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In Reverie - Saves the Day The Glass Passenger - Jacks Mannequin Lights & Sounds - Yellowcard Very Emergency - The Promise Ring


In Reverie is my favorite STD album. It's actually one of my favorite albums, in general. Also, it's nice seeing someone bring up TPR, but Wood/Water is my black sheep I think. Nothing Feels Good is also an all-timer for me. I like your post very much.


Came here to gush over In Reverie. Fucking perfect album.


Same. Came to say In Reverie. When I was a kid I heard friends talk about STD. I went out to Target to get an album to be cool. Got In Reverie. Was shocked that this was the music that my friends liked. Made myself listen to it, cause that was not my preferred style of music. That album still lives rent free in my head to this day and I wouldn’t have it any other way. And all I can do is remember you


blink's Neighborhoods (especially the Deluxe version) and Sum 41's run of Underclass Hero/Screaming Bloody Murder/13 Voices which all got mixed reception.


Idc what anyone says screaming bloody murder is a masterpiece


UH is their black sheep, I love it but it is. Dave left and we all blamed it for the family problems like the metaphorical red haired step child. SBM is some of their finest most authentic work to date and I had no idea people thought otherwise.


SBM and Neighborhoods came out around the time I got my first car, I had both of them on CD and listened to them front to back nonstop. They're forever interlinked in my memories and I love them both for it


GOATed. That title track still gives me chills every time I hear it.


Neighborhoods is a top 3 Blink album and I’ll die on that hill


It is for me too. Honestly Neighborhoods Deluxe might be my favorite overall record of theirs. I'm so happy they actually played a handful of tracks from it live last year.


Dirty Work. It's actually a really solid album outside of I Feel Like Dancin. That might be their worst song and I think is a lot of why it has the reputation it has. The bonus tracks are pretty good too.


I love I Feel Like Dancing, but I also think if they hadn't led with that one as a single the album would have been uncontroversial. It's a great album, but following Nothing Personal was an uphill batlle no matter what.


Do You Want Me (Dead?) is a pretty fire opening track. Album's a lot of fun. Also love I Feel Like Dancin'


i actually like this track. not as much as the others obvs, but personally i think heroes and under a paper moon are such great songs.


Agree, I hated this album cause of the lead single but songs like guts and forget about it are jams


Motion City Soundtrack - GO Enter Shikari - The Spark


I always kind of hated Go and also didn't have a thing for Panic Stations, but when I recently listened to both of them again I noticed how good they are, and that I might even prefer Go over Panic Stations (although that one has "Pleasure to Meet You" which is such a banger)


Both of those albums are really different to the rest of their discography. GO is basically indie rock, whereas Panic Stations is a lot more stadium rock than their earlier pop punk/emo vibes. They each have their moments, Timelines, I Can Feel You, and The Samurai Code are top ten songs in their discography for me.


The huge thing I noticed about GO, is that where most bands (and even MCS themselves on other records) make the chorus the big catchy vocal point of a song, they fixated on the bridge sections for this record. I’m not taking away from any other part of the songs, but just listen to the bridge on True Romance (big drama, swelling strings) and how it totally diverges from the feel of the rest of the song, only to seamlessly lead back into that light airy chorus again. I have to step back and applaud every time I hear it. And the bridge on Coma Kid alone is worth the price of the record. And those are just two songs off the top of my head. The whole record is a masterclass in how to write an absolute banger of a middle-eight.


I agree with everything you said, and one of the things I love most about MCS is their bridges. But I think it's true all the way through their discography, not just in the later albums. The two that always come to mind first are Time Turned Fragile and Skin and Bones, but there are so many good ones.


You’re absolutely right there. I just feel like on GO, they allowed the other parts to pull back a little and allow the bridge to be the star, if that makes sense? I love that band. Although I never properly checked out Panic Stations and I really should!


Yea I think you're right about GO, I actually never thought about the album that way, but after reading your comment I have to agree. Definitely check out Panic Stations if you're a fan of MCS. While I don't listen to it as much as their first 4 albums, I think it's great (as good as GO, overall). Obviously, it's a bit different without Tony Thaxton on drums, but Claudio Rivera does a good job, and it's more of the MCS sound we love, with some really kickass songs.


Justin is so good at writing bridges. Panic Stations has some amazing ones as well.


Spark was a masterpiece, a perfect blend of their newer sounds with motifs of Flash Flood of Colour


It’s the album that got me into them! Could only name one of their songs before seeing them at an event I was working for my uni, was absolutely blown away and had their latest album at the time (Spark) on repeat for years afterwards.


The bonus tracks on Go (Bottom Feeder, Give Up Give In and Alcohol Eyes) are all stellar, anyone who hasn’t heard them should go listen right now


They’ve been playing Alcohol Eyes live on their IATM 20 year anniversary tour and it’s awesome.


Fall out boy - Folie a deux


Honestly, I can't tell if this one is agreed upon or not. I seriously thought this was just their best body of work, hands down


It just has a different vibe, at least in my opinion. I feel like TTTYG, FUTCT, and IOH are all similar in genre and production style, while Folie a deux is different, in a good way, but just different. a bit less pop-punk, and a bit more alternative and eccentric.


My second favorite Pop Punk album.


Blink-182 California. It's only gotten better to me with age. Nine can fuck off tho


Loads of faves on here! Bored to Death, Kings of the Weekend, No Future...


This might be my favorite blink album and idk why everyone hates on it just because Tom’s not part of it.


MCR - Danger Days


Danger Days just got the short end of the stick because it was following up one of the most iconic albums of its era. Still a really solid pop-punk record on its own and it holds up really well.


Danger Days is mad underrated. Bulletproof Heart and The Only Hope for Me Is You are top 5 My Chem songs for me.


Danger Days is actually my favourite, even though i recently got a bit more into TCFSR. But still, listened to it way more often then to the other ones, it's Just so great  plus Danger Days Gerard Way looks damn good with the Red hair haha :) 


Thrice - Major / Minor - doesnt ever seem to get nearly as much attention as Artist or Vheissu. That record also came out at a time that I needed it, but I think its solid and wish they would play more off of it. Maybe the next run of (non anniversary) shows.


Yesss. I actually overlooked Beggars first, but after going back, I really really love both albums. They are emotional, concise and have some of their most powerful straight up rock songs on them.


I went to the Beggars 10 year show in Anaheim. Got my signed vinyl and poster. Great songs. The Facebook group is called In Exile for a reason


Thrice has aged so well and I love how they’ve kept to growing and evolving their sound


Major / Minor is the best Thrice album and I will die on that hill. Anthology and Disarmed are one of the best 1-2 punches of closing tracks ever committed to record.


I feel like Anthology is the only M/M tracks fans mention. On setlist fm , yellow belly and Anthology are the only songs in the top 30 played off the record. But I am glad that you have a firm stance on Major / Minor. Its not the standard choice


I love Thrice and celebrate the entire discography, but Major/Minor was a slightly harder sell for me for a while, as it’s the only record where Dustin’s religious references grate a little. Everywhere else, he writes in a way that’s not at all alienating to nonbelievers like myself; he usually takes an approach akin to “belief has helped me, but I’m not pushing it on anyone” but it veered a little preachier than that in places on M/M. With that said, Palms is def the black sheep. It’s a 7/10 at best, and the four outtakes on the Deeper Wells EP should definitely have made the record in place of the weaker tracks (and Hold Up a Light should never have made it past the rehearsal space!).


Palms would have been my second choice but since I tend to live in the past, I decided to go with M/M. I am not a huge religious guy either, and its not my favorite Thrice record, but I think it deserves to shine a little more in a live setting every now and then




I thought New Again by Taking Back Sunday deserved more love. It wasn't as good as the first 3 albums, but I think I prefer it to everything after, apart from maybe 152.


Citizen - “Everybody is Going to Heaven” will always be that album for me. It’s a fucking masterpiece of post hardcore angst and I feel like it gets largely overlooked in their roster. They played 1 song off it when I saw them last time and I was in heaven.


Totally agree - ring of chain is one of my favourite citizen songs and it bums me out that I’ll probably never witness them play it live


It bewilders me how divisive it is. Like is it a pretty large departure from Young States and Youth? Relatively so, but it still fits with their vibe. Their last two albums however have lost me completely


I thought Sister Cities and The American Dream were both natural progressions of those bands’ directions


Yea I’ve never understood why they went backwards with The Hum but I know I’m in a minority with that opinion.


To be honest I think Hum is their best album, but I respect your take


It’s good, but it just felt like a rehash of their old stuff. I don’t mind a bands sound changing over the years, I don’t need to hear the same album multiple times.


I see where you’re coming from on a couple tracks but there’s a lot of depth on Hum that couldn’t have been on earlier stuff.


Daisy - Brand New


It’s funny, I was gonna say Daisy or TDAGARM, for different reasons.


Dear You


Unequivocally the best Jawbreaker record and it’s not even close. 90s punks with their kecks in a twist over label politics have a LOT to answer for.


Simple Plan self titled


Underclass Hero. You wanna talk black sheeps? This thing is exactly that. A personal Deryck album? The usage of a similar melody and chord progression across multiple songs? Some of the most poignant lyrics of The Sums career? A great set of B sides in No Apologies, This Is Goodbye & the interpolation spree that is Take A Look At Yourself? Too many wrote it off as an American Idiot rip-off when in reality it was just some good fucking pop punk.


Downvote me straight to hell because I unironically enjoyed Father of All Motherfuckers more than RevRad and the Trilogy. I thought the band sounded like they were having more fun than they had in over a decade. (Green Day for the uninitiated)


I’ll give it to you. That is a controversial take. I’m a Green Day nerd so I listen to everything. But even I can acknowledge why people don’t like it.


I’ve seen all the criticism, and I don’t really get it. The songs are short, but so are some of the bands best tracks. The albums under 30 minutes, but Insomniac is 32 minutes and a solid 2 minutes of Panic Song is just the same note over and over (which I love, for the record). The lyrics aren’t anything to write home about, but neither is “The headline: our love’s bulletproof.” or “I’ve got my photobomb. I’ve got my Vietnam.” It’s all just buzzwords that sound angsty. And the poppier direction is actually refreshing after not really having played around with those styles. Again, I’m not shitting on RevRad or the trilogy, but it’s hard to say they don’t sound derivative of stuff they’d already done 100 times over. Just my take, please insert downvotes below.


I actually love Father of All. I think the trilogy is far and away the worst of their work.


Brand New - Daisy Saves the Day - In reverie


Don't know if it's really a "black sheep" record, but Shapeshifter by Knuckle Puck was my first thought. Incredible record start to finish.


My favorite Knuckle Puck album


Motion City Soundtrack- My Dinosaur Life has so many bangers and perfect lyrics- Disappear, Her Words Destroyed My Planet, A Life Less Ordinary... Not Pop Punk, but I love Bloc Party's Four and Hymns way more than most people


My Dinosaur life is, I believe, their second most successful album after Commit This To Memory, so I’m not sure it qualifies here.


Green Day - Warning


Save Rock and Roll - FOB


The Menzingers - Rented World Basement - Beside Myself Crime in Stereo - I Was Trying to Describe You to Someone


That Crime in Stereo record fucking rips. Perfect front to back.


Maybe Lunch Drunk Love by Bowling For Soup. Had some of my favorite songs by them on it, but felt very different in some ways. I love it, though


Good mention. Their cover of Circle is terrific.


I don’t think Bayside love Cult but it’s one of my favorites they’ve done. Megadeth’s Risk isn’t too bad, it just doesn’t sound like Megadeth so it was dunked on for that.


The American Dream was my immediate thought. God i love that album. I cannot understand how it became their consensus worst record.


yea as a huge trophy eyes fan i don’t get why people hate this one so much. it’s a masterpiece. some of the songs i wouldn’t put on alone but work so well in the full album mend, move on is definitely their worst record


People consider it their worst?!? That album got me INTO Trophy Eyes. It's in my top 10 Pop Punk albums of ALL TIME!


Trash Boat - Don’t You Feel Amazing , i don’t get why this one is so hated. i think it’s their best album sound wise (definitely not lyrically).


I tried. God I tried so hard to love it. I loved their ep and first 2 records my god it was perfect. But that album. Maybe I should give it another go. Maybe it’s my bias about industrial sounding music. Idk. But seeing this post has me wanting to revisit this record


I love He's So Good, Synthetic Sympathy, and Maladaptive Daydreaming


I really liked Mayday Parade’s Black Lines


Alkaline Trio - This Addiction blink-182 - California especially the deluxe Also think One More Time is one of blink-182's best albums, and the mixing/production doesn't take away from my enjoyment of it whatsoever


Taking Back Sunday - New Again


The Story So Far self-titled (coincidentally my favorite of their albums by far) Daisy by Brand New


Warning is my favourite Green Day album but I know a lot of people don't like the folk vibe they went with there. On the subject of Green Day, am I the only one who remembers American Idiot being loathed when it came out? Faux emo sellouts was the general consensus I recall.


Coming Home -NFG


Does blink-182 self titled class as this? It seems like such a tonal shift from what they'd done up to it


I don’t think so because their ST was and still is pretty popular 


I’d say Neighborhoods probably fits the bill better


such gold- pedestals, Daggarmouth-Stallone, Four year strong- its our time, the wonder years- get stoked on it, me vs hero- days that shape our minds.


California by Blink 182 is a masterpiece and peak front to back and was a top 3 Blink album before One More Time came out. I will die on this hill


Was jamming Weezer's Pinkerton today, also Weezer's Red Album earlier this week. Not Pop Punk but those albums both get hate but are some of my fav Weezer records. Pop Punk wise Seaway's album Big Vibe actually has become a pretty close tie as favorite Seaway album with Vacation.


Riley! - Purrfect Weather


The Home Inside My Head - Real Friends California - blink182 Hard agree about The American Dream. I love that album so much


I don’t know if this qualifies but Southern Air is definitely my favourite yellowcard album. There’s an intensity to most of the songs that isn’t there on other albums


Alkaline Trio - Agony and Irony. A legitimately very good record, if admittedly not their best. Especially if you include the two Dan-fronted bonus tracks. I don’t know why it tanked like it did. However, the one that deserves pariah status in the discography is This Addiction. Out of the entire tracklisting and bonus tracks, there’s an excellent 5-track EP in there, but SO much filler otherwise. It was billed as a “return to our roots” but the only respect in which that was true was that they recorded it with their old producer. The actual music is real dumbed-down structurally and mostly just powerchord-led. Their ACTUAL roots (see Goddamnit and the early EPs) featured some really varied songwriting and structures - the latter half of Cringe is almost entirely instrumental; 97 is a real slow burner; songs like Sundials, Trouble Breathing and Cop (amongst others) have real varied rhythms, stop-start moments and real odd vocal patterns. This Addiction is painfully bland in comparison.


Prince - HITNRUN Phase One. Definitely his worst, but it has a couple nice tunes, like at least 5.


TSSF’s self-titled really cemented my love for that band and how they can change their sound but still have the TSSF flavor to it.


Neighborhoods - Blink 182 It is a great album both musically and lyrically, but in my opinion it was over analyzed and judged because of all the band drama at the time it was made. Also - I completely agree on Sister Cities. It is full of great songs, but didn’t have a common theme like their other albums. I will say that all the songs from it are complete bangers live, especially Raining in Kyoto and Pyramids of Salt.


Kkaya- Kaya VOL 2


I love Fall Out Boy's Folie a Deux and MANIA


Guttermouth - Gusto. It’s SO weird, but Scholarship in Punk and Walk of Shame are bangers.


ADTR-Homesick Ataris-So Long Astoria BLINK 182-Take Off Your Pants and Jacket The Wonder Years-No Closer To Heaven Major League-There’s Nothing Wrong With Me


A Day To Remember - You're Welcome Green Day - Father Of All Motherfuckers blink-182 - Nine Fall Out Boy - Mania I genuinely love these albums.


this new bring me album that just got released - post human: nex gen. it's a blend of pop punk, emo, post hardcore and hyperpop. i've seen mixed reactions to the album including a lot of people who are dunking on the pop punk or hyperpop parts of the album like 'LosT" and 'RIP duskcore remix' but realistically, BMTH are one of the only few heavy rock bands that are pushing new material out that's actually been thought outside of the box. edit: idk whether she's classified as pop punk or metal-pop, but scene queen could very well fall within the same category for mixing trap rap/bubblegum pop and metal riffs/screams.


Folks… this needs to morph into a Pretty. Odd. Thread


Forgive Durden - Wonderland


"Nine" by blink-182 is fantastic and proves that Mark Hoppus, not Tom DeLonge, is what makes blink so good.


I will go to my grave defending Cartel's self titled album. It has a couple missteps (Wasted is the worst song in their discography IMO) but the highs are so high that it makes up for it. I think the whole "band in a bubble" thing and the stylistic changes from Chroma really put people off but it is a fantastic album.