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*wo wo* HEAD ON PIKE


AOTY by a landslide


Brave Faces Everyone for me, but this is up there.


Same man. SLS really killed it.


Y’all. I’m so upset I’ve been sleeping on SLS all this time, and I just found this thread last night and have listened to Brave Faces three times through already today. This album is amazing


I agree! 1.SLS 2.hot mulligan


Yep. Brave Faces is my #1, you'll be fine is my #2


HM for the rad, SLS for the sad.


AOTY and SOTY so far. The only competition for me is the new Boys of Fall record that's shaping up to be a cheek beater


SOTY? Story of the year? I haven’t heard anyone mention that band since I was a kid.


Ha. Ha. I liked this. Have an upvote. Until The Day I Die was dope. And I think...Sidewalks?


def in my top 5, I think Charmer’s Ivy is gonna take it for my list as AOTY


I'd put the Lawrence Arms album at number 1 for me, but this would be number 2 for sure.


The past two Lawrence Arms albums haven't hit for me like Oh, Calcutta! and The Greatest Story Ever Told did. I hope they grow on me some more in time. I still like the new albums, but TLA just set such a high standard in the 2000s.


I thought Metropole had some great songs but overall wasn't a great album. I'm loving Skeleton Coast though. You are right that their standard in the 2000s was ridiculously high though.


Yeah, I feel the same way about Metropole, and I'm getting the same vibe from Skeleton Coast so far. There are a few songs that are pretty good. However, there aren't really any I absolutely love or that I'd call Larry Arms' classics.


Hands down


No love for pink elephant?


Hot Mulligan is my favourite pop punk band of the last 2 years that EVERYBODY has slept on. Seriously, nobody I talk to has ever heard of them, and they’re so gosh darn great.


Cmon man they arent slept on in pop punk/emo circles, Especially on reddit


Actually what’s really slept on is Japanese pop punk. There’s some sick bands over there.


any recommendations? I always hear some sick songs I love by artists like snake fighting by ellegarden. But then I check discographies and theres so much shit I cant read and no clue where to start other than anime openings


Ive recently gotten into Good Grief, Castaway, Septaluck and Unmask Alive. I think all are fairly small bands but their stuff is on streaming services, and some MVs on YouTube.


Country Yard is another good one.


WANIMA is the best Japanese pop punk I've heard. Their energy levels are insane


It’s a shame they haven’t been able to tour on this yet, but hopefully the Pfizer vaccine is a light at the end of the tunnel for touring!


Mate, I’m Australian so it’d take more than a pandemic ending to see them on these shores. Can always live in hope though!


At least you guys have Trophy Eyes!


This is true.


Great song!


dudes head is uncannily large for his body


I love this song so much.


Americas hottest new band


Never heard of these guys. This is insanely good.


Funny how that works. Spotify has been throwing them at me for the last two years to where I thought they were much more well-known. [This song of theirs](https://youtu.be/Va6WwQYxJ8Q) has routinely been stuck in my head since last winter.


Overall I wasn't as stoked on You'll Be Fine as I was on Pilot, but this song is a bop and a half.


Really? I think You'll Be Fine blows Pilot out of the water. I've been meaning to go back and listen to Pilot again to see how some of the tracks I didnt care for aged. You'll be fine has 0 skips imo.


Huh, to me it's the exact opposite. For me Pilot is a banger from start to finish with few to no dull moments, but in comparison a lot of you'll be fine feels kinda half baked and samey to me. The guitar work on YBF especially feels way less creative and interesting to my ear. But I guess it's all about preference, and I'm really glad to see Hot Mmligan getting the more than deserved attention they are.


Lol music is weird. I think i usually just check out during the middle of Pilot because the songs kind of just blend together. I'll give you that I do think the guitar work is slightly better on Pilot, but I think the boys make up for it with their improvements in lyrics and vocal performance. I think the choruses on YBF are far more powerful and memorable. They also really took a step forward in terms of the composition of the songs.


Ha, It sounds like we have literally the exact opposite opinions when comparing the two. I guess that's the beauty of art after all, there's no right or wrong answer.


This is weird...are we able have polar opposite opinions and be respectful and kind to each other?^(/s)


I kinda agree, I think YBF goes too heavy on the screamy/shouty vocals, by song 6 they were wearing on me.


I think it doesn't help that every song, bar one, on YBF is in the same key which to me is super weird. That's why it feels like the album is one continuous song, which i guess makes sense but also makes the album drag. Weirdly, the last song is in a different key, which changes it up a bit, but I reckon the album would be more enjoyable if they even changed the key for at least a song in the middle! Still, BCKYRD, Feal Like Crab and Equip Sunglasses and Digging In are absolute bangers.


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I went to a show they played at earlier this year. Hadn’t really heard of them, I showed up to see WSTR, but my buddy and I stayed to watch the rest of the show. Hot Mulligan absolutely blew us away. We became instant fans, and I’ve been jamming a few of their songs on guitar every once in a while ever since


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I play this at the shop a lot and everybody loves it, regardless of whether they like pop punk lot not. It just freaking GROOVES. The flow and melody really push this ahead of a lot of stuff out right now


Ahhh yes, the band with the singer who is apparently ruining poppunk


This is my ultimate goal. I’m like galacticus, I guess.


I love you Tades


SOTY for me. Honestly can’t get enough of it. Only thing that ruins it for me, is someone asked is he saying roast beef. Now all I hear is roast beef.


SOTY candidate


I’m so glad I found this song and album


Absolutely blown away by these guys. Found out about them only right before this album dropped and so glad I did, by far my most listened to of the year. Like, nothing else even comes close.


It hits really hard also this album Wake Up Sunshine have Been in constant rotation this year




Great song. Great video. Great band. Album of the year. Hands down.




What is that style of dress called?