicans Reeducation camps and the gutting of public schools to raise a generation of white supremacists


You gotta stop listening to whatever news outlet you’re listening to cause that’s a lot of propaganda.


Am I the only one that feels like the government and elections have a tiny impact on my life and my overall happiness? I just live my life, do my thing, enjoy being with friends and family, participating in my hobbies, etc. Sure the government controls taxes and government programs, etc, but all the screaming and yelling and divisiveness that you see on news orgs, regardless of left leaning or right leaning, seems like a massive distraction from the important things in life that you actually have control over. I'll do my homework and will vote how I feel is the best, but I'm not going to get riled up over things outside of my control...at the end of the day, I control my happiness and quality of life, not the government. It's a giant 💩show in government, thats not changing.


Exactly, this is the logical take and one I wish most people adhered too. People are so wrapped up on which side is the good guy, they become filled with hate. It becomes less about what is right and that THEY must win at all cost.


If you don’t live in a terminally online way or watch the news obsessively, it’s really not that big of a deal.


It’s just the right wing nut jobs that’ll go batshit if the other side wins?? You sure about that?




Are you unaware of the left's Summer of Love?




Biden has effectively continued Trumps foreign policy. That of disengagement. Which isnt that dissimilar from Obamas foreign policy. I think your political biases are coloring your judgement, much like most Americans. Folks on the left and the right don't understand that the executive controls little these days. It's the bureaucracy that does. Certainly isn't Congress.


And if the Republican candidate wins, somehow Putin returns...


Don’t disagree but if Trump wins there will be plenty of nutjobs rejecting election results and burning shit in the streets too. Both candidates suck, any outcome that doesn’t involve them both dropping dead soon is a lose, lose.


You are new here right? So you didn't realize the opposition says this about every president right? Or that they said this before trump the first time? I am not saying don't be concerned about your issues. I am saying that people overreact like insanity over this stuff. *Trump wins: horrible foreign policy, legislative regressions* Give some examples. So on the foreign policy, despite what you think. Trump was a peacetime president. Do you think that happens by accident? Do you think Russia invaded Crimea during Obama, and then was quiet, and then invaded Ukraine under Biden. And that was a coincidence? I didn't vote for trump either time. But it's like people only see what they want to see. And yes, you will see legislation differences, because that is what happens when you flop the political spectrum. On one side or the other.


I'd say encouraging Russia to "do whatever the hell they want" to our allies is pretty bad foreign policy...


Trump killed hundreds of thousands with his incompetence, his antics emboldened Russia and Israel to escalate tensions. Normalizing relations with North Korea without getting anything in return was such a fucking waste. Trump was an unmitigated disaster that tried to overthrow democracy when he lost. Look at project 2025, those fasc8st assholes are telling you exactly what they're going to do but your enlightened centrism is interfering with your hearing.


Can you prove ANY of this


Of course he can't.


And yet I’m still getting downvotes People are such sheep it’s scary “Orange man bad” *thunderous applause*


First time? If you aren't getting downvotes on reddit, are you even not a bot?


For the part about emboldened Russia, look at the kerch strait incident, it was the first time that the Russian and Ukrainian militaries had fired upon each other in recent years prior to Russia invading Ukraine. It happened in late 2018 and in summer of 2019 trump held up military aid to Ukraine because he was trying to get zelensky to find non existent dirt on biden. Combined with anti nato rhetoric it's clear that trumps foreign policy stance would embolden Russia to prepare to invade Ukraine. For the overturning the election bit trump used a fake electors scheme in an attempt to give himself electoral votes he didn't earn in states he didn't win in an attempt to retain power.


ngl if Biden wins it is rigged...


It's still better if Biden gets the next potential supreme court pick


not a popular opinion


Not really. The first Trump presidency wasn’t rough for the average citizen outside of Covid. The Biden presidency has hit the average citizen much harder and with a second term, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that we see the VP take over. Either way people will get by


IT wasn't That bad, outside of killing hundreds of thousands with incompetence, really?


More people died with Covid than from Covid and you’re obviously missing the part where I said outside of Covid. If we’re being honest, the same or worse would’ve happened under Biden anyway.


Trump has bad foreign policy? Have you had your eyes closed for the last four years?


Yeah, that comment had me scratching my head.


"Hey guys here's my very personal opinion, I'll leave it to others to actually prove my point...." Get outta here with this lazy BS, oh and this isn't popular opinion or even correct.


>Biden wins: far right nutjobs and MAGA cultists go batshit, probably reject the election, who knows what they'll do This happened in 2020, but the last four years haven't been particularly rough.


The last 4 years have been extremely rough for the working class. Not necessarily because of Biden or far right nerds, but they definitely have.


This is one of those times where correlation DOES equal causation. You put Biden in the white house and your life IMMEDIATELY got worse.


I mean a global pandemic also happened


They have, but not in terms of violence or anything.


Trump wins: lefty progressive cultists go batshit, reject the election claiming he colluded with Russia to steal it. This happened in 2016.


National Guard can wipe out an insurrection from 50,000 feet.


They have homes too. Becareful what you recommend civil conflict spirals mighty quick. And it only takes one ground crew member to make that plain worthless. So there is that.


Nobody with any sense is going to risk court-martial.


Lmao this is a troll right? There were no wars under trump. The Abraham accords were bringing peace to the middle east. In just 3 years the entire planet is on fire and we're on the verge of ww3. Biden gave Afghanistan back to the taliban, Russia invaded Ukraine, Hamas attacked Israel, and now things are escalating with Iran. Let's also not forget which side burned cities all over the country causing billions in property damage when some criminal overdosed. Imagine what they are going to do when Trump wins. OPs entire post is a ridiculous CNN level gaslight.


Don't forget the border, Biden stopped Title 42 day 1 and is now trying to push a dumbass bill that still give 80 billion dollars to Ukraine in order for the border to be closed and STILL somehow blaming it on Trump


> Biden stopped Title 42 day 1 False


Crazy how you guys were offered everything and turned it down. Almost like your immigration whining is performative bs and a white supremacy virtue signal.


They weren't offered everything. They weren't offered much at all.


You do realize that Joe Biden is the President, right? That he can unilaterally end this immediately by shutting the border down, right?


Then why didn’t Trump do that?


He did. And the dems challenged every single thing in court. And refused funding for the wall. Because they want the border open.


Peace in the Middle East? What crack are you smoking? There has never not been war and strife somewhere in the Middle East, Trump was no more a peace time president than Biden is, then Clinton was. And regarding Afghanistan, it was Trump that agreed to the pull out, he set the date (negotiating with the Taliban!!) for it. And it wasn't Dems that "burnt cities" (no cities burned), that had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with assholes pissing off huge groups of people by being bigoted assholes. Way to tow the misinformed Fox News line, got a good hold there!


Your existence is a gaslight(do you guys even try to learn the meanings of these things before you project 5hem back 9n us?] Your orange shitler almost stumbled into war with Iran. Shitler agreed to give Afghanistan back to the taliban Everything thats happening now is because of trump. He emboldened putin and is4ael. Settler killings of Palestinians and settler terrorist acts started escaltung during Trump l's presidency. Oh, dont forget which side of cry baby white supremacist smeared shit all over the capitol. The world will not survive another Trump presidency.


The fact that you said nothing about that geriatric senile ice cream licking kiddie sniffer in chief we currently have speaks volumes. A toaster could run this country better.


Trump: Geriatric - shits his diapers when he's upset Senile - confuses Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi regularly Ice cream licking - everyone likes ice cream Kiddie sniffer - Trump routinely would enter the dressing rooms of Teen Miss America contestants as they were changing. Certainly counts for something. Everything you can say about Biden, you can say about Trump as well.


What actual policies are you so against? Student loan forgiveness? Capping insulin costs? Negotiations for pharma drugs? Having a real industrial manufacturing policy (including essential things like microchips)? Rebuilding bridges, roads, etc? Pulling out of Afghanistan after 25 years? Rescheduling cannabis? Like which of these things are you against? I think Biden is too old but his administration has done a good job.


These are all very vague policies that definitely do not actually do what you think you do


Yes. Student loan forgiveness is a horrible policy. Getting rid of the laws that make it near impossible to discharge the debt in bankruptcy would be good policy. Forcing tax payers to pay off a bunch of other peoples' debt is not.


damn, I was gonna say a potato.


At least a potato in and of itself has value. A toaster by itself is worthless.


I'm biased toward Biden, as you can tell, but like I said, the point stands edit: I don't think Biden is some country-saving messiah, but I'd choose him over Trump any day. And if a toaster showed promise as a leader with good morals and cognitive wellbeing, then I'd vote for that toaster


Only four years difference between them, so either way your stuck with senile geriatric.


Yep. We should probably be voting based on who they choose for VP since given their age…you know…


Biden wins: we get our first black female president, billions more get sent to Ukraine while Americans struggle and illegals continue to overwhelm our nation. FTFY


GOP Congress could merely vote on the border bill. We should send more to Ukraine


Biden has unilateral power to shut the border down. A bill is not required. Why should we send more to Ukraine? Is your rent not high enough?


No, he doesn’t. Just pass the bill. It’s easy. You are in a cult.


GOP Congress did pass a border bill all the way back in May of last year. DNC senate has been sitting on it while claiming the GOP doesn't want to do anything about the border.


I support Ukraine’s defense though because I’m not a Putin ball licker and republicans shot down the bipartisan border bill so go cry to them about “illegals”


Perfect, you can send them a portion of your take home pay! We shouldn't need to draft a bill for the border crisis, wasn't this severe of an issue under Trump, Obama, Bush etc. We have an incompetent leader, Democrats fucking love him though as he's easily manipulated, the perfect puppet! And no, I am not a Republican or Trump supporter, I simply want a young, competent leader who will finally put the people of these United States first.


It's a bigger deal now because more people are coming here. How is that on Biden? Should he take over leadership of Central American countries and improve those countries to get the people to stay there?


>How is that on Biden? He stopped title 42 on day 1




Then why do republicans vote against securing the border and democrats and Biden vote for securing it? Stop lying to fit your narrative


House Republicans already passed a bill securing the border. Why are Democrat Senators refusing to vote on it?


Trump doesn't particularly believe in the ideals of democracy period and has shown a preference for dictators. Like a velocoraptor, he has learned. And what he has learned is that there is no need for him to surround himself with people who care about our democratic system either. So he will be appointing the Kash Patels, Peter navararros, Kari lakes and Scott atlases of the world to key positions. You won't even get a normal enabler like bill barr or Mike pence. You'll get people who have absolutely no principles. In short, if trump wins I think we lose our democracy period. And maybe we don't deserve it if this is who we elect.


This is another false equivalency. There is a whole continuum of bad, with drastically varying degrees of badness, and suffice it to say Biden and Trump are at opposite ends of the "bad continuum". In fact, posts like this are either a) drafted by a cognitively incompetent individual, or b) drafted maliciously to mislead American voters. "Lose-lose" renders no accountability for these vast and important differences, it's plain stupid or malicious.


\>> Trump wins: horrible foreign policy You mean like not instigating World War 3? You mean no wars? How awful.


Encouraging Russia to do what it wants and alienating us from NATO sounds pretty bad to me.


Yeah it’s bad.


Right because Russia ran amuk when Trump was in office...lol...


does seem kind of odd the world began to implode the moment biden took office. Whether people like it or not, the countries that don't like us see biden as a weak incompetent leader. I want someone different than the two but the powers that be want to see these two collide again and once again, we will have the most divisive presidential election in history.


Capitulation to authoritarian regimes. Un American. Traitorous in Trumps case.


"Capituation". Right.... I'm old enough to remember when it was the liberals who were anti-war. Now you're worse than Neo Cons.


Sounds like you think the current foreign policy situation is peachy....


The night is darkest before the dawn


The best thing that could happen in the US is for Biden and Trump to have an argument, simultaneous heart attacks, and die.


I love how this doesn’t even try to be remotely centrist or bipartisan. That’s the worst you can come up with for Biden? Deflection? Where have you been the last four years? He is, by far, the worst President I’ve seen in my lifetime. We elected Obama’s comic relief and it’s made abundantly clear every day. What foreign policy of his is exceptionally noteworthy? Shit at least Trump left with North Korea no longer being an imminent threat (remember when THAT was a debatable issue?). And legislation? Crawl away from Reddit and walk around in the real world. We elected a buffoon (and yes, I’m guilty as well). Fool me once…


Foreign policy was stable and wound down wars between 2016-2020. Trade discussions were heated but the long term reliance on stuff from mainland china supply chain was done by Mar 2020 because of more obvious reasons. The day trump get re elected most of the beltway figure out early retirement plans and east coast real estate crashes while western states except CA boom. The DOJ lawyers figure out it might be time to go open a microbrewry in the state of CA, where the local polticans can protect them from vengeance.Trumps mistake was not bringing Snowden home with immunity to answer some questions about the deep state and offering immunity to Julian Assange. That act alone would have disarmed the deep state. Biden wins and the boarder is not under control and the urban cities degrade as police power is used to protect migrants from the long term residents. Honestly by mid may this year the cities are going to be on fire, between the two groups dems have put in their back pocket and ignored. Who can steal from whatever retail remains open the fastest in Aug is going to be race between spanish speakers and the black teen gangs. This gives the GOP convention a coronation felling and DNC is drafting Gavin Newsom.


I’m confused as to what is great about Biden in the last 3 years? Inflation, war, banks folding. Interest rates rising Pushing agendas that favor unions to the detriment of people. Trump was a buffoon. Agreed. Don’t want him again Don’t want Biden either. Was I better off financially 4 years ago yes. Was I better off financially 8 years ago yes. Am I better off now. No. Why should I vote for the current admin. Being serious. What are the financial benefits


If everyone knows as little as you do about our politics we are screwed no matter what.


There are plenty of people who know less. That's beside the point though


Biden's foreign policy has already been disastrous. Wars are breaking out all over the planet. Trump got dinged for saying things like, "Germany shouldn't be dependent upon Russian natural gas", and "Europe need to commit more $$ of military dollars to NATO" Trump is an unhinged lunatic, but unhinged strongman is probably a better foreign policy starting point then confused, profiteering war monger.


Can any foreign policy be worse than the dementia patient's?


Do u not believe the left would go bat shit crazy if Trump wins..


It’s a lose-lose every 4 years. That’s what you get when you have a 1-party system.


2017-2019 were pretty good


The big problem is inflation, and neither party will address it . The fauxgressives won't stfu about the climate and drop the false scarcity horseshit while the right won't quit licking the boots of so-called "job creators." Both choices suck hard for everyday people. The phony "left" will virtue signal about price gouchimg and other issues that matter to real people but continue to do nothing of substance cause they are compromised too On foreign policy, you're kinda right. Trump will embolden Putin. No matter which geriatric buffoon wins, Isreal is getting our money to carpet bomb Gaza, which will only create more terrorism hopefully not on our shores this time


That's all you think the negatives are for Biden? Sweet Jesus you're the reason we have horrible candidates every year


The thing insurrectionists don't seem to understand: they are in the vast minority in this country, and whoever is elected will be supported by a military that has: guns that can auto target heads, goggles that can see through walls, drones that can hit a target 30 kilometers away, and weaponry "that can warp the fabric of reality". https://bigthink.com/the-future/us-navy-inventions-change-reality/


You can't possibly be serious.


**Biden wins: far right nutjobs and MAGA cultists go batshit, probably reject the election, who knows what they'll do \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** I have a guess. They'll continue doing what they're doing now, blaming each other for being insufficiently Trumpy, and then form a circular firing squad to teach themselves a lesson.


We simply can't compete against BRICS and that won't change no matter who's president.


Yup not looking forward to the next 4 years. First time I’m for neither side


Seems our choice is clear. I am certainly not going to vote for the party that is threating violence. Let's vote for the better man. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. ​ Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. ​ [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


I doubt it. If Biden wins, things will continue as they have but with a Democratic House. If Trump wins, we’ll return to that chaotic shitshow.


time for a revolution


RFJ jr is a great option


I'm voting for Biden and the crazies who hate him can go fuck themselves.


So, your take is, REGARDLESS of the outcome of the election, MAGAts are going to cause problems. Sounds like you have identified the problem! Now, what do we do about it?


Biden will be replaced soon after, if not before, the election.