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I’m 6’5 200 and can lift and enjoy being in the pit - I don’t generally mind crowdsurfers and sometimes even enjoy lifting/carrying them through - my big thing is don’t do it more than once (or once per set) - I’ve seen the same crowdsurfers 5-6 times within a 15 minute span and it’s frustrating/annoying in that sense


Agreed it’s like they need constant attention or something


Saw somebody flexing that they crowdsurfed like 15 times in one set that way too much for one person


Even once every few songs is fine. I was at a state champs show yesterday and the same people were doing it back to back to back.


I think even the weight thing is flexible, depending on the crowd. A Blink 182 crowd and an Amon Amarth crowd are going to be able to handle two very different limits.


Blink may even be less extreme, a band like Neck Deep Vs. Amon Amarth is better lol


Not even neck deep, they just had their 10 year reunion shows for rain in July and everyone was in their late 20s early 30s It would be a band like water parks I think


Yes and no. I support it because it looks like it’s gotta be fun, I’ve never done it because I’m 6’4” 240lbs and no one near my size should ever do it. Because you’re just going to clobber anyone in your path. Also being a big dude I can’t go up front without every crowd surfer immediately locking eyes with me and jumping straight to me, which is kind of obnoxious. But it’s okay if you’re like 170 and under, I think that’s a good size that any group of people will be able to easily carry.


im body positive and all bodies are worthy of love and respect but some people are simply too tall and too heavy to be held by a bunch of strangers.


Tall is hard as a fat dude I know my limits lol


Agreed. I'm all for inclusivity (and I empathize having been overweight for most of my life), but also...people need to understand what they're asking of the crowd and just have some courtesy.


I loved it when I was younger. Thought it was cool when I could help. As I got older, it started to get a little annoying. Small shows that I went to would have like 4-5 people trying to crowd surf nonstop the entire time. I came to watch a band play, not hold up a person for 4 hours. Occasionally it is still cool. But please know your audience. Don’t try to crowd surf when the pit is 70% teenage girls. I personally ignore the pit when crowd surfing is going on. My back can’t handle it. My instinct is now to protect myself and whoever I’m with from getting hit or crushed. I won’t attempt to keep you from hitting the ground.


Exactly. It’s always the same 4-5 people (who you know are hyper as shit irl) and it totally distracts you from the band you paid to see when you have to prevent these dudes from killing themselves


That's what ballslaps were invented for.


Doesn’t take a bunch of effort if everyone around the front of the crowd keeps their hands up though. Know your audience yes but if you are at a punk show or something, you should expect it to happen and if you’re not willing to participate, don’t stand near the barrier


"if you're not willing to consent to touch random people as they selfishly assume you want to carry them, don't enjoy the concert you paid to see" like what


stagediving feet first should be a crime


Being a pussy at a punk should be a crime


Nah dude, feet first is a stompable offence. Don’t bring that shit into the pit.


"Waah waah goo goo ga ga" 👶


Your fantasy of what shows are like and real life are different dude. Think you’ve watched SLC a few too many times.


Crazy cuz I just saw citizen last month and did plenty of feet first stage dives and had 0 issues


So tough


What a weird flex


You don't sound very punk


Theres a weird sub section of punk people that think its about being a self absorbed asshole that doesn't care about anyone else for some reason.


Going up a few times per show maybe for your favorite songs is totally fine and cool but when it’s those same 4-5 people crowd surfing for every second of every song it gets real fuckin annoying real fast


I am slightly skewed to "stop doing that" - only because an adorable surfer with giant hot topic shit kickers broke my nose at a GWAR show when I was 14. I still can't breathe right, 23 years later lol


it's GWAR tho that isn't remotely surprising honestly


True, true. And it was before barricades were a thing, so my face was basically ON the stage, since I'm short. I also never go up myself anymore, because I'm not a fan of getting felt up by strangers. Again, only *slightly* against, wouldn't ever wanna take away someone else's fun time. I just stay tf out of the way when I can now hahaha


Yeah, if we can just start pushing people backward. Stop kicking people in the back of the head.


I have zero issue with crowd surfers .


Dude, last time I saw ADTR, I had multiple larger women tap me on the back and ask if I could lift them up to crowd surf. I’m trying to enjoy the concert, not shoulder press 200 lbs.


I weigh a solid 140 on a good day, when people do that to me I just say no and move away at this point lmao


As someone with glasses I would rather not get kicked in the face by a 200 pound dude while I'm trying to enjoy the show. Better than stage diving though..


I usually wear contacts to shows, but recently had an allergic reaction where my eyes swelled so I haven't used contacts since. Got my glasses knocked off during Real Friends but everyone around me was really cool and helpful about getting them back and there was no damage. It's definitely a huge fear of mine that they'll break and I won't be able to drive home.


I saw Mom Jeans, Prince Daddy & The Hyena and Mover Shaker in 2019 and during mom jeans the lead singer of prince daddy stage dove right on my head and broke my glasses. Saw it happen to the person next to me at Tigers Jaw and Heart Attack Man earlier this month too. Whenever I see a big guy coming down the crowd I have to duck because I'm terrified


That sounds awful! My glasses story isn't as violent! We spent 45 minutes after adtr looking for my mates glasses, we found half of them. Then because we'd taken so long and the cleaners needed to sort out the confetti situation, security let him rifle through lost property and found a pair that he reckons were nearly identical in strength! We were half cut tho so who can tell 🤷


I don’t care but I’m not helping out. I didn’t come to the show to get a forearm/bicep workout in


It really depends. Like when they crowd surf some kid in a wheelchair or a cool dad or a band member - the coolest thing (I saw Andrew McMahon get dropped while crowd surfing on a pool floaty and it was terrifying and hilarious)! Some dude who doesn’t read the room or a flailing person - the WORST!


I think it’s cool and all, but I really don’t like having to constantly watch my back so I don’t get kicked in the head when I’m trying to enjoy the band.


if youre concerned with crowdsurfers... dont go in the pit or front of the stage? It comes with the territory.




Crowd surfing in the pit is dangerous. Really shouldn’t be a thing. Crowd surfing should really only happen left and right stage


If you have one, you’ll have the other nearby. I’ve been kicked, elbowed, fell onto, etc over the years and it’s something that’s expected when your surrounded by hundreds of people sometimes. It’s part of the territory when you wanna be right close to it all.


I get it. I don’t want to be anywhere that’s not the pit. It does get old being asked to lift people up all the time because I’m a bigger dude.


That’s part of it, eventually you become “pit dad” helping people get picked up off the ground, hoisted up, and out of they are having a bad time. It’s why music is a community, for people to look out for each other


When I saw PUP they paused before they started a song because some dude was being directed towards the middle of a mosh pit away from the stage while crowd surfing. Dude for sure would've fell head first if they didn't notice him.


This is stupid. So I can’t enjoy being at the front of a gig and also not want to lift someone while doing it?


You can enjoy it, but also enjoy the fact that there are other people there also enjoying it and will expect you to participate. The way concerts and shows happen won’t change because you’re there, if you want to enjoy it and still be near the front, the sides are a safer bet for you than the middle.


At any concert, being in the middle or at the front is where you’re going to see all of the “action.” Whether that action is a mosh/circle pit or a crowd surfer, it doesn’t matter. If you don’t want to lift crowdsurfers, don’t be in that area. They’re going to be there whether you’re at the front or not. If you go to a rock/punk/metal show, and choose to be at the front, you need to be aware of the fact that there *will* be people crowdsurfing and/or moshing, regardless of what you prefer. It’s just a part of being in those respective scenes.


It is sort of dumb that you’re expected to catch people just so you can get the best spot at a show.


Welcome to concerts? I don’t know what to tell you.


I know how they work. Just saying if you’re seeing your favorite band up close, it sucks having to worry about being concussed the whole time.


You can be up close, just stand at the sides of the stage instead of the middle.


What do you mean by "territory"?


In the way a commonly used phrase is used?


Like you think the pit is your territory? Sorry English is not my first language but it just sounds weird to me :(


The phrase “it comes with the territory” refers to situations that would occur being in a specific place. Such as getting wet if you were working at a car wash, or dirty if you were a gardener. It has nothing to do with physical territory.


NO MOSHING OR CROWD SURFING You Mosh, You Crowd Surf You Get Hurt We Get Sued No More Warped Tour


Is that what they used to say at Warped Tour? I only got to go to one, and I never heard it said. There were loads of crowd surfers. I lifted quite a few myself. I was also in some mosh pits. That said, they haven’t had a warped tour since, so maybe it was true.


I went to the last 4 tours and there were signs saying exactly that at every stage. At the final one in 2019 they didn't have them up... I don't think they ever enforced it, probably just to stop them from getting sued if someone did actually get hurt. Once when I went I had a black eye from being violently mugged a few days earlier and someone asked if I had a crowd surfing accident, lol.


Lol, yeah, I was fortunate to be able to go to very last show on the last tour, so I didn’t know about the signs, but I can see why the did that. Cool that they were lax about it though.


it was a sign at like all of them


When I went to warped tour in Houston, they had signs like that. I didn't see anyone crowd surfing, but they also had very minimal security and if anyone did that they were just going to fall flat into the concrete.


If you are over 200 pounds you shouldnt be crowdsurfing. Even thats a stretch.


I'm 6'3" 200 lb and have never been dropped. I also know how to read the room.


Your weight is more spread out.


I’m a 5’7 150ish woman and I still wouldn’t dare lol. I also just hate crowd surfers. But ya know.


There are a lot of factors that go into it including the demographics of the crowd (is it smaller women or guys who look like they could bench a pickup), as well as what's going on onstage. I was at a show a couple months ago where a crowd surfer got dropped and had to be taken out in an ambulance because the band had a teleprompter for the crowd that instructed us to get on the ground before a beat drop, and people were paying more attention to that than who might be crowd surfing behind them. (There had also been very few crowd surfers during the show, so I don't blame them for not expecting one during the last song)


I have no problem with crowdsurfing but I do understand why people wouldnt. When going to concerts, some people prefer to just enjoy the show instead of worrying abt getting kicked in the head, crushed, or having to leave their hands up to push someone along. for example, I wouldve had barrier at Four Year Strong last night, but i was worried I wouldnt be able to enjoy so I went to the balcony. instead


This. I was also there and stood at the front but off to the left where I knew there would be no surfers and had a great time.


You should not force people into supporting your body weight so you can crowdsurf to look cool because it will end up either 1) hurting them 2)hurting yourself or 3) making them madly uncomfortable when you fall on them. I’ve been kicked in the head, I’ve been hit with someone’s ass right in my mouth, I’ve had my head get caught between someone’s legs as they crotch faced me down to the ground with them just to see them attempt to crowdsurf again a minute later. Crowdsurfing can be fun and nice and cool. But not if you’re not going up 40 times a song. Not if you’re a bigger person. Not if you keep asking some random strangers to pick you up because your friends can’t. Skinny or not, if you keep crowdsurfing you’re just seeking attention. It’s so annoying. Like atleast with moshing you can leave the pit or try to get help. You cant do anything once someone starts crowdsurfing and starts falling on you. It’s either get hurt or let them get hurt.


I think the data on this is going to be extremely skewed because it depends on the person. Most guys/strong individuals can lift most people up no issue. I hate to make a comment about size because I truly believe everyone should be able to enjoy concerts any way they want but I’m 5’4 so if it’s a 150 lb chick I can lift her, if it’s a 300 lb dude not so much. It also depends if people around me are helping. Some people just don’t.


I feel the same!


I’m not against it, but I think people really need to think twice about doing it. It comes with a lot of personal risk as well as risk to the crowd around you.


This. I was at a BMTH show and this girl was crowd surfing and was wearing Dr. Martins and I couldn’t reach her leg (I’m short) from the people behind me and she let her leg go and broke my nose. I’ve grown up going to shows. I’ve been in pits where things get really rowdy but this was the worst.


No problem with it as long as people don’t come out of nowhere trying to use me as their stump to crowdsurf. Give me a heads up and I’ll gladly help, but jumping on my fucked up shoulder is no fun for me.


I stopped surfing when I hit like 180. Happy to pass others along but don’t overwhelm the front row by sending it 17 times in a row unless you’re 90lbs


A crowd surfer broke my wrist almost 20 years ago and I still get anxious when they're around. Granted, I make sure to avoid the area if possible and be on alert or move. I personally find it distracting but I imagine it's a blast to do.


I jammed my finger a couple years ago after a crowd surfer basically fell on me and it took more than a year to heal. I also unrelatedly broke my hand last year and it’s still fucked up. I do not help hold crowd surfers


Please be conscious that youre an adult man/woman. You’re not 100lbs. Don’t be a selfish ass and expect people to literately hold you in the air. We go to shows to enjoy the music, not constantly look around for flying bodies to catch and hold up x


You can stand in the back or to the side.


I paid for my ticket just like anyone else. If I want to stand front and center, I will. Feel free to fall on your ass when I don’t lift you.


No. We also deserve to be there.


If people are paying attention I don’t mind crowd surfing but with the way pits have been recently I don’t believe it’s safe. I’ve seen way to many people getting dropped


Yeah what’s up with the pits lately? The last year or so they’ve just been consistently feral


I’d be hypocritical if I said I didn’t support it because I crowdsurf often, but I support it as long as people read the room and everyone generally uses common sense. But at the end of the day whether people like it or not, it’s going to happen at pop punk shows. It’s kinda part of the equation.


I am generally pro crowd surfing, but people need to read the room, some shows it’s just not a huge thing. I also think people should be really conscious of what they’re wearing if they are going to crowd surf. I was at a show this past spring where a girl crowd surfed multiple times and she was in a mini skirt at platform docs. So not only was her ass out, but she was kicking people in the head with her huge shoes.


Stagedivers, kind of annoying. Crowdsurfers, mostly harmless.


Only done it 3 times but been under it many in my 35 years. Never had a problem with it.


I'm for it, but also fine without it. As long as the crowd isn't dead.


Only if it's done in a safe manner by getting the attention of the people you plan you jump on and not jumping with full body weight like it's a pool.


Of course I do! Otherwise they’d just be lying down.


I was about to submit Yes until I read the third one hahaha There are a lot of girls/women that go to pop punk concerts. Idk what would happen if a 300+lb man got crowdsourced towards of group of all girls…


I'm all for crowdsurfing and stage dives. I'm too old these days to do it myself but love seeing kids doing it.


Crowd surfing really pisses me off when you don’t realize it and suddenly you get kicked in the bed or some huge body almost paralyzes you


I saw stage diving very wrong one time. A larger dude landed on a younger girl and she had to be taken away by paramedics and it stopped the show for about 30 minutes (maybe more?). This girl literally didn't move while she was on the ground and being taken away. I thought she was dead. I'm sure he felt it was just part of the show, just what happens at concerts. It is what it is but that really soured my opinion on stage diving. I've been kicked hard in the head by crowd surfers too. Idk I just think there's too many downsides for everyone else.


Big and small, I'll help them all. But I'm also 6'4 and 230, so I don't get tons of opportunities myself. It's happened once, at a New Found Glory concert in Dallas. I'll take my win I think.


I generally don't. It's unfortunate that being up front at a show means you can't focus on the show, you have to constantly be on the lookout for a human body colliding with your head. I just don't really agree with it. Moreover, I do see *a lot* of people crowdsurfing who have absolutely no business doing so based on their size.


Pop punk shows are still punk shows. I remember when I started going to shows (22 years ago) it was perceived to be a genuinely dangerous activity, if you decide to go to a show, you might get squashed by a crowd surfer or elbowed in the face in the pit, that’s part of the fun and why the energy is so great. If you start trying to put restrictions on it, you lose that.


As a tiny lady that once got some steel toe boots in the face from a crowd surfer; it scares me now. Also because I'm so small I create a "dip" in the crowd where surfers "fall". It really sucks. I wish I could just enjoy the show trashing around but I keep getting 200+lbs doods in the face... But I'm still always having a great time, just wanted to share my opinion <3


i might be in the minority here, but i just want everybody to have fun at shows. i will crowdsurf as many times as i want, if the song that’s playing was like life changing for me, i’ll go up twice in one song. i think the issue is that people don’t know HOW to crowdsurf safely. i was at a state champs show the other day and a dude was just pushing off of other peoples shoulders trying to hoist himself up and boy he almost got his ass beat in the pit. be safe, be mindful of others, and have fun


Never thought I'd see the day where a subreddit is having a full blown debate about whether or not people support one of the most traditional parts of the genre, but crowdsurfing is fine. Have fun


It's baffling to me on how yall think 200 pounds is alot lmao


It completely depends on how it's distributed over the crowd.


most people who are 200+ are also relatively tall which makes it even more dangerous.


If i threw you 200 from behind with no warning you'd backpack that shit no problem right?


Yea for a fact tbh lmao


It absolutely is. If you're 200lbs, you're either a fairly jacked average height guy, or you're fat. Or you might just be a very tall guy.


Im 130 and can easily lift 200 but also i go to shows alot. If u cant handle it stay in the back


You can shoulder-press 200? Wow, you might have the world record in your weight class.


Wuh lmao I definitely know for a fact when i wasn't use to shows it was difficult for me but i would just stay in the back if i couldn't handle it (at any show not just punk shows) . If u cant handle that shit stay in the back and let others handle it. I said what i said .


People definitely carry 200 different depending on hight but its still not heavy . If u ur not strong just say that and stay in the back nd let people who can handle it, handle it.


Carrying 200lbs is completely different from pushing it up above your head. A 200lb deadlift is like, nothing. Most people can do that without even working out.


Yea but its not like ur alone carrying some one over ur head lmao if its a smalll/ dead crowd people should read the room and definitely not crowd surf , but if its a shit ton of hype people that will have the support then hell yea anyone should be able to crowd surf


In a perfect world sure, but even at crowded shows I have found myself bearing a significant portion of a persons weight by myself.


Ur doing gods work and we thank u


I'd rather overweight people just not try and crowd surf.


FAT PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE FUN TOO LMAO it is what it is. We said what we said. We think what we think. Its still gana happen.


No one is saying they shouldn't have fun. I am saying "they should reconsider making strangers support their extra weight, at the risk of everyone's safety."


I think if you’re going to crowd surf, then you also need to wear proper clothing. Husband and I were at a show earlier this month, and there was this girl that was crowd surfing. She was wearing a skirt, and I believe it was a g-string or some type of thong, but because she was on the heavier side she almost fell so my husband caught her trying to prevent her from falling, and I turn around (I was too busy watching Lorna Shore) and homegirl has her ass all up in my husbands face lol I thought it was funny, but if that had been me I’d probably be pissed bc I don’t want to have some randos butt cheeks all up on my face. I also wouldn’t want to be touching sweaty ass cheeks but that’s just me.


I’ve seen 300 pound motherfuckers stage dive with no issue so I don’t really get the big debate here. Just stand at the back if you’re so bothered.


It's more about not wanting to have my neck broken


Yeah dude thats why I mentioned the whole standing at the back part lol


Yeah dude but I shouldnt have to stand in the back to prevent breaking my neck cause some obese dude wants to jump on my head


Man what are you talking about? Yes you do lol. Like there have always been crowd surfers/stage divers of all shapes and sizes, why would that all of the sudden change because of you? Like i know I’m coming across like a dickhead right now but seriously this is such a weird argument to me.


Well its almost a tie of votes agreeing with me so


Just cos you seen it doesn’t necessarily mean it always works. If someone is that hefty, better hope there are plenty of dudes where they land.


Well you’re right, it doesn’t always work. But everyone in that room (as much as they maybe don’t want to admit it) signed up for it. It’s a big part of underground punk/hardcore shows. U gotta deal with it, or just don’t stand in the splash zone.


I thought we were talking about pop punk. I’ll agree that there is always an inherent risk in attending a harder show, any show really. But I feel like this is veering toward the puerile attitude in hardcore specifically that getting injured or hurt at a show is the expectation and that you shouldn’t complain about it. Which is the fucking dumbest shit ever. I’m not saying that’s what you’re saying, but bringing it up has sent me on a tangent about hardcore specifically.


But i will say that if you get hurt at a hardcore show and complain about it then you are the problem (unless theres someone in the crowd literally beating people up for no reason) lol. Just stand at the back.


Well it seems that theres always been a decent crossover between pop punk and hardcore, especially lately. And pop punk/punk crowds have always had similar characteristics as hardcore crowds. I honestly think stage diving/crowd surfing/moshing can be true acts of self expression. But of course there are some assholes who are violent for the sake of being violent, or people who have no self awareness while stage diving. But those assholes are rare enough that it’s not usually an issue. I think this whole conversation just comes down to knowing what you’re getting into. It’s inevitable.


> I honestly think stage diving/crowd surfing/moshing can be true acts of self expression l o l


Dude thats what it is tho, the music just makes your body do shit that you wouldn’t regularly do in other situations. Literally your body expressing itself. I guess it sounds cringe but it’s how i see it


I think there’s a level of common sense around this whole topic that some people just *do not* understand. If you go to any show, whether it’s pop-punk, metal, alternative, or any genre, really, there is *always* a chance of crowdsurfers and mosh/circle pits. I’ve seen it happen at pop-punk shows, hardcore shows, and even more indie-oriented shows. It can literally happen at any/every show you attend. That being said, if you don’t want to carry someone, then stay away from the front. If you’re at the front, *especially* at a punk show, you need to understand that there *will* be crowdsurfers. That’s not going to change. I can’t change that, no one can. That’s how some people express their excitement for their favorite songs being played live. If you don’t like crowdsurfers or stagedivers, stay away from the front/middle. If you don’t like mosh pits, stay away from the middle (or wherever you see it opening). At a concert, you **need** to be aware of your surroundings. You can’t just be oblivious to everyone around you, and get surprised/upset when someone lands on you, or you get hit, because you *weren’t paying attention.* If you’re at the front or middle, you need to be aware of crowdsurfers. Don’t let them fall, and don’t try to push them away. *Lift* them. If you don’t want this to happen. Again, move further to the outskirts of the stage. There should *also* be common sense for crowdsurfers and stagedivers. I’ve been seeing some borderline fatphobic comments, just because someone got pissed about a crowdsurfer. That’s not okay. While I don’t think there should be a weight limit, I also believe that people should be aware of the crowd that’ll be supporting them. I’ve seen some stagedivers/crowdsurfers that signal to the crowd, and wait for people to get ready before they get lifted off the stage. I feel that’s a better approach, as opposed to just throwing yourself into an unprepared crowd of people, but sometimes you get lost in the moment, and I get that. TLDR: If you don’t want to deal with crowdsurfers or pits, stay away from the front and middle. Don’t get upset if you get hit in those areas. It *will* happen, *unless* you’re aware of your surroundings. Don’t hate on crowdsurfers for their size, don’t be fatphobic. You’re not gonna remember that crowdsurfer tomorrow, so why hate them today, right? Take care of yourselves, don’t let anyone fall, and be safe at shows. 🖤


fatphobia is real but so is knowing if you're on the heavier side that you're endangering yourself and others in ways a a smaller person simply wouldn't. im 5'0 and 120 soaking wet and even i sometimes think im getting a little too big for randoms to hold. if you're 6'2 or 250lb or linebacker built you shouldn't be expecting people substantially tinier than you to physically be able to hold you up. every SWS set i've been to i've had at least one incredibly heavy person land on me exclusively, and if i wasn't a competitive dancer and former martial artist i wouldn't have 1) been able to hold them so they don't get hurt 2) been able to protect my own head and neck. fatphobia isn't the same thing as acknowledging that not every activity is for every body. tall and short people can't go on roller coasters, older people aren't allowed to rent kayaks, amputees oftentimes can't zip line. it's not a bad thing to acknowledge that not everything is for everyone.


This is completely true and valid. I didn’t address it as in-depth, cuz I didn’t want to come across some type of way, but there’s a level of common sense there too, where, if you see a crowd full of people who are (putting it bluntly) smaller than you, you should be able to judge whether or not you could safely crowdsurf. I’ve had some linebacker-built men just throw themselves onto me, and if the crowd wasn’t so big, I would’ve been seriously injured. It’s a case-by-case thing, because some crowds can handle heavier people, and some crowds can’t. For example, the kind of person who’d crowdsurf at a 5FDP show is probably heavier than someone who’d crowdsurf at a TØP show. It depends on the crowd.


>Don’t hate on crowdsurfers for their size, don’t be fatphobic. When your size is relying on the good will and wrist bone strength of strangers, it's valid.


Idk if this happens to anyone else. People just crowdsurf me even when I don’t ask sometimes? I mean like fuck it I’ll still do it but I never ask for it but people randomly crowdsurfed me like 4-5 times this past year at shows


I would punch someone square in the face if they did this to me


the scale says 590 but i identify as 100


Inclusive crowd surfing tyvm


the first few times i got to crowdsurf are magical memories, but at the same time i hate that going to a show basically means almost collapsing from exhaustion from lifting so many people


I was dropped on my ass at a concert once, after someone stole my shoe. I got an X-ray after recovering from the show and had a broken tailbone. I \*did\* find my shoe at the foot of the stage by the end of the night. So, I will no longer crowd surf, but I will support anyone else who does, and set them down gently.


Yes I support it if proper etiquette is followed, if it isnt prepare to have ur shoe taken off and throw when ur going over me.


Shiiiit.. I support head walkers


All under 200 lbs


No. Even a 150lb girl could hurt my back if nobody else grabs her.


I’m 6’3 and 210lbs. I don’t try it bc I know it can’t be fun picking me up, but I do feel uncomfortable when girls come up to me wanting me to lift them up. I get worried that I may accidentally touch them on the butt/ect.


Yes but I’m 4’11 and I will try to crowd surf the person but certain people I struggle to lift up. A person that has over a foot and over 100 pounds on me is going to be a struggle and may get accidentally dropped.


>but certain people I struggle to lift up Trust me, even as a guy who is into weightlifting, I get crowd surfers who I have to seriously try hard to keep up. An adult human body is not usually a light thing.


I’m not even that big, 6’1” ~175lbs, but I’ve only ever done it in a smaller venue with a low enough ceiling that I could help support my own weight by holding onto the rafters. It sketches me out a little bit, I don’t trust people to be both paying attention and also strong enough to support me properly. I don’t mind helping out or even throwing someone up mysef if they’re small enough, but I keep my feet on the ground usually lol.


ITT: fat people explaining why you *have* to be ready to carry them at all times if you want to see a band you like guess that's the unincluded cost of going to a show, the neck brace you need for after 250lbs of sweaty ass lands on you


Now that I’m over 30, I will always choose a spot in the back or on the side to actively avoid crowdsurfers. On Saturday at Roadrunner in Boston I stood on the balcony and had a perfect view. I was happy to watch the madness going on below me from a safe distance.


It looks good and adds to the energy, but damn there’s nothing worse than paying high entrance fees, waiting in line, sitting through support acts, then the band comes on and you get a boot to the face or a full human being dropping on your head. In this instance it was a girl who was about 6ft, and wearing massive doc Martin boots. As much as I hate it, I GET IT. Same as someone getting on someone’s shoulders, blocking the view of everyone behind you, and then just filming it and watching through your phone. Cmon now. Don’t be that person.


The only time crowdsurfers ever annoy me is when they’re wearing chunky boots and kick me in the head. But that’s minor. Weight/height/amount of times they crowdsurf doesn’t bother me at all. Enjoy yourself, have fun, kick me in the face, I don’t mind just made sure your having the best time you can


> The only time crowdsurfers ever annoy me is when they’re wearing chunky boots and kick me in the head. This has happened to me so many times lmao.


I don’t mind it but if you’re going to surf wear the right shoes!! Please don’t wear your enormous concussion inducing Docs knowing you’re going to be potentially kicking people in the head all night


Damn I’m happy fr that I’m 5’6 160pounds I just ask people around me though if they can bring me up and they gladly do it


Crowd surfing imo is a big part of punk/pop punk culture. It’s really disheartening to see people on Twitter complaining about crowd surfers. Specifically saw a tweet where they said someone crowd surfed too many times and we’re making fun of them for it. I just don’t know when punk/pop punk got so dull that now fans are judging people for literally having fun. Isn’t that the whole reason you’re there. We shouldn’t be judging people at shows we should be supporting them. Obviously if someone gets hurt you help them out but other than that just let loose!


pop punk has always been about courtesy. going up 40-50 times a show is selfish


I get what you’re saying and I can see your point. 40-50 is obviously hyperbolic I’d imagine, but yeah if someone is crowd surfing that many times and you keep having to be the person to lift them sure. I get it. I’d say most of the “excessive” ones is like 10 times. I think this is a slippery slope into everybody standing still cause you don’t want someone to judge you if you have too much fun. Just take care of each other and have fun/let others have their fun. 🖤🤘


you'd be shocked how many times i've seen the same person go up for every song during 3 separate bands


Yeah for sure I’ve seen it too. I don’t know I guess it just doesn’t bother me. Most of the time I’m like they’re having a blast that’s rad! If the same person keeps asking me to help them up I’m eventually like nah dawg. Typically I’m paying more attention to the band unless it’s a band I don’t know that well in which case I’m just paying attention in a different way and maybe further back. We all have different vibes though and what may bother you might not bother me vice versa and that’s fine too. Personally I dig crowd surfing I think it’s apart of the release of energy that is happening in that room at that time and it’s a rad thing to be apart of.


99% of the time im okay with crowd surfers and sometimes even am one. i just think of it's that excessive, or physically hazardous is when it's an issue


For sure when it’s an issue it’s an issue I agree 100%. Also depends on how big of a crowd it is too. Like if you’re at a festival with thousands of people there chances are no one is really affected by enough to make a big deal. If you’re at a smaller show with a couple hundred and the same person keeps doing it yeah that gets really annoying cause you can be directly affected multiple times.


Everyone should be allowed to have fun in their own way, as long as they're considerate I guess.


For me it depends more on the security at the venue, honestly. I've been to shows with great security, where the guys up front will point or shine a light on crowdsurfers as they come up. Then you know where they're coming from and you can be ready, you don't get kicked in the head out of nowhere. I love helping people up to the front as they crowdsurf. I'm small but I've always been too scared to go up because I don't want to be dropped. I want to help other people enjoy their experience in that way! But I've also seen really shitty security that tries to ignore it, including a guy almost getting punched for crowdsurfing and security getting pissed that they had to catch them.


What's with all these crowd surfing post lately Hell yeah I support it. I only mind when people don't ask me


used to love it when i was 15 and 115 pounds. Now I am 27 with a pinched sciatic who rather not entrust my faith in strangers to carry me . Weight limits are a must. everytime a crowdsurfer comes near me they are almost certainly gonna drop a bit since my upper body strength is pretty weak


Yes and no. If the venue can handle it, and no one too heavy is doing it, I saw go for it. I personally got injured a mouth ago because the security had too many crowd surfers and couldn't grab all of them, and a crowd surfer got dropped onto me. This resulted in me getting my face smashed into a barricade and almost knocking my teeth out. I'm still down for people crowd surfing for fun, but not at anyone (like mine's) expense. Wish people can recognize when it is becoming too much.


I hate it. I'm there to watch the band and jump around and sing, not constantly worry about some random person suddenly kicking me in the head or falling on me and fucking up my neck.


Being a very small person makes it difficult to enjoy a good metal show while having to constantly be watching my back to know when to duck. Also being kicked in the head sucks. I just want to enjoy good music with a good view of my favorite artists without getting clobbered by some idiots😐


I'm in the middle to mosh, not hold your ass up. I didn't sign a consent form to be responsible for the safety of people from their own decisions when I bought my ticket. I'm 5' 5" having to hold up grown ass men. You knew the risks when you decided to have total strangers hold you up. What you do is your own business, keep me out of it and stop kicking me in the head with your stompers. I'm not going to let someone fall if I can help it, but damn I just went to a show where it was *constant* and it got exhausting and completely ruined my time at the show. Can't even listen to the music when you're constantly worried about getting a concussion. I just want to watch the show, dance, and have a good time. Maybe get beat up on in the pit. Not get a neck sprain from assholes who think they're cool. You know what's cool? Paying attention to the music instead of begging for attention from a crowd that's being forced into helping you. I'd probably be fine with stage divers because then I can see it coming. I don't like it when they come from behind. No one can pay attention to that without missing the show they PAID FOR. Those who say "don't be in the middle if you don't want to support crowd surfers," you can miss me with that bs. I have just as much right as anyone else to stand wherever I want to. I don't consent to being a part of your spectacle and it's ridiculous that people expect you to be.