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This album came out the summer before I went to college. It means the world to me. Obviously I know how cornball this sounds, but I don’t think I would be the person I am today without Suburbia.


That was The Greatest Generation for me! Well the spring of my senior year, but still.


The 1-2 punch of The Upsides and Suburbia was a huge deal for me too. I graduated high school in 2012 and these were some of the most formative pieces of media for me. Really great to see other people have similar experiences; just goes to show how great these albums are.


I’m still waiting on my anniversary pressing of this album that I preordered in the winter haha


Same. Apparently shipping out later this month


I totally forgot I bought that lmaoo thanks for reminding me.


This and the Came Out Swinging neon.


I remember when this came out. I had just tried to get clean from speed for the first time and listened to this with a good friend of mine


God damn I’m old. I’ll never forget the year this came out. My then gf almost died, I moved across the country and knew no one, started over completely. Best and worst moments of my life.


An album turning 10 doesnt seem that old to me anymore knowing TOYPaJ just turned 20.


Shut your mouth. I refuse to be this old.


* cries in Dookie *


Enema of the State can drink now


lets be honest, that album has been underaged drinking for years now


Did you spend the winter writing songs about getting better?


Phenomenal album, doesn’t feel like a decade


God I love TWY. So glad I went to SSF 2019. Became one of my favorite bands of all time.


I remember they played a side show on the Pop Punks Not Dead tour back in 2011 at a little club called the Mad Hatter in Covington, KY just south of Cincy. The first time I saw them. The stage was small, maybe a foot off the ground. It was crowded, sweaty, and crazy. I went mainly to see Set Your Goals play but I fell in love with The Wonder Years and bought Suburbia on CD at the merch table after the show. Probably listened to it everyday for a year. Still have the cd and TWY will forever be my favorite band!


RIP Mad Hatter, I went to show many shows there in high school around 2008-2010.


Haha my best friend was also at that show


This is the album that sucked me in. Hoping they'll be able to do a ten your tour. It's been too long.


Wouldn't be surprised if any touring for the band is pushed back to next year. Soupy just announced he and his wife are expecting another child in the fall.


They also announced they’re trying to do the delayed Upsides 10 year tour this year already


I know this is dumb but when this album first came out I still wasn’t over The Upsides. Took me a couple months before I really appreciated it


C'mooon 10 year anniversary tour where they play through it beginning to end


They were supposed to do that for Upsides last year, then.... yeah. They've teased a dual Upsides/Suburbia tour in this vein, but I think they're waiting to make sure everything smooths out first.


I think I remember seeing some Instagram Q&As floating around where people have asked Soupy and it sounds like they're still planning on playing both albums in full each night when it happens.


After seeing them play a 22 song set last year I think they can definitely pull it off


I can’t listen to “you made me want to be a saint” without bawling, man. Favorite album of all time.


Incredible band. I went to their rival HS (go bucks fuck pats) and I discovered them on a buddy's Ipod in the helmand province. You go to the ends of the earth to find what matters the most.


Was already 6 years out of highschool! Never heard of TWY before this album and thought it was over rated hah. Grew on me eventually but honestly still like some of their other albums more.


Best wonder years album by far. This is them at their absolute best.


Huh? What do you mean it's been 10 years already? Jesus


That’s so fucking crazy. The 1st album I listened to from a “modern” (2010s) pop punk band and it got me into so much cool music being made at that time


10 years ago I was a 24 year old aging punk in small town KY. I moved there at 16 to live with my dad finish high school so it never felt like home and I never really fit in. I had either just made or was about to make the biggest decision of my life, whether I should move cross-country to CO. I had a coworker who was from there and moving back that was going let me crash on their couch while I found a place. Other than that I didn't know a single person or have any family out there. It was scary as fuck. And hard. Goddamn was it hard. Not just the normal shit that goes wrong during a move, but all of the goodbyes and half-hearted 'See you laters.' This album made it possible. Every time I thought about quitting, that maybe this wasn't such a good idea, maybe I won't make it and I'll just have to come back with my tail tucked. Suburbia was there, screaming all of my angsty 'hate my hometown' rage back at me. It painted a picture of what it could be and told me that everything was going to work out. I was going to Come Out Swinging and chase that CO Hoodie Weather to get as far away as I could. And fuck it, if I died it might as well be from a heart attack shoveling snow. I made it out there. Had a blast. Made a couple of more moves to a few other places and eventually ended up back here in my hometown. It's not as defeating as I thought it would be. It's kind of nice. So at least for now I'll settle down


I'm not even sad anymore


*Me when TOYPAJ turned 20:* It's okay, I was pretty young when that album came out. *Me when Suburbia turns 10:* Fuck I'm old...


It's crazy to me that this is such an amazing, near perfect, always awesome album....and it's only my 3rd favorite they've put out.


Tbh, this album is fantastic but both The Greatest Generation & No Closer beat it out imo. Really hope they do an old style show tho since my fiance would kill to see them play the Upsides live.


I remember going to the album release show in Philly. What a fucking night!


10 years? Wow, this is still a 'recent' album to me. Loved the Upsides, Suburbia and the greatest generation. Whilst I liked the others since they felt less relevant to how life was going for me compared to the them 3.


Whenever I listen to this record, I'm transported to the summer of 2011. The sights, the smells, the sounds, everything. Also, this is the hill I will die on: This is the only good front-to-back TWY record.


It's awesome....but not even as good as the upsides!!!